Chapter 985
"Mr. Gu, this is the quarterly report for this season, please see if there is anything you need to modify..."

"Get out! Get out!" Gu Wang raised his hand heavily, and the documents handed over by the secretary were ruthlessly thrown on the ground, and a stack of A4 papers was scattered all over the floor.

The secretary began to frantically pick up the manuscripts on the floor, with thin sweat on his forehead. Although Gu Wang had a bad temper, he had never lost such a temper to his subordinates before. Such a big action scared her. I didn't even dare to lift my head, and I didn't care about the order at all, so I grabbed one and stuffed it into the folder.

When he was angry, he seemed to dislike everything. Gu Wang’s heart was full of fire, and he looked at the various reports waiting for approval on the table. He became more and more upset, and picked up a cup on the corner of the table. Violently fell to the ground.

In an instant, the tea splashed everywhere, as if to express the turbulent waves in the calm sea.

The figure of the secretary squatting on the ground to pick up the report shook, stood up abruptly and rushed out the door, just in time to bump into the person who pushed the door in at that moment.

After seeing who it was, the secretary nodded to him respectfully, but the person didn't say anything, but waved her hand to signal her to go out quickly.

The approaching footsteps were very clear, and Gu Wang knew it without looking up. His emotions were still very intense, and the smell of gunpowder in the air became stronger and stronger.

"You go too!"

Shan Mao kicked away the report on the ground, because the secretary just left too quickly, and half of his footprints were stuck on it, looking at Gu Wang who buried himself in the manuscript, Shan Mao felt more guilty and full of guilt at the same time. Tangle and struggle.

"Boss, why are you embarrassing yourself?" Shanmao deliberately lowered his high-pitched voice, not knowing whether it was because of guilty conscience or other reasons.

"Haven't all the storms and waves in these years have been resolved? Why did you make yourself so human and ghostly for such a trivial matter this time?"

Gu Wang snorted softly: "Small matter?" The voice was full of sadness, "If you were cheated twice by your beloved, Shan Mao, you would still stand in front of me without any emotion and tell me that this is just Is it a trifle!"

Seeing that Shan Mao didn't speak, Gu Wang then asked: "I ask you, did you already know it!"

He closed the cap of a signature pen back and forth, "I used to ask you to investigate the instigator of any incident, no matter what the result was, you would tell me what you found out as soon as possible, but this time you No."

"I've thought about many possibilities, Shan Mao, we are brothers who have gone through life and death, so the only possibility that can make you so entangled is that there is only one Zhao Yinuo left."

Shanmao's throat slipped, and his throat seemed to be muffled by something. Sure enough, there is such a person in this world who can easily understand what is in his heart without using his own words.

Gu Wang's mood calmed down a bit at this moment, he put the black signature pen upside down on the table, stepped over the documents on the ground that he had thrown, and walked up to Bobcat, looking at the old injury on his forehead from training many years ago , spit out a few words.

"I won't make things difficult for you, just tell me yes or no."

There was still an uncomfortable silence in the office. Shanmao's silence at this moment only made Gu Wang feel that the sky in his heart suddenly collapsed.

He took his eyes off the old scar on Bobcat's face and walked around him to brush past him.

The two are dressed in a suit and leather shoes, and the other is simple and sporty, but they both have the same indescribable expressions.

It seems that you are standing with me, and you can go back to the celebration banquet on the old battlefield as soon as you reach out, but it seems that you are far away from me, far away from the word "righteousness" we wrote together.

The moment Gu Wang placed his hand on the doorknob, Shan Mao's hoarse voice sounded behind him.

"Enoch had dinner with that person in the restaurant before." As if he was afraid that he would not believe it, Shanmao paused for a moment and then continued: "I saw it with my own eyes."

This time it was Gu Wang's turn to be silent. He never thought that when a person's sadness, heartbreak, doubt, and anger are intertwined, he can't express it. What he shows is only terrible silence and calmness.

And Zhao Yinuo's mood was not much better. She locked herself in the room alone, and after sending the school a leave note, she put the phone away.

She even blamed herself for not paying attention, because she let the note be exposed to Gu Wang's eyes if she didn't pay attention.

Shaking her head hard, she wanted to get rid of this far-fetched idea from her mind. What she should think about was why Gu Wang had such a big reaction to her when she saw that note. No.

All the things with Jiang Chuan before, even if it made the headlines, Gu Wang just arranged for Shan Mao to investigate the instigator of this incident in a very orderly manner, not like now, throwing his temper at her without any warning.

Whatever happened to Gu Wang, he always went to Shanmao...

correct! !Lynx!This time he must have found the bobcat too!
Zhao Yinuo's eyes lit up suddenly. After finding the contact information of Shanmao in the mobile phone, he thought for a while, and finally chose to call Shangguan Nana.

Maybe women can communicate better. Shanmao and Gu Wang are life-and-death friends. If she asks Shanmao, not only will the scene be extremely awkward, but also it is uncertain that Shanmao will not tell her what she wants to know.

Shangguan Nana is different, she is not much different in age from her, on the day of the wedding ceremony, Shangguan Nana still sincerely wished her best wishes, Zhao Yinuo thought so, and dialed her number.

"Miss Enoch?"

Before she had time to speak, Shangguan Nana's pleasant voice came from the other end, and she couldn't wait to respond as if grasping a life-saving straw: "Yes, it's me!"

"Sister Enuo, I know the purpose of your call, I don't know how to tell you, I can only tell you that when you and Mr. Shanmao didn't tell Brother Gu Wang about this."

"But yesterday, Brother Gu Wang came to Shanmao and asked him to investigate the matter carefully. I saw Shanmao's uneasiness and anxiety, so he probably told Brother Gu Wang about it."

After Shangguan Nana hurriedly spoke for a long time, both of them remained silent.

Zhao Yinuo tried hard to digest all the information in this passage, and the occasional approaching car honking, making noise in the downtown area, disturbed her heart.

"Sister Enuo, Ling Chen... who the hell are they?" Shangguan Nana was not very good at talking, she was so direct when she spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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