The wedding color is rippling: Gu Shao, you are enough

Chapter 912 Gu Wang Extra Story 30 Unkind Encounter

Chapter 912 Gu Wang Extra Story 30 Unkind Encounter

On this day, Zhao Yinuo was going home after get off work. All along, Gu Wang wanted to drive to Zhao Yinuo's company to pick her up from get off work.

But Zhao Yinuo always insisted on taking a taxi back by herself. She was just an ordinary employee of the company, and she didn't want to make herself too special and make others feel a sense of distance from herself.

Gu Wang thought about it too, and besides, Zhao Yinuo's company is not far from the villa, that is, more than ten minutes away, so Gu Wang didn't force it.

Zhao Yinuo took his bag and was about to leave, it was getting late, Zhao Yinuo was afraid that Gu Wang would be worried, so he hurried out, but bumped into someone else at the corner where he was about to leave the company.


The powerful impact made Zhao Yinuo sit on the ground directly, clutching his forehead, and didn't recover for a long time.

"Miss, are you alright!"

The man was also hit hard, but as a man, he must have reacted better than Zhao Yinuo. He stepped forward politely, trying to help Zhao Yinuo up.

"It's okay, I can stand up by myself, don't bother you."

Zhao Yinuo also recovered and refused.

Don't have too much contact with other strangers, this is what Gu Wang has repeatedly emphasized to her, and Zhao Yinuo also keeps it in mind.

The man also felt a little embarrassed, and said with an apologetic smile, "I'm really sorry, I came to your company in a hurry to talk about something, and I didn't take a good look at the road, I'm sorry."


Obviously, it was just an unintentional move, and Zhao Yinuo didn't take it seriously, "Our company is off work now, why don't you come back tomorrow."

Zhao Yinuo kindly reminded.

Now the company's people have almost left, only the security guard on duty is still sticking to his post, so there will be no one to talk to him about business.

"Really? I really don't know."

The man obviously didn't expect that the company was already off work, and said with a smile, "Then I can only come back tomorrow. Thank you for your reminder."

"You're welcome." Zhao Yinuo responded politely.

The man is very polite and gentle. Although Zhao Yinuo is not interested in him, he still has the most basic affection.

After speaking, Zhao Yinuo was going to go out to take a taxi.

The man did not hesitate, and followed Zhao Yinuo out of the company.

"Miss, it's really hard to get off work so late." The man struck up a conversation intentionally or unintentionally.

"It's okay, I'm used to it."

Not wanting to have too much communication with him, Zhao Yinuo just responded out of politeness.

"It's so late now, why don't I give you a ride, and I'll pay you for bumping into you today." The man very gentlemanly invited Zhao Yinuo to be his car.

"No, my house is not far ahead, and my boyfriend is still waiting for me to eat at home."

Zhao Yinuo had already seen that the man had the intention to strike up a conversation with him, so he directly moved Gu Wang out.

"Okay then, be careful, I'll go first."

Without too much entanglement, the man smiled gentlemanly and said goodbye to Zhao Yinuo.

Seeing that the man didn't stalk him, Zhao Yinuo also responded with a smile: "Okay, you too."

After speaking, Zhao Yinuo stopped a taxi, nodded politely to the man, got in the car and left.

After Zhao Yinuo left, the man's eyes stayed in the direction of the car for a while, and said with a sneer, "She's still a very safety-conscious girl, but since I'm out, I can't let you go so easily. Said Maybe, I can still have a taste of this girl!"

The man's original gentlemanly and refined temperament was gone, and he changed into a wretched and good-looking face. It was Jiang Chuan.

After all, he was educated by aristocrats, so Jiang Chuan is very good at pretending to be a gentleman.

Zhao Yinuo didn't look at him carefully, so he didn't see it either.

And the purpose of his coming today is to see what kind of person the fiancée of President Gu's is. By the way, he directed and acted in a play.

He deliberately came here at this time, just to pretend to have a casual encounter with Zhao Yinuo while Zhao Yinuo was off work, and also to pave the way for the following things.

"Just wait, the good show is yet to come."

With an evil smile on Jiang Chuan's lips, he got in the car and left.

Zhao Yinuo returned home quickly.

"came back."

Seeing Zhao Yinuo's return, Gu Wang, who was sitting on the sofa waiting for Zhao Yinuo's return, smiled.

"Well, I'm back."

Zhao Yinuo smiled sweetly. Although she was tired all day, seeing Gu Wang, she felt that her fatigue was relieved a lot.

"You're exhausted. I've prepared a meal and I'll treat you well."

Gu Wang put down the notebook in his hand, stood up and walked in front of Zhao Yinuo, gently caressing her delicate face.

"can you cook?"

Zhao Yinuo was taken aback, and asked with some uncertainty: "Why didn't I hear you say it before?"

"I just learned it recently. I just had time today, so I cooked a few dishes to save you from being so tired and hard."

Gu Wang said to Zhao Yinuo with pity.

"I don't work hard."

Zhao Yinuo shook his head and looked at Gu Wang, "It's true that you work much harder than me, but then again, are the dishes you cook really edible?"

Zhao Yinuo was still a little skeptical, looking at Gu Wang's suit and leather shoes, it didn't look like he was cooking!
"Wait, you don't want to treat me like a guinea pig and poison me to death!"

Zhao Yinuo pretended to be terrified, causing Gu Wangkuang to roll his eyes.

"Wait, I'll go and heat up the food, even if I treat you like a guinea pig, you have to give me a good taste." After finishing speaking, Gu Wang went to the kitchen.

Looking at Gu Wang's clumsy and busy appearance in the kitchen, Zhao Yinuo's heart was full of sweetness, he is the president of the Gu family, he is willing to cook for her, it is all because he loves her!
Zhao Yinuo is a little crazy. If a man who is focused is handsome, the current Gu Wang is in her heart, he is already so handsome that he is about to explode.

Looking at his face with sharp edges and corners, bright eyes, high nose, and slightly pursed lips, Zhao Yinuo only felt that she could do anything for him.

"Don't be dazed, come and sit down."

Without giving Zhao Yinuo too much time to be in a daze, Gu Wang woke Zhao Yinuo up.

"Okay, here we come."

Zhao Yinuo hurriedly washed his hands, then came to the dining table and looked at the food that Gu Wang had cooked.

I don't know if I don't look at it. After seeing it, Zhao Yinuo swallowed nervously.

Gu Wang was very caring, not only cooked four dishes, but also made a soup.This should be seaweed egg drop soup, right?Yes, definitely, although the color is a little strange, but Zhao Yinuo is sure.

There is also this scrambled egg with tomatoes, which looks delicious.

A plate of stir-fried potato shreds seems to have a lot of soy sauce, and the color is a bit dark.This plate should be chili fried meat, Zhao Yinuo didn't see or smell the specific meat.

etc!What the hell is this last dish?It was dark and exuded a burnt smell.

(End of this chapter)

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