Chapter 214
When Cao Cao and Yuan Shao joined forces in Luoyang, the [-] soldiers he brought with him were indeed elite soldiers and strong generals, and they were Cao Cao's elite divisions based in the Central Plains.

The purpose of doing this is also to paralyze Yuan Shao. Yuan Shao also hopes to consume Cao Cao's military power through the Guanzhong War. Cao Cao allows Yuan Shao to get what he wants. Whatever situation Yuan Shao wants to see, Cao Cao creates for him.

The surprise attack on Wuguan was Cao Cao's plan to get away. He predicted that Yuan Shao would not dare to lead his troops south to attack Wuguan without knowing Zhang Xiu's movements.

This consideration is not a problem at all for Cao Cao. Let alone a sneak attack, Zhang Xiu's situation is probably more worrying than Guo Jia's.

Guo Jia has Xiongguan to resist the enemy, Zhang Xiu has nothing but tens of thousands of soldiers and horses.

Zhang Xiu was also worried that Yuan Shao and Cao Cao would come to Wancheng silently.

Cao Cao had already planned to lead the army to attack Wuguan. The Xiahou brothers left Luoyang with [-] elite troops. A hundred miles to the east of Wuguan, there were already [-] miscellaneous troops recruited by Cao Cao.

It took one night for the golden cicada to escape from its shell, and the number of soldiers and horses in the hands of the Xiahou brothers did not decrease, but their combat power plummeted.

Cao Cao was the one who set up the situation behind the scenes, but it was difficult to accurately grasp the process and results of the Guanzhong War. No one could predict the consequences and accidents.

There is a good saying that the gambler's victory is not knowing when to leave the table, but staying out of the table all the time.

Ten bets and nine losses, no participants, compared to the banker, is the winner.

Cao Cao is the banker, but he is using Yuan Shao as the bet, and he doesn't want to invest a single cent of his own chips in the game.

Cao Cao didn't care about the [-] miscellaneous troops who were defeated, destroyed, and left without a piece of armor, but his elite, the capital he had accumulated through years of painstaking efforts, must not be moved.

It is true that Cao Cao has the confidence to be a hero, but he has to admit that in this game among the three, he cannot completely dominate the overall situation. Yuan Shao and Guo Jia will always make unexpected moves.

And as long as his main elite soldiers and horses don't go into the battlefield, no matter what the result is, Cao Cao will not be the one who loses troops.

Cao Cao, who was sitting on the main seat, was now in surprise. He never expected that the generals stationed at Wuguan would dare to surprise Cao Ying.

The comparison of the number of soldiers and horses shows that Cao is strong and Guo is weak, and the opponent does not defend to the death but takes the risk of attacking. If the Xiahou brothers were prepared, the possibility of Wuguan falling is very high.

Soldiers are risky, and they can win by surprise. Cao Cao thought about it, and it seems that this is also in line with Guo Jia's consistent strategy of using troops.

After contemplating for a while, Cao Cao asked Cheng Yu to untie Brother Xiahou, and then said: "Take the remaining soldiers and horses and continue back to Wuguan. This time, be more cautious. If the situation is not good, retreat as soon as possible. In order to fight, you can feint several times to test the reality of Wuguan."

The Xiahou brothers couldn't figure it out, they only had nearly [-] underdogs left, how could this few soldiers defeat Wuguan?

"My lord, apart from the original defenders at Wuguan, there are now four generals under Guo Jia's command, namely Gan, Gao, Xu, and Dian. The number of soldiers and horses may not be less than [-]."

Xia Houyuan didn't dare to directly ask Cao Cao for soldiers and horses. If they were given [-], no, even [-] elites, they would have a six-point chance of winning in conquering Wuguan.

The general's confidence comes from the army.

Bringing a mob of old, weak and remnant soldiers to fight, and having just returned from a disastrous defeat, the morale of the army is low. When the Xiahou brothers come to Wuguan again, it is like hitting a stone with an egg.

"Absurd, if Gao Shun, Xu Chu, and Dian Wei arrived at Wuguan with Gan Ning, you would already be dead! That's the opponent's trick!"

Cao Cao sneered disapprovingly.

Although he was not there, he had an insight into the reality of the enemy troops in Wuguan only by inference.

Xiahoudun and Xiahouyuan suddenly realized.

Cao Cao's words are very reasonable. If they are trapped in the camp, the tiger guards and the Jinfan army will come together, and the camp will be robbed that night, and the two brothers will definitely die without a place to die.

A military order is a military order, one hundred or one thousand are unwilling, and as a general, you have to accept it.

The Xiahou brothers originally bound themselves to plead guilty, but were praised by Cao Cao for their contribution.

When we come to Wuguan again, it may be impossible to avenge and settle our grievances. The Xiahou brothers have grown their minds this time. Regardless of whether Wuguan is false or real, they have [-] weak brigades, and they can only do it every step of the way. , can not underestimate the enemy.

After the Xiahou brothers left, Cao Cao took a sip of tea with a smile on his face, looking refreshed.

Xun You stroked his beard and asked, "My lord, why don't you ask Yuan Shao for help?"

Before, Xun You thought that Cao Cao would take this opportunity to divide Yuan Shao's troops into two groups, weakening Yuan Shao to the greatest extent.

Cao Cao closed his eyes, smiled at the corner of his mouth, and said lightly: "Yuan Benchu ​​was on guard against me, and he would not let go of his guard against me until all the soldiers and horses in Wuguan were buried. Besides, when I go to ask for help now, Yuan Benchu ​​is [-]% suspicious. , three points happy, he would think, Cao Aman has always been good at fighting, why did he lose so quickly? Could there be fraud? Hehe, as long as Miaocai and Yuan Rang lose all the [-] troops in one month, Yuan Benchu ​​will be I was overjoyed, because I lost a lot, and he must divide his troops to take Wuguan at that time, so after he conquered Guanzhong, it doesn't matter whether there is an edict from the emperor to entrust Wuguan to him. Only his soldiers and horses are stationed in Guanzhong , no one can intervene."

After all, Xun You didn't know Yuan Shao as well as Cao Cao did. Xun You agreed with Cao Cao's explanation after thinking about it.

When the news of Cao's army being robbed and defeated in Wuguan reached Yuan Shao's ears, Yuan Shao laughed again and again, and said to Jushou, Xu You and Guo Tu beside him: "A few years ago, when Cao Aman was attacking Dong Zhuo He underestimated the enemy and rushed forward, suffered a disastrous defeat in Xingyang, and almost lost his life. Today, he underestimated the enemy again. Guo Jia is not comparable to Dong Zhuo. Guo Jia, wouldn't the end be even worse? Hahaha."

Yuan Shao is actually a bit of a man, but as a leader among the princes in the world, he wants to make trouble, he wants to be sarcasm, and he also depends on the target. For example, Cao Cao, a hero who coerces the emperor to make the princes, Yuan Shao can't help but feel sorry for his fiasco. Thoughts of schadenfreude.

If Sun Ce, Han Sui, Ma Teng and others were replaced, Yuan Shao would not even have the desire to judge.

Looking at a person's strength depends on his opponent.

Yuan Shao listed Cao Cao as a hidden danger in the future, at least it shows that Cao Cao is powerful, and Yuan Shao despises the princes, so he doesn't bother to pay attention to their movements.

None of the three counselors agreed with Yuan Shao.

Xu You also knew Cao Cao when he was young. Before he defected to Yuan Shao, his relationship with Cao Cao was closer than Yuan Shao.

At that time, he and Jizhou Mu Wangfen planned to kill the king and support the new emperor, but failed. Among them, Xu You hoped to get Cao Cao's support, but was opposed by Cao Cao. If it hadn't been for this incident, maybe Xu You would have taken refuge in Cao Cao instead of Yuan Shao.

Yuan Shao always had a domineering attitude towards Cao Cao, so it was difficult for Yuan Shao to see Cao Cao's true strength.

On the contrary, Xu You looks up to Yuan Shao and Cao Cao. The young master Feiying lackey in the Luoyang imperial city, Xu You has not yet reached the level of a dude, he is a bystander and can see it more clearly than Yuan Shao.

Who is Cao Cao?He grew up playing tricks and tricks since he was a child, especially when Cao Cao hit a wall several times in his official career, and his ups and downs fell behind, so he hid his secrets even more.

Today, Cao Cao can already be called sophisticated.

Cao Jun was defeated in Wuguan, Xu You didn't really believe it.

But the military situation is no joke, if there is a slight mistake, the person who delivers the information will lose his head, so the information must be true.

Since Xu You doubted it, he could only speculate that Cao Cao was using tricks.

"My lord, no matter how much Cao Cao underestimates the enemy, this defeat is too strange."

Xu You has no real evidence, only speculation.

Yuan Shao snorted and said, "I also know that Cao Cao couldn't be defeated so quickly and so badly. Hmph, the battle report is probably exaggerated by [-]%. He just wanted to use the defeat as an excuse to withdraw his troops and preserve his strength. Guess, Cao Cao When will you come to ask me for help? Let me send troops to attack Wuguan?"

Hearing what Yuan Shao said, Ju Shou heaved a sigh of relief and felt relieved.

As long as Yuan Shao is clear-headed, things will be easy to handle.

Cao Cao wanted Yuan Shao and Guo Jia to fight to the death, which was a matter of tacit understanding.

Whether the defeat of Wuguan is true or not, anyway, as long as Cao Cao wants to withdraw his troops, Yuan Shao will definitely disagree.

If Cao Cao insisted on doing this, Yuan Shao's next move would be to negotiate a peace with Guo Jia, and then either fight Cao Cao with Guo Jia in turn, or he also withdraws.

In Wuguan, Guo Jia had already confronted Cao Cao.

Hangu Pass has not yet been fought, and Yuan Shao still has room for repentance.

Moreover, as long as Guo Jia and Cao Cao remain hostile and there is no possibility of joining forces, the cost of Yuan Shao running back and forth with the army is nothing.

"In my opinion, Cao Ah will not be able to hide it for three days, so he will come to ask the lord for help. Since the lord is confident, he will definitely not fall into the trap of Cao A."

Guo Tu sees the need and flatters Yuan Shao.

Ju Shou on the side sneered.

Words cannot be too full.

After all, Cao Cao is a hero in the world, and it is common for him to act unexpectedly.

For three days in a row, Yuan Shao did not wait to come to Cao Cao for help.

Their inference that Cao Cao would withdraw his troops because of the defeat failed.

On the contrary, Cao Cao sent the Xiahou brothers to knock on Wuguan with the remnant soldiers and defeated generals, and put on a posture of swearing to the death, as if they wanted to fight until the last soldier was wiped out.

After the battle report from Wuguan reached Zheng County, Guo Jia read the report and sighed: Yuan Benchu, when will you wake up?
Yuan Shao's knife was used by Cao Cao without anyone noticing it, and Guo Jia had no choice but to fight back.

When two tigers fight, one will be injured.

Cao Cao's wishful thinking, even before Guo Jia, guessed wrong.

He really didn't expect that Cao Cao would steal the dragon and turn the phoenix into a fierce battle in Guanzhong with 20 weak troops in exchange for Yuan Shao's [-] soldiers and Guo Jia's [-] soldiers and horses.

Cao Cao is sure to make money from this deal.

After the battle of Wuguan, the flames of Hanguguan rose again.

Zhang Jai led [-] troops.

Chunyu Qiong led an army of [-].

The two generals knocked on Hangu Pass at the same time!
(End of this chapter)

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