The wedding color is rippling: Gu Shao, you are enough

Chapter 944 Gu Wang Extra 62 Incredible Progress

Chapter 944 Gu Wang Extra 62 Incredible Progress

Ever since Zhao Yinuo became pregnant with a child, maternal love has begun to overflow to the point where Gu Wang is afraid. It is always good for the child to eat this, and bad for the child if he eats that. .

"In this case, let's take the time to go to the hospital for an examination, and then go home and tell my parents."

Gu Wang also thought it would be better to go for an inspection, so he immediately agreed.

"Yes, I also want to go back to my parents' place to have a look. I haven't been there for a long time."

A series of things happened, and Zhao Yinuo didn't even have time to go home to see his parents. Even though he lived a stable life for a while, it was because he only thought about his children and neglected to go home to see him.

Thinking of this, Zhao Yinuo couldn't help feeling a little guilty.

"Okay, then let's go to the hospital for an examination tomorrow. I'm not busy these two days, so I'll go to our parents' place for a few days."

Gu Wang looked at Zhao Yinuo lovingly and said.


When he heard that he could go to his parents' house, Zhao Yinuo was as excited as a child.

Although it's been a rare leisure time these days, Zhao Yinuo is really bored staying at home every day, so it's obviously great to be able to go out for a stroll.

"Honey, are you hungry, I'll cook for you."

Thinking that it was getting late now, but neither of them had eaten yet, Zhao Yinuo hurriedly got up and prepared to cook.

"Sit here and I'll cook."

Gu Wang quickly stopped Zhao Yinuo, motioned her to sit down, and let him cook.

"Are you going to cook?"

Hearing that Gu Wang said that he was going to cook, Zhao Yinuo felt inexplicably nervous. Thinking of the horrible meals he cooked a while ago, he shivered with fear.

"Let me do it, it will be fine soon, and I won't be tired."

Knowing that Gu Wang was afraid of being tired, he took the initiative to ask to cook, but Zhao Yinuo still chose to refuse him.

The reason is simple, even if she can eat these meals, the child can't eat them. What if the child doesn't eat well after eating?
Zhao Yinuo's expression was completely forgotten, and he knew that it was because the food he cooked last time was too terrible, which left a deep impression on Zhao Yinuo, so he didn't dare to let himself go to the kitchen.

But after the last time, Gu Wang has been working hard on cooking. He picks up the recipes and studies painstakingly when he has nothing to do. Now his cooking skills are different from the past.

"Let me do it, give me a chance to prove myself, this time will never be the same as last time!"

Gu Wang was full of confidence, patted his chest and assured.

Looking at the swearing Gu Wang, Zhao Yinuo hesitated and agreed.

Since Gu Wang cares about this so much, why bother with it.

"Well, I believe in you, you can definitely do it well." Zhao Yinuo encouraged: "But I still have to go there, I don't know how to do anything, just watch you from the sidelines."

Zhao Yinuo felt that it was necessary to watch by Gu Wang's side, and make amends when he couldn't save the scene, so as not to be embarrassed by Gu Wang's failure.

"Okay, then let's go together."

It's not too late, Gu Wang said immediately.

Zhao Yinuo also followed the kitchen with a smile.

After entering the kitchen, Gu Wang put on an apron and began to prepare the dishes, while Zhao Yinuo watched silently from the side.

tomato, shredded potato, egg, meat
Zhao Yinuo found that the dishes Gu Wang prepared today were exactly the same as the last time. It seemed that he also wanted to prove himself in front of Zhao Yinuo.

Then Gu Wang started to chop vegetables, seeing Gu Wang's skillful knife skills, Zhao Yinuo was a little shocked.

Gu Wang is no longer simply chopping vegetables, he has already played with the knife in his hand.

This kind of knife skills can never be trained without ten or eight years of cooking experience.

This is exactly what shocked Zhao Yinuo. You must know that it has only been a month or two since he started cooking last time!

This progress is too incredible!
In just a few minutes, the dishes were prepared, and it was time for Gu Wang to prove his strength.

Looking at Gu Wang's skillful movements, Zhao Yinuo didn't know what to say anymore, and originally wanted to guide Gu Wang aside, so as not to make him feel embarrassed if he couldn't do it well.

But now, Gu Wang's culinary skills are clearly superior to his own, and it becomes a joke to give him good advice.

Time passed by, and Zhao Yinuo had adjusted his mentality, quietly watching Gu Wang's busy figure.

Even with an apron on, Gu Wang is still so handsome and charming. Not only did he not destroy his overall temperament, but he also had the warmth of a family man.

Zhao Yinuo looked a little crazy, his man was good-looking no matter what.

Zhao Yinuo thought sweetly, full of happiness.

"Okay, it's ready." Gu Wang's voice came, "Get ready for dinner."

Zhao Yinuo quickly looked at Gu Wang, and the last dish had already been cooked, leaving only one soup unfinished.

"I'm coming."

Seeing that Gu Wang had brought the last dish to the table, Zhao Yinuo quickly agreed, took the bowls and chopsticks for dinner, and walked over.

"Well, it smells so good."

Just as Zhao Yinuo sat down, the scents all over the table rushed to her nose, and Zhao Yinuo couldn't help but admire.

"Really? It won't be perfunctory like last time."

Gu Wang also laughed, but he was still a little unhappy when he mentioned what happened last time, as if it was the shame of his life.

"Really, it's absolutely true this time." Zhao Yinuo scratched his head and smirked, "You are too good at cooking, and you cook so well for the second time."

As if thinking of something, Zhao Yinuo asked again: "Is it really just the second time you cook? Is it really your first time to cook last time?"

Looking at Gu Wang's proficient knife skills, Zhao Yinuo still asked with some uncertainty.

"Of course it was the first time last time, but this time can't be regarded as the second time. When you were away, I secretly experimented several times."

Gu Wang smiled smugly, as if he was very satisfied with Zhao Yinuo's surprise.

"But your knife skills when chopping vegetables obviously look like you've been using a knife for a long time."

Zhao Yinuo tilted his head, his face full of doubts.

Of course, it has been used for a long time with a knife, but it is not used for cooking.

Gu Wang said secretly.

But of course he wouldn't tell Zhao Yinuo that, but lied to her, "That's because my young master is very talented, and I'm the only one who can learn so quickly in such a short period of time. How about it, isn't it amazing?" .”

Seeing Gu Wang's arrogant look, Zhao Yinuo couldn't help laughing: "Why are you so narcissistic, but to be honest, you are really amazing." Zhao Yinuo boasted sincerely.

Hearing Zhao Yinuo's praise, Gu Wang's braids immediately rose to the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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