Chapter 992
"Does it hurt? I'll take it easy and just bear it. If you don't handle it properly, you may get infected."

Ling Chen evenly sprinkled the white medicinal powder on the wound, then tore off a piece of gauze, and wrapped the wound carefully.

He moved very gently, for fear of hurting her, Zhao Yinuo had mixed feelings in his heart.

Many years ago, when she fell on the basketball court, it was Gu Wang who anxiously carried her to the infirmary, and it was Gu Wang who gave her the medicine. She always hated gossip romantic sentences, but now she had to believe The phrase 'the person I love the most hurts me the most'.

"Let me help you treat the wound on your face too, okay?" Zhao Yinuo said submissively. Ling Chen wanted to refuse at first, but Zhao Yinuo said first: "Just treat it as a thank you, otherwise, I will I feel like I owe you a lot..."

Ling Chen still looked directly into her eyes, those star pupils as deep as a pool of water seemed to penetrate her body and touch her soul.

When Zhao Yinuo's hand was attached to Ling Chen's face, he felt itchy like ten thousand ants were scratching, but in fact he had been enduring it all the time.

When Gu Wang hit him, he felt like he was going to be torn apart, but when she sat beside him and carefully helped him deal with the bruises, Ling Chen felt that everything was worth it.

The breath exhaled by Zhao Yinuo radiated on Ling Chen's neck, and that scorching breath instantly ignited Ling Chen's heart that could pretend to be peaceful no matter when and where.

He stretched out his hand to hold Zhao Yinuo's slender wrist, pressed his thumb on her palm, and the temperature from her palm was continuously transmitted to him. He was intoxicated by this temperature, greedy for her breath, and eager to see her eyes. His reflection in the pupil.

Zhao Yinuo's pink lips parted slightly, like two thin cherry blossom petals, her cheeks were faintly dyed with a touch of blush, she really looked like an extremely delicate Barbie doll, while he, like someone separated by a glass, Children who admire from a distance.

The world is so big, but I only want you.

Ling Chen's bracelet was on her snow-white neck, and when more strange aura belonging to Ling Chen rushed towards her face, Zhao Yinuo reacted abruptly, broke free from his hand, and stood up abruptly.

This kind of action is too intimate, she, Zhao Yinuo, still clearly knows that she is a married woman, and she also clearly knows how to face the person in front of her.

She brought the medical kit and went out, her heart was beating fast, she struggled repeatedly in her mind, but rationality finally defeated sensibility.

Zhao Yinuo told himself, you need to be more sober and rational...

A girl holding a large bundle of flowers peddled along the street, about seventeen or eighty-nine years old, with a pure and beautiful appearance, she was tied with a simple braid, beautiful like a schoolgirl from the last century, smiling sweetly, her slender arms stretched out In front of Zhao Yinuo.

"Sister, do you want to buy a flower?"

Zhao Yinuo glanced at her, she took the rose, took out a five-yuan note from her pocket and handed it to the girl.

"I bought flowers, but I don't know who to give them to." Thinking like this, she said it without paying attention.

"Of course it's for the one you love." The girl replied casually, but like a clean cloth, it wiped the window in her heart bright.

From the beginning to the end, she always loved only that one person.

No matter how much he misunderstood her and hurt her, he was the one she loved deeply to the bottom of his heart, and it was precisely because of his love that his heart ached because of the other party's distrust and incomprehension.

Zhao Yinuo smiled at her: "Thank you." The passionate blooming of the delicate and charming fiery red rose ignited everyone's heart.

Ling Chen leaned on the back of the chair and looked up at the ceiling.

His eyes were closed tightly, his slender eyelashes were as thin as cicada's wings, her image repeatedly appeared in his mind, and her voice echoed in his ears.

Three light knocks came from the door, Ling Chen carried the chair back, rubbed his temples: "Come in."

"Yo, what are you doing? What's the matter, the plan didn't work out?" The visitor poured himself a cup of tea, and sank into the leather sofa beside him.

Ling Chen turned his back to him, and his voice was full of fatigue: "So what, she still can't let go of Gu Wang."

The man lit a cigarette, squinted his eyes, and said with a look of enjoyment: "By the way, I heard that the guy surnamed Gu beat you up. Do you want me to find someone to avenge you?"

Ling Chen turned around: "No, speaking of Gu Wang, I want to thank him for punching me that day."

"Ling Chen, did you get fooled by him? Thank him too, brother, if I were you, whoever he is, just give him a knife!"

Ling Chen frowned: "Shen Jue, you have to use your mind to do things. Everything has two sides, it will bring you bad things, and it will also bring you unexpected things."

Shen Jue took another deep breath of cigarettes: "It's up to you, don't they both have a good relationship? Didn't I make it like this after a few random moves, and they said that true love comes first, I want to see Let's see how long they last."

"Don't come to my place to smoke in the future, put out the cigarette." Ling Chen waved the blue smoke in the air with his hands in disgust.

Shen Jue smiled maliciously: "Hey, it's different now that I'm back in the country, and it's different when I see that woman. You were not like this when you were abroad."

Ling Chen picked up a document and began to look through it: "Okay, go out if you have nothing to do, I'm going to start doing research."

"Hey, yes, yes, of course, do you think I came here to chat with you during the day?" Shen Jue repeatedly responded: "I don't have much money on me, and there is a vacancy in funds, you can make up for it as soon as possible."

"I see, you go out, I want..."

Shen Jue interrupted: "Doing research? Don't pretend to be in front of me, what research are you doing..."

Ling Chen rolled his eyes, and Shen Jue clasped his fists together: "Come on, I'm leaving. Our revolution has not yet succeeded, and Ling Chen still needs to work hard!"

Shangguan Nana knelt down on the bed and rubbed Shan Mao's shoulders: "You said Chen Hao is really pitiful, he hasn't even celebrated his first birthday yet, this brother Gu Wang and sister Yinuo are arguing so hard."

"It's all my fault. If we had told the boss earlier, maybe he wouldn't be so hostile to Ling Chen."

"Don't blame yourself, you can't say for sure about the relationship. Do you really think that this matter is only about Brother Gu Wang and Sister Enuo?"

Shan Mao jumped up from the bed: "What do you mean?"

Shangguan Nana made a fool of herself: "Why, now you know how to ask me, aren't you a detective Bobcat? Is there anything you can't find?"

"Hey, my princess, just tell me, okay?" Shanmao turned around and went behind Shangguan Nana and squeezed her shoulder.

(End of this chapter)

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