The wedding color is rippling: Gu Shao, you are enough

Chapter 936 Gu Wang Extra Story 54 Karma Cycle Retribution Is Unhappy

Chapter 936 Gu Wang Extra Story 54 Karma Cycle Retribution Is Unhappy
When Su Feifei realized it, she hurried to a crowded place. Such a remote place gave Su Feifei a sense of crisis and made her feel a little flustered.

She was safe all the way, and just when she was about to go to a noisy place, she stretched out a hand from somewhere, and slashed Su Feifei's neck with a knife.

Before making any reaction, Su Feifei only felt that her eyes dimmed, and then she lost consciousness.

After a period of adjustment, Jiang Chuan also began to gradually accept the fact that he could not walk.

Stay at home with peace of mind and rest, and consider the next step.

He thought that being at home was the safest place, but he was wrong.

Jiang Chuan said he wanted to live a quiet life for a while, only him.

So Jiang Chuan's father arranged him to a secluded manor in the Jiang family, and assigned two nannies to take care of his daily necessities.

On this day, several people in black clothes visited Jiang Chuan's residence, and after entering, they went straight to Jiang Chuan's bedroom without saying a word.

Seeing these people, Jiang Chuan was terrified, and his thoughts returned to the moment when his legs were broken a few days ago, his eyes were full of fear, he had just recuperated, why did this happen to him?

Before they had time to yell, the three of them came directly to Jiang Chuan, and with a slap, Jiang Chuan fell limply to the ground.

After Yoyo woke up, Jiang Chuan touched his sore neck subconsciously, and then suddenly realized that he was kidnapped.

Looking around, I found myself in an abandoned warehouse.

Jiang Chuan was very worried, and shouted a few times, but only heard his own echo in the warehouse.

He gave up, how could there be other people in this deserted place.

Ever since what happened last time, Jiang Chuan seems to have taken a look at something, and he doesn't take life and death very seriously.

He waited quietly, wanting to see what the kidnapper's purpose was.

Only then did Jiang Chuan realize that there was another person lying beside him, and he was stunned when he took a closer look.

"Sophie Fei?" Jiang Chuan murmured.

He is at a loss now, not knowing exactly what his captors are trying to do.

At this time, Su Feifei also woke up slowly, opened her eyes, and the first thing she saw was Jiang Chuan, she was also stunned.

Immediately, Su Feifei seemed to understand something, and said angrily: "Jiang Chuan, you dare to kidnap me. I think you are really impatient. I am still worried about how you are doing now!"

Su Feifei was very angry. Jiang Chuan and Su Feifei were two people who were in the same situation, but now, he kidnapped her, which made Su Feifei unbearable.

"May I ask you to see clearly what you're talking about?" Jiang Chuan said angrily, "I was also kidnapped."

Su Feifei looked around suspiciously, only to realize that both her hands and feet were tied together with Jiang Chuan.

"this place."

Su Feifei looked around and said with some doubts.

"Why does it feel familiar."

"Of course you are familiar with it. Isn't this the place where you asked someone to kidnap Zhao Yinuo?"

At this time, a voice came from outside the warehouse, and then three burly men came in.

"who are you?"

Seeing several people walking towards her, Su Feifei said in surprise.

Thinking of what the man said just now, the fear in my heart increased a bit.

"What on earth did you bring me here for?"

The leader of the three smiled coldly, stared at Su Feifei and said, "Do you still remember what you wanted to do to Zhao Yinuo at that time? My purpose today is very simple. What was done is done.”

After finishing speaking, the leader deliberately stared at Su Feifei from head to toe, making the latter's scalp tingle.

At this moment, Su Feifei understood the purpose of these people and guessed their identities.

"You, are you sent by Gu Wang?"

Thinking of what she had done to Zhao Yinuo, Su Feifei completely panicked.

"I advise you not to mess around. I am the daughter of the Su family. If you treat me like this, I will sue you!"

If I was really drugged by others like Zhao Yinuo, then I would
"Miss Su Feifei, I have to say that you are still too naive. First of all, you don't know who we are. Even if you can guess it, what can you do? What about the evidence? You can rest assured that we will not let anyone Someone found some evidence, hahaha!"

The leader laughed triumphantly, looking at Su Feifei with the pleasure of revenge in his eyes.

"No, I beg you not to do this!"

Su Feifei burst into tears, she was really scared.

"Leave me alone, I can give you money, any amount!"

"Give us money? Do you want to buy us off like a killer?"

The leader sneered and said, "You may be disappointed this time, we are not something you can buy with just a few dollars."

"How do you know I did that?"

They even knew that they had bribed the killer, and they obviously hadn't participated in the whole process!
"If you don't know, you have to do nothing! Miss Su, you have to be clear, what happened today is all you asked for."

Seeing that the femme fatale was about to be punished, the three of them felt a strong sense of pleasure.

"Karma retribution is not good! Brothers, let's do it."

No longer talking with Su Feifei, the leader gave the final order.

After receiving the order, the remaining two walked towards Su Feifei slowly, took out the aphrodisiac that had been prepared in advance, and looked at Su Feifei with malicious intent.

"No, I beg you, let me go!"

Su Feifei cried and begged for mercy, "I was wrong, I will never dare again!"

Ignoring Su Feifei at all, the two forcefully pinched Su Feifei's mouth open, and stuffed it into her mouth.

"voo voo."

Su Feifei tried to make a final resistance, trying to spit the medicine out of her throat, but she failed.

"Miss Su, enjoy this beautiful moment."

The leader smiled brightly, "Put the camera in place, untie the hands and feet, let's go."

The two untied the ropes on Su Feifei's hands and feet, and put the camera where she couldn't touch it at all.

After finishing this, the three of them directly closed the door of the warehouse and walked out.

"Open the door! Open the door!"

Su Feifei ran to the warehouse door, shouted loudly, and slammed on the door violently.

After realizing that all this was futile, Su Feifei sat down on the ground in despair, curled up in a corner and shivered.

Jiang Chuan has been watching all this coldly. After knowing the real purpose of the person who kidnapped him, Jiang Chuan is not nervous, and even slightly happy.

What I dreamed of doing, but it was done in this way, I have to say, fate is really amazing.

After having a relationship with Su Feifei, the rights and wealth that I want may be regained.

What Jiang Chuan has to do now is to wait patiently for the drug to take effect.

(End of this chapter)

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