Chapter 262
Guo Jia, who came to Hanzhong to inspect the navy camp, was full of pomp and circumstance, but in fact there was nothing to inspect here. The construction of water villages and warships was in full swing, and the selection of naval personnel was also proceeding in an orderly manner.

Standing by the river, Guo Jia looked at the foggy scenery in the distance, behind him stood a group of civil and military personnel, including Wu Yi, Yan Pu, etc., while Gan Ning stood beside Guo Jia, and was held by Guo Jia affectionately arm.

"Xingba, I think you and I first met in Linjiang back then, and today, it has been more than ten years."

Guo Jia couldn't help but sigh.

Gan Ning was also full of emotions. If someone told him more than ten years ago: You will be a world-renowned general in the army.He never believed it, but he has come to today step by step. He has witnessed the rise of Guo Jia, and he has also realized his ambition in life.

With the rise in status and the change of status, Gan Ning did not want to stop his progress.

"Yes, in the past ten years, the situation in the world has undergone tremendous changes. From the collapse of the Han Dynasty and Dong Zhuo's disaster to the capital, to today's Cao bandits coercing the emperor and ordering the princes, how the situation will develop in the future is really hard to speculate."

Guo Jia smiled slightly, turned his head and said to Gan Ning: "In the future, there will be fewer and fewer princes, and the one who survives to the end will be the new emperor."

In the face of Gan Ning, Guo Jia can speak freely. This is a sincere confession. He doesn't need to talk about the slogan of helping the Han Dynasty in front of Gan Ning.

From Dong Zhuo's theft of Longting, the Kwantung Allied Forces' [-] towns' princes attacking Dong, to Li Jue and Guo Si's counterattack on Chang'an, and then looking at today, the era of warlords rising together is about to pass, and the chaotic warlord separatist regime will soon enter a clear situation. In the past, there were more than [-] princes, large and small, entrenched in various places, but now, there are only a dozen of them.

Yuan Shao in Hebei, Gongsun Zan, Gongsun in Liaodong.

Cao Cao, Lu Bu, and Liu Bei in the Central Plains.

Liu Biao of Jingzhou, Sun Ce of Jiangdong, and Yuan Shu of Huainan.

Han Sui and Ma Chao in the northwest.

Plus Guo Jia who is in Guanxi.

The chaotic pattern in the past gradually became clear, princes annexed and conquered each other, powerful princes continued to expand their territories, and weak princes were constantly annexed and destroyed.

The structure of Kansai had been established after Guo Jia won the Guanzhong Battle. Han Sui and Ma Chao did not have the guts to provoke Guo Jia. In Kansai, Guo Jia was already the uncrowned king.

The pattern of Kanto will soon usher in a decisive battle.

The cold wind suddenly picked up, and the river was turbulent. Standing by the river facing the wind, Guo Jia looked at the slightly drowsy sky.

"When the wind is raging and the fire is red at Guandu, it will be a god-sent opportunity for me to sweep the Central Plains!"

One month later, Cao Cao first conquered Zhang Xiu, and Zhang Xiu surrendered the whole city, but in the end he couldn't bear the humiliation of Cao Cao's wooing Hu Che'er and other subordinates and his uncle and aunt. Cao Hong and Cao Cao's eldest son Cao Ang lost their lives in exchange for Cao Cao's escape.

In the spring of the following year, Cao Cao went out to attack Zhang Xiu for the second time, but Cao Cao's troops suddenly withdrew when they approached Wancheng. Zhang Xiu pursued him and returned in a disastrous defeat. Withdrew from the stage of history.

After Yuan Shu proclaimed himself emperor, he was arrogant and extravagant. Not only the people in Huainan, but even Yuan Shu's army had to feed on tree bark and grass roots.

In the final analysis, Yuan Shu proclaimed himself emperor because of ambition, but also because of superstition. At present, there is a popular rumor among the people that "the one who replaced the Han Dynasty should be Tu Gao". "Character.His own famous art, No. Highway, is also connected with the word "Tu". The Han Dynasty belonged to Huode, so the official uniform was still red, and the Luo character next to the word Shui was also avoided in the imperial capital Luoyang.And Yuantao Tu happens to be a descendant of Shun, and Shun is the virtue of earth. From the perspective of the five elements, fire gives birth to earth. Therefore, Yuan Shu, as a descendant of earth virtue, takes it for granted from the Han Dynasty.

Regardless of whether Yuan Shu chose to use superstition to boost his confidence because of his ambition, or his ambition was bred by superstition, his short imperial career came to an end after Cao Cao put down Zhang Xiu.

Cao Cao doesn't need to go out to deal with Yuan Shu. Yuan Shu's power will be self-defeating. With Yuan Shu's talent, he is not enough to govern the country and the world. The best example is that Huainan was squeezed out by him after Nanyang. He built a large number of construction projects and set up hundreds of officials, all of which cost astronomical amounts of money and food. Their families could not survive, and they naturally lost motivation and direction as soldiers.

Those who win the hearts of the people will win the world sounds like a slogan, but it has a very objective truth. The regular army is not a bandit or bully. No one will join the army for the sake of a precarious life. If people's livelihood cannot be settled, the cohesion of the army can be imagined to be pitifully low.

As soon as Cao Cao's army arrived, Yuan Shu's army collapsed thousands of miles away. The once glorious Yuan Gonglu, the foundation of more than ten years, collapsed and ceased to exist.

Fleeing from Shouchun, Yuan Shu's army dwindled, and the soldiers who followed him were killed or injured.

Yuan Shu is about to withdraw from the stage of history, and in Xuzhou, the same turmoil is happening again. Regardless of whether he has the idea that others are not allowed to snore on the side of the couch, the capricious Lu Bu will target Xiaopei's Liu Bei. Liu Bei is weak and has few soldiers. It's a pity that even if he is related to General Zhang Xionghu, he will not be able to stop Lu Bu's tens of thousands of troops after all.

Xiaopei fell, and Liu Bei lost his family and home again. This time, he lived under the hedge of Cao Cao.

Yuan Shu was lingering on his last breath, and really didn't want to run away any longer, so he wrote to Yuan Shao, hoping that the brothers would reconcile, and that he would give up his nominal throne to Yuan Shao, the second son of the Yuan family. Shi Sangong's painstaking efforts.

A man's words are good even when he is about to die. Yuan Shu finally asked his brother for help when he was desperate.

The Yuan family, someone must aspire to the top of the country!
After Yuan Shu proclaimed himself emperor, Yuan Shao actually had the idea of ​​proclaiming himself emperor. Since there were already two emperors in the world, adding him would only accelerate the fall of the Han Dynasty. Wan's army, with the number of soldiers and horses, he seems to be number one in the world, he proclaims himself emperor, who dares to attack?
Normally, Yuan Shao was still an enlightened monarch. If he wanted to become emperor, he wanted to test the reaction of his subordinates, so he asked one of his officials to suggest Yuan Shao to become emperor during the discussion. As a result, all the counselors opposed it unanimously. They didn't agree with the proposal of proclaiming themselves emperor, and it was difficult to cause public anger, so Yuan Shao had no choice but to take the officer he ordered to block the mouths of the people and express his position.

After clearing Zhangxiu, Cao Cao still needs to remove the hidden dangers in the east. Cao Cao has been planning secretly in the game of Xuzhou. Everything has the shadow of Cao Cao in it.

Chen Gui and his son are one of the representatives of the Xuzhou gentry. The gentry in Xuzhou suffered oppression when Tao Qian was in office. Mi Zhu chose Liu Bei as his refugee. Leaving aside Liu Bei's heroic spirit, perhaps people admire and admire him. In fact, Mi Zhu Going to Liu Bei is very similar to the Zhen family going to Guo Jia.

It is conceivable that when Xuzhou falls, whether it is Cao Cao or Yuan Shu who captures Xuzhou, Mi Zhu, who has a wealth of wealth, must not stay out of it. His family business will definitely be robbed. Therefore, rather than being robbed by others, it is better to give it to other A trustworthy hero, when Liu Bei was captured by Lu Bu in Xuzhou, he was helpless. Mi Zhu scattered all his wealth and sent money, food and soldiers.

However, Chen Gui and his son, who also had a good status in Xuzhou City, did not choose who to take refuge in.

They look down on Liu Bei. The Mi family is a family of merchants, scholars, farmers, businessmen, and no matter how big the Mi family is, their background is very ugly. The Chen family is a noble family, so how could they accompany Liu Bei who was defeated and defeated to his death?
The father and son secretly defected to Cao Cao aiming at the opportunity. This opportunity was just like the reason why Jia Xu suggested Zhang Xiu to surrender to Cao Cao in history.
The scruples of Chen's father and son were that Xuzhou and Cao Cao had a feud against their father. It didn't matter who the murderer was. , gradually declined, the Chen family did not suffer heavy losses, Chen Gui was old, but Chen Deng was still young, and his youth could not be wasted in this Xuzhou, so the father and son secretly voted for Cao, as Cao Cao's pawn in Xuzhou, on the one hand Provoking Lu Bu and Liu Bei, on the one hand, alienating Lu Bu and Chen Gong.

Before formally raising troops to attack Xuzhou, Cao Cao wrote a letter to Lv Bu, urging him to surrender. Lv Bu was sometimes arrogant, but he didn't dare to joke about his own life, not to mention that he was defeated by Guo Jia. Before, he He was also defeated by Sun Jian. Later, he was forced to flee by Li Jue and Guo Si. The most important thing is that Lu Bu and Cao Cao had fought against each other. When Lu Bu attacked Yanzhou, Cao Cao's situation was even more precarious than facing Yuan Shao today, but In the end, Lu Bu did not swallow Yanzhou, but embarked on a journey of escape again.

In Lu Bu's heart, one can imagine that he was afraid of Cao Cao.

He wanted to surrender, but Chen Gong strongly opposed it. Lu Bu had no choice but to fight Cao Cao. The two sides fought several times in Xuzhou. Lu Bu retreated all the way and was finally besieged in Xiapi City.

Lu Bu is personally brave and deserves to be number one in the world, but his other talents cannot be put on the stage. When he was besieged, even his subordinates chose to betray him. From this, it can be seen that Lu Bu's ability to govern the army is simply Unsightly.

Downstairs of the White Gate, Lu Bu was captured alive by Cao Cao. Compared with Chen Gong's expressionless face when he went to death, Lu Bu once again uttered the words of begging for surrender.

Lu Bu among people?What kind of hero is he? !

Cao Cao wanted to accept Lu Bu, a fierce general, but Liu Bei said, "Has Mr. Ming forgotten what happened to Dong Zhuo and Ding Yuan?"

Cao Cao immediately ordered Lu Bu to be beheaded.

However, looking at Lu Bu's head.

Cao Cao was not at all happy.

He suddenly thought: Guo Jia can release Lu Bu, why can't I accept Lu Bu?
(End of this chapter)

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