Chapter 170
After entering Chang'an, the Taiping army took possession of some supplies left by Li Jue and Guo Si in Chang'an. There were many luxury goods, countless gold, silver and jewels, but more practical food and grass were not much.

Being generous to others has always been something Guo Jia likes to do. He distributed some gold, silver and jewelry to Ma Teng and Han Sui, and took out drinks to add some atmosphere to the celebration banquet.

Toasts were staggered, cups were pushed and changed, laughter continued at the celebration banquet, and the generals who were drunk and delirious frequently toasted, and you came and I called each other brothers.

After the banquet was over, Guo Jia had a good drinker, socialized calmly, and left with reason. In the dark night, he came to the camp where Guo Ye lived.

"Jin is the reason for Zheng Fu, and he wants to cultivate Wu, and he will unite the princes. The envoy told Yu Qi: "The widow's envoy, because the age is not easy, and the unforeseen is not easy, the widow is willing to meet with one or two brothers , in order to seek discord, please come to the king and make him beg for an alliance. "The Marquis of Qi wants not to allow it, but it is difficult to not agree, so he is allied with him outside..."

From inside the tent, Jia Xu was reciting Zuo Zhuan in a light tone. Guo Jia stopped to listen without disturbing him, and couldn't help showing a faint smile.

After a while, Jia Xu's voice gradually lowered and then disappeared.

Jia Xu, who walked out of the tent, found Guo Jia by accident, and after saluting, he asked, "Isn't your envoy hosting a banquet to celebrate your victory?"

Waving his hand, Guo Jia invited Jia Xu to take a walk in the camp together.

"Tomorrow, I will lead the army to the east, and I have a few words to say to my husband. I have already told Dian Wei that my husband and Ye'er will be fine under the protection of the tiger guards."

Hearing that Guo Jia arranged for him and Guo Ye so solemnly, Jia Xu frowned slightly.

As if he had guessed the reason, he asked back: "If you are going east on this trip, isn't it possible that you have an audience with the Son of Heaven?"

Guo Jia wanted to exterminate the Xiongnu who dared to go south. Jia Xu didn't know about this decision, but he guessed at this moment that Guo Jia hadn't put down the war, and there must be a big war, but he couldn't guess who the target was.

If you want to beat Ma Teng and Han Sui, why go out of the city?It is easy to bury Ma Teng and Han Sui in Chang'an, but Guo Jia will fall into an unjust situation.

What do you rely on to recruit talents?Family background is not enough, strength is not enough, benevolence and righteousness must be added.

Guo Jia saw Jia Xu's care and teaching for Guo Ye, and he could confide in Jia Xu, because to get the service of a genius like Jia Xu, one must first be open and honest.

"To be honest, after King Zuoxian of the Huns went to Bei and led his army to help the emperor repel Li Jue and Guo Si, he has recently led his army to advance to Guanzhong. He has more than [-] troops, and he is not satisfied with burning, killing and looting in the east. If you want to sweep Guanzhong, you will stop."

Guo Jia only spoke half of what he said, and did not officially state that he wanted to fight the Southern Huns, but the meaning was already obvious.

Jia Xu thought further, and asked tentatively, "Does Shijun even want to plot against Ma Teng and Han Sui?"

Looking at Jia Xu in surprise, Guo Jia chuckled and said, "Wen He, if you are not much different in age from me, I will become a brother with a different surname."

The strategy for dealing with Ma Teng and Han Sui is a question that Guo Jia has been thinking about constantly.

If this step is wrong, it will affect the overall situation.

"Emissary, Ma Teng and Han Sui must still be alive, even if they are dying, as long as they return to Liangzhou alive, it will be beneficial to the envoy." Jia Xu's expression suddenly became serious.

If Guo Jia really had the heart to kill Ma Teng and Han Sui, he would not only cut off his own arms, but would also bring about catastrophe.

Of course, Guo Jia has a plan in his mind. If he wants to kill Ma Teng and Han Sui, he must borrow a knife to kill someone. Qubei is a knife delivered to his door.

Morally, Guo Jia can push the blame completely, but morality is often based on facts, not process.

Therefore, the point is not how Ma Teng and Han Sui died, but the life and death of Ma Teng and Han Sui.

If they really died in Guanzhong, there will always be people in the world who will see through that Guo Jia set up a scheme behind the scenes.

"Sir, I have also thought about Ma Teng and Han Sui's death. It would be easy for me to annex Liangzhou, but now, I can't take Liangzhou, and I can't let them die. Therefore, I can only suppress them and weaken them."

Guo Jia walked forward with his hands behind his back. Under the moonlight, Guo Jia was tepid and showed no signs of killing.

Jia Xu breathed a sigh of relief. Guo Jia's ability to make this decision showed that he was always controlling the situation from the perspective of the overall situation.

Guo Jia, who has already won the land of Sanfu, will take Guanzhong into his pocket sooner or later. From the ground, he is on par with Yuan Shao. If Ma Teng and Han Sui die, the princes of the world will expect Guo Jia to take advantage of the emptiness and fight against him. State, then Guo Jia sits on half of the country, will the princes still turn a blind eye?

With Guo Jia's current strength, being able to defend Guanzhong and Yizhou is the limit, and if he expands to Liangzhou, if the princes of the Guandong come to form an alliance again, he will be hit by a thunderbolt.

The Kwantung Princes' Association Suanzao did not do their best to attack Dong Zhuo. It was because Dong Zhuo had ambitions but no strength. He had soldiers and generals, but he did not have enough territories to raise troops. As time went on and consumption was delayed, Dong Zhuo's defeat would be a matter of time.

But Guo Jia is different. If Guo Jia wins Guanzhong and then captures Liangzhou, Guo Jia will not lack anything. What he lacks is the time needed for the second round of recuperation. , competing in the Central Plains, who can stop the Guandong princes?

There are countless talented people in the world, and there are many heroes. Will they sit back and watch Guo Jia become stronger?I am afraid that as soon as Guo Jia took Liangzhou, the Kwantung princes immediately reconciled, and Guo Jia was wiped out from the north and the south in the first place.

The sudden emergence of Guo Jia has disrupted the trajectory of history, so he can't take chances, and the pace of expansion must focus on the overall situation.

Han Suimateng can't die, but it doesn't mean Guo Jia can't weaken them, Liangzhou can't be taken immediately, and it doesn't mean Guo Jia can't prepare for taking Liangzhou.

"Qubei is always the emperor who invited King Qin, so that if the king meets him in battle, he may be criticized."

Jia Xu reminded me.

Such a reminder had already been raised by other counselors in front of Guo Jia.

Guo Jia stopped and said with a casual smile, "I don't want to recite some names, but I am willing to recite some names."

Laughing and talking all the way in the barracks, Guo Jia and Jia Xu talked freely until late at night before returning to their tents to rest.

After dawn the next day, the three armies set off and headed east.

Because Guo Jia gave Han Sui and Ma Teng the credit for destroying Li Jue and Guo Si, he let the two lead the army to lead the way, and Guo Jia led the army to the rear to show that he had no intention of competing with them for credit.

Han Sui and Ma Teng didn't feel that there was anything wrong with this. They led the army together, Xiliang iron cavalry followed them to lead, and the infantry followed behind, and then back, it was Guo Jia's [-] infantry.

Guo Jia's 1 infantry brought Xu Chu and Dian Wei [-], Zhang Liao's [-] archers and [-] crossbowmen.

When this mighty army was heading east, there was also an army marching west in front of them.

King Zuo Xian of the Southern Huns went to Beibei and led his two nephews Yu Fuluo and Hu Chuquan to lead the army to enter the Sanfu land. After leaving Tongguan, he sent various teams to plunder the surrounding counties, but they got very little. They didn't expect that The land of Sansuke will be a deserted scene.

But they did not give up, and continued to advance westward, plundering supplies and people as much as they could.

When Li Jue and Guo Si were defeated and retreated to Chang'an, they did not expect that the land of Sanfu had changed hands.

Also camped in the wild, the army in Qubei reveled wantonly, danced around the bonfire, squandered the supplies they plundered from Hedong and Hongnong, and there were even screams of soldiers crying wildly in many camps accompanied by women crying lewd smile...

King Zuoxian went to Beibei and invited two nephews into the big tent to talk. While drinking wine, he asked Yu Fuluo and Hu Chuquan for their opinions.

"Although Li Jue and Guo Si returned after being defeated, there are still many troops in Chang'an. Are we sure we can attack Chang'an?"

Yu Fuluo patted his chest and said confidently: "The two of them are just defeated generals. When we arrive at the city of Chang'an, they will definitely run away."

Hu Chuquan also agreed with Yu Fuluo's opinion, and immediately stated that he would go all the way to Chang'an and sweep Guanzhong.

"Ma Teng and Han Sui? These two are the leaders of the Liangzhou army, will they also come to Guanzhong?" Qubei was a little worried, because he was afraid that Li Jue, Guo Si and Ma Teng and Han Sui would join forces.

Hu Chuquan didn't care, gulped down a bowl of wine, and said mockingly: "The Emperor of Han said that Han Suimateng was helping him. Since we were invited by the Emperor of Han, Han Suimateng has to be polite to us." A little, otherwise, hum."

As long as Han Suimateng doesn't come to disrupt the situation, everything will be fine.

The three continued to drink in the tent.

After robbing the camp twice within half a month, Gan Ning seemed to be getting more and more used to flying around like the wind with his silver feathers.

This time, they aimed at the Xiongnu army. The combat command was exactly the same as last time, and they retreated with one blow, but the direction of retreat could not be Chang'an, but Wuguan.

The night wind was bleak, and Gan Ning led his army twenty miles away from the Xiongnu camp. This time they came from the west, planning to rush through the Xiongnu camp, killing as many as they could, and then turn south.

The singing, dancing and laughing gradually subsided, and the Huns' camp fell into silence. They were confident in their victory.

When the thunderous sound of horseshoes came, the Huns on patrol found that there was an overwhelming cavalry raid in the west, and immediately shouted loudly. The soldiers in the camp hurriedly picked up their clothes and weapons Fend off the enemy.

Their performance was much better than that of Li Jue and Guo Si at that time, but Jieying won by accident. If they didn't take precautions in advance, they would still be short of moves.

The Xiongnu soldiers who had no formation and could not form a joint force mixed together, raised their weapons and made limited resistance to the galloping silver-feathered flying cavalry.

As always, Gan Ning took the lead, driving the horses and galloping away, slashing and killing the Xiongnu soldiers with a long knife in his hand, and the silver-feathered flying cavalry was like a hungry tiger pouncing on its food, bloodthirsty and cruel.

Qu Bei kept beckoning the surrounding soldiers to resist the incoming enemy, Hu Chuquan and Yu Fuluo also got on their horses to fight the enemy, but the Yinling Flying Rider came galloping at full speed, they could only stop them, and they could only catch up with them.

But someone really wanted to chase him down. Gan Ning was tall and mighty, and he was even more eye-catching when riding a horse. He killed the enemy bravely and aggressively. Yu Fuluo guessed that Gan Ning was the leader of the enemy, so he patted his horse and chased him.

Gan Ning, who had already broken through the Huns' camp and was about to turn southwards, found that there were Huns cavalry chasing him behind him, and killed many silver-feathered flying soldiers. Looking back, under the moonlight, Yu Fuluo's hair was flying, His eyes were about to split open, and he brandished a big knife as ferociously as a beast.

With a disdainful sneer at the corner of his mouth, Gan Ning didn't stop, retracted his sword, took off the longbow on his back, put on an arrow, the bow was full like a moon, and turned back to aim at Fu Luo.

The bowstring clanked, and the arrow pierced through the air.

Gan Ning moved quickly, everything was completed in an instant.

Yu Fuluo fell off the horse in response, with an arrow stuck in his head, and he died with regret.

(End of this chapter)

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