Chapter 169

It has been a day since Ma Teng and Han Sui dispatched their troops, and Guo Jia received reports from the front of the horse every day at the camp in the city, ready to fight at any time.

Guo Ye, who got up early every morning, ran around the barracks for several laps, striding horses, doing push-ups, sit-ups, leapfrog and other exercises. These are what Guo Jia would do when he was free in the mansion. Learning like this is also included in the daily exercise plan.

After punching well, Guo Ye came to the side of the school field, took the handkerchief Jia Xu handed over, thanked him, and sat beside Jia Xu wiping his sweat.

"Huh, huh, sir, you said that people in the world pursue fame and fortune. Li Jue and Guo Si are rebels. Whoever can defeat them will be a great hero. Why doesn't my father want this fame?"

Jia Xu said indifferently: "Fame is divided into false name and real name. Li Jue and Guo Si's execution is certainly a credit, but this credit depends on who it is for. The emperor has a name but no real name. Difficult, ask him for credit, hehe. My son, a foolish person will fight for a false name, and will never die. Your father is a smart man, so he doesn't want a false name. , or leave it to others."

Because Guo Ye was still young, Jia Xu didn't say too much. Guo Jia didn't kill Li Jue and Guo Si himself, but let Ma Teng and Han Sui go instead. There were too many mysteries in it.

Guo Jia wants the land of the three assistants, and he has already got it, so why bother to lose troops and generals?
Even if Li Jue and Guo Si are remnants and defeated generals, after the surprise attack by Yinling Flying Cavalry, they must be cautious on the way back to Chang'an. Ma Teng and Han Sui thought that the two thieves were an army that would collapse without fighting, but there was only one way left Will Li Jue and Guo Si, who can leave, just sit and wait?

Guo Jia sent troops in the name of fighting traitors and thieves for the Han Dynasty. After destroying Li Jue and Guo Si, did he ignore the emperor?Let Ma Teng and Han Sui take the credit, push them to the position of heroes, and let them deal with the emperor.

Ambitious people among the princes of the Kanto, who do you hate the most now?They hated whoever wiped out Li Jue and Guo Si, and Guo Jia absolutely couldn't leave it alone, but some of this hatred should be shared with Ma Teng and Han Sui.

Ma Teng and Han Sui came from a long way with his army, and he was going to fight against the bandits again. After making meritorious service, he would go east. Is there any guarantee for the supply of food and grass?The longer they stayed in Guanzhong, the worse it would be for them, and they might ask Guo Jia for alms in the future.

Waiting for too many factors to be included in Guo Jia's seemingly simple and even disadvantageous actions.

In war, one cannot just look at the gains and losses in front of the eyes, one has to look far and see accurately, and not everyone has the ability to control the situation.

"Your envoy, you have made a wonderful move. Seeing that the situation in Guanzhong is about to end in a thunderous manner, you never expected that after this step, the whole situation will be full of murderous threats, and the flames of war will rise again. However, how will the envoy treat the emperor? ?”

Jia Xu had to admit that at first he only thought that Guo Jia wanted to take Ma Teng and Han Sui to consume them, deter them, and deal with them with some superficial alienation schemes, but now, Jia Xu found out that he was wrong. In fact, the strategic focus has been shifted to Liangzhou, laying the groundwork for the victory of Xiliang.

Li Jue and Guo Si, who returned from Sizhou's disastrous defeat, did not expect that there was a problem in their rear, so Gan Ning easily robbed the camp at night.

But Li Jue and Guo Si, who had only one way left to fight back, had already been sounded the alarm. On the way back to Chang'an, scouts were constantly sent to inquire about the news. They didn't realize it at all, but they had no way out, they could only return to Chang'an.

Ma Teng came from the south and Han Sui came from the east, attacking Li Jue and Guo Si from both sides. He thought that the surprise attack would succeed, but he stumbled. Li Jue and Guo Si, who had been prepared for a long time, saw their old opponents, set up a formation, and fought on the road stand up.

The unexpected tactic failed. Although Ma Teng Han Sui had the advantage, Li Jue and Guo Si fought and retreated, but it also cost Ma Teng Han Sui a lot of money.

Li Jue and Guo Si, who were originally only a day away from Chang'an, fought inextricably with Ma Teng and Han Sui, and it took two days to retreat to the border of Chang'an.

The weather was fine and clear, the sun was shining brightly, but the ground was full of killing sounds and a scene of scuffle.

Li Jue and Guo Si, who rode on horseback and led the cavalry to flee to Chang'an, suddenly found a long line of refusal guns on the road not far from Chang'an. In the direction of the army waiting for work at ease, each other had thoughts of despair.

Isn't the army in the direction of Chang'an exactly Guo Jia's Taiping Army?

Now that even Guo Jia has come, Li Jue and Guo Si know that the situation is over!
Ma Chao, who led the Xiliang iron cavalry in pursuit all the way, took the lead, holding a golden spear with a tiger head in his hand, with a ferocious face, calling for the cavalry under his command to charge faster.

Ma Chao's heavily armored cavalry from Xiliang held long spears and threw them away when the enemy came into range, unstoppable.

Gritting his teeth, Han Sui also led his army to charge, chasing Li Jue and Guo Si from behind. This time, he lost [-] soldiers and Ma Teng lost [-] soldiers. They are all incomparable Xiliang iron cavalry!
Li Jue and Guo Si fled all the way with less than [-] troops left, but they were never captured and killed by Han Sui and Ma Teng, which made Han Sui very angry.

There were pursuers behind and powerful enemies in front. Li Jue and Guo Si were greedy for life and fear of death, so they got off their horses and discarded their weapons and ran to the front to reject the carbine. They both knelt down and kowtowed for surrender.

As soon as the two of them took the lead, the thousands of soldiers who followed them followed suit. They ran to reject the carbine, knelt behind Li Jue and Guo Si, and begged for surrender.

Han Suimateng's Xiliang iron cavalry caught up from behind, and seeing Li Jue and Guo Si surrendering to Guo Jia's army with the remnants, he was dizzy with anger, and the evil fire was flying wildly, as if there was a bad air in his chest that could not be vented.

After rejecting the carbine, there were [-] archers led by Zhang Liao and [-] infantry led by Xu Chu Dianwei. Guo Jia was quite surprised to be riding on the horse.

Gazing at the leading generals of the Xiliang iron cavalry, Guo Jia really wanted to ask them: Could it be that if I told you to attack from the east and the south, you would really not divide the troops to force Li Jue and Guo Si to attack? Weishui?
Why bother sending the two of them to me again?
Removing the horse guns, Guo Jia led the army forward, and the archers took the lead. Xu Chu led the army to hand over the weapons and armor of the surrenderers first, and then waited for Guo Jia to send them down.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, spare your life, we are willing to surrender, and we will serve you loyally from now on."

Li Jue and Guo Si cried bitterly and begged Guo Jia to surrender, and kowtowed to Guo Jia in fear.

Riding his horse to come to them, Guo Jia carefully looked at Li Jue and Guo Si, they had no special appearance, they were just ordinary rough men.

Guo Jia was able to sit in Yizhou Mu, thanks to the blessings of the two people in front of him. Without them leading the army to attack Chang'an and killing Wang Yun's family to control the court, Guo Jia would not have become a Hanchen in a legitimate way.

The two parties have never met, but they have dealt with each other a lot.

They even blackmailed Guo Jia.

These are all small things, another occasion, Guo Jia just laughed it off.

But now, not only the soldiers of the Taiping Army behind him are watching Guo Jia, but even Ma Teng and Han Sui are slowly riding towards this side.

Li Jue and Guo Si, can you forgive me?

Can their soldiers be recruited to surrender?


Because what they have done in the past is unacceptable, and there must be a bottom line for recruiting and accepting traitors. If the heinous people can make meritorious deeds and atone for their sins, can everyone who is full of crimes escape sanctions by joining the army?
There are countless people who hate Li Jue and Guo Si, and there are countless people who hate their soldiers. No matter whether they start from righteousness or people's hearts, they will die!
"Your Majesty, for the sake of our past friendship, please spare our lives, and we will never complain." Guo Si buried his face in the grass with his face covered in dirt.


Guo Jia was amused in his heart, but his face was indifferent.

"Wang Yun has rejected your begging for surrender. Today, I also refuse."

After finishing speaking, Guo Jia turned around and went back, and at the same time gave Zhang Liao an order.

"Kill them all, put the heads of Li Jue and Guo Si in a box for me, and give them to the emperor."

Li Jue, Guo Si and other thousands of soldiers who begged for surrender turned pale with fright. When they were still trying to survive, arrows rained down like locusts.

puff puff puff...

Those who stood up and wanted to resist fell down one after another, and those who fell down and trembled were also unable to escape from the sword of Xu Chu's soldiers.

Blood flowed like rivers, and corpses were all over the ground.

Han Suimateng led the army to join Guo Jia, the two looked heavy and felt a little uncomfortable.

They worked hard, but the credit for killing Li Jue and Guo Si fell to Guo Jia.

The two heads were put into a square box, and after Guo Jia took them from Zhang Liao, he came to Ma Teng, without looking at Han Sui, and said, "The credit is due to the two generals, or when you personally met the emperor. Give it to the Son of Heaven."

Although Guo Jia said there were two generals, but Ma Teng gave the box and didn't even look at Han Sui.

Ma Teng's eyes showed gratitude, and after a few words of refusal, he accepted the big gift from Guo Jia with satisfaction, and turned around to hand the box to Ma Chao.

"Two generals, why don't we set off tomorrow and go to meet the emperor together. The two thieves have already been killed, so we can send the emperor a good news."

Guo Jia's gentle proposal got Ma Teng's response, and Han Sui saw that the matter had come to this point, no matter it was credit or hard work, he should go to see the emperor to ask for a reward.

Regarding the question of how many troops to bring to see the emperor, after Han Sui lost [-] soldiers and horses, only [-] were left, and Ma Teng only had [-] left. Jia persuaded Ma Teng that it would be better to bring both soldiers and horses. After all, there is still Zhang Ji who has not been executed. Be careful when sailing for thousands of years. Guo Jia himself is planning to lead [-] troops, and Ma Teng finally decides to bring all the soldiers. Ma went to see the emperor together.

Guo Jia generously took over the task of cleaning the battlefield.

When Guo Jia held a celebration banquet for Ma Teng and Han Sui in Chang'an camp, Fazheng brought the clothes of Li Jue and Guo Si who died in battle to Gan Ning's camp.

All the Yinling Flying Cavalry changed into the uniforms of Li Jue and Guo Si's soldiers, and quietly left Chang'an in the dark, heading east.

Guo Jia, who had been sending scout cavalry to inquire about the situation in the east, had already received the news that Zuo Xianwang had led his army into Guanzhong before he killed Li Jue and Guo Si.

(End of this chapter)

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