The wedding color is rippling: Gu Shao, you are enough

Chapter 993 Gu Wang Extra Story 110 Fog

Chapter 993 Gu Wang Extra Story 110 Fog
Shangguan Nana said, "I don't think Gu Wangge's hostile attitude towards Ling Chen is definitely not formed in recent events."

"Think about it, how could such a rational person beat the person he loves to death with a single stick without evidence? Often people's spirits are defeated because they encounter the last straw that crushes the camel's back .”

"The last straw that broke the camel's back..." Bobcat murmured and repeated: "Perhaps the boss's grudge against Ling Chen was planted a long time ago. This time, I didn't find anything to prove that Zhao Yinuo and Ling Chen With clean evidence, the boss will completely lose control."

Shangguan Nana gave him a thumbs up: "That's right, children can be taught."

"Is there any way to make them get back together?" Shan Mao squeezed her shoulders harder.

"Silly, the most troublesome way is also the easiest way, of course, is to find evidence that can prove the innocence between Sister Enuo and that person." Shangguan Nana stopped, turned her head and looked at Shan Mao sadly: " It's just can it be so easy to find."

Uno Design Company.

Zhao Yinuo was carefully comparing two clothes parts of different styles, and was holding a pencil to draw a few strokes on the drawing.She was fascinated by the drawing, and the phone on the side rang several times before she thought of answering the phone quickly.

"Hello? Who? Qingkong Sanatorium? I'm Gu Chenhao's mother, what can you tell me..." Zhao Yinuo was still scribbling on the paper with the pencil in his hand: "What? The child recently A little diarrhea? That's fine, I'll come over right away and bring some medicine for the child on the way. Okay, sorry for your inconvenience."

Zhao Yinuo put the phone aside, lowered his head and continued to perfect every part of the drawing.

She forgot how long it had been, and when she picked up the two blueprints again and compared them and finally nodded in satisfaction, she suddenly slapped her head, yes, she had to go to Qingkong Nursing Home as soon as possible.

Zhao Yinuo rushed to a nearby pharmacy, picked out the best probiotic conditioning medicine and rushed to the nursing home.

Under the scorching sun, her eyes turned black. She shook her head, trying to shake off the shadows from her eyes, and gasped heavily, holding on to the door frame of the nursing home.

The female teacher of the nursing home in a pink dress raised her voice and blamed Zhao Yinuo: "You are Gu Chenhao's mother? Look, what time is it?"

"Yes... I'm sorry, I really have something that I haven't resolved..."

The female teacher was even more anxious: "You businessmen, can you put aside the things in hand first, money, money, why are you thinking about money, children are more important than money!" After speaking, the female teacher's voice slowed down a bit: "Don't always think that everything will be fine if you send the child to a nursing home. If the child's father hadn't come early this time, I don't know how long the child will have to stay..."

Zhao Yinuo looked up and saw the tall figure leaning against the bedroom door at a glance.He was still wearing his work attire, and he obviously left the work and rushed over from the company.

"If they didn't call me at the same time, are you planning to let the sick Chen Hao wait for you until now?" Gu Wang didn't give her a good face at all, and asked her bluntly.

Zhao Yinuo said: "It's my fault for being late, I apologize to Chen Hao." Layers of fine sweat began to appear on her forehead, and her eyes turned black in bursts.

"I really don't know what you think, the so-called dream, the so-called what you want to do, can all of these be based on Chen Hao in your heart? If you really thought so, then you didn't need to put him Give birth." Gu Wang stood up straight: "Since we choose to be parents, we must put him first in everything, your attitude will only make me feel that you are not worthy of being Chen Hao's mother."

Zhao Yinuo gritted his teeth and answered him: "Gu Wang, do we have to quarrel when we are together? We were not like this before."

As soon as she finished speaking, her body fell down disobediently, her head hurt more and more, her eyes couldn't see anything in front of her, she could only feel the dazzling light from the sun above her head, and there was another person flying towards her. coming shadow.


This was the last sentence she heard before she lost consciousness. It was as urgent and tense as when he rushed to help her block a basketball that flew over and was about to stick to her head on the basketball court a long time ago.

Gu Wang's mind went blank for an instant, Zhao Yinuo, do you think I'm going to torture me in this way?You are mean.He rushed over and hugged her forcefully into his arms. His strength was so heavy that he seemed to want to rub her into his own bone marrow.

"What's wrong with you!! Wake up quickly, don't fall asleep!" Gu Wang looked at her with pale lips and sweat on her forehead, her bangs were soaked in fine sweat, sticking to her head irregularly .Since when, every time she appeared in front of him, she would look like this.

Gu Wang picked her up, carefully put her on the passenger seat, stepped on the accelerator and headed straight for the hospital.His left hand was on the steering wheel, and his right hand was holding her left hand tightly.

He held this hand, and said in the white hall that he would grow old with her forever, and never leave her. Since the two people had a misunderstanding, every time they met, there would be a big quarrel. He admitted that the troubles of work and her The unclear relationship between her and Ling Chen made him even more anxious, but thinking about it carefully, he never gave her a chance to explain.

"Enoch, don't have anything to do with you. When you wake up, I will listen to what you have to say. I promise that I will not be angry or quarrel with you. I don't blame you. We will be fine."

Zhao Yinuo frowned and loosened her brows. She didn't know if she heard what Gu Wang said. She just felt that she was in a blank tunnel. This tunnel was very long. No matter how hard she tried, it seemed that she would never be able to leave. At the end, she was surrounded by fog. She desperately stretched out her hand to clear away the fog, but the more she tossed, the fog became thicker. Gradually, she couldn't even see the road in front of her clearly.

In a trance, she felt that someone was holding her hand. That hand was like a source of strength, which continuously brought warmth to her weak body. She wanted to respond forcefully to the other party, but she couldn't use force no matter what. She could feel it. Seeing that the hand holding her was getting farther and farther away, but there was no way to keep it, and she was left alone.Poor and helpless.

Gu Wang got out of the car, and carried her to the emergency room regardless of the strange eyes of the people around her.Then he watched the white bed get farther and farther away from him.The red door slowly closed in front of him, and he kept praying in his heart, hoping that everything would return to the way it was before, and let everything start again.

(End of this chapter)

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