Chapter 119 Be cautious
The examination of the first imperial examination system in Yizhou Prefecture came to an end. After Qin Mi, who was invited to participate, left the General's Mansion, he and his friend Peng Yi got into their own carriage and returned to Ye County.

Sitting swaying in the car, Qin Mi was in a daze, thinking about the exam questions and the significance of Guo Jia's actions.

Outsiders don't know that Guo Jia will use exams to select new officials in Yizhou. Many Yizhou people think that Guo Jia wants to use his talents to humiliate them, so there is an exam. As for the reason behind it, only Guo Jia and his staff We know.

But Qin Mi saw Guo Jia's intentions, and at the same time sighed softly in her heart: My lord, you finally figured out how to deal with the mess after removing the Yizhou gentry.

And this countermeasure undoubtedly cut off the way of survival of the gentry. If you want to become an official, you need someone who can take the post, and the path of filial piety and talent has been abolished.

"I thought Guo Jia's exam questions were so difficult, but that's all. Brother Zixi, you have a lot of admiration for Guo Jia. It's an exaggeration."

Qin Mi frowned slightly, and looked contemptuously at his friend Peng Yi who was sitting in front of him, and his words showed disdain for Guo Jia, making Qin Mi shake his head endlessly.

Knowing that this friend is also talented, but full of arrogance, he has a bit of contempt for everyone, but he is calm in front of himself, Qin Mi is not sure why, maybe he has preconceived admiration for being famous at a young age.

"This statement is wrong. My Lord invited Yizhou scholars to take the exam this time. He did not intend to make things difficult. He intended to select genuine scholars from among them to benefit the people of Yizhou. This is a great act of kindness."

Qin Mi called Guo Jia "my lord" without hesitation, which was actually a respect for his friends. He recognized Guo Jia as his lord, and he was aboveboard, so there was no need to hide it.

These words of admiration and protection for Guo Jia made Peng Yi put away his contempt, Jun Lang's face showed a dignified look, and he said with concern: "Brother Zixi, do you know how people in the world will treat you?"

Hearing this, Qin Mi smiled lightly, and said without changing his face: "The reputation of the world, personal honor and disgrace, are not worth it. I want to help my lord achieve a great cause and put the heart of the world at ease, and the mountains will not move."

Peng Yi was ashamed, Qin Mi's ambition made him ashamed, but he still sincerely stated the pros and cons.

"Brother Ziyan, if Guo Jia loses, you will become the laughing stock of the world, and you will not be able to protect yourself. If Guo Jia succeeds, countless survivors behind you who are devoted to the Han Dynasty will cast aside you in every possible way, and even your children and grandchildren will be implicated."

How could Qin Mi not understand this truth?He is the first son of the gentry to join Guo Jia. No matter whether more gentry children will join Guo Jia in the future, he will always be at the forefront. People loyal to the Han Dynasty will call him the same as Guo Jia. Etiquette, Qin Mi, is a disloyal, filial, benevolent and unrighteous person in the eyes of the world. Even if Guo Jia achieves the imperial career, later Confucian scholars will still criticize his behavior of Qin Mi taking the lead in turning himself into a thief at this time.

Qin Mi kept silent, her mind was clear, and there was no need to say anything, but Peng Yi thought that Qin Mi had nothing to say, so he continued to admonish her.

"Brother Ziyan, with your talents, if you leave Yizhou to join Yuan Shao or Yuan Shu, you will be famous in history. Guo Jia killed your elders, but you have joined him. It is puzzling both emotionally and rationally." Ah, Yu Gong, Guo Jia is a criminal of the imperial court, a traitor of the Han Dynasty, Yu privately, Guo Jia has a blood feud with the Qin family, if you join Guo Jia, will he use you again?"

Qin Mi didn't take it seriously, and said calmly: "For now, regardless of whether my lord should be punished by the world or not, the Qin family incited the people to rebel, and if everything succeeded and failed, countless people's families were ruined. The crime of the Qin family is not my lord, but the Common people, my main net only punishes the leader and forgives others. I don’t want to be killed again. I am very grateful for my kindness, Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu? Haha, don’t people see that the Yuan family’s ambition is to unify Shandong and stand on its own? Are you a king? How is it different from my lord? People in the world were deceived by my lord and the Zhen family more than two years ago, and now they are deceived by the Yuan family again, but the Yuan family has deceived the world."

At this time, Shandong refers to the area east of Xiaoshan and Hangu Pass, which is similar to the Kanto of the Kanto princes.

Peng Yi was shocked. After Qin Mi mentioned it, it seemed that many insoluble puzzles had been answered.

Why the Kwantung Allied Forces were so powerful but failed to wipe out Dong Zhuo in the end, why the Kwantung Allied Forces died down after Dong Zhuo moved the capital, and only Sun Jian was still fighting fiercely with Dong Zhuo's generals in the Sili area.

Ambition is the generation of wolves with ambition, so how is it different from Guo Jia?Even Liu Yan, the patriarch of the Han Dynasty, who was named Zhou Mu after he entered Yizhou, actually usurped and became the emperor of the land. Would the Yuan family of four generations and three princes really spare no effort to support the Han Dynasty?

Sighing silently, Peng Yan asked Qin Mi worriedly: "Brother Zixi, will Guo Jia reuse you? And you, can you really let go of your family feud with Guo Jia?"

Qin Mi chuckled, as if talking to herself: "Remember people's goodness, forget people's faults, my lord has treated me with affection, the world is falling apart, and the world is in trouble. If loyalty and filial piety cannot be fulfilled, I will I can only be loyal to my lord and not be filial to the Qin family."

After a while, Peng Yi bowed to Qin Mi with a respectful face, and remained silent.

Qin Mi's words shocked Peng Yi. Qin Mi's ambition was to assist Guo Jiakuang to help the world, and he had already disregarded personal honor and family self-interest.

Lifting the narrow curtains of the carriage, Qin Mi looked at the sky, the snowflakes like goose feathers were slowly falling, and the earth was already a vast expanse of silvery white.

The first snow of the year.

But the cold winter of Yizhou gentry has not really come yet.

Guo Jia, who was in the General's Mansion in Chengdu, did not participate in reviewing the answers of the scholars. There were still many things to deal with at hand, so Xi Zhicai and the others were completely responsible for reviewing the papers.

"Guo Jia, Guo Jia, come out for this old man."

Cai Yong's angry voice came from outside the hall, Guo Jia, who was sitting at the desk working, looked up, Xiao Ren approached, and said, "My lord, Cai Gong is about to barge in before I report, Xiao Yi is blocking with him."

Rubbing his temples, Guo Jia waved his hand and said, "Please come in."

Cai Yong strode into the hall with his head held high and sullen. Guo Jia leaned over and asked helplessly, holding one side of his cheek, "Mr. Cai, what's the matter here?"

Cai Yong snorted coldly and asked, "Guo Jia, you invited Yizhou scholars to come to test their talents and studies, do you plan to select talents from them for your use?"

In this exam, Cai Yong guessed Guo Jia's intentions after he got the news, but he didn't object at that time, but now he has the aura of asking questions, which makes Guo Jia puzzled.

Guo Jia said frankly: "That's true. Although it is the way for the Han Dynasty to select talents from filial piety and honesty, I can't trust the talents recommended by counties and counties. Most of them have no name. Do I want to sit back and watch them occupy their positions without seeking their own government?" Is it? Leaving aside the rights and wrongs of my capture of Yizhou, the people have to live, right? Does Mr. Cai want me to poison the people?"

The promotion of filial piety and integrity has long been a cancer of the rule. As far as the facts are concerned, Cai Yong is not blindly loyal to the Han Dynasty. Wrong is wrong. Policies that are harmful to the people should be abolished, and he is obviously not here today to question Guo Jia for introducing the imperial examination system.

"Then the old man asks you, do you dare to use those with outstanding talents? Regardless of background, status, or previous events."

Guo Jia nodded and said: "As long as I really want to benefit the people and stabilize the people, why would I dare not use it? If you have other intentions, use power for personal gain, or even plot evil, then it's a different matter."

Cai Yong's expression changed, and he said angrily: "Then why did the old man and your subordinates review the test papers together, and among the outstanding talents listed, Xi Zhicai put Zhang Song's answer paper aside temporarily? Isn't this an obvious way to suppress Yizhou talents? taxi?"

Zhang Song again?

Guo Jia really didn't expect Zhang Song to stand out. He didn't think it was Cai Yong secretly colluding with the Yizhou gentry. After all, except for Qin Mi's answer sheet, everyone else's answer sheet had their names mixed up. There will be cases of favoritism and fraud, not to mention cross-grading. If Zhang Song has no talent, Cai Yong will praise him to the sky, will Xu Shu and others, who have read Zhang Song's answer sheet, also applaud him?
As for Xi Zhi suppressing Zhang Song's paper, it probably has something to do with Zhang Song's identity.

Zhang Song was born in Zhang's family, a wealthy family in central Shu. Not long ago, Zhang Su responded to Xu He's rebellion and was beheaded by Guo Jia. Now Zhang Song came to take the exam. Xi Zhicai was right to be cautious.

Different from Qin Mi, Guo Jia and Qin Mi have been in contact occasionally for several months, but they have no plan with Zhang Song. Whether Zhang Song really wants to impress Guo Jia with his talent or has other plans, no one can tell .

"Mr. Cai, be safe and don't be impatient. I have heard a little about Zhang Song. Zhicai put him aside not out of the desire to suppress Yizhou's talents. Otherwise, why would I bother to issue an order to Yizhou to seek talents? "

Hearing Guo Jia's words, Cai Yong also calmed down, and felt that Guo Jia's words were reasonable, so he sat down and waited for Guo Jia's explanation.

Guo Jia then said calmly: "Mr. Cai, Zhang Song has an elder brother named Zhang Su. Xu He rebelled a few days ago, and Zhang Su led the nobles of Shu County to respond. After the rebellion was suppressed, Zhang Su was executed by my order. How about , Zhang Song, shouldn't I guard against him? Since he has outstanding talent, if I want to use him, I will definitely not be a petty official. What should we do now? There is a saying that you may not like to hear, but I still want to say that at this moment, without me, Guo Jia, Yizhou will fall into unprecedented turmoil. Jingzhou is a lesson from the past, and I, Guo Jia If he dies, no one can stabilize the situation in Yizhou, and the chaos in Yizhou is ten times that of Jingzhou in the past."

This is the truth. Apart from Guo Jia, there is no other person in Yizhou who can stabilize the situation. If Guo Jia dies today, the gentry and nobles will attack tomorrow. A small warlord.

Generals such as Xu Chu Dianwei had good personal relationships, but the relationship between their colleagues and their ministers was very different. It would be good for them not to fight themselves. Whoever wants others to obey is wishful thinking.

The stability of Jingzhou is due to Liu Biao, but it is even more difficult for the world to find the second Liu Biao, who is one of the Eight Great Horses in the world and is also the second Liu Biao of the Han clan.

Guo Jia was walking on thin ice in Yizhou, and he had to be cautious at every step. If he had an adult heir who could entrust his funeral, he might be more courageous, but now, caution is necessary.

(End of this chapter)

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