Chapter 118
After the hidden dangers in the Taiping Army were eliminated, Guo Jia's next move was to carry out reforms from the perspective of scholars, farmers, industry and commerce.

Any reform will violate the interests of the powerful and powerful, but from the root point of view, if the ruling class is not corrupt to the point of hopelessness, if the policy has not been able to meet the needs of the times, who would be stupid enough to oppose the ruling class?
If there was peace and prosperity, if Guo Jia wanted to reform, he would be looking for death, because the interests of the class that had been violated would definitely make him suffer a terrible death, but now the world is in chaos, the princes are divided, and the situation is somewhat different from that of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period Similarly, at that time, the vassal states that took the lead in reforming and one step ahead of the enemy could all benefit from it and become prosperous for a while.

Ju Xiaolian Maocai did have an indispensable role in the prosperity of the Han Dynasty in the early years of the Western Han Dynasty, but with the decay of the ruling class, eunuchs and foreign relatives took turns to control the government, the way of Ju Xiaolian's acquisition of scholars became the soil for the rise of aristocrats , Recommending talents has also become a way to use power for personal gain.

In the end, the clans were strong and prosperous, and after the Nine-Rank Zhongzheng System was established in the Wei and Jin Dynasties, there was a situation where there were no low-ranking scholars at the top and no nobles at the bottom.

Half a step ahead is a genius, one step ahead is a madman.

Guo Jia wants to reform and be at the forefront of the times, but his life is hanging by a thread like walking a tightrope.

Because of this, he has to be cautious in every decision. He first appeases the Yizhou gentry, then shows weakness, waits for the opportunity to gradually weaken and suppress, and finally removes this cancer completely.

When Liu Yan took control of Yizhou, he had suppressed Yizhou's tyrants. In addition to Jia Long's rebellion, Liu Yan's brutal suppression caused heavy damage to the Yizhou gentry. The opportunity to come back in defeat provoked Xu He and gave the Yizhou gentry a chance. Indeed, someone desperately jumped out to cheer for Xu He, and Guo Jia had an excuse to attack the Yizhou gentry. It's not cruel either. It gradually weakened the power of the Yizhou gentry like a cocoon. After the rebellion subsided, many Yizhou gentry families were dealt with. The Yizhou gentry who had been suppressed twice by Liu Yan and Guo Jia wanted to If we fight against Guo Jia again, it may be too late, and we have more energy than energy.

After Xu He's rebellion, Guo Jia issued an order of seeking talents to the fourteen counties of Yizhou under his rule, and personally wrote an impassioned document, first of all, he criticized the people with lofty ideals in the world.

Scolding them will only ask for land and homes, and they don't want to report to the country and the people.

Then in the article, he sincerely expressed the hope that talented people will come to serve as officials, benefit the common people, and show their strengths.

At the end, it is indicated that on the tenth day of the twelfth lunar month, the General's Mansion welcomes talented people with lofty ideals to come to take the exam.

On the tenth day of the twelfth lunar month, there was a huge crowd of people inside and outside the General’s Mansion in Chengdu. From the courtyard outside the meeting hall to the spacious street outside the mansion, there were filled with low tables and seats, and there was one person sitting on each seat, most of them were young. Young young men, holding penholders in their hands, write pens like flying, and write ink and ink flowing freely on the Caihou paper on the table.

At that time, paper was very expensive, and it was considered a luxury. Guo Jia’s own collection of books were all made of bamboo slips, and he usually used bamboo slips for handwriting, but today, he was extravagant and gave it to nearly a thousand scholars. Caihou paper was used to answer the questions.

Guo Jia is generous, because this is a national event that should not be trifled with!

The development of filial piety and honesty is a national hidden danger, so Guo Jia wants to introduce the imperial examination system.

Those who do not plan the overall situation are not enough to find a corner, and those who do not plan the eternity are not enough to find a moment.

Starting from Guo Jia's eyes, he introduced the imperial examination system to win the hearts of the poor from all over the world. Because of their background, there are too many other princes who look down on them, but Guo Jia doesn't care about his background or status, he only cares about you talent.

This is a heart-warming move, but it has a role that cannot be ignored in promoting national development.

From a local perspective, although Yizhou is large, it is far away from the Central Plains. Guo Jia hopes that the imperial examination system can serve as a model for the heroes of the Kanto region. What is beneficial to the country and what is harmful to the country? see clearly.

And if he looks farther away, Guo Jia can say boldly: It doesn't matter who can bring the world back to unity, the important thing is whether the Wuhuluanhua will appear again!
In history, Cao, Liu, Sun, Wei, Shu and Wu all belonged to Sima Jin at the end, but how many people were there in China at that time? Not even 800 million!In the Eastern Han Dynasty a few decades ago, there were more than 5000 million!

How many troops can 800 million Chinese people support?How powerful can the official selection system under the Jiupin Zhongzheng system make the country?The clans are strong and powerful, each has their own masters, the Eight Kings Rebellion is serious, and the five random chaos in China puts the Chinese nation in danger of perishing.

If you want to avoid the chaos, it is not to ask Hu Yi to show kindness, but to be strong yourself. In the feudal dynasty, the first thing is to be strong within the ruling class.

If the monarch and his subordinates bowed their knees to foreign enemies, who else could the whole nation count on to lead them to prosperity?

First abolish the filial piety and introduce the imperial examination system. After Guo Jia, he will build a school to reproduce the contention of a hundred schools of thought. All children in the world who want to study can study. He disdains the policy of ignoring the people. If you don't agree, this is the same reason that later generations closed their doors to the country, stabilizing the rule for a while, but leaving disasters for generations to come!Promoting the progress of the nation is the consciousness that a Chinese citizen should have.

In the magnificent Three Kingdoms era, Guo Jia was able to travel to this place and make a momentary achievement, it is better to leave the name of the world forever!
If he can achieve the eternal emperor's career, Guo Jia doesn't care whether his descendants can keep the family business. If you want to dream of thousands of generations of emperors, then you are really crazy and idiot.

Guo Jia, dressed in a brocade robe, stood on the steps outside the meeting hall, watching the young man below answering seriously, his heart was filled with joy.

There are more than [-] scholars who came to take the exam today, nearly [-] of them are the children of the villagers who have been taught by Guo Jia for several years in Yingchuan, and more than [-] are the poor children of the Zhen family who have been taught by a teacher in Jizhou for several years. There were only three hundred people who came to take the test, and how many of them were fishing in troubled waters, it is hard to say in detail.

Here, Qin Mi invited his friend Peng Yi to take the exam together, facing the exam questions freely, without the slightest bit of embarrassment, it must be Wen Ruquan, with a well-thought-out plan.

Back in the meeting hall, Guo Jia poured himself a drink, holding the teacup with a faint smile on his face.

Xi Zhicai stepped into the hall, came to Guo Jia, and said, "My lord, will this imperial examination system be held every year in the future?"

Putting down the teacup, Guo Jia said as a matter of course: "Naturally, you can't give up halfway. The way to get a scholar should be to learn and be excellent, and then to be an official. Nepotism is the way to get chaos."

Xi Zhicai's expression was agitated. When he was young, he was unrecognized for his talent, but he was full of talent but had no chance to show what he had learned. The imperial examination system introduced by Guo Jia now is to give the children of the world's poor families a chance to stand out and compete with the children of the rich and powerful in terms of talent and learning. Down.

However, Xi Zhicai pondered for a while, and suddenly asked: "My lord, where did this test question come from?"

Guo Jia shrugged and said casually: "The scriptures of sages and sages, all schools of thought, study everything."

The imperial examination system also has disadvantages. The biggest disadvantage is that the selected talents can only take exams and cannot do practical things. Guo Jia can't solve this problem, and this disadvantage still exists after more than 1000 years.

But he can prevent scholars from reading dead books for exams. If only Confucian classics are tested, no one will study knowledge from other schools. Therefore, the scope of exam questions should be large and there is no fixed source. It is more practical than those who can only sing the wind and play the moon.

Hearing what Guo Jia said, Xi Zhicai had no objection. The imperial examination system was just launched, and they belonged to the pioneers. Maybe it can be perfected and improved, and it can only be handed over to future generations.

Thinking of something, Xi Zhicai suddenly said in a deep voice: "My lord, among the people who came to take the test today, besides the Guanghan Qin Mi you specially invited, there is also a special identity, his name is Zhang Song, and his elder brother Zhang Su is from Shu. The representative of the noble family of the county was beheaded at the end of last month."

Zhang Song?

Guo Jia thought about it, but he didn't have much impression of this person. At most, he went to meet Cao Cao. Cao Cao despised him, and then met Liu Bei. He was moved by Liu Bei and welcomed Liu Bei to Shu. He betrayed him and died under Liu Zhang's knife.

Consider him a strategist, and he seems to have a photographic memory, Cao Cao was so angry that he burned Meng De's new book...

"Send someone secretly to find out what's going on at Zhang Song's house. It stands to reason that I beheaded his elder brother. He doesn't hate that I was unexpected, but I came to take the exam. It's not my villainous heart, but I have to guard against it. "

As soon as Guo Jia finished speaking, Xi Zhicai stroked his beard and smiled, "I've sent someone there."

Pointing at Xi Zhi, he shook his head and laughed lightly. Guo Jia counted the time and asked, "Is it almost time?"

Xi Zhicai ran out to check the sky, and at dusk and sunset, he returned to the hall and said to Guo Jia, "Well, the unitary hour is approaching."

"Then close the paper. Bring me Qin Mi's answer paper, and paste the names of the others. By the way, when you review the paper tomorrow, you can invite Cai Gong to come. He is a great Confucian of the generation. He will definitely not refuse. Let him Let's see how talented the Yizhou scholars are."

After Guo Jia gave the order, Xi Zhicai ran out to tell the scholars to stop writing. After everything was cleaned up, the scholars left one after another, discussing the content of the exam questions on the way.

Xi Zhicai, Xu Shu, Zhen Yan, Zhen Yao, and Xiu Qi Zhiping also came to the meeting hall one after another.

Holding Qin Mi's answer sheet in his hand and nodding frequently, he handed the drama to Xu Shu after reading it, and said to Guo Jia, "My lord, Qin Mi's talent makes me feel ashamed."

Guo Jia chuckled and didn't say anything. There are many kinds of talents, such as the art of war, civil affairs, strategy, politics, business, workmanship, astronomy, geography, etc. When looking at talents, we can't compare them on a certain point.

"How did Qin Mi answer the last question? Did you scold me?" Guo Jia smiled playfully.

The last question is to express their views on current affairs.

Zhen Yao held Qin Mi's answer sheet, looked around at the crowd, and said loudly: "If there is a way in the world, the ritual and music conquests will come from the Son of Heaven; It is lost; since the doctor came out, the hope of the fifth generation will not be lost; the accompanying ministers will carry out the order of the country, and the hope of the third generation will not be lost. If there is a way in the world, the government will not belong to the doctor; if the way is in the world, the common people will not discuss it."

(End of this chapter)

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