The wedding color is rippling: Gu Shao, you are enough

Chapter 990 Gu Wang Extra 107 Confrontation

Chapter 990 Gu Wang Extra 107 Confrontation
"Enuo! Enuo!!" Mother Gu rushed in from the door crying, and then went straight to the hospital bed. Chen Hao closed his eyes tightly, and he didn't cry like he used to.

"Chen Hao, grandma's little Chen Hao, why is he so sick? My heart aches for grandma."

Gu's father on the side was also full of distress, and suddenly he raised his voice and said angrily to Zhao Yinuo: "What's the matter with you, can you just take the child away after arguing with Gu Wang! Yes, you are the child's mother, you We don't have any objection to taking him away, the problem is that you took him away and kept it from your mother and me, is that plausible!"

Gu's mother followed suit: "Since Chen Hao was born, our old couple has taken good care of him, and the child has never had any illnesses. Why did you take him away and make it happen in less than two days?" Is it like this?"

Since Zhao Yinuo married Gu Wang, the Gu family's parents have always liked her very much. It was the first time that she scolded her with a straight face like today. Zhao Yinuo had no choice but to bite the bullet and listen.

Mother Gu turned to Ling Chen: "Doctor, how is my grandson doing? Is there anything wrong with him?"

Ling Chen said softly: "Don't worry, old man, the child is fine. Thanks to Ms. Zhao taking care of the child all night, he can recover so quickly. If you are worried, I will order some harmless medicine. This combination will allow the child to recover faster."

"Okay, okay, thank you doctor for your trouble, what's your surname, I will definitely pay you more when I go back," Father Gu said.

"My surname is Ling, so I don't need to be paid. Ms. Zhao is my good friend. She has difficulties, so I should help her."

Ling Chen took Gu Chenhao's medical record and walked out, and before leaving, he gave Zhao Yinuo an encouraging look, seeing that Zhao Yinuo finally didn't have a downcast expression before leaving with peace of mind.

Gu Wang kept asking about Chen Hao's ward in the corridor, before he had time to wait for the elevator, he quickly walked up the stairs to the third floor, and went straight there when he heard about Chen Hao's ward.

Ling Chen was coming out of the ward with the medical records, when he raised his eyebrows, he bumped into Gu Wang who was rushing over.

When Gu Wang saw him, he was stunned. He didn't react for a long time, but Ling Chen took the initiative to ask him to greet him: "Mr. Gu, your wife is inside."

It's better not to say this, but as soon as he said it, the string of reason in Gu Wang's heart was torn like this. He stepped forward quickly, grabbed Ling Chen's collar, and slapped Ling Chen unceremoniously. Fist hello up.

"You bastard! You don't need to tell me if she's in there, put away your sanctimonious appearance!"

Red marks quickly appeared on Ling Chen's fair face, blood oozes slightly from the corner of his mouth, and the medical record sheet in his hand was dropped on the ground. Gu Wang saw that the three big characters "Gu Chenhao" were clearly visible on it, so he acted quickly. It became even more ruthless, with hard fists hitting Ling Chen's face continuously.

The huge movement outside the door shocked the three people in the house, but it was Zhao Yinuo who reacted first, and saw such a terrible scene when he opened the door.

"Gu Wang! Stop it! Stop it!!"

Zhao Yinuo rushed forward alone, trying to tear Gu Wang away from Ling Chen, but Gu Wang's strength was too great, and her strength was not enough to control him.

On the contrary, it was Zhao Yinuo who stepped forward to fight, which angered Gu Wang even more. He became more angry and threw Zhao Yinuo away from his body, who was holding his arm.

Zhao Yinuo was bounced away by a strong force. At this time, the hospital staff began to fight, and the younger female nurse stood aside and chatted.

When Ling Chen was lifted up from the ground, his face was already bruised and purple, and his arms seemed unable to lift.

Zhao Yinuo stood in front of Ling Chen and yelled at Gu Wang: "Why do you start hitting people indiscriminately? You don't even know how much Ling Chen helped me this time!"

Gu Wang's eyes were full of disdain: "Help? I see him being courteous for nothing, either rape or robbery. What the hell did he tell you that you help him like this in front of me?"

Zhao Yinuo was no longer polite: "Don't think that everyone is as dirty as you. Although I, Zhao Yinuo, am not good, I am not as bad as you imagined!"

"This is a hospital. If you want to quarrel at home, do you think this is a vegetable market when you make such a noise?" After coming out, the surrounding medical staff began to express their dissatisfaction, and what's more, they threatened to call the police.

Mother Gu stepped forward and said, "I'm really sorry for everyone. My son and his wife had a conflict. I must teach them a lesson when I go back. Don't be angry, everyone. Let's go, let's go."

Gu's father also went up to support Ling Chen, and reprimanded Gu Wang in a low voice: "What are you doing, what can't you say properly, why are you attacking other doctors!"

"This person is simply a weasel giving New Year greetings to chickens. He has no good intentions. On the surface, he is a set, but he may be sneaky behind the scenes." Gu Wang retorted.

He bent down to pick up the medical records on the ground, and looked at Zhao Yinuo with a pair of dark and deep eyes: "I, Gu Wang, am not so useless that I need someone else to raise my son."

At that time, Zhao Yinuo felt that there was something deep in those eyes that she couldn't understand, and it seemed to be filled with disappointment and melancholy towards her.

Gu Wang took the medical records and went to the outpatient department to get medicine, Zhao Yinuo whispered to Ling Chen, "I'm sorry."

Even though these three words were not enough to make up for Gu Wang's personal injury to Ling Chen, Zhao Yinuo still wanted to say it.

"It's none of your business." Ling Chen replied flatly.

Shanmao and Shangguan Nana came to visit Yinuo, Zhao Yinuo and Chen Hao with fruit baskets. When they saw Gu Wang who was paying for the medicine at the outpatient department, Shangguan Nana motioned for Shanmao to go and have a look.

Shan Mao saw Gu Wang's rolled-up sleeves at a glance, and along his sleeves, he saw that the back of his hand was torn, and there were many red marks on the knuckles.

Based on Shan Mao's experience, it was obvious at a glance that Gu Wang had fought with others.

"Boss, what happened to your hand, who did you beat?"

When he was in the army before, he knew that Gu Wang was already very good at fighting, but now that his hand was injured like this, the person who was hit by him must have been seriously injured.

The corner of Shangguan Nana's mouth twitched: "Should...couldn't it be Enoch..."

Shanmao glanced at her, and Gu Wang, who paid the fee, also looked at his hand, and sneered: "I haven't beaten him enough to get up yet."

"Shanmao, you take this medicine to room 16 on the third floor and give it to them, and I won't go there."

Shan Mao took the medicine from his hand: "What's the matter, boss, why don't you go and see Xiao Chen Hao?"

Gu Wangxin said, why don't you want to!It's just that Zhao Yinuo was heartbroken just now, and his heart was already cut like a knife.

But after thinking about it, it was clearly Zhao Yinuo who caused the trouble, and he couldn't get rid of this face, so Gu Wang turned around and was about to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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