Chapter 122
It was more than a month after Yuan Shao received the secret letter from Guo Jia, and when he finished reading Guo Jia's secret letter, he started to shoot the case.

Because it was a secret letter, the only person present was Xu You, whom he had known since childhood. Seeing Yuan Shao's actions, Xu You thought he was angry, and asked tentatively, "My lord, is it that Guo Jia's words are rude?"

Yuan Shao shook his head slowly with his eyes closed, and said, "Heroes see the same thing!"

why?Because Guo Jia not only expressed his intention to serve, but also persuaded Yuan Shao to establish a new emperor, and Yuan Shao had this intention and wanted to support Liu Yu as the new emperor.

As for whether Guo Jia's vote was true or not, Yuan Shao didn't speculate too much. For him, [-]% of the gentry in the world now have their hearts towards him, and the other [-]%, of which [-]% are towards Yuan Shu.

Having just been promoted from the prefect of Bohai to Jizhou Mu, Yuan Shao is now a military commander like a cloud and a counselor like a rain.

Advisers such as Shen Pei, Guo Tu, Feng Ji, Xu You, Ju Shou, Tian Feng, Xin Ping, etc., generals such as Zhang Jai, Gao Lan, Yan Liang, Wen Chou, Chun Yuqiong, Ju Yi, etc., plus the support of the noble families in the north, Yuan Shao What else is missing?
It is the territory. Although Han Fu was "scared to death" and seized Jizhou just now, he still wants to unify the north of the Yellow River. The first to bear the brunt is the white horse general Gongsun Zan of Youzhou. Liu Yu and Yuan Shao share the same spirit, so Yuan Shao wants to establish Liu Yu became the new emperor, and then stood at the political commanding heights to suppress his arch-rival Gongsun Zan, and then commanded the heroes. This idea has been lingering in his mind for several days. Now, a secret letter from Guo Jia made him love Guo Jia immediately. , As for the damage to the face of the Cai Mansion back then, how could it be a big deal?

After much deliberation, Yuan Shao decided to facilitate this matter, and Yuan Shao ordered Xu You: "For the matter of supporting Liu Yu as the new emperor, go and find out what Cao Aman and Yuan Gonglu say."

Cao Cao was his ally. Although Yuan Shu only had Nanyang and Runan counties, he had to consider his opinion. In the eyes of the world, Yuan Shu was at least the official successor of the Yuan family.

Xu You was ordered to handle this matter, but Cao Cao's reply was that he opposed establishing a new one, and Yuan Shu also pretended to be confused, saying that he only opposed Dong Zhuo and not Liu Xie.

Without the support of these two people, plus Liu Yu's words, "If you force me to be emperor, I will go outside the Great Wall."

Yuan Shao had no choice but to give up, feeling a lot of emotion at Guo Jia's secret letter in vain.

And Yuan Shu's thoughts flew wild after receiving Guo Jia's secret letter. Now he is anxious like an ant on a hot pot every day.

Nowadays, people with lofty ideals in the world want to serve the Ming Lord. The first choice is the Yuan family of the fourth generation and three princes, and then Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu choose one. Supported by most of the gentry in Yangzhou, the two brothers of the Yuan family, one from the south and the other from the north, almost represent the gentry in the world.

As for Cao Cao, he is still only the prefect of the Eastern Commandery, and his soldiers and horses are all supported by his brothers, but gold will always shine. Later, people gradually came to serve Cao Cao, even Xun Yu, who had been observing Yuan Shao for a while, It was also after hesitating for a long time that he decided to serve Cao Cao.

Yuan Shu is impatient to expand his territories. Self-strengthening is fundamental. The most important thing is that the Yangzhou gentry have been flirting with him for a long time, but if he does not win Jingzhou or Yuzhou, he can only worry in Nanyang. Sun Jian is his subordinate in name. However, Sun Jian is actually more like a guest general. Yuan Shu can’t command the generals under Sun Jian’s command, nor does he keep Sun Jian’s family members by his side. Knowing what was wrong with him, while helping the people rebuild their homes in Luoyang, he pretended to fight Dong Zhuo to the end.

Guo Jia's secret letter made Yuan Shu eager to capture Jingzhou, but Liu Biao was so powerful that he might lose even Nanyang if he fought hard at this time. Therefore, Yuan Shu wanted to take Yuzhou first, then Yangzhou one after another, and then formed an alliance with Jingzhou. They were double-teaming, but if Sun Jian didn't come back, Yuan Shu wouldn't be able to swallow Yuzhou either. If Liu Biao took advantage of the fire to cut off his retreat and couldn't take Yuzhou, Yuan Shu would be homeless.

Yuan Shu, who was frowning every day, racked his brains and couldn't figure out how to recall Sun Jian. The people he sent couldn't make Sun Jian change his mind despite their hard work. Yuan Shu also had no choice but to tell Sun Jian directly: the life of the emperor, the survival of the Han Dynasty, no princes care anymore!

It's strange to say that when Yuan Shu was at a loss, Yuan Shao managed to solve his urgent needs.

The leader of the feudal lords, the leader of the world's gentry, Yuan Shao is so powerful that he has even begun to "inherit the system (roughly meaning to appoint for the emperor)" to appoint local officials. To appoint officials to the court of Chang'an, and Yuan Shao and other princes who need to appoint new officials will respectfully submit to the court of Chang'an. As for whether Dong Zhuo agrees or whether the emperor agrees, they don't care. After submitting the list, The court agreed by default.

Sun Jian finally returned to Nanyang from Luoyang. The reason was not that Yuan Shu named him the governor of Yuzhou, but that Yuan Shao also named him a governor of Yuzhou!
Not all the gentry in Yangzhou supported Yuan Shu, and some supported Yuan Shao, such as the Zhou family in Kuaiji County.

Yuan Shao was in Longwangshu, and wanted to send people to Yuzhou first, so he appointed Zhou Ang, the Zhou family in Kuaiji County, as the governor of Yuzhou.

After hearing the news, Sun Jian immediately sent his army back to the south. After arriving in Nanyang County, he challenged Yuan Shu to fight. He said that he was going to Yuzhou to take office, but in fact he went to settle old grievances.

When Sun Jian was young and just became famous, he came from Wu County. Just when there was a rebellion in Kuaiji County, Sun Jian was young and vigorous, led the imperial order to enter Kuaiji County, and quelled the rebellion in one fell swoop. However, he also offended all the wealthy people in Kuaiji County. Among them, the three brothers Zhou Ang led the way. Among them, the Zhou family was the representative who fought the most fiercely with Sun Jian. From the point of view of the powerful families in Kuaiji County at that time, no matter whether Sun Jian was wearing a court official hat or was a native of Tongzhou in Wujun, Yangzhou, they were all "aggressors" in their eyes.

Later, Sun Jian was promoted and left Yangzhou. A great contribution was also made by the nobles in Kuaiji who secretly contributed to the flames. The enmity between the Sun family and the nobles in Kuaiji County was thus forged.

Sun Jian has done many things in his life that he will never know the consequences of.

For example, the hatred generated by offending the interests of the wealthy people in Kuaiji after entering Kuaiji County to quell the chaos when he was young has continued to his children and grandchildren.

For another example, when he was the prefect of Changsha in Jingzhou, Sun Jian crossed the border to hunt for thieves and even went to Lujiang County in Yangzhou, so he got acquainted with the Zhou family, a rich family in Lujiang, and his son also formed a brotherhood with a young man from the Zhou family.

Zhou Ang wanted to be the governor of Yuzhou, but Sun Jian definitely refused to agree. According to the sequence, Yuan Shu made Sun Jian the governor of Yuzhou first, and Yuan Shao knew this, but he still wanted to make Zhou Ang the governor of Yuzhou. The hostility in it was obvious.

Yuan Shu, who was already full of resentment towards Yuan Shao in his heart, openly broke with Yuan Shao, writing to Gongsun Zan and even expressly stating that Yuan Shao was not from the Yuan family.

This battle for the governor of Yuzhou also involved Gongsun Zan. Gongsun Zan and Liu Yu, the shepherd of Youzhou, had very different disagreements. The origin of the conflict was their attitudes towards foreigners. opposite.

Liu Yu wanted to rescue the Son of Heaven, so he sent soldiers to support Yuan Shu. Gongsun Zan made a hindrance, and sent his younger brother Gongsun Yue to accompany him. When he arrived at Yuan Shu, he asked Yuan Shu to kill Liu Yu's generals and swallow the soldiers Liu Yu sent , Liu Yu and Gongsun Zan officially turned their faces.

The most incredible thing is that Yuan Shu sent Sun Jian to fight Zhou Ang, the governor of Yuzhou appointed by Yuan Shao, and Gongsun Yue also went and died in battle!

Gongsun Zan put the blame on Yuan Shao, so he had an excuse to start a war with Yuan Shao.

The result of this battle for Yuzhou was naturally Yuan Shu's victory. After taking most of Yuzhou's counties, Yuan Shu was no less inferior to any prince in terms of territory. He owned Nanyang to the north of Jingzhou, most of Yuzhou, and most of Yangzhou.

For a while, Yuan Shuyin had the momentum to sweep the Central Plains. He was going to rest for half a year, and then take Jingzhou in one go and dominate the south.

This battle in Yuzhou made the chaotic situation of the Central Plains princes' melee a little clearer.

The reason why Gongsun Zan blamed Yuan Shao for the death of his younger brother Gongsun Yue was that Gongsun Zan needed an excuse to start a war with Yuan Shao. Yuan Shao took over Jizhou Mu, so Gongsun Zan's power in the eastern part of Jizhou became passive. With the initiative, the struggle between Gongsun Zan and Yuan Shao in the north of the Yellow River has become a situation that cannot accommodate two tigers.

Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu also tore off the hypocritical friendship mask, one south and one north, although the territory is not connected and there is no direct confrontation, but the two formed political hostility.

Liu Biao, who had always been jealous of Yuan Shu, knew that Yuan Shu would plot Jingzhou sooner or later, so he echoed Yuan Shao in Jingzhou and opposed Yuan Shu.

Cao Cao, who was the prefect of Dongjun in Yanzhou, naturally advanced and retreated with Yuan Shao. Even the prefect of Dongjun was appointed by Yuan Shao, and Cao Cao, who was only the prefect of one county, had no more choices.

Tao Qian of Xuzhou only wanted to keep one acre of land in Xuzhou, but his generals gradually restrained themselves in Xuzhou, but they repeatedly ran out of Xuzhou and plundered at the border of Yanzhou and Yuzhou, offending Yanzhou nobles and nobles. Tao Qian joined the The opposing side of the Yanzhou forces is the side of Gongsun Zan and Yuan Shu.

After a brief period of peace, the Kwantung princes took the lead in breaking the alliance agreement with Yuan Shao capturing Han Fu's Jizhou, and then entered the stage of melee. At the end of the battle for Yuzhou, Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu turned against each other, forming two distinct factions.

One faction of warlords is headed by Yuan Shao, and its allies include Cao Cao, Liu Biao, and Liu Yu.

The other faction is headed by Yuan Shugong and Sun Zan, with Tao Qian, Sun Jian and others as allies.

Among them, the confrontation north of the Yellow River is the main battlefield for the two parties to compete. Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan, the winner will rule Hebei.

The situation in the Central Plains is not clear. The main battlefield is between Yuan Shu and Liu Biao. If Yuan Shu wins, he will have a chance to unify Jingzhou and Yangzhou. people know.

(End of this chapter)

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