Chapter 984

The child's crying made Gu Wang's peaceful heart pick up again, and he hurried over to look: "Mom, ah, it was fine just now..."

Gu's mother carefully lifted the child up, stepped forward to coax her, and then forcibly calmed down. Gu Wang couldn't help but sigh, raising a child is really the most troublesome thing in the world.If he heard such crying when he was working, he couldn't guarantee that he would have a good temper.

"The child also misses his mother. A child of this age usually has a relationship with his mother. If he can't see his mother or feel the breath of his mother, his emotions will become unstable."

Gu's mother frowned: "So is Enuo. He doesn't visit the child once in half a month. You should talk to her well when you go back. How can the child bear not to see his mother?"

Enuo...she hasn't come to see Chen Hao for half a month?

For some reason, Gu Wang felt that he seemed to be intentionally or unintentionally linking the "rumor" he heard these days with the fact that Enuo didn't come to see Chen Hao for half a month.

Combined together in this way, a strange conclusion was formed. Enuo and Ling Chen were together, and she even forgot to come to see her and his son.

If this was not the case, then he asked Bobcat to investigate, and Bobcat would come back with the truth he wanted to hear soon, but in fact, Bobcat didn't.

Looking at Chen Hao's big innocent eyes in the cradle, Gu Wang shook his head vigorously, trying to put all these messy thoughts behind him.

He told himself that the most important thing between husband and wife is mutual trust and mutual understanding.

Gu Wang arrived home at seven o'clock in the evening. When he returned home, he heard the sound of splashing water in the shower room, and he knew that Zhao Yinuo had already arrived home before him. Nok's coat on the back of the chair scraped to the floor.

He knelt down to pick up the clothes, and a white note slipped out of his jacket pocket, and was folded into a square shape.

Gu Wang spread him out, a line of unfamiliar handwriting came into view, his pupils shrank suddenly, the last two words almost made Gu Wang's hair stand on end, and his slender fingers trembled slightly.

The shower door closed slowly behind him, and Zhao Yinuo was drying the water stains on his hair with a white towel.

When she saw Gu Wang came back, she didn't knock on the door to greet her, and she didn't know what Gu Wang was doing squatting on the ground. Just when she was about to knock on his back, Gu Wang got up from the ground. He turned around and looked at Zhao Wang. Enoch's eyes seemed to burst into sparks angrily.

"Gu Wang? What's wrong with you?" Zhao Yinuo asked suspiciously.

Gu Wang didn't answer her in a hurry, but slowly raised his right hand, and the white square note between the index finger and middle finger made Zhao Yinuo's heart hang in his throat.

"Enuo, tell me, what is this?" Gu Wang gritted his teeth, and every word came out from between his teeth, and every word was knocked on her heart.

"It's a note from a friend. What, is there a problem?"

Zhao Yinuo replied calmly, originally Ling Chen was her friend, there was nothing wrong with it, and she was not lying to him.

It's just that Gu Wang was even more annoyed when he heard this explanation: "Friend? What a friend, for you, a friend who came back from a long way, you can not even look at Chen Hao for half a month... It turns out that this friend is more important than a child, Why don't you take me to meet you?"

Gu Wang's last sentence even contained a hint of sarcasm, the word 'friend' was like a flame, which instantly became the fuse.

If he didn't have the "betrayal" that he misunderstood a few years ago, the "far away" that Ling Chen took Zhao Yinuo a year ago, and the quietness of Shanmao this time, he thinks that he will trust Zhao Yinuo very much every word.

"Gu Wang, what do you mean? Do you think I'm lying to you? Recently, my school and company are on the same line. If you think I've ignored Chen Hao, I have nothing to say, but how can you doubt me and me?" friend……"

Zhao Yinuo didn't know what was wrong, but he didn't dare to meet Gu Wang's burning eyes.

"Ling Chen?" Gu Wang smiled disdainfully, with contempt in his eyes, he kept approaching Zhao Yinuo until Zhao Yinuo had nowhere to retreat, "He really is a villain."

Zhao Yinuo was a little afraid of such Gu Wang, his anger had obviously reached its peak, his voice sounded like a Rakshasa from hell: "Do you know how ridiculous it is when the word friend comes out of Ling Chen's mouth? "

"Why do you have to make others think it's so miserable?" Zhao Yinuo said, stretching out his hand and pushing him gently.

Not only did Gu Wang see that she didn't seem to apologize and admit her mistake, she even pushed him because of that man, feeling even more uncomfortable, blocking Zhao Yinuo's way with her arms.

"You helped him speak? Did you regret that you didn't go abroad with him a year ago? Now that he's back, you can't wait to follow him!" Gu Wang crumpled the note in his hand, viciously He fell to the wall, and the note was quickly bounced far away.

Zhao Yinuo couldn't believe that these words would come from Gu Wang's mouth. She originally thought that after going through those things in the past, both of them could become more mature and trust each other more, but she didn't expect that , This so-called trust is so vulnerable.

After a while, she asked him in a daze: "Gu Wang, do you not believe me? Are you doubting me?"

"Yes!" Gu Wang never hides what he wants to say, "Don't think that I haven't heard the rumors outside, I don't say it because I don't believe it, but what about you? What did you Zhao Yinuo give me?!"

Gu Wang became hoarse, and Zhao Yinuo's scalp became numb from his shock. Although she had countless things to say in her heart, she calmed down when she saw the crazy Gu Wang in front of her.

"I have nothing to explain, it's fine if you don't believe me, Gu Wang, let me go, we all need to calm down."

Gu Wang really let go of the hand that imprisoned her, and Zhao Yinuo walked into the study door without looking back. Seeing that she only left him with a chic back, Gu Wang knew what kind of disappointment it is. feeling.

calm downZhao Yinuo, you actually told me to calm down? !

Zhao Yinuo leaned against the closed door, two lines of tears streaming down his cheeks.

This feeling is exactly the same as the scene where he humiliated Sophie in the office on the day she sent him the collaboration book.

"Gu Wang, why, in your eyes, I will always be a shameless betrayer and not worthy of trust?"

She tried to stop her tears, but the tears were like broken beads, falling on the floor with a ticking sound.

(End of this chapter)

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