Chapter 917 Gu Wang Extra 35

"Mr. has kept you waiting for a long time. Mr. Gongzhou has checked in for a total of four days and has paid a deposit, so now you need to pay a total of ×××× yuan."

The young nurse said sweetly, staring at Gu Wang with eyes full of admiration and fantasy.

"Why are there so few?"

Gu Wang was taken aback, "Why don't you do the math again."

Worried that the nurse made a wrong calculation and caused unnecessary losses, Gu Wang kindly reminded him.

"Don't forget about it, that's right, Mr. Gong just went through the hospitalization procedures, and you don't need to pay other expenses such as medical expenses." The nurse assured her.

Why is that?When the nurse said this, Gu Wang became even more puzzled.

Is this man from Gongzhou a super member of the hospital?Otherwise, it doesn't make sense that you don't even have to pay for medical expenses.

As if seeing Gu Wang's doubts, the nurse added: "This Mr. Gong is really strange. He has no injuries at all, but he insists on going through some hospitalization procedures. I really don't know what he thinks."

"You mean he wasn't hurt at all?"

Gu Wang was very surprised, he didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in the gourd in Gongzhou, "He clearly told me that he had a slight fracture."

The young nurse looked at the questioning eyes of the handsome man in front of her, and instantly felt that she had to prove herself: "Dr. s things."

Gu Wang glanced at the toll bill and knew that he and Zhao Yinuo had been cheated. The target of Gongzhou was obviously Yinuo. What was he doing for it?

Gu Wang didn't know what his intentions were, so he could only take one step at a time.

"Thank you."

Looking at the little ~nurse~ in front of him, Gu Wang gave her a friendly smile, and thanked her.

If it wasn't for him, Gu Wang would still be kept in the dark.

After Gu Wang finished speaking, he turned and left, leaving behind the nympho nurse with a happy face and a smirk.

Gu Wang quietly came to the ward where "Gongzhou" was located, saw "Gongzhou" lying on the hospital bed chatting with Zhao Yinuo, Gu Wang calmly took out his mobile phone, and dialed "Gongzhou" "It was shot.

He then sent the photo to the Bobcats.

"Shan Mao, let me carefully investigate this person's origin, the sooner the better."

Gu Wang sent a message to Shan Mao.

"Got it." Bobcat replied quickly.

Then Gu Wang silently put away his phone and knocked on the door of the ward.

"Dong dong dong."

After politely knocking on the door a few times, Gu Wang pushed the door open and entered.


Gu Wang entered the door and called Zhao Yinuo first, then looked at "Gongzhou" on the hospital bed, his eyes revealing imperceptible sizing.

"Gu Wang, you're here."

Seeing Gu Wang coming, Zhao Yinuo quickly walked to his side, and then made an introduction.

"Mr. Gong, this is my boyfriend, Gu Wang, this time we came to see you together."

Zhao Yinuo took Gu Wang's arm.

Then he said: "Honey, this is Mr. Gongzhou Gong, my business partner and my savior."

Zhao Yinuo said half-jokingly.

"Miss Zhao was joking, I just happened to do a favor, how can I call it a lifesaver."

Jiang Chuan quickly waved his hand, and said to Gu Wang: "I have heard the name of the president of Gu's Group for a long time, and it is a great honor to finally meet him today."

To be honest, when Jiang Chuan saw Gu Wang coming in for the first time, Jiang Chuan's heart skipped a beat.

Gu Wang's aura is too strong, staring at him seems to want to see him through.

In front of him, Jiang Chuan only felt that he had no secrets at all.

Maybe part of the reason was because he was guilty of being a thief, and he was afraid that Gu Wang would see something.But I have to say that Jiang Chuan was completely suppressed the moment he met Gu Wang.

This feeling of being suppressed made Jiang Chuan very uncomfortable, but he had nothing to do about it. Gu Wang's aura naturally formed after being in a high position for a long time was not comparable to someone from a small family like him who had no background at all.

Jiang Chuan secretly clenched his fists, as long as he gets Su Feifei, he can also be intimidating just like Gu Wang with his aura!

When Jiang Chuan thought of this, Gu Wang had already looked at Jiang Chuan.

After filtering through the people in his mind, Gu Wang found that he had no impression of Jiang Chuan, obviously he didn't know this person.

Gu Wang has seen countless people, Jiang Chuan gave him the first feeling: this person is very scheming and ambitious, and he will do anything to achieve his goal.

Let's see what he's going to do first.

Thinking of this, Gu Wang smiled and said to Jiang Chuan: "It can be seen that Mr. Gong is also a promising young man. This time, the main purpose of coming here is to thank you for helping Enuo. Mr. Gong, your injury is not serious. "

"It's okay, it's just a slight fracture. It's just a small injury. Please trouble President Gu and Ms. Zhao." Jiang Chuan said with a smile.

"I don't know where Mr. Gong is working now?"

Gu Wang asked tentatively, since your motives are impure, you will definitely show your feet.

"It's just running a small company by myself, which is nothing compared to President Gu's Gu Group."

Jiang Chuan saw Gu Wang's temptation, so how could he reveal his real information.

"You were injured because of Enuo. We are very grateful to you. Why don't Mr. Gong tell me in detail, and there will be a care in the future. It is good for us all to help each other."

What Gu Wang meant was obvious, as long as Jiang Chuan mentioned his company, he would definitely help his company develop.

In the past, Jiang Chuan would have been eager to talk about his family's small business, but now he dare not say it even if he is beaten to death.

It's a joke, after you tell it, if something happens and Gu Wang catches them all, Jiang Chuan won't do such a stupid thing.

"I said, I just happened to help Ms. Zhao, you don't have to take it to heart, and I won't use it as a bargaining chip to ask for compensation."

Jiang Chuan cleverly avoided Gu Wang's questioning, and also showed his "high integrity".

After hearing Jiang Chuan's words, Zhao Yinuo liked him even more.

"Mr. Gong" not only disregarded his own safety to save her when she was in danger, but also refused without hesitation when he learned that Gu Wang was willing to help him. There are not many people with this kind of quality now!

"Mr. Gong, you must give us a chance to thank you." Zhao Yinuo said with a smile.

Her smile was sincere, not the polite smile at the beginning.

"Then Ms. Zhao treats me to a big meal some other day!" Jiang Chuan said with a smile.

"Well, when you recover, you must treat Mr. Gong to a big meal!" Zhao Yinuo also laughed.

At this time, Gu Wang just watched calmly, thinking about the real intention of this "Gongzhou". If he hadn't known in advance that he was pretending to be injured, Gu Wang might have believed everything that happened in front of him.

But now, in his eyes, "Gongzhou" is just a dramatist obsessed with his own role!

(End of this chapter)

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