The wedding color is rippling: Gu Shao, you are enough

Chapter 916 Gu Wang Extra Story 34 Let's Go See Others

Chapter 916 Gu Wang Extra Story 34 Let's Go See Others
Zhao Yinuo quickly returned home and sat on the sofa at home thinking about things without saying a word.

"I'm back, how's the work going?"

Gu Wang was using his laptop to handle company affairs, and he was more concentrated, so he didn't pay too much attention to Zhao Yinuo.

Zhao Yinuo looked a little absent-minded, and didn't hear what Gu Wang said.

Without Zhao Yinuo's response, Gu Wang looked up at the former and found Zhao Yinuo's abnormality.

"What's the matter, Enoch, what happened?"

Gu Wang hurriedly asked Zhao Yinuo, seeing her unhappy, his mood became bad.

Only then did Zhao Yinuo come back to his senses, and said to Gu Wang with some worry: "When I was negotiating with the client just now, something happened accidentally. At that time, a car almost hit me. I pushed him away to save me, but he was scratched by the car, and now the driver who caused the accident is driving him to the hospital, and I don’t know what’s going on now.”

"It just happened."

Hearing Zhao Yinuo's words, Gu Wang was startled. Fortunately, nothing happened to Enuo, otherwise he didn't know what to expect.

"Do you think your client's injury is serious? Did he just fall to the ground or stand up by himself? There's no blood on the ground, right?"

Gu Wang calmly helped Zhao Yinuo analyze the client's injury.

"He slowed down on the ground for a while, and then I helped him stand up. There was no blood on the ground, and he could walk on his own. There shouldn't be any serious problems."

Zhao Yinuo also recalled the scene at that time and told Gu Wang.

"That's good. There shouldn't be any injuries. Go to the hospital for an examination and you should be fine." Gu Wang comforted Zhao Yinuo.

"Well, I asked for his contact information, and I will call later to ask how he is doing."

Zhao Yinuo sighed, "After all, he was injured to save me, how should I repay him."

"When the results come out, I'll take you to see them."

Gu Wang supported Zhao Yinuo's shoulders with both hands, and said lovingly, "By the way, what's his name?"

"His name is Gongzhou. He went to the company to wait for me to discuss business with me after get off work. He is very nice and gentlemanly."

Because he saved himself, Zhao Yinuo did not hesitate to praise "Gongzhou".

Listening to Zhao Yinuo praising other men, although it was just a simple compliment, Gu Wang still felt a little uncomfortable. He was not jealous now, and he didn't pay much attention to it. He just silently said the name of Gongzhou a few more times in his heart. .

After a while, Zhao Yinuo felt that the time was almost up, and said to Gu Wang, "Shall I call Mr. Gong now?"

Gu Wang also felt that the results of the inspection had already come out at this time, so he nodded and said, "Well, you should call and ask."

"Okay." Hearing this, Zhao Yinuo dialed the number Jiang Chuan left him.

"Hello, Miss Enuo." Jiang Chuan's polite voice sounded from the other end of the phone.

"Mr. Gong, has your inspection result come out? How is the situation?" Zhao Yinuo asked nervously.

"It's all right, don't worry Miss Enoch, I don't have any major problems, but the doctor still said that I have some minor fractures and I need to stay in the hospital for a few days."

"Gongzhou" laughed, his tone pretending to be relaxed.

"It's fine as long as there's no big problem."

After Zhao Yinuo heard the words of "Gongzhou", he felt that his heart was relieved. "Mr. Gong, I will go to see you later. Which hospital are you in now?"

Now that they were all hospitalized, Zhao Yinuo felt that it was very necessary for him to go and see them. After all, it was because of her that he was injured. This is the most basic etiquette of being a human being.

"No need for Miss Enoch, I just have some minor injuries, so I won't bother you, it's just that the cooperation can't be carried out for the time being."

There was a weird smile on Jiang Chuan's side, but his voice was still as polite as ever.

Although Jiang Chuan himself is not injured at all, he still plans to stay in the hospital for a few days. This will not only win Zhao Yinuo's sympathy, but also facilitate the relationship between the two, and save him from making up nonsense for pretending to cooperate. , Why not do it yourself.

Jiang Chuan secretly admired his own wisdom.

"How can that work. You were injured because of me, and I have to go to see you."

How could Zhao Yinuo have the nerve to treat others like this, insisting.

"I'm really fine. You don't need to come and see me at all. I know you are busy too. We can meet again when I get well."

Jiang Chuan played hard to get him very cleverly, and his words deliberately drew the relationship between himself and Zhao Yinuo very close, as if Zhao Yinuo met him because he cared about him, not because he saved her.

"No, tell me which hospital you are in quickly, and I will see you right away."

Zhao Yinuo rejected Jiang Chuan's "good intentions" and responded immediately.

"OK then."

Jiang Chuan seemed to sigh, "I'll send the address to your mobile phone, so please come and see me."

"Okay, this is what I should do, then let's do this first, Mr. Gong, I will hang up first." Zhao Yinuo smiled and hung up the phone.

"How about it?"

The moment he hung up the phone, Gu Wang asked.

"Mr. Gong said he had some minor fractures and needed to be hospitalized for a few days."

Zhao Yinuo said to Gu Wang: "Honey, let's go and see him, otherwise I will always feel sorry."

Although she promised Jiang Chuan that she would go to see him, she still had to ask Gu Wang's permission, and she knew that Gu Wang would definitely agree.

Sure enough, Gu Wang smiled and patted Zhao Yinuo's head: "Silly girl, of course we are going to see her, how could I disagree, then let's go now."

Both of them felt that they were not too hungry. After discussing it, they decided to find a restaurant to eat after returning from the hospital, so they drove straight to the hospital.

When he came to the front desk of the hospital and asked about the room where "Gongzhou" was located, Zhao Yinuo went up to see "Gongzhou".

But Gu Wang did not go with her, because he was injured because of saving Yinuo, Gu Wang must go to help her pay all the expenses, so Gu Wang went directly to the hospital's billing office.

"Hello, please help me to see Mr. Gongzhou, who just went through the hospitalization procedures today, the total fees that need to be paid during the hospitalization." Gu Wang politely asked the fee collector.

"Sir, please wait a moment. I'll do the math for you right away."

Seeing that he was a handsome guy in a suit and leather shoes, the young nurse at the toll office said enthusiastically.

"Then trouble you."

Gu Wang smiled politely.

"No trouble, no trouble."

With Gu Wang's smile, the young nurse's nympho was almost gone, as if she had instantly arrived at a place where peach blossoms were in full bloom.

(End of this chapter)

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