The wedding color is rippling: Gu Shao, you are enough

Chapter 943 Gu Wang Extra 61 Jiang Chuan's True Face

Chapter 943 Gu Wang Extra 61 Jiang Chuan's True Face

The second day of Sophie Fei and Jiang Chuan's marriage.

In the wedding room of the two, Su Feifei woke up leisurely, looking at Jiang Chuan who was sleeping soundly beside her, feeling that everything was like a dream, so unreal.

Su Feifei took the initiative to lean in Jiang Chuan's arms. Only in this way can she feel a sense of security.

Sensing the movement around him, Jiang Chuan also woke up, seeing Sophie Fei in his arms, Jiang Chuan smiled.

"Baby, were you happy last night?"

Thinking of the madness of the two of them last night, Jiang Chuan couldn't help breathing heavily.

Jiang Chuan's words made Su Feifei's face blush, and she also remembered what she had crazily demanded from Jiang Chuan last night, she quickly lowered her head, and said shyly, "I hate it, how can I ask someone like that."

"Then are you happy or not?"

Jiang Chuan smiled even wider, as if he must know the result.


After hesitating for a while, Su Feifei still nodded shyly, looking like a little woman.

Looking at Su Feifei in front of him, Jiang Chuan felt a sense of conquest.

The person who was once unattainable to him now showed a posture like a little woman in front of him, which inflated his sense of pride.

Turning over and pressing Su Feifei under him, Jiang Chuan kissed Su Feifei's lips fiercely, and the two of them were turbulent again on the bed.

After Yifan Yunyu, Su Feifei pressed against Jiang Chuan's chest. Jiang Chuan's movements were heavy, and her lips were swollen from the kiss.

Right now, her whole body is still aching. She didn't feel the tenderness and consideration mentioned earlier, but she felt a sense of revenge.

"Jiang Chuan, do you love me?"

Not paying attention to these, Su Feifei still asked the question that all women asked repeatedly.

"Do you want to hear the truth?"

Jiang Chuan smiled brightly, but there was a little bit of weirdness in the smile.

"Well, of course you have to listen to the truth."

Su Feifei lay quietly in Jiang Chuan's arms, waiting for his sweet words to him.

"The truth is," Jiang Chuan's voice was no longer gentle, but suddenly became louder, "I have never loved you, not before, and never will!"

Just today, Jiang Chuan finally revealed his true face.

Su Feifei froze, and said coquettishly: "He is asking you seriously, stop joking."

"What I said is true, you look into my eyes."

Jiang Chuan repeated it word for word, "I never loved you!"

Su Feifei stared at Jiang Chuan, seeing the resentment and banter in his eyes, her eyes were full of disbelief.

"Why? If you don't love me, why do you marry me?"

Su Feifei murmured, not believing what Jiang Chuan said at all.

"At the very beginning, I was just obsessed with your body, and wanted to experience the pleasure of crushing a high-ranking princess like you, and most importantly, I wanted to get your Su family's property and become Su's body." The son-in-law of the Su family, as the only daughter of the Su family, the apple of the eye of the whole family, how could the father who loves you not give me the property."

"But who knows, one wrong step and one wrong step. Not only did your Su family almost go bankrupt, but that old fellow Su Yongtian even drove you out of the Su family. My dream was shattered, but fortunately, this way I can conquer more easily. You, let you be my plaything."

"Originally, I would love you well and give you a good life, but your ridicule and contempt for me deeply hurt my self-esteem. I want to take revenge on you, and make you have to accept my revenge, so , I just married you.

"Jiang Chuan's tone was full of complacency and calculation, and his goal was achieved.

"Why? Why am I like this, and you still don't want to let me go?" Su Feifei murmured.

Jiang Chuan's words were like sharp knives piercing into her heart one by one, causing her newly revitalized heart to become fragmented again.

"You ask me why? The reason is that you asked for it all!"

Jiang Chuan's face was a bit hideous, "How could you get such retribution if you didn't do so many outrageous things! I don't even have my legs now, so you are only punished so lightly. Thank God. But, you This kind of punishment will last a lifetime, hahahaha!"

Ever since his legs were broken, Jiang Chuan's psychology has become a little deformed. He wishes that everyone will end badly. The more miserable they are, the happier he will be!
Sophie Fei's heart was completely dead.

I thought I had found my own love, stayed away from those intrigues, and lived an ordinary life, but even this has become a luxury.

It was her order, and she had to obey.

As the days went by, Zhao Yinuo's stomach also stood up day by day.

It has been four months since the first pregnancy.

Zhao Yinuo had already resigned from his job at Uno Design Company, and stayed at home to take good care of his body.

Gu Wang also came back to accompany Zhao Yinuo whenever she had time, so that she would not feel lonely by herself.

"Enoch, I'm back."

After finishing the company's affairs, Gu Wang returned home non-stop, looking at Zhao Yinuo who was reading the parenting book on the sofa, Gu Wang couldn't help smiling.

"Enoch, you're only four months old now, don't rush to see this kind of stuff."

Gu Wang came to Zhao Yinuo's side and said gently.

"Anyway, I'm fine at home now, so I can just look at these things. I haven't raised a child before, so I don't have any experience. I will teach me based on these books in the future."

Zhao Yinuo did not turn his head, but was still looking at the book in his hand intently.

Gu Wang sat on the sofa, took Zhao Yinuo into his arms, looked at her delicate and beautiful side face, and smiled happily.

"This child started stealing my wife's love from me before he was born, and when he is born, I will have no status in this family at all!" Gu Wang pretended to be jealous and said.

Hearing Gu Wang's words, Zhao Yinuo put down the book in his hand, "How old are you, and you are still jealous with your own child, you are too childish!"

"Then I don't care. In addition to taking care of the little guy, the rest of the time is mine, and no one is allowed to snatch it."

Gu Wang defended his dignity like a child, and could not tolerate being taken advantage of by an unborn child.

"Okay, okay, it's all up to you, whatever you say is what you say."

Zhao Yinuo said obediently, he really didn't want to argue with this person who was jealous of children.

"By the way, Gu Wang, is it time to go to the hospital to check our child, is it a boy or a girl?"

Zhao Yinuo seemed to have thought of something, and said to Gu Wang.

"Yes, but are boys and girls important to you?" Gu Wang said with a smile.

"Of course it's important. Only after knowing whether it's a boy or a girl can I read some parenting books and give our children some proper prenatal education.

Otherwise, it will be too late. If the baby is a boy, but I give him prenatal education for a girl, what will happen if the child grows up to look like a girl? "

(End of this chapter)

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