Chapter 217 tit for tat
On the night when Chunyuqiong lost the first battle with Zhang Jai, just after Haishi (23:[-]), the two city gates of Hangu Pass opened quietly.

The battalion of dead soldiers left the city from one side, and Zhang Liao himself led a thousand people out of the city. They quietly bypassed the fortified wall outside the pass, removed the carbine guns, built a bridge and crossed the horse trap, and these 2000 people slowly approached Yuan Jun's camp.

When he was two miles away from Yuan Jun's camp, Zhang Liao stopped with his 1000 men, while the dead soldier camp kept walking towards Yuan Jun's southern camp.

In the handsome tent of the big camp in the south, several wine jugs were dumped messily in the tent, Chunyu Qiong was lying on the couch and sleeping soundly, reeking of alcohol all over his body, the handsome tent was simply smoky.

The startling change started at a time of tranquility, when Yuan Jun's cry for help suddenly came from the camp in the south.

"Not good! The enemy has robbed the camp!"

"Hurry up and protect the general."


The camp of dead soldiers is like a wolf like a tiger, meeting gods and gods, seeing ghosts and ghosts, causing bloody storms wherever they go.

At the same time, Zhang Liao, who was two miles away, heard the din of Yuan Jun's southern camp, and ordered to his followers: "Start."

With an order, the 1000 people led by Zhang Liao beat gongs and drums, and made a big noise towards the camp in the north.

Zhang Jaw in the northern camp did not fall asleep, but was thinking hard about how to retreat from the enemy. After hearing the movement of the southern camp, he wanted to order to help, but he didn't expect the enemy to attack with drums outside the camp. sound.

Hurriedly rushing out of the tent, Zhang Jai held up the torch and looked over. The soldiers in his camp had all expressions on their faces, their weapons were unsheathed, and they were always ready to meet the enemy.

Hijack the camp? !
Zhang Liao is really well versed in the art of war.

Not to mention Chunyu Qiong, Zhang Jaw was caught off guard.

The sky was dark, and Zhang Jaw didn't know exactly how many soldiers and horses the other party had come. Just based on the momentum, Zhang Liao had indeed frightened him.

In this way, he could not send troops to aid Chunyu Qiong's camp in the south.

"There are nearly [-] soldiers and horses over there. As long as Chunyu Qiong reacts in time and keeps things calm, it is impossible for Zhang Liao to dispatch more than [-] soldiers and horses. Alas, Chunyu Qiong..."

Zhang Jaw ordered the whole army to be ready to meet the enemy at any time.

Zhang Jai in the northern camp was restrained by Zhang Liao's suspicious soldiers, and the southern camp was in complete chaos.

The point is not that the soldiers don't know how to fight, but that the commander, Chun Yuqiong, was drunk and fell asleep. After waking up, he had a splitting headache. All he knew was that he drew out his saber and ordered the soldiers to protect his tent, and then sent people to the north to ask Zhang Jaw for help.

The thousand-man troops of the Death Warriors Battalion rushed left and right in Chunyuqiong's camp like a storm, killing people like hemp.

Zhang Jaw's reply made Chunyu Qiong furious!
"Zhang Jaw dare to see death without saving?!"

Chunyu Qiong stared at the soldier who came to deliver the letter with red eyes.

The little soldier was Zhang Jaw's entourage. Seeing Chunyu Qiong angry at this time, he said a little cowardly: "My general said that as long as you lead the army to meet the enemy and don't mess yourself up, the enemy will not be able to get cheap. If the general can Stabilize the situation, my general will fight back with the generals north and south at the same time."


Chunyu Qiong swung the knife down, blood splashed all over him, and the soldier died tragically in the tent.

"Zhang Jaw, could it be that you are collaborating with the enemy secretly?"

The two battalions in the north and the south are actually no more than fifty paces apart. Chunyu Qiong is the commander in chief, and Zhang Jai only obeys Chunyu Qiong's military orders. Their respective soldiers and horses are dispatched separately. They set up camps separately, not far apart, but they can clearly distinguish each other, allowing them to organize the army Army, it seems convenient.

Chunyu Qiong didn't believe Zhang Jaw's nonsense, he had already received news that the northern camp was not robbed by Zhang Liao's troops, only his camp had enemy troops.

Zhang Ja refused to send troops to help, Chun Yuqiong only thought that Zhang Jai was either colluding with the enemy army, or he just wanted to make trouble and see that he couldn't explain to Yuan Shao after he was in trouble.

"Counterattack! Let me go out and kill the enemy! Whoever takes a step back, I will cut off his head!"

Asking for others is better than asking for oneself, Chunyu Qiong can only go all out to kill the enemy by himself, anyway, Zhang Jaw is hopeless.

After he got out of the commander's tent, he stabilized the morale of the army and gathered his troops to counterattack, but the enemy retreated.

The messy and chaotic camp was littered with corpses. Under the light of the night and the fire, Chun Yuqiong's complexion changed back and forth. He ordered his subordinates to clean up the mess, and then he rushed to Zhang Jaw's side to ask the teacher for the crime.

Zhang Jai was scolded bloody by Chun Yuqiong in silence, and he didn't say a word of rebuttal.

The mad dog is howling, human words cannot make the other party tame.

Seeing that Zhang Jai remained indifferent, as if he was ignoring him, Chunyu Qiong was even more furious than Zhang Liao's anger during the day, but it was a pity that Zhang Jai was not his subordinate, and he had no right to dispose of Zhang Jai.

Back in his camp, Chunyuqiong angrily went back to his tent, collapsed and fell asleep, but his subordinates came to disturb him indifferently.

"General, don't you need to arrange more soldiers to be in charge of defense? Just in case..."

"Just in case! Zhang Liao robbed the camp once when I wasn't prepared. Now that he retreats, is he still coming? He predicted that I would increase my defense after being attacked, so why would he come again? Even if he wants to come, it will be tomorrow! Get out, don't disturb my sleep."

Chunyuqiong was in a daze, and the drunkenness was still there, she just wanted to lie down and rest.

The subordinate who was reprimanded left in discouragement.

This midnight robbed the camp, and Chunyu Qiong lost another [-] soldiers and horses.

The Battalion of Dead Soldiers won the first battle and gained a lot. What is commendable is that they retreated safely.

After Zhang Liao returned to Hangu Pass, he came to Jia Xu's place immediately. In the middle of the night, Jia Xu hadn't fallen asleep yet. He turned on the light to read at night. When he saw Zhang Liao come back with a relaxed smile on his face, he guessed that he had won the camp without asking. .

"Army masters predict things like a god, Chun Yuqiong is really on guard, Zhang Jaw doesn't know the reality of our army, and he didn't act rashly, this battle has won a complete victory."

Jia Xu smiled when she heard the words, not tepidly.

"General, let the camp of dead soldiers rest for a while. Let's go to rob the camp in two hours. This time, it's better to fight Chunyu Qiong."

The smile on Zhang Liao's face froze, he stared at Jia Xu suspiciously, then turned and left to give the military order first, and then turned back to ask Jia Xu for advice.

"Military commander, Chunyu Qiong has been attacked once, how can he repeat the same mistake? Now his camp must be heavily guarded and ready to respond. In addition, I used to pretend to be aggressive to Zhang Jaw's camp. Next time, Zhang Jaw will not be fooled again. Then If he sent troops to surround Chun Yuqiong's camp, wouldn't the camp of dead soldiers be wiped out?"

People often say that you can do it again and again, but you can't do it again and again.

Marching and fighting pay attention to the same thing, especially when dealing with the same enemy, using the same method, and the time interval is very short. No matter how sophisticated the strategy is, very few opponents will fall twice in the same pit.

Jia Xu didn't care about Zhang Liao's questioning, and said softly and slowly: "Chunyu Qiong was defeated in the daytime yesterday, the morale of the army was low, and the camp was robbed in the middle of the night. The successive attacks must have made his soldiers panic. At this moment, the soldiers in Chunyu Qiong's camp The soldiers want to sleep but can't sleep. They are tortured physically and mentally. After two hours of exhaustion, even if they are on guard, they will lose their energy and their fighting strength will be greatly reduced. As for Zhang Jaw, he will definitely not be hit by a suspicious soldier again. However, if you open your jaw, general, do you want to wipe out the battalion of dead soldiers, or do you want to wipe out all the soldiers who walked out of Hangu Pass? Will all the enemy troops be buried?"

Zhang Liao thought about it, and nodded after a while, admiring Jia Xu.

Fighting depends on people, and fighting depends on strength and spirit. Chun Yuqiong's army was defeated first and then was attacked by surprise. Morale fell to the bottom, and the spirit was very nervous. If people don't sleep at night, they will consume excessive energy. , when it is almost dawn, can you still hold on?
If Chunyu Qiong didn't defend himself, another robbing of the camp would be even more deadly.

Chun Yuqiong learned his lesson and defended strictly. When he robbed the camp for the second time, the opponent's combat power was not as good as the fierce tiger's after the first victory of the dead soldiers' camp.

Just after Maoshi (5 o'clock), before dawn, Zhang Liao led his army out of the city again.

Repeating the old trick, the battalion of dead soldiers directly attacked Chunyuqiong's camp. This time, the defense of Chunyuqiong's army was even more unbearable.

"The camp is being robbed! There are enemy troops!"

The camp in the south boiled like a frying pan again, and the successive changes caused many Yuan Jun's psychological defenses to collapse. They couldn't sleep, and they were always worried. Regardless of whether it is an enemy or a friend.

Chunyu Qiong still got up with a splitting headache, his anger completely turned to hatred, he ordered the soldiers to stand up to meet the enemy, and once again asked Zhang Jaw for help.

Last time, if Chunyuqiong could retreat the enemy well, maybe he could quickly eliminate the uneasiness and calm the chaos in the army. Now, even if the battalion of dead soldiers retreats, his camp is still a mess, with his own people killing his own people. A small number of people have disobeyed orders, or took up weapons to fight back, or fled for their lives.

This is a typical bombing camp.

Zhang Jaw, who had only slept for two hours, put on his armor and walked out of the big tent.

To the west, there was still the sound of gongs and drums from Zhang Liao pretending to be grandiose.

Zhang Jai is different from Chunyu Qiong, he has long been guarding against the enemy's robbing the camp, so the soldiers in his camp perform their duties, those who should rest rest, those who should watch the night, when encountering a camp robbery, which one will lead the troops to defend against the enemy, There is a clear division of labor.

This time, with a sneer on Zhang Jaw's face, he ordered the whole army to go straight to Hangu Pass!
If he went to rescue Chunyu Qiong, at most he would kill all the enemy troops who robbed the camp.

But if he swung his army directly to the west now, not only would he block the retreat of the soldiers camp, but he might even win the battle and take down Hangu Pass!
Leading the soldiers and horses straight to Hangu Pass, just two miles out of the camp, Zhang Jai and Zhang Liao inevitably met.

It's really a narrow road.

Zhang Jaw was startled suddenly, and blurted out: "Zhang Liao, don't you think you are so good at predicting things!"

The sky was getting bright, and the faint morning light could already allow Zhang Jaw to see the whole picture of the soldiers and horses led by Zhang Liao.

In front of Zhang Liao's horse formation, there are crossbowmen behind him, and archers on both sides. They are a hundred paces away from Zhang Jaw's army, facing each other tit for tat.

With a casual smile, Zhang Liao said flatly: "Brother Junyi, why not lead the army to kill, you and I will compete on the battlefield!"

This time, Zhang Liao led [-] crossbowmen and [-] archers out of the city. The road behind him was fortified layer by layer.

Zhang Jaw gritted his teeth, not reconciled.

The battlefield is not open, and there is a lot of room for long-range weapons to play. Zhang Liao's army is facing Zhang Jaw who hastily dispatched troops, and the victory is sure.

(End of this chapter)

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