The wedding color is rippling: Gu Shao, you are enough

Chapter 913 Gu Wang Extra 31 Strangely Shaped Meals

Chapter 913 Gu Wang Extra 31 Strangely Shaped Meals

Looking at the strangely shaped dishes on the table, Zhao Yinuo decided to think silently on the spot.

Of these few dishes, it seems that only the scrambled eggs with tomatoes can be eaten. After eating other dishes, they should be poisoned, right?

No, no, at most it is a bit unpalatable, so how could it be poisoned!

"Try it quickly, how does it taste? This is my first time in the kitchen, so don't take offense if it's not good."

Gu Wang looked at Zhao Yinuo expectantly, and said with burning eyes.

Gu Wang has done so much for her, how could Zhao Yinuo have the heart to refuse.

Gritting his teeth, Zhao Yinuo went all out, the big deal, if he was poisoned, he would be poisoned, and he fought for Gu Wang!
Zhao Yinuo pumped herself up, and slowly stretched out her chopsticks towards the scrambled eggs with tomatoes that she thought were the most promising.


Zhao Yinuo put a piece of egg into his mouth, and couldn't help shivering.The eggs are serious eggs, but there is too much salt!

"How does it taste? Is it delicious?"

Gu Wang hurriedly asked, like a child asking for credit.

"Well, it's delicious, but the salt is a little too much."

Zhao Yinuo said with a smile, his eyes full of encouragement.

"That's good. I can improve it next time. You can try this again."

Gu Wang pointed to the dark plate on the table.

Looking at the horrible slimy things on the table, Zhao Yinuo stretched out his chopsticks with the determination to die.

"Huh? The taste is actually not bad!"

I thought I was going to die, but this thing that cannot be called a dish is not so difficult to swallow.

"The fried potato chips are delicious." Zhao Yinuo praised quickly.

"This is not potato chips, but winter melon!"

Gu Wang looked at Zhao Yinuo with doubts, wondering if she had a problem with her sense of taste.

"Ahaha, yeah, almost, almost."

Zhao Yinuo smiled awkwardly, he was lucky to be able to eat anyway, and then he was going to taste the plate of fried pork with chili.

Putting a mouthful of meat in his mouth, Zhao Yinuo found that it was not cooked at all!
Putting the meat in his mouth, Zhao Yinuo was tangled up. Gu Wang would definitely feel sad if he spit it out, but if he swallowed it, the meat was still raw!
Gu Wang also saw Zhao Yinuo's embarrassment, he picked up a piece of meat suspiciously, and put it in his mouth.


As soon as he put it in his mouth, Gu Wang spat out the meat, and he understood why Zhao Yinuo had such an expression in his heart.

He tasted other dishes, and his face changed instantly.

"You just say it's not delicious, why pretend to be delicious!"

Gu Wang felt sorry for Zhao Yinuo, and said, "It turns out that the dishes I cook are so unpalatable."

"You did it very well the first time, but I was not as good as you when I first started!"

Zhao Yinuo quickly comforted Gu Wang, for fear that he would be unhappy.

"I'm going to throw them all away and order takeaway."

Gu Wang's expression was very bad, as if he was angry with himself.


Zhao Yinuo ran over and hugged Gu Wang and said sweetly: "You really did a good job, except that some condiments were not put away, everything else is very good."

"Really? But they're awful."

Gu Wang's complexion improved a bit, but he was still unhappy, "Is my cooking skill hopelessly lost?"

"Will not."

Gu Wang was like an angry child, which made Zhao Yinuo feel amused, "If you want to learn how to cook, I can teach you, let's go, let's go to the kitchen now."

"Next time, I hate seeing the kitchen now, and I don't want to go there. Let's eat takeaway."

Gu Wang looked unhappy, obviously very dissatisfied with himself.

"You have to make up for my wounded heart."

Gu Wang stared at Zhao Yinuo and said.

"How do you want me to make up for it?"

Zhao Yinuo had a smile in his eyes.

"Use your body!"

As soon as Gu Wang said the sound, he rushed towards Zhao Yinuo.

"No, the takeaway will be here soon, let's eat first."

Zhao Yinuo deftly dodged away, not letting Gu Wang succeed.

"Okay then, let's eat first."

Gu Wang reluctantly agreed.

After eating, Gu Wang took the initiative to ask Zhao Yinuo to teach him how to cook.

The meal made today was a big blow to Gu Wang, and he has always done everything well.

Only when he was hit on the road of cooking, Gu Wang was so competitive that he made up his mind to make the dishes well and regain the lost face from Zhao Yinuo.

Then the two went to the kitchen, and Zhao Yinuo carefully explained to him the functions of all the seasonings in the kitchen, the steps of adding seasonings when cooking, and various matters that should be paid attention to.

Gu Wang's learning ability is very strong, he has learned a lot in one night, and has initially mastered the method of cooking.

It was already very late at the end, Zhao Yinuo was tired and still stood in the kitchen for so long, his face was already showing fatigue, which made Gu Wang very distressed, and he didn't have any bad thoughts anymore, so he talked with Zhao Yinuo Enoch embraced and fell asleep.

Going to work the next day, Zhao Yinuo met Jiang Chuan before he entered the company.

"Hi, what a coincidence, we meet again."

Jiang Chuan greeted Zhao Yinuo politely.

"Yes, it's a coincidence. Are you here to discuss business with our company?"

Zhao Yinuo also gave a slight smile and responded politely.

No coincidence!Jiang Chuan sneered in his heart.

In fact, he had already known Zhao Yinuo's commuting time in advance, and he appeared here just to meet Zhao Yinuo and gradually get acquainted with each other.

I thought so in my heart, but I couldn't express it on the surface.

Jiang Chuan smiled and said, "Yes, I'm here to talk to your boss about something. It should be working time today." Jiang Chuan said half-jokingly.

"It's not time for work yet, you can go in and wait for a while."

As a member of the company, Zhao Yinuo is very responsible to all customers, "Do you need my help?"

"No, I just want to wait for a friend here, and then we will go in together. If you have something to do, go and do it first."

Jiang Chuan was very sensible and said thoughtfully.

"Okay, I'll go in first, and I'm going to work soon. Goodbye."

Seeing that he was going to be late soon, Zhao Yinuo walked into the company after speaking.

"Goodbye, I hope we will meet again."

Jiang Chuan said in a gentlemanly manner behind Zhao Yinuo's back.

We will definitely meet, Jiang Chuan added in his heart.

After confirming that Zhao Yinuo had entered the company, Jiang Chuan waited at the door of the company for a while, and then returned to his car.

Talking about things with the boss is fake, he naturally has no friends to wait for, nothing more than waiting for Zhao Yinuo to have a few words with her.

After Jiang Chuan got in the car, he took out his mobile phone and dialed a number. After explaining a few words, he hung up the phone and drove away.

Time passed quickly, and before you knew it, it was night again, the time for Zhao Yinuo to get off work.

What Zhao Yinuo didn't expect was that she ran into that man, Jiang Chuan, whom she had met twice in the same place yesterday.

(End of this chapter)

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