The wedding color is rippling: Gu Shao, you are enough

Chapter 989 Gu Wang Extra Story 106 She Wasn't By His Side

Chapter 989 Gu Wang Extra Story 106 She Wasn't By His Side

She said blankly: "Ling Chen?"

"Enuo? What's the matter with you?" Seeing her sluggish expression, Ling Chen immediately stepped forward and asked her, but Zhao Yinuo still didn't say a word.

Seeing that she ignored him, Ling Chen looked at the crowd around him, took her hand and walked towards the corner.

"Enuo, what's the matter with you? I saw you walking here in a daze from a long distance, and you didn't agree to call me. What happened? What happened to Gu Wang? What happened between you?" Ling Chen was anxious. Almost all of them are engraved on the face.

Zhao Yinuo smiled wryly in his heart.

What's up with her?She can't tell Ling Chen, because of you, my husband and I have caused a disagreement between husband and wife, which has affected the child, right?
But she is also a sensible person, knowing that no matter how angry or unreasonable she is, she will not intentionally use a person who has saved her as a trash can for her bad emotions.

After thinking for a long time, he couldn't think of any good words, so Zhao Yinuo simply responded with silence, while Ling Chen talked about himself.

"My previous overseas research has not yet ended. The research will require brain medical data from various hospitals so that we can investigate the prone diseases of the brain in recent years. You see, I just took the documents from the brain department. I just happened to see you here." As he spoke, he waved something wrapped in kraft paper.

Zhao Yinuo shook her head, she looked into Ling Chen's eyes, full of concern as when he healed her and comforted her abroad many years ago.

Thinking of the many quarrels with Gu Wang in the past few days, as well as the involuntary last night, the city wall that she pretended to be strong in her heart suddenly fell apart, and suddenly she burst into tears, tears like broken beads, Keep slipping from eye socket.

Ling Chen had known her for a long time, but he had never seen her like this before. He was at a loss for a while, and while taking out toilet paper from his white coat, he comforted her clumsily.

"Enoch, don't cry. Others think I'm bullying you when they see it? Tell me what happened, we can solve it together."

"I was negligent last night, but it hurt the child miserably. I left him alone in the small room. He had a fever last night and no one took care of him. I just sent him to the hospital. I was really sad." Sad, I am so negligent, how can I take good care of the child? How can I give him a good life? "

Ling Chen consciously didn't wipe her tears, but passed the toilet paper over, and said softly: "When anyone is negligent, it doesn't matter, since it happened, there must be a solution. I'm here to do research The relationship with the doctors is also good, let's go, I will take you to find the child's attending physician, and he will formulate a treatment method suitable for him according to the child's condition. Don't worry."

Zhao Yinuo sobbed softly, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I lost my composure in front of you, please trouble me."

Ling Chen smiled at her, and he patted her head: "What are you talking about, I'm sorry, why are you being so polite among friends? Isn't your business my business?"

After Ling Chen comforted her, he made a phone call, and soon he got in touch with Dr. Zheng from the Department of Pediatrics. According to Ling Chen, he is an expert in treating common pediatric diseases.

And that Dr. Zheng heard that Zhao Yinuo was currently taking care of the child alone, and kindly gave Chen Hao a big discount on the treatment fee, which moved Zhao Yinuo very much.

Fortunately, there was nothing serious about Chen Hao. Although the high fever continued, fortunately, it was stopped after timely treatment.

Zhao Yinuo sat in front of Chen Hao's small hospital bed to prevent the child from moving around and affecting the needle that was poked on his forehead.

Ling Chen held a peeled apple in his hand, Zhao Yinuo saw him coming in, and hurriedly moved a chair, Ling Chen handed the apple to her, but she shook her head and refused.

Ling Chen said with a smile: "Everyone gives a beautiful fruit basket as a gift, but if I give you an apple, you don't think I'm shabby, do you?"

Zhao Yinuo shook his head like a rattle, and heard Ling Chen say: "You didn't sleep at night and you don't want to eat, eat an apple and add some vitamins quickly, I'm really worried how your body can take it? If you are exhausted , but there is really no one to take care of your son."

What he said was reasonable, Zhao Yinuo couldn't refuse, so he stretched out his hand to take the apple, Ling Chen then asked her: "By the way, does Gu Wang know about the child's illness?"

Zhao Yinuo was stunned for a moment, then shook his head: "It was because I quarreled with him that I accidentally ignored the child."

While supporting Chen Hao's fidgeting little hand, Ling Chen comforted her and said, "Husband and wife, quarreling is inevitable. It's not as good as the old saying. Husband and wife quarrel at the end of the bed. Teeth and tongue have been together for a long time. The teeth will accidentally bite the tongue."

Zhao Yinuo didn't speak, and Ling Chen sighed: "It's not easy for Gu Wang to work hard in the mall, and it's normal to have troubles, so even if he said something very angry to you, don't care about it, after all, you are still young. , there is still a long way to go.”

Is it long?The continuous entanglements and quarrels during this period made Zhao Yinuo feel that the marriage between herself and Gu Wang seemed to be coming to an end soon.

During this period of bitterness, grievance, anger, and pain, she has almost experienced it all. He never thought that marriage is such a complicated thing.

After saying that, Ling Chen focused on taking care of Chen Hao, while Zhao Yinuo lowered his head and bit the apple, the sweet taste was bitter to her.

Shanmao on one side couldn't help the pleadings of the two elderly people of Gu's family. After carefully watching the surveillance, he finally locked Ren'ai Hospital and told the two elderly people about this place.

When the old man heard the term "hospital", he felt even more anxious. If either Yinuo or Chen Hao got sick, they were both anxious.

So as soon as they heard what Shan Mao said, they immediately drove to Ren'ai Hospital. Regardless of whether Zhao Yinuo and Gu Wang were arguing at the moment, they immediately sent a text message to Gu Wang, telling him that Zhao Yinuo was in the hospital now.

Shangguan Nana ordered flowers and fruits, and planned to go to Ren'ai Hospital with Shan Mao.

Gu Wang had just finished a meeting when he received a call from his parents telling him that his wife was in the hospital. He was so nervous that he almost lost his grip on his phone.

Her whole heart seemed to be hanging in mid-air, and she kept comforting herself along the way, telling herself that Enuo and Chen Hao would be fine, they must be fine.

He comforted himself like this, but his restless heart never calmed down, and he was speeding along the way, without even knowing that he ran several red lights.

The horn of the car kept ringing in his ears, making his disturbed heart even more uneasy.

(End of this chapter)

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