The Three Kingdoms: The Cold Gate World

Chapter 127 Mutual Computation

Chapter 127 Mutual Computation
Yuan Shu and Guo Jia formed a deadly feud in Luoyang, and they pursued the root cause, neither for public nor private. The enmity between the two is unimaginable in the eyes of outsiders.

There is no doubt that Yuan Shu and Guo Jia are indeed enemies, so Yuan Shu sent envoys here, and Yuan Yin, as Yuan Shu's younger brother, showed his importance, and secondly, Yuan Yin was the representative to turn the enemy into a friend with Guo Jia.

Talking about business affairs should naturally be in a formal occasion, but before doing business, one must first resolve personal grievances, so Yuan Yin invited Guo Jia into the carriage.

Regarding Guo Jia's situation, Yuan Yin and Yang Hong already had a preconceived impression. On the surface, they looked sympathetic, but in their hearts they gloated. Yuan Shu wanted Guo Jia to be cannon fodder so that it would be easier for him to attack Jingzhou. , commanding Jingzhou, Yangzhou, Yuzhou, and neighboring Yizhou Guo Jia will inevitably be in a tit-for-tat position. Guo Jia surrenders, Yuan Shu sits on half of the country, Guo Jia fights, and Yizhou may not be able to stop the power of Yuan Shu's three states.

"General, my lord sent me here. There is one matter that needs to be clarified face to face. The misunderstanding between my lord and the general in Luoyang was caused by Yuan Shao. Dangerous situation, this matter has always been a pain in the heart of my lord, the general is a hero in the world, my lord is too busy with official duties to come to plead guilty to the general, and I am specially ordered to apologize to the general."

Yuan Yin saluted solemnly, with an expression of apology hidden in the respect, and Yang Hong also took advantage of the opportunity to bow down, adding a bit of sincerity to Yuan Yin's act of apologizing.

Guo Jia had expected that Yuan Shu would send envoys to attack Liu Biao if he joined forces with him to attack Liu Biao, at least the past suspicions would be cleared up, but he did not expect that Yuan Yin, who was a child of the Yuan family, would come with such a big gift.

After all, one should not underestimate Yuan Shu. Even if Yuan Shu, Liu Yan, Tao Qian and other characters are idiots, they are also idiots of the level of heroes. If they really dismiss them, they will definitely suffer a big loss.

Now that Yuan Shu is powerful, he can still send Yuan Yin to make amends to Guo Jia. Although the purpose is to deceive Guo Jia, it is not a decision that ordinary people can easily make.

Smiling and helping them up, Guo Jia said: "Don't blame the past. Back then, I saw no one in Luoyang. I was to blame for my own death. I can't blame others. When the world was in chaos, Dong Zhuo stole Longting, and Yuan Taishou cared about the common people. On the surface, the princes of the road were devoted to helping the Han, but they all led their troops back. Only Sun Wentai, under Yuan Taishou, led his troops to fight Dong Zhuo for a long time. , Chiayi will not refuse."

False and false, true and false, Guo Jia’s words were all snorted in the hearts of the three people. If Guo Jia really had a heart for the Han Dynasty, he would not let Dong Zhuo go in Xiaoshan. In a hurry, Sun Jian was recalled to take Yuzhou.

Anyway, the specific situation is tacitly understood by everyone. After the scene is finished, the old grudges should be resolved. The three of the parents can't talk about trivial matters together, and there is nothing to reminisce about the past, but both parties have common enemies.

Guo Jia refused to accept Dong Zhuo's offer of peace, and Yuan Shu refused to negotiate peace with Dong Zhuo. In order to prevent the atmosphere from being dull and the scene deserted, the three began to scold Dong Zhuo impassionedly...

The mighty team headed towards Chengdu, Yuan Yin's team was in front, Xu Shu, Qin Mi, Dian Wei and others led a team of [-] to follow.

Dian Wei has the best personal relationship with Xu Chu on weekdays, and they often chat and drink in their spare time. Xu Chu is a person who can't hide his thoughts, and he tells Dian Wei everything. Dian Wei is open-minded in his heart. He likes to confide that, like Xu Chu, he is not easy to ask Guo Jia, but Xi Zhicai and Xu Shu often answer their questions.

"Military Master, Dong Zhuo sent an envoy, my lord ordered people to beat them with sticks, and Yuan Shu sent an envoy, why did my lord greet you with such a big ceremony?"

Dian Wei rode his horse to Xu Shu's side, but he couldn't hold back his voice, and the counselors around him also heard his question.

Anyway, they were far away from the carriage in front, and they were not afraid of being overheard by Yuan Shu's soldiers in front of them. Xu Shu laughed and said, "If you are a little loyal, you will be a thief of great loyalty."

Dian Wei looked displeased, and said, "Military Master, can you understand what you said?"

Xu Shu explained with a smile: "Dong Zhuo is a national traitor, and Yuan Shu is one of the princes of the Xingyi Army. If the Lord is loyal to Dong Zhuo, even though he is submitting to the Han Dynasty on the surface, he has lost the righteousness of the world. At this moment, righteousness is in front of Yuan Shu and other princes." Therefore, although Dong Zhuo and Yuan Shu are both enemies of the lord, they should be treated differently."

"Is it worth two hundred miles to meet him? Yuan Shu is also worthy? Even if Yuan Shu takes Jingzhou, is the lord afraid that he will not be able to defeat Yuan Shu?" Dian Wei was very annoyed, and gritted his teeth when he thought of Yuan Shu.

Xu Shu smiled and said nothing, and turned his eyes to Qin Mi who was beside him. Seeing him looking at him, Qin Mi looked playful, and said helplessly, "Being out of the way, being rude to the princes, is the end of life. The lord is two hundred miles away. What you want to show to the princes of the world is not to please Yuan Shu. If you don’t know what you can do internally, but rely on the princes outside, it will be a disaster to destroy the country. The power of Yizhou will be used to fight Liu Biao and Yuan Shu. The lord can win, but the lord can’t stop the princes from all over the world. Attack, so show weakness, let go of the guards of the princes, and give the lord enough time to recuperate and strengthen himself."

After what Qin Mi said, Dian Wei suddenly realized, but he asked again: "My lord said before that Yuan Shu sent envoys to send troops to attack Liu Biao. Now that my lord greets Yuan Shu's envoy with a generous gift, do you intend to agree to Yuan Shu?"

This time, Dian Wei looked at Qin Mi over Xu Shu. Dian Wei had a good impression of this new adviser whom Guo Jia valued. As for Qin Mi's friend Peng Yi, Dian Wei hated him from the bottom of his heart. .

Qin Mi smiled and said: "General Dian, brother Yuan Zhi just said that Yuan Shu and other princes are righteous, but if Yuan Shu wants to attack Liu Biao, who is Liu Biao? The clan of the Han Dynasty and the current eight horses, the lord attacked Jingzhou last year At that time, Liu Biao did not publicly withdraw Jingzhou, but now, everyone in the world already knows that Liu Biao is a legitimate Jingzhou shepherd. Yuan Shu's attack on Liu Biao is contrary to righteousness. If you want to cause chaos, and even point the spearhead at the clan of the Han family, how can the lord join forces with Yuan Shu?"

Dian Wei, who had been in conflict all the time, dispelled doubts in his heart. He wanted to go to war, but he didn't want to have anything to do with Yuan Shu. Hearing Qin Mi's explanation, he felt relieved at the same time. .

It wasn't until evening that Guo Jia greeted Yuan Yin and Yang Hong's team and returned to Chengdu. After entering Chengdu, the generals and advisers dismounted and walked on foot. After Xiao Yi led the guards to take over, Dian Wei led his soldiers back to Chengdu the barracks.

Yuan Yin who raised the curtain from time to time to watch the streets of Chengdu shook his head slightly. The streets were sluggish, with few passers-by, and there was no trace of prosperity at all.

In fact, this has a lot to do with the rebellion last year. Many wealthy families in Chengdu were purged after the rebellion. Today's Yizhou is indeed not prosperous, and everything is in the process of reconstruction.

Instead of letting Yuan Yin and Yang Hong stay in the post house, Guo Jia took them directly to the General's Mansion, where there are many guest rooms in the mansion for them to stay.

Looking at the majestic Grand General's Mansion on the stairs, both Yuan Yin and Yang Hong were a little shocked, the contrast was too great!Along the way, Yizhou was extremely poor, and Guo Jia dressed poorly, but he did not expect to find such a luxurious mansion.

"Before, this was Liu Yan's state shepherd's mansion." After Guo Jia said this, the two of them understood everything.

Guo Jia can live in such a good house, it seems that it is thanks to Liu Yan's blessing.

It was getting late, and we had to wait until tomorrow to discuss the business, so Guo Jia hosted a banquet in the mansion to entertain the envoys from afar.

When the servants led the way to the guest room in the mansion, Yuan Yin and Yang Hong remained silent, with mixed feelings in their hearts.

Guo Jia's hospitality was simple tea and light meals. The two followed Yuan Shu in Nanyang to eat delicious food and spicy food. They didn't expect Guo Jia to serve them with delicious food and wine, but they didn't expect the food to be eaten at a dinner party. Jia Hui was civil and military, and even Guo Jia ate with relish, he really got used to this hard life!
The furnishings in the General's Mansion are also extremely simple, in the eyes of Yuan Yin and Yang Hong, it really ruined a luxurious and beautiful house.

The two kept thinking about their own problems, and let the guards in Guo Jia's mansion lead them to the guest room. After they stopped in front of the door, when the guards were about to leave, the two of them withdrew their thoughts, and Yuan Yin held down the guards , frowning and asked: "Why don't the lights be lit in the mansion?"

Yang Hong hadn't noticed yet, but after listening to Yuan Yin's question, he looked around and found that there was really no light in the huge general's mansion, only the dim light of the moon could be used to see things. It would be great if there was an assassin here natural environment!

The guard handed Yuan Yin the lamp that was used to guide the way as if he had suddenly realized it, and said, "This is the general's order, everything should be frugal."

Candles are considered luxury items, so Yuan Yin and Yang Hong didn't ask. I heard that Guo Jia had issued a ban on alcohol in Yizhou, and businesses were not allowed to make alcohol, in order to save food.

It really hurts to be so poor.

They don't know that one day, Yuan Shu will be even poorer than Guo Jia pretending to be poor.

Yuan Yin and Yang Hong pushed open the door, the furnishings in the room were simple, although the bedding on the bed looked unattractive, but it was spotless and clean, the two of them didn't mind these minor details.

The two sleeping together were separated by half a meter, and Yuan Yin, who couldn't sleep under the quilt, suddenly asked, "Guo Jia's miserable situation is bleak, would he be willing to send troops to attack Liu Biao?"

Yang Hong also couldn't sleep, and said: "He is short of food in Yizhou, my lord can use the food and grass for profit, and lure him to send troops."

Yuan Yin said not optimistically: "But if Guo Jia really captured Jingzhou, wouldn't it be a tiger?"

Yang Hong disagreed with this, and scoffed at Guo Jia's remarks that Liu Biao could be brought down.

"Guo Jia was the strongest when he sent troops to Jingzhou last year. Afterwards, he not only lost troops in Jingzhou, but also beheaded his generals, and some generals rebelled against the gentry and nobles. When he was the strongest, he failed to capture Jingzhou. Now It is even more impossible to conquer Jingzhou."

(End of this chapter)

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