The Three Kingdoms: The Cold Gate World

Chapter 121 A Secret Letter

Chapter 121 Two Secret Letters
Half a month after marrying Zhen Jiang, Guo Jia held a simple wedding to marry Cai Yan, formally bringing the mother and son into the General's residence. In name, Zhen Jiang's position as the main wife was.

This winter is simply worse for the Yizhou gentry. When the Taiping Army general led the army to escort the new officials to take office, it was equivalent to cutting off the foundation of the gentry. The previous Xuhe rebellion had already caused the Yizhou gentry to suffer heavy losses.

It is true that those who were unwilling to instigate the prominent families and the people to rebel, but to no avail, Guo Jia had already made preparations, and the armies from all walks of life in Yizhou attacked later, and moved quickly to extinguish the rebellion.

Repeated attacks on the Yizhou gentry, together with bringing disaster to the noble and wealthy families, Guo Jia actually has other intentions. He wants to stabilize the situation before the arrival of spring and end the chaos. Those who want to cause chaos, it is best to pass in winter Jumped out before, so that he could catch him all.

The newly appointed officials firstly put the displaced people through the harsh winter, and then began to set things right. Under Guo Jia's instruction, there was even a faint tendency to attack the rich. To punish them, in addition to giving the people a piece of blue sky, what is more important is to confiscate their land.

But Guo Jia will not cause trouble for nothing. Some landlords are innocent, their sources of income are legal, and their land is also obtained through normal trading. Guo Jia does not want to wrong good people. He does not plan to carry out land reform. The method, following Xu He's rebellion, and the wealthy clan who rebelled after the new official took office, have been rectified by Guo Jia, and they are in a difficult situation. Many family properties have been confiscated, and countless lands have been confiscated.

Seeing that spring is coming, the purge in Yizhou has gradually come to an end. In more than a month, there have been more than forty rebellions in the whole territory, but they were all suppressed by Guo Jia with cruel means. If you want to say that Yizhou is now the largest Who is the rich and powerful landlord in China, it is undoubtedly Guo Jia.

Overthrowing the power of the gentry, curbing the rise of the clan, and suppressing the powerful and bully, Guo Jia has reaped a lot. He has countless fertile fields and confiscated farming tools. The only thing he lacks is labor.

Therefore, he needs to implement garrisoning, encourage production, and save food and grass for future war needs. Moreover, garrisoning is also a policy of benefiting and calming the people.

In the meeting hall, Guo Jia paced back and forth in the hall, listening calmly to the counselors' opinions.

When Guo Jia threw out the farmland system, Qin Mi immediately stood up and said in a serious tone: "My lord, this method can achieve multiple results in one fell swoop. The military and civilian villages can store food widely, and they can fight without abandoning farming, and farming without abandoning defense. A soldier who has no family is not stable, and a man who has a family is exhausted by the army. He uses his family to secure his family, go out to fight, and return to rest. The army makes the soldiers engaged in farming, and they are happy to be with the people. Rest in peace. The people outside are also willing to submit to the lord for use. Guarding the borders and farming, the soldiers and the people work together. The enemy's situation is unpredictable. Therefore, the lord's promotion of farming is not only feasible, but must be done."

Most of the generals are ignorant, but they also understand that most of the soldiers serve as breadwinners, and it is unrealistic to count on food and pay. Now the lord not only wants the people to farm, but also implements military settlements. For the soldiers, There are also benefits.

The counselors nodded frequently, Qin Mi's words were reasonable, and they all agreed.

Walking in front of Zhang Song, Guo Jia asked calmly, "When will the household registration of each county be reported?"

For Zhang Song, who has a photographic memory, Guo Jia doesn't care how resourceful he is. In terms of internal affairs, he should get twice the result with half the effort compared to others.

Zhang Song, who was slightly ugly, replied calmly: "Five counties have submitted their household registration, and the rest of the counties, at the latest, should be half a month later."

The fundamental reason why Guo Jia wants to suppress local tyrants is not that they seek the riches of the people, but that they hold most of the land and privately store farmers. When a new official takes office, one of the important tasks is to count household registrations. Those who dare to privately store farmers will be severely punished. As a joke, if one day Guo Jia surrendered to a certain hero, he would hand over Yizhou's household registration book to show the people's submission. Therefore, it is very important to re-count the population.

What are you fighting for?Fight generals?Liu Bei has been bumpy for half his life, isn't the combination of Guan Zhang and Zhao enough to sweep the world?Fight for a strategist?With fierce generals like clouds and counselors like rain, Yuan Shao should have ruled the world long ago.How many troops are there?The size of the army depends on the population base, and the combat power of the army depends on the level of equipment, the combination of arms, the strength of soldiers, and so on.

If Yizhou only had a population of 100 million, it would be impossible for Guo Jia to have an army of [-], because it is impossible for nine people to support one soldier without counting the elderly, weak, sick and disabled.

However, local tyrants and tyrants privately hide farmers, and the beneficiaries are private individuals, not Guo Jia. Therefore, Guo Jia wants to re-count the population, on the one hand to save the oppressed people, and on the other hand to reduce the loss of the public.

"What was the original land tax in Yizhou? How much is it in other states?"

Guo Jia asked Zhang Song another question.

Zhang Song replied without hesitation: "There are different government orders in Yizhou. When Liu Yan was in office, the land tax was the lowest at [-]% and the highest at [-]%. The same is true in other states."

Coupled with local exploitation, the burden on the shoulders of the people is unimaginably heavy. Hard work can only earn [-]-[-]% of the income in a year, and luck is only [-]-[-]%. It is indeed difficult to face it with a relaxed mood.

"Develop a comprehensive policy on the farming system as soon as possible, issue it to the counties, and recruit people to farm. Those who have cattle and farm tools will be provided by the government, and those who do not have farm tools will be provided by the government. Taxes will never be raised, and in case of natural disasters, they will be reduced or exempted as appropriate."

This is Guo Jia's policy of benefiting the people. To win the hearts of the people, it is not to pretend to be in front of the people to ask for their health. The real benefit is the fundamental, so that they will always remember Guo Jia's kindness to them.

People who have no land and no farm tools are supported by the government, and they only need to hand over [-]% of their income for a year of work. In the past, they were oppressed and exploited, and I don't know how many times they got better, but this can also mobilize their enthusiasm.

The refugees who were affected by the war and left their homes will also settle down in Yizhou. Over time, the population of Yizhou will gradually increase, which is also the only way to become prosperous.

As for the situation that the fields are not enough to cultivate in the future, Guo Jia will also introduce an incentive policy to reclaim new fields.

Guo Jia, who was standing by the door with his hands behind his back, turned his back to everyone, and continued: "In addition, notices are posted everywhere to recruit skilled craftsmen. Elders with a skill can apply for service, improve bows, farm tools, etc., and create more powerful weapons. Weapons, in terms of building equipment that is beneficial to farming, professionals are still needed to do it."

There are specializations in the art field. Guo Jia thinks that he has little talent and learning, and others may not be able to cover everything. In some fields, it is more appropriate to leave it to professionals to study. He only needs to play a leading role in the general direction.

For scholars, farmers, businessmen, the former two have already had countermeasures, and businessmen should not act too hastily. The road must be taken step by step. , If you want everything to be done in one step, I am afraid that you will end up with nothing but a bamboo basket.

Guo Jia, who sat back on the main seat, relaxed and asked with a smile: "What are Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu doing recently?"

Tang Wenwu looked at each other in blank dismay, wondering why the lord suddenly cared about these two people.

"Yuan Shaomou captured Han Fu's Jizhou, and Yuan Shu still stationed troops in Nanyang. Sun Jian's troops under his command had occasional confrontations with Li Jue and Guo Si around Luoyang, but there was no major battle."

After Xi Zhi finished speaking, he walked back to his original position.

Guo Jia lost his mind for a moment, and then said: "Li Jue and Guo Si should have sent troops to plunder the Sizhou area. Sun Jian wants to fight, and there will not be many troops. Yuan Shu must be very anxious in Nanyang, and he can't wait for Sun Jian to return to his command immediately. Qin Mi .”

Qin Mi went out to wait for Guo Jia's orders.

"Help me write two secret letters to Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu. The tone of the letter should be humble. The first letter is to Yuan Shao, saying that the emperor is in the hands of Dong Zhuo, just like a puppet. The world cannot be without a master. If Yuan Shao can elect a new emperor , I will definitely support and support in Yizhou. If Yuan Shao can rule Shandong in the future, I will definitely join him when he goes south. The second letter is to Yuan Shu. In the letter, I must first clarify that I have forgotten the old grievances with him in Luoyang. Enmity is nothing more than a private matter. Now that the world is in chaos, public affairs come first. The Yuan family is the fourth generation and third son. Yuan Shu is the son of the eldest son. Tell him that I support him in Yizhou to carry the Yuan family banner. As long as he captures Jingzhou, I will definitely serve him. By the way Help him unify the south, and at that time, send troops to the north to clarify Yunei."

After Guo Jia finished speaking with a smile, the counselors all smiled knowingly, while among the generals, Xu Chu Dianwei had a gloomy expression.

Immediately, Xu Chu stepped forward and said in a low voice, "My lord, I won't give my life to others. Why should my lord serve others? Are you afraid that they won't succeed?"

Guo Jia laughed, got up, waved his hands and walked towards the inner hall.

Xu Chu, who did not get an answer from Guo Jia, was at a loss. After Guo Jia left, he and Dian Wei looked at each other, and saw the counselors leaving with smiles on their faces. The two of them blocked Xi Zhi outside the door, one left and one right Just, I have to ask clearly.

"Military Master, what does your lord mean? Could it be that Yuan Shu took down Jingzhou, and we went to serve him?" Dian Wei was also touching his bright head at the moment, with a troubled expression on his face.

They have a deadly feud with the Yuan family!
Xi Zhicai sighed helplessly, and said, "Zhongkang, it's evil, these two secret letters from the lord are for the two brothers of the Yuan family to dig graves, do you believe that the lord will serve others?"

The two shook their heads in unison, Xi Zhicai asked back: "Then why are you so anxious?"

Xu Chu curled his lips and said, "My lord's words are not clear. They are all lies. Hey, I won't worry about these things in the future. You all understand in your heart, and I and E are the only ones to worry about."

Shaking his head and saying nothing, Xi Zhicai looked at Xu Chu and Dian Wei's leaving back, sighed innocently, and then thought of the two secret letters Guo Jia asked Qin Mi to write, and showed a playful smile again.

Yuan Shao, do you dare to set up a new emperor at the risk of discord in the world?

Yuan Shu, are you stupid enough to actually fight Liu Biao?

(End of this chapter)

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