Chapter 128 Windfall
Yuan Shu was ready to attack Jingzhou after he had reorganized his territories. Before that, he sent Yuan Yin and Yang Hong to Yizhou to encourage Guo Jia to take the lead.

After a night's rest, Guo Jia knelt on the chair of the General's Mansion in the early morning of the next day, still dressed in ordinary clothes, but in the eyes of guests Yuan Yin and Yang Hong, it was still a bit shabby, and the clothes of civil and military officials in Yizhou were also ordinary and unpretentious. People's bright and beautiful brocade robes are ostentatious.

When Yang Hong threw out the proposal that Guo Jia should send troops to Jingzhou, Guo Jia looked troubled and hesitantly asked Yuan Yin, "Here, Liu Biao is always a relative of the Han family. If I If you attack Jingzhou, you will be condemned by the people of the world, isn't it right?"

This crappy lie is too hypocritical, Yuan Yin sneered in his heart: You were merciless when you killed Liu Yanman's family, but now you are respecting the Han Dynasty.

However, Yuan Yin did not deny Guo Jia's scruples about Liu Biao's identity. At one time and another, Guo Jia's attack on Liu Yan had no place to stand. After conquering Yizhou, he had a territory. Jia also wanted to get rid of his identity as a traitor, so it was understandable that he secretly surrendered to Yuan Shu. At this moment, Guo Jia naturally wanted to worry about his reputation.

"General, Liu Biao is a family member of the Han family. It is true, but when the first emperor was in power, he was accused of forming a chaotic party for self-interest, and his Jingzhou shepherd, although he was appointed by the imperial court in name, can be The imperial edict must have come from the traitor Dong Zhuo. Liu Biao served Dong Zhuo, and he had long forgotten the ancestors of the Han Dynasty. On the surface, he took Jingzhou to be justified, but in fact he was the minion of the traitor Dong Zhuo. If the general sent troops to attack Liu Biao It’s an act of wholeheartedly helping the Han.”

Guo Jia was dumbfounded, and many people in the lobby also showed expressions of surprise just like Guo Jia.

Is there such a reversal of right and wrong?Liu Biao led Jingzhou Mu and became Dong Zhuo's party. If Liu Biao resisted and disrespected, could he be a loyal minister of the Han Dynasty?

Guo Jia didn't want to talk too much about the right and wrong of attacking Jingzhou. He would just stick to his own opinion when he was talking nonsense about it. Would you like to send my army to Jingzhou?"

Zhen Yan doesn't have much talent in resourcefulness, but she is conscientious in internal affairs, and can handle everything properly, not showing off, low-key but very pragmatic.

"My lord, this..." Zhen Yan's gentle face was full of hesitation, and he secretly glanced at Yuan Yin and Yang Hong who were kneeling opposite him, as if he had some scruples.

Guo Jia urged: "There is no need to hide it, but tell the truth. How much grain is there in Yizhou?"

As the saying goes, family ugliness should not be publicized, especially in front of the envoys of the princes, Zhen Yan's concerns are not incomprehensible, so as not to make people laugh.

"My lord, the grain storage in Yizhou is very tight. It's a blessing to barely survive until the autumn harvest. If the lord is going to lead an army to go out, the food and grass may not be fully supplied. If there is a change in the middle, the consequences will be disastrous."

After Zhen Yan finished speaking, she lowered her head, not looking at Guo Jia's embarrassing expression.

The lord forced me to say it, and I did it myself.

Coughing a few times in embarrassment, Guo Jia forcefully squeezed out a smile and said to Yuan Yin and Yang Hong: "It's not that Jia doesn't want to help Yuan Taishou, but it's still difficult for Jia to be self-sufficient now. Military supplies and food are related to the life and death of the army, so we really can't do it rashly." .”

I wanted to use this reason to send the two away, but I didn't expect Yang Hong to stand up and bow his hands to Guo Jia and said seriously: "General, let alone the matter of food and grass, if the general sends troops to attack Liu Biao, how many troops can he mobilize?"

The expressions of the people in the hall changed slightly. Xu Shu, Qin Mi and the others all thought of the profound meaning in Yang Hong's words. They couldn't believe it, and at the same time cast surprised glances at Guo Jia.

Can this pretend to be poor in exchange for benefits?

Guo Jia didn't look at other people's expressions, he lowered his head and muttered to himself: "Zhang Liao in Hanzhong has 6 troops, we can divide them into [-] troops, Jinfan Army's [-] troops, plus Zhou Tai's [-], it should be no problem to mobilize [-] troops. Zhang Liao left [-] soldiers and horses in the state, four thousand were trapped in the camp, Xu Chu Dianwei had a total of [-], Zhang Yan, and Zhang Baiqi had a total of [-]. Eighty thousand stayed behind, and eighty thousand went out to fight, um, almost."

After making the calculations, Guo Jia raised his head and said to the calm Yang Hong, "Eighty thousand soldiers and horses."

This number surprised both Yang Hong and Yuan Yin, and their expressions changed slightly. They didn't know how many troops Guo Jia had in Yizhou. Yizhou was not stable enough to mobilize 12 soldiers and horses, so he had to stay behind with [-] to [-] troops. In this way, Guo Jia had at least [-] troops, which was beyond their expectations.

Yang Hong's expression changed, happiness and sorrow were unpredictable, and things seemed to be out of his calculation.

I thought Guo Jia would mobilize [-] troops at most. Liu Biao led [-] troops in Jingzhou, and [-] fought against [-]. It is expected that if Guo Jia really defeats Liu Biao, captures the city, and increases troops from Yizhou, it may be self-defeating and let Guo Jia swallow Jingzhou.

Looking at Guo Jia who was on the throne, Yang Hong couldn't see any clues from Guo Jia's calm expression, and he couldn't figure out whether Guo Jia had the ambition to swallow Jingzhou, so he asked tentatively: "General, my lord Together with the General to attack Jingzhou, if Liu Biao is defeated, who does the General think Jingzhou should be in charge of?"

Hearing the words, Guo Jia immediately understood the intention of Yang Hong's question. He couldn't show righteousness and say that the Chang'an court should send another envoy. .

After making a thoughtful silence for a moment, Guo Jia said in an almost rhetorical tone: "If Liu Biao dies, Jingzhou cannot be left without an owner. Prefect Yuan is the prefect of Nanyang County in Jingzhou. It would be the best thing for him to take Jingzhou. .”

When they said this, the expressions of Yuan Yin and Yang Hong were not relaxed, but rather gloomy.

Ming people don't say dark words, Guo Jiahui is really stupid enough to charge into the battle and let Yuan Shu take all the spoils after the battle?Even if Guo Jia knelt down and swore, the two would never believe it!
Just when the two decided that Guo Jia had other motives, Guo Jia changed his voice.

"However, the land of Yizhou is difficult to support the hundreds of thousands of soldiers under my command. If the two can really send troops to capture Jingzhou, how about handing over the three counties of Jianping, Wuling and Lingling, which are adjacent to the east of Badong County, to me? "

Guo Jia of Yidu County didn't dare to ask for it, because Yidu County was too close to Xiangyang, so if he asked for it, he would threaten Xiangyang a bit.

Hearing what Guo Jia said, Yuan Yin and Yang Hong were relieved. Guo Jia couldn't do it for nothing, but he still knew what was good and bad, and the request was not too much.

If Guo Jia patted his chest and said nothing, only sent troops to destroy Liu Biao for the sake of the Han Dynasty, and then retreated back to Yizhou after the battle, Yuan Yin and Yang Hong would definitely pat their butts and leave immediately, because that is definitely a fake talk.

Now, everything is reasonable, holding up the banner of righteousness and sending troops, trying to expand the territory and strengthen ourselves.

Yang Hong smiled lightly and said, "If Jingzhou can really be captured, the three counties will be handed over to the generals, and the people will surely live and work in peace and contentment."

Guo Jia asked inexplicably: "Didn't you say it earlier, Jia is not unwilling to send troops, but really powerless."

After Yang Hong looked around at the solemn-looking people in the hall, he cupped his hands to Guo Jia and said, "General, as long as you are willing to send troops, my lord will subsidize you with 50 shi of grain and grass for military supplies."

Not to mention the advisers below, Guo Jia was also taken aback.

Is Yuan Shu crazy?So generous to this extent?
But then I thought again, 50 shi sounds like a lot, but one shi is less than [-] catties, and the [-] army will be consumed at a fast rate of more than a month, and a slow rate of two to three months, but it is actually not much.

It's just that Guo Jia thinks Yuan Shu is too generous, right?At the worst time for Yuan Shu in history, the troops in Huainan could only eat the bark of wild vegetables, and even eat people...

But that is the future after all, now Yuan Shu is full of vigor and high spirits, he has just won most of Yuzhou and Yangzhou, and has enough soldiers and food, so he is really generous when he makes a move.

"Really? 50 shi is indeed a lot, but if the battle between Liu Biao and I becomes a stalemate and the food is exhausted, I can only retreat."

Guo Jia is really climbing up the ladder, and wants to make more money. Anyway, Yuan Shu is very rich now. If he doesn't rob the rich and help the poor, he is really sorry for himself.

Yang Hong secretly praised Guo Jia for his careful thought and thoughtfulness, and said with a smile: "If the situation at that time is really as the general said, my lord will send food and grass to support the general."

send again?no way.

Guo Jia was amused when he heard the words, and said happily, "It couldn't be better."

After the official business was settled, Yuan Yin and Yang Hong left in a hurry. Guo Jia went out of the city to see them off in person, and even waved his hands as he watched them leave.

In the carriage on the return journey, Yuan Yin couldn't help asking: "My lord said that he can give Guo Jia a maximum of 80 shi of grain and grass. Why did he only say 50 shi?"

Yang Hong was confident, as if everything was under control, and said with a mysterious smile: "As long as Liu Biao is undefeated in a short period of time, Guo Jia will definitely retreat when his food and grass are exhausted. , the lord can not only take Jingzhou, but even, if Guo Jia suffers serious losses, the lord can also take Yizhou after a short rest."

Yuan Yin frowned, he could understand the capture of Jingzhou, but to capture Yizhou again, with Yuan Shu's strength, it was absolutely impossible.

Yang Hong reassured him: "Think about how many noble families in Yizhou opposed Guo Jia. The lord is the son of the Yuan family who is the fourth generation and third prince. Those who support the lord."

At this moment, Yuan Yin suddenly realized, and his brows stretched out, revealing a smile.

The two envoys happily set off on their way home. After Guo Jia watched their team disappear into the distance, he also walked towards Chengdu with a relaxed and joyful mood.

"Oh my god, I didn't expect there to be unexpected gains..."

Guo Jia hummed a song and walked back, Xi Zhicai came to his side, and said with a smile, "My lord, is it true that you don't move?"

After a pause, Guo Jia slightly raised his face and thought for a moment, then turned his head and said to Xi Zhicai: "After receiving the food and grass from Yuan Shu, let Zhou Tai deploy suspicious soldiers in Badong County and Jingzhou Jianping County to scare Liu Biao That's fine, if Yuan Shu came to urge the troops to be dispatched, he said that we would only follow him to move troops, and that he would move first before we would move."

(End of this chapter)

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