The Three Kingdoms: The Cold Gate World

Chapter 215 Heroes cherish each other

Chapter 215 Heroes cherish each other
Cao Jun returned after a disastrous defeat at Wuguan. Although the battle on Hanguguan has not yet started, the confrontation has already taken shape.

Twenty miles east of the Kanto, Zhang Jai and Chun Yuqiong each led their troops and stationed, one south and one north, forming a corner, and they could help each other.

Unlike Wuguan, Hangu Pass is located on a high place, but in the middle of the valley. The towering pass city guards the throat of the pass.

The defensive measures outside the customs are in place, and there are many resistances.

First, there are horse sinking pits with ravines and ravines, followed by densely packed horse-rejecting guns, and then there are peripheral walls built up. Watchtowers are set up inside and outside the Guancheng, and crossbow machines stand side by side on the towers.

It has been several days since Zhang Jai and Chun Yuqiong arrived at Hangu Pass, they only yelled and cursed before the pass, they did not order to attack the city, it seems that their shouting was just for a formality.

Before the disastrous defeat of Cao Jun in Wuguan, Zhang Jai and Chun Yuqiong were indeed only putting pressure on Hangu Pass, and had no immediate plans to attack the city.

The strategy between Yuan and Cao is to surprise Wuguan. After the fall of Wuguan, the military strength of Hanguguan will be greatly reduced, because they will go west to rescue Sansuke.

Chunyu Qiong wanted to fight, but Zhang Jai tried his best to dissuade him.

Zhang Jaw had to wait until the battle report from Wuguan before making a decision.

But he didn't expect that after waiting for a few days, Wuguan sent the news of Cao Jun's disastrous defeat, and the Xiahou brothers who were defeated with their remnants were still unable to advance in Wuguan.

Hangu Pass was guarded by Zhang Liao. Although Jia Xu took the official position of military adviser Zhonglang, he did not dictate any military deployment of Zhang Liao.

Jia Xu is like a leisurely elder, playing chess and reading books in the camp commander's tent every day, as leisurely as before.

One day, Zhang Liao came to the tent with Guo Jia's handwriting. Jia Xu still knelt and sat beside him indifferently, with the chessboard in front of him.

"The military division is really very interested."

Zhang Liao came to Jia Xu with a smile, knelt down, took the white pieces, looked at the situation of the chess game, and waited for Jia Xu to land the black pieces.

Jia Xu smiled lightly and asked, "It seems that the first battle has been won. What's your order?"

Zhang Liao's gaze was on the chessboard, and he replied softly: "My lord said that Yuan Shao will order a stormy attack on Hangu Pass next time, so I will take strict precautions and delay Yuan Shao's army for another fifty days at least."

Since Cao's army was defeated at Wuguan, Yuan Shao would definitely order to storm Hangu Pass, and if the delay continued, Yuan Shao's daily consumption would be astronomical.

Hangu Pass is located in the valley, as deep and dangerous as a letter.From Xiaoshan in the east to Tongjin in the west, it is commonly known as Hangu, known as the natural danger.The pass is located in a deep and dangerous valley, the terrain is dangerous, and only one horse-drawn carriage can pass through the narrow part.Moreover, due to the undulating hills and hills in this section of the Yellow River Basin, blocked by Zhongtiao Mountain and Xiaoshan Mountain, the bottom of the Hanguan Valley became the only east-west flat passage in the nearby area, and naturally became a military hub.

Qin used to rely on the location of Hangu Pass to resist the Allied Forces of the Six Nations.

"Zhang Jaw, Chunyu Qiong, the general thinks of these two, who is the greatest enemy in this battle?"

Jia Xu has always been tepid, no matter how resourceful and scheming he is, at his age, he can be considered to have achieved a positive result, his mood will not fluctuate greatly, even if it is an accident, it will only cause small waves at most.

Zhang Liao raised his head thoughtfully, looked at Jia Xu, and said softly, "Naturally Zhang Jaw."

In terms of status, Chunyu Qiong is higher than Zhang Jai, and Chunyu Qiong is even more important in front of Yuan Shao, but Zhang Liao only knows that Zhang Jai escaped and was reused by Han Fu when he quelled the Yellow Turban, and later Yuan Shao entered Jizhou , Change the gate.

As for Chun Yuqiong, apart from having a higher political capital, he himself has no outstanding achievements.

In terms of fighting, Zhang Jaw should be better than Chun Yuqiong.

This is Zhang Liao's opinion.

After hearing this, Jia Xu didn't comment, and said calmly: "In that case, let's get rid of Zhang Jaw, who the general regards as a great enemy."

Zhang Liao showed surprise on his face, and then he looked happy, and asked, "Does the military master have a clever plan to get rid of this person?"

Jia Xu shook her head with a smile and said, "A small plan can solve the current situation, but it cannot prevent future troubles forever."

Whether it was a solution to the urgent need or a once-and-for-all strategy, Zhang Liao felt that the more the better, he immediately asked Jia Xu humbly what to do.

Yuan Jun South Camp
Chunyuqiong received an order from Yuan Shao from Luoyang, ordering him to fight quickly and take down Hangu Pass as soon as possible.

"Go and invite General Zhang to come to my account to discuss matters."

Chunyu Qionggao sat in command, waiting for Zhang Jaw to arrive.

Came to Chunyu Qiong's tent from the camp in the north, a handsome man with Confucian style opened his jaw to meet Chunyu Qiong, and then sat down.

Chunyuqiong didn't talk nonsense, and directly handed the military order sent by Yuan Shao to Zhang Jaw.

Zhang Jai frowned while watching.

There is no need to prove that Hangu Pass is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

In the Warring States period, when the seven heroes stood side by side, the Allied Forces of the Six Nations failed to conquer Hangu Pass and destroy the Qin State. It would be impossible for him and Chun Yuqiong, with [-] troops, to conquer Hangu Pass.

However, the situation cannot be generalized. There are only [-] soldiers and horses in Guojia Pass, and only [-] can be mobilized. At best, there are only [-] soldiers and horses in Hangu Pass.

As long as Guo Jia's soldiers and horses are exhausted, Hangu Pass will naturally be taken.

Yuan Shao came with 20 troops, and Cao Cao had [-] soldiers and horses to help him. One of them had to be cannon fodder. Cao Jun was defeated at Wuguan. How much did the cannon fodder play and how much Taiping Army was consumed?one thousand?Three thousand?

Zhang Jaw didn't know about this.

All he knew was that Yuan Shao's 20 soldiers came to attack Guanzhong, and even if they were defeated, it would be a miracle that [-] soldiers remained.

"Here, what does General Chunyu plan to do?"

Zhang Jah asked Chunyu Qiong tentatively.

Chunyu Qiong smiled indifferently and said: "Tomorrow, I will order to storm Hangu Pass. I heard that Zhang Liao is in charge of Hangu Pass. Humph, no one is worth mentioning. Within ten days, our army's banner will definitely be erected in Hangu Pass." Above the Guancheng Tower."

Compared with Chun Yuqiong's resume, Zhang Liao is indeed hard to compare.

Zhang Jaw frowned, Chunyu Qiong's defiant attitude was not a good sign.

He didn't try to persuade him with reason, because it was all in vain.

Turning around silently and leaving the camp, Zhang Jaw decided to check the situation tomorrow before making any plans.

If Zhang Liao really went out to face the battle recklessly, then he would be happy to see this situation.

However, this possibility is very slim, especially after seeing Zhang Liao's defensive deployment outside Hangu Pass, it cannot be said to be perfect, but after all, there are many obstacles.

Zhang Liao, the Zhang Liao who defeated Lu Bu a few years ago.

Zhang Ja returned to the camp with a heavy heart, he was full of bitterness, he was a hero to Yuan Shao.

At least to fight Gongsun Zan, he is definitely an indispensable general.

But the position in Yuan Shao's heart is very embarrassing.

Not even Chunyu Qiong could compare.

The root cause of Yuan Shao's dislike for him was that Zhang Jai led the euphorbia army, which Yuan Shao had high hopes for, and was defeated by Gongsun Zan's Baima Yicong.

Euphorbia warriors, heavy armor and heavy soldiers, will be the best in the confrontation between infantry.

However, the euphorbia warrior with slow mobility faced the Baima Yicong who was good at string control, and was dizzy by the cavalry on the battlefield. Not to mention hurting the enemy, he couldn't even touch the opponent's clothes. Riding good at shooting, medium distance, short distance, can shoot and kill such heavy infantry.

This is the restraint of arms, and has nothing to do with the ability of the commander.

But Zhang Jai was disliked by Yuan Shao in this way, he said a hundred words to Yuan Shao, but it was not worth the words of others Guo Tu, Xu You, and Chun Yuqiong.

He was dissatisfied.

What right does Chunyu Qiong have to boss him around?
A general who indulges in excessive drinking in the army is an insult to the word general!

At that time, Chunyu Qiong and Yuan Shao were the same rank as the eighth school lieutenants of Xiyuan, and they were equal to Yuan Shaoping, and later followed Yuan Shao to Hebei to fight the world. Based on this, Yuan Shao trusted Chunyu Qiong and treated him favorably, which is justifiable.

Zhang Jaw dared not speak out because he was not qualified enough, and he didn't have the confidence to challenge Chunyu Qiong, let alone command Chunyu Qiong.

Before Zhang Jaw applied to join Han Fu's crusade against the Yellow Turbans, Chun Yuqiong was already a lieutenant of the imperial city at the foot of the emperor. Take a look at the eight captains of Xiyuan, Jian Shuo, Cao Cao, Yuan Shao, plus Chunyu Qiong and the other four are not unknown people either.

How can Zhang Jaw compare to Chun Yuqiong?

In the early morning of the next day, the whole army of Yuan Jun's northern and southern battalions was dispatched, and the soldiers knocked on Hangu Pass.

Chunyuqiong was in high spirits, rode his horse before the battle, this time he brought Yuan Shao's military order, he really wanted to fight, not build momentum.

"Boy Zhang Liao, if you are a man, go out of the city to fight, don't be a coward and make fun of yourself! Hahahaha!"

Chunyu Qiong's words were provocative, but the intention was obvious.

The defenders on the city tower stood in awe, and each crossbow was manned by soldiers, ready to kill the enemy at any time.

There have been many battles before, but Zhang Liao has never shown up on the tower, only the defenders.

This time, Chunyuqiong originally thought that Zhang Liao still didn't dare to come out, but he didn't expect Zhang Liao to show up as soon as he opened his mouth to scold.

Standing on the edge of the gate tower, Zhang Liao, who was wearing armor and looking upright, looked down at the front.

A hundred paces away from the horse trap, Chunyu Qiong was single-handedly in front of the formation, and behind him was another general, young and mighty, comparable to Zhang Liao.

"Huh? The tortoise has finally stretched its head to show its face? Haha, Zhang Liao, leave the city and surrender quickly. If you don't obey, then don't blame me for being ruthless."

Even though Chunyuqiong was looking up at Zhang Liao on the tower of Hangu Pass, he was still domineering.

Zhang Liao seemed to turn a blind eye to him, looking past Chunyu Qiong, and approached Yuan Jun's Zhang Jaw in front of the formation.

Holding hands away, Zhang Liao looked serious and spoke very calmly.

"May I ask if Brother Jun Yi is here?"

Chunyu Qiong turned to look at Zhang Jaw suspiciously.

Zhang Jaw was also puzzled, he didn't know Zhang Liao at all, why did the other party call him so respectfully?
At this moment, he couldn't figure out the other party's intention, so Zhang Jai could only pat his horse out of the battle, came to Chunyu Qiong's side, and bowed to Zhang Liao with his hands clasped in fists.

"Open your jaw, what can you learn if you don't know your feet?"

Zhang Liao on the tower looked solemn, and said to Zhang Jaw: "I have admired the name of Brother Jun Yi for a long time. Brother Jun Yi is a hero in the world, and Liao admires him very much. Although you and I have never met before, I have been friends with Jun Shen for a long time. Today you and I It is really a pity that we should meet each other with swords and soldiers."

Zhang Jaw was speechless, he hadn't reacted yet.

Did Zhang Liao really admire him?
Is this the heroic sympathy?
Chunyu Qiong on one side quit, and yelled at Zhang Liao on the tower: "Son Zhang Liao, how dare you ignore me, Chunyu Qiong?"

Zhang Liao cast a disdainful look at Chunyu Qiong, and spat out a sentence contemptuously.

"I don't know there is Chunyu Qiong in the world."

(End of this chapter)

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