Chapter 935 Gu Wang Extra Story 53
Not long after, the siren blared next to the bar, and the vicinity of the bar, including the deep alley, was put on alert.

Then the ambulance also arrived and took away the dying Jiang Chuan.

"Have you heard that Jiang Chuan's leg was broken near the bar he frequented yesterday, and his hamstring was broken. This Jiang Chuan must be in a wheelchair in the future."

Early in the morning, I heard people talking about it.

"Who is Jiang Chuan? Why haven't I heard of this name before? Is it famous?"

asked the other, puzzled.

"Although Jiang Chuan is not well-known, you will know what he has done. Do you still remember the scandal rumored by President Gu's fiancee Zhao Yinuo a few days ago? That person is Jiang Chuan."

"Oh, you said him, what is his reputation? He is notorious! But it would be too cruel for someone so cruel to break his hamstrings."

"Who knows, I guess I provoked someone who shouldn't be provoked."

"Do you think Gu Wang, the president of the Gu family, sent someone to do it? I guess Jiang Chuan planned to frame him and Zhao Yinuo. I guess Gu Wang will hold a grudge, so he retaliated like this."

"Don't talk nonsense! Beware of misfortune coming out of your mouth!"

This was just part of the discussion among the crowd, but they really guessed it right. This was what Gu Wang ordered Shanmao to do.

Gu Wang told Shanmao to punish Jiang Chuan that day, so that he would not be able to cause harm to others in the future, so Shanmao ordered his men to cut Jiang Chuan's tendons directly, and Gu Wang acquiesced after learning about this.

Since Jiang Chuan likes to play the game of plotting people behind his back, why should Gu Wang be merciful to him.

There are always some things that will escape the sanction of the law, and the nature is gray between black and white.

And what Gu Wang did at this time was just like this.

On the day Jiang Chuan was sent to the hospital, the police began to investigate the cause of the incident.

At first they positioned the incident as someone's deliberate murder, and conducted a series of investigations and interviews, but in the end they didn't let it go.

After Jiang Chuan was sent to the hospital, the doctor performed an emergency operation on him. Although Jiang Chuan said that his life was saved in the end, because his hamstring was severed and the delay was too long, he could no longer continue and could only spend time in a wheelchair. live the rest of my life.

When the doctor told Jiang Chuan the news, he couldn't believe his ears. After repeated confirmation by the doctor, Jiang Chuan finally burst into tears because he couldn't stand the blow.

There are wicked people among the wicked, and Jiang Chuan finally swallowed the consequences of his evil because of his many evils.

"Boss, the matter has been settled."

Shan Mao came to Jiang Chuan's room and said respectfully.

"All traces and evidence have been erased, and the relationship that should be taken care of has also been taken care of properly. No one will find out that we did it."

"Very well, since this kind of person has no legal evidence to sanction, then we can only solve it in a dark way."

Gu Wang nodded and said: "You have worked hard too, go back and rest."

"Boss, what about Sophie Fei? This woman is so vicious, why don't we teach her a lesson?" Shan Mao reminded cautiously.

In his opinion, Su Feifei's actions are not inferior to Jiang Chuan's. If she doesn't deal with it properly, she may cause even greater disasters.

"Sophie Fei" Gu Wang pondered: "I haven't figured out how to solve this matter yet, do you have any good ideas?"

For Su Feifei, Gu Wang was also very troubled. This woman touched his bottom line many times. If she was a man, Gu Wang would not have allowed her to exist in this world long ago.

But she happened to be a woman, no matter how vicious she was, Gu Wang couldn't find a good solution for a while.

"Boss, since you are so entangled, I don't think it's better than this."

Seeing Gu Wang's dilemma, Shan Mao thought of a way.

"Oh, let's hear it."

Gu Wangzheng was worried that he couldn't find a good solution, so he could just listen to Shanmao's opinion.

"Sophie Fei has repeatedly plotted to damage the reputation of you and the proprietress, not only has she plotted against the proprietress several times, but this time she even colluded with Jiang Chuan to find a killer to assassinate you and the proprietress.

If such a woman doesn't teach her a good lesson, maybe something will happen in the future. If she hurts you and the people around you, you will regret it too late. "

Gu Wang nodded in agreement, Su Feifei is definitely a ticking time bomb, it doesn't matter to him, if he hurts Enuo, he will regret it to death.

Gu Wang didn't say anything, he knew Shanmao had something to say.

Shan Mao continued: "Since Sophie likes to plot against people so much, the best punishment for her is to design once like she designed others, and make her never turn over again.

It's not that she likes to be in trouble with Jiang Chuan, so we directly designed them to have a relationship and posted the video on the Internet. At the beginning, she wanted to use this method to frame the proprietress. This is called karmic retribution. "

I have to say that Bobcat's plan is very simple, but dealing with people like Su Feifei is undoubtedly the best punishment.

For this plan, Gu Wang seemed very satisfied, without thinking too much, Gu Wang directly agreed: "Okay, just do as you said, since she likes to plot people secretly, let her also taste this taste Bar."

The corner of Gu Wang's mouth raised a devilish smile, which made people shudder.

That's how it should end up touching the person she loves the most.

On this day, Su Feifei was wandering in the mall, neither shopping nor doing anything, just wanted to go out and relax.

She had already heard about Jiang Chuan's incident a few days ago. The fact that Jiang Chuan was conspired to become a disabled person also sounded the alarm for Su Feifei. is her role model.

So for a while, Su Feifei stayed at home and didn't go out, nor did she have any bad thoughts. She was really scared.

In fact, she knew vaguely in her heart that most of Jiang Chuan's affairs were done by Gu Wang.

Thinking of this, and thinking of how many bad things she had done to Gu Wang and Zhao Yinuo, she was so frightened that she couldn't eat well and couldn't sleep every day.

Sophie passed this kind of fearful life for many days, and slowly she found that no one wanted to trouble her.

After hesitating for several days, she finally decided to come out today to get some fresh air and relax, so she came to the mall.

Su Feifei walked forward absently, thinking about her future plans.

Now that she married Gu Wang, she would not have any extravagant hopes. The Su family is also in danger now. Once the Su family really collapses, she will immediately lose her current glamorous identity. At that time, what should she do?

While walking for a while, Su Feifei didn't realize that she had reached a secluded place with no one around.

(End of this chapter)

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