Chapter 216
Although Chun Yuqiong was not a well-known person, he was by no means an unknown person.

To analyze it in a vulgar way, when Zhang Liao was still an ignorant child, Chun Yuqiong was already a captain who should not be underestimated under Liu Hong, the emperor of the Han Dynasty.

The eighth lieutenant of Xiyuan could be regarded as the new official handpicked by Emperor Ling. At that time, his status was even higher than that of the general of Huben Yulin. Yuan Shao, one of the eight captains, was secretly jealous.

Taking a ten thousand step back, Chunyu Qiong is not as famous as today's princes from all over the world, but at least he is more famous than Zhang Jaw.

Zhang Liao belittled Chunyuqiong openly, which was absolutely unacceptable for Chunyuqiong.

Especially when there are comparisons.

Zhang Liao-neng and Zhang Jai call each other brothers, saying that they have admired their great names for a long time, and meeting each other on the battlefield is a pity in life.

They ignored him, Chunyu Qiong, as if he was air, and then uttered wild words, belittling him to nothing.

Yes, only worthless philistines are not famous.

"Little Zhang Liao, I will crush you to ashes! I will make you never forget your name forever!"

Chunyuqiong was full of anger, and before Zhang Jaw could utter the words of advice, Chunyuqiong raised his hand and roared angrily, "Siege the city!"

Outside the pass, there are horse pits, horse-repelling guns, and solid barriers to stop the army. Yuan Shao has Bingzhou iron cavalry, but he can't participate in the battle to attack Hangu Pass. After all, this is in the valley, not a plain, and there is no open space. On the battlefield, the performance of cavalry is restricted everywhere.

The front troops of the charge rushed towards Hangu Pass carrying the flying bridge. They had to put the flying bridge on the horse pit first, then remove the carbine-repelling guns, and finally smashed the solid wall with a battering hammer. Behind the three lines of defense, , are the two gates of Hangu Pass.

Zhang Jaw hesitated to speak, he didn't know whether what Zhang Liao said to him was true or not, but he was sure that Zhang Liao deliberately provoked Chunyu Qiong.

Now Chunyu Qiong's expression changed, he was angry and angry.

Obviously, Zhang Liao's goal has been achieved.

Zhang Jaw wanted to persuade him, but even if he said it, it would be useless, so he simply did not ask for a wall.

The vanguard was still fifty steps away from the horse trap, and there were shouts and shouts one after another.

In war, pay attention to morale, and the one who wins first can often suppress the enemy.

Thirty steps, twenty steps, ten steps...

Standing on the Guancheng, Zhang Liao waved his hand indifferently, and archers appeared one after another on the tower facing the east, with soldiers manipulating crossbows among them. On the ten towers inside and outside the Guancheng, the archers also They all drew their bows and set up arrows, and they all bowed down and shot at the enemy army in the east.


Zhang Liao spoke out a word lightly, and the entourage beside him immediately waved the command flag.

In an instant, arrows shot out from the Hangu Pass tower and the defensive towers, flying arrows like locusts, shooting down obliquely.

Zhang Jai couldn't bear to close his eyes.

Blood, he saw a lot.

Corpse, he was numb.

But now that they are rushing to Hangu Pass, the soldiers are going to die!

Zhang Liao had a high altitude advantage, and both the archers and the crossbow machine could exert at least [-]% more power than usual.

The armies of Chunyuqiong and Zhang Jai also had archers, but the range and power of archers were difficult to cause damage to the defenders in Guancheng because of the upward shooting and the movement.

The most intuitive understanding is that the archers at Hangu Pass shoot and kill the enemy from far away, and they are well prepared, while the archers in Yuan Junli want to shoot and kill the defenders on the pass, they must run at least ten steps forward. And not counting the preparations for aiming with a bent bow and nocking an arrow, etc.

The rain of arrows covered the sky, and Yuan Jun, who went on and on, fell before the horse trap, and many of them died in the horse pit. They wanted to use the flying bridge to build a road, but they didn't make any progress, but they paid a heavy price.

"General, withdraw your troops."

Zhang Jaw couldn't bear it anymore. Soldiers continued to die on the front line, and Yuan Jun's casualties increased every minute.

The war of attrition between the two sides really needs to hurt the enemy by one thousand and self-damage by eight hundred to be effective. But now Zhang Liao only exchanged the consumption of bow and arrow equipment for at least two thousand or three thousand casualties of Yuan Jun.

War, that's not how it's fought.

If the fight continues like this, let alone Yuan Shao's army of 20 today, even if he dispatches 40 troops to Hangu Pass, he will be defeated!
"Withdrawal? How can I explain to the master about the withdrawal?"

Chunyu Qiong didn't let out a bad breath, and didn't want to give up.

Zhang Jaw really felt a heart-wrenching feeling.

Do you want to bury innocent soldiers for personal grievances?
"If the Hangu Pass is not captured and the army is exhausted, how will the general explain to the master?"

With no choice but to open his jaw, the tone of his rhetorical question was somewhat contradictory.

Chunyu Qiong turned his head and looked at Zhang Jaw, with an uncertain expression.

As long as Hangu Pass is breached, even if all the [-] soldiers and horses are lost, Yuan Shao will definitely not care. Instead, he will reward Chunyu Qiong. It is extremely difficult for Yuan Shao to give Yuan Shao a satisfactory explanation for his rise as a veteran general in Bohai.

"Withdraw! Withdraw troops and return to camp!"

Chunyu Qiong roared furiously, this situation where the attack could not go any further, and human life could not fill a bloody path, it seemed that he also felt ashamed, turned his horse's head around like stealing the bell, and ran away first.

Yuan Jun receded like a tide.

"Brother Jun Yi, please stay."

Now that Yuan Jun had withdrawn, the arrow rain at Hangu Pass stopped instantly.

But when Zhang Liao was about to retreat with his whole army, Zhang Liao called him with a loud voice.

Before that, Zhang Liao had heard of Zhang Jai's name, but he was far from admiring him. Now, he has a deeper understanding of Zhang Jai.

This is a general who is always calm and able to stand on his own!

Chunyu Qiong ran away without any sense of responsibility, but Zhang Jai arranged for the army to withdraw in an orderly manner. He personally cut off the rear and strictly prevented Zhang Liao from going out to pursue.

Zhang Jai immediately ordered the scattered army into order, looking up at Hangu Pass, he didn't know what Zhang Liao was going to do.

"Brother Junyi, please take back the corpses of your soldiers who died in battle."

After Zhang Liao finished speaking, his figure disappeared at the top of the Hangu Pass, and the archers on the tower also retreated, and the chilling atmosphere of Hangu Pass dissipated invisible.

The ancients paid attention to the safety of burying in the ground, and there is a whole body after death. Even if it is a eunuch, when he dies, he must bury the incomplete part in the coffin.

A person's death is like a lamp going out, but the bones must be preserved as much as possible. Therefore, in ancient times, the harsh words were often said to let the other party die without a whole body. This is not only to kill the other party, but also to let the other party die is not decent.

Looking at Hangu Pass, he opened his jaw with mixed feelings, and at the same time he felt a sense of respect.

Sent out a small team of soldiers to collect the corpses of the fallen soldiers, opened their jaws to clean the battlefield before leading the troops back, the defenders of Hangu Pass did not make trouble.

On the way back, Zhang Jai was full of worries and was not optimistic about the prospect of attacking Hangu Pass.

The key is not how to play, but the coach is Chun Yuqiong.

The reason why Zhang Jai agreed to attack the city today was because of his strategy and procedures.

First challenge Zhang Liao in front of the pass. If Zhang Liao dares to come out of the city to fight, the two armies will rush to fight, and Yuan Jun has a great chance of winning.

If Zhang Liao refused to go out of the city to fight, then he had to be prepared to attack the city, at least two arms should be mixed together.

The sword and shield soldiers and the archers, the sword and shield soldiers raised their shields to protect the roof to resist the rain of arrows, and the archers can fight back within the range, advance step by step, and overcome all difficulties. On the battlefield, they were slaughtered one-sidedly.


Zhang Jai felt helpless, he had his own strategy for attacking the city, but he had no way to deal with a general like Chun Yuqiong who was acting impulsively and did not follow the tactics of war.

Zhang Zhe would rather lead the army to fight alone than to be killed by Chun Yuqiong's random attack.

Chunyuqiong, who returned to Yuan Jun's southern camp, was so angry that he lost his temper in the commander's tent and began to drink to relieve his sorrow.

Zhang Liao didn't feel complacent. Chunyu Qiong and Zhang Jai's soldiers and horses were not seriously injured. This is relatively speaking. They have [-] soldiers and horses, so a loss of [-] is nothing. , if there are only [-] soldiers and horses, [-] is not a small number.

Back in the camp commander's tent, Zhang Liao told Jia Xu every detail of today's battlefield.

The calm Jia Xu put down "Zuo Zhuan". He had read this book when he was young, but now he still bears the name of Mr. Guo Ye.

"Oh? So, the general will act according to the previous plan."

After Jia Xu finished speaking, she picked up the slip of paper again and continued to read, as if she didn't care about winning or losing.

Zhang Liao bowed his hands, and then withdrew from the tent.

At Hangu Pass, Zhang Liao was the coach, but his attitude towards Jia Xu was one of respect for his elders and respect for his superiors.

It was just after You Hour, the sky was getting dark, in the barracks inside Hangu Pass, the lights were brightly lit, Zhang Liao was standing in front of the thousand-man team, behind him, there were many wine bowls on a table.

Each of the thousands of people's team looked majestic and resolute, seeing death as home.

A soldier carried a wine bowl to the front of the team, handed it out one by one, and then picked up a wine jar and filled it up for each of them.

Zhang Liao raised his wine bowl to pay respects to them, and said in a solemn voice, "Today, the battalion of dead soldiers is established! All soldiers, you are all tiger and wolf soldiers in our army. Liao hereby promises that the battalion of dead soldiers will not be killed or injured. If you fight again, Liaodu will ask the lord for a pension that will allow you and your family to enjoy life in peace, if Liao can't do it, it will be like this bowl!"

After gulping down the wine in the bowl, Zhang Liao slammed the bowl to the ground.

The crisp crackling sound echoed in the barracks.

Thousands of dead men drank the wine in the bowl in unison, and then threw the bowl to the ground together.

Zhang Liao looked at them solemnly.

"Today is the day when the Deadly Soldiers Battalion was established, and it is also the first time that the Deadly Soldiers Battalion has implemented military orders. Liao wishes you all success in the first battle, making the Deadly Soldiers Battalion famous all over the world."

To be a soldier is to lick blood at the edge of a knife, with your head pinned to your trouser waist, and a dead soldier is even more dangerous, because a dead soldier means that the combat missions they perform are usually never returned.

Zhang Liao wanted to build a strange soldier a long time ago. Since it was a strange soldier, he had to defeat the strong with the weak, and to kill the enemy, he had to kill several times.

He had been planning for a long time to establish the death camp, and it was finally put into practice today, and it was at the most critical time.

(End of this chapter)

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