Chapter 402
Ma Chao acted arbitrarily without order, and swung his troops in Guanzhong, which is no different from rebellion!

The first person to get the news was Yan Pu, the prefect of Hanzhong.

Chencang fell, and Ma Chao sent troops to guard Sanguan, blocking the connection between Hanzhong and Guanzhong.

After Yan Pu in Hanzhong got the news, he immediately asked Meng Huo to lead an army of [-] to garrison Yangping Pass!
The [-] Wudang flying troops brought by Meng Huo were at the base of Dingjun Mountain.

Yan Pu's order to Meng Huo was very simple: If the enemy invades, defend it!
When Zhang Lu was still in Hanzhong, the first battle of Guo Jia's army going south to capture Yizhou was at Yangpingguan. The situation of Hanzhong's annihilation is still vivid. It is the military supplies accumulated by the Taiping Army over the past ten years.

Regardless of whether Ma Chao rebelled or not, and regardless of whether he had the troops and courage to go south to Yizhou, Yan Pu had to prepare for the worst, so the military deployment was perfect.

On the other hand, Yan Pu ordered people to spread the news of this earth-shattering change back to Chengdu.

Outside Chang'an
Ma Chao led the iron cavalry to the city, looking at the high bridge suspended over the moat, and then at Xu Shu on the top of the city, Ma Chao sneered disdainfully.

"Xu Yuanzhi, I only ask you once, do you surrender or fight?"

Faced with Ma Chao's condescending posture, Xu Shu disappeared at the top of the city. The gate of Chang'an City opened, and Xu Shu rode out alone on his horse, facing Ma Chaoyao across the moat.

The two talked at close range, and it didn't reach the ears of others. Even though there was a river separating them, Ma Chao was more than enough to kill Xu Shu. The brilliant Ma Chao was a good javelin thrower.

Zhen Yu also appeared on the top of Chang'an City, looked down and saw Xu Shu talking with Ma Chao, as if they were having a difficult negotiation.

An hour later, Xu Shu rode his horse back and ordered people to lower the suspension bridge, open the city gate, and welcome Ma Chao into the city.

Iron cavalry troops filed in one after another, and the banners on the head of Chang'an City were replaced. On the banners fluttering in the wind, there was only a flying and eye-catching word "horse".

Tens of thousands of households in Chang'an City closed their doors, the streets were depressed, and no one dared to stay outside.

Ma Chao led the army to take over the camp in the city, and after taking over all aspects of the city, he came to the Yazhong of Chang'an Mansion.

"Dog thief!"

Outside the gate of the Yazheng Hall in Chang'an Mansion, Jiang Wei, who was about ten years old, opened his mouth to scold Ma Chao who was approaching aggressively.

Xu Shu, who was following Ma Chao, walked quickly, covered Jiang Wei's mouth and scolded, then raised his head and said to Ma Chao: "Children's words are not taboo, general, please don't be as knowledgeable as children."

Naturally, Ma Chao would not get angry with a child, he ignored Jiang Wei and walked into the hall.

Sitting on the main seat, Ma Chao immediately asked Xu Shu to summon all the rich merchants in Chang'an City.

After the news spread, the Yizhou Chamber of Commerce, which runs a family business in Chang'an, couldn't shirk it, so they elected a representative to negotiate with Ma Chao.

Yes, this is a negotiation in their eyes.

But in Ma Chao's view, this was the first order he issued after capturing Chang'an, and there was no room for negotiation.

Zhen Yu suppressed the hatred in his heart and came to see Ma Chao.

"You are Guo Jia's in-laws, so you must be a smart person. I won't talk nonsense. I won't take any money from the common people, but I want to recruit soldiers. You go and tell all the merchants in Chang'an that I want to recruit [-] soldiers. The money and food I need It's up to you."

Zhen Yu didn't salute Ma Chao, didn't say a word, just left after listening to Ma Chao's words.

"General, please fulfill the previous promise. There must be no shortage of food and grass at Hangu Pass and Wuguan Pass."

Xu Shu cupped his hands and saluted, with a slightly humble attitude.

In the hall, only Northwest generals Pang De and Yang Qiu were able to hold their heads high. The other Chang'an officials bowed their heads and gritted their teeth.

Ma Chao looked at Xu Shu with his chin indifferently, and asked, "How long can Zhang Liao and Yan Yan's food and grass last?"

Xu Shu answered truthfully, "One month."

Ma Chao nodded thoughtfully, and said, "Then discuss it in a month."

"Ma Mengqi! You!"

Xu Shu suddenly raised his head and looked at Ma Chao in shock.

Previously, an agreement had been made outside the city that Zhang Liao and Yan Yan would guard the gate of Guanzhong East, and they could live in peace with Ma Chao for the time being. In this way, Ma Chao did not face the crisis of Cao Wei.

If everything was destroyed and Zhang Liao came back with his army, both sides would be hurt and Cao Wei's fisherman would benefit. Wouldn't Ma Chao be worried about this?

But Ma Chao stood up and said with a sneer to Xu Shu, "Yes, I regret it. Cao Pi dared to send troops here, but I let him never come back. Xu Shu, I really want to see if Guo Jia's Taiping Army is real or not." Nothing wrong with Minqiu."

Xu Shu closed his eyes to suppress his anger, and asked in a cold voice: "My lord treats you well, why do you want to rebel?"

Ma Chao laughed wildly up to the sky, his expression turned cold, and said: "He is not mean to me? He forced me to kneel in front of him and beg him to take him in! And Mi Fang, who is placed by my side, is this upright surveillance still not mean to me Xu Shu, let me tell you, I just take back everything that should belong to my Ma family, and it should have belonged to my Ma family 20 years ago!"

Xu Shu sighed silently, Zhang Ji took the lead in resolutely resisting Ma Chao, and the atmosphere in the hall suddenly became tense.

Looking back, Xu Shu said bitterly to Zhang Ji and other officials: "Everyone, if you still have the people in your heart, then do your best to continue doing things for the people."

Facing Ma Chao again, Xu Shu said coldly: "Ma Mengqi, our bottom line is very clear. If you dare to harm the common people, if you risk your life, I will not let you go."

Ma Chao put away the sword he had just pulled out, and said calmly: "You continue to be officials and manage the territory for me. I will give you whatever Guo Jia gave you. Fighting is fighting. It is not your job, so don't do it." worry."

"I hope you can keep your word."

After Xu Shu finished speaking, he turned and left. Zhang Ji and others also led the officials to leave.

Although he surrendered to Ma Chao in name, after leaving, officials naturally had to discuss how to reverse the situation.

The so-called man is able to bend and stretch, and for the time being, he will be with Ma Chaoxu, looking for a chance to give him a fatal blow.

This was destined to be a sleepless night, Zhen Yu brought Ma Chao's order to all the big merchants in Chang'an, like a thunderstorm on the ground, all the big families in Chang'an couldn't sit still, each family sent representatives to Zhen Yu's mansion, and held a secret meeting late at night.

The room was in a mess, everyone was chattering and chattering, some criticized Ma Chao, some complained about Guo Jia, and some wanted to pack up and run for their lives.
Zhen Yu sat on the main seat and rubbed his temples, a series of accidents broke his heart and overwhelmed him.

Zhang Xu and Zhang Qin were whispering beside Zhen Yu, and they couldn't come up with a countermeasure after discussing for a long time.

escape?If people escape, can the land and wealth be taken away?
Ma Chao was really smart this time, instead of exploiting the common people, he took the idea of ​​the rich.

This is also thanks to the good foundation laid by Guo Jia. The wealthy family has money, but there are no farmers who hide it privately, nor do they collude with the officials.

If you don't escape, you can only compromise.

In fact, Ma Chao wants to recruit [-] soldiers, and let them pay for the money and food. With the strength of merchants from all over the world in Chang'an, the money and food can still be paid together, but it is only in the early stage. If you really want to raise troops and train them, let them To bear it, then it may not be able to support it even if it is sold out.

After all, recruiting soldiers is one thing, and the follow-up expenditure is the key point. For building iron equipment, the annual consumption of money and food is an astonishing expenditure. Guo Jia tried his best to support 40 soldiers.

"You have an idea, don't say a word."

Zhang Qin pushed Zhen Yu eagerly, at the moment Zhen Yu was dizzy and couldn't think of a countermeasure.

Just when everyone was running around in a hurry, someone entered the mansion.

Everyone was startled, and finally breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that it was Xu Shu who came.

As soon as Xu Shu came, the scene fell silent instantly. Everyone looked at Xu Shu, hoping that Xu Shu could point them in the right direction.

"Everyone, please agree to Ma Chao's request for the time being. The money and food that each family spends will be evidenced. In the future, my lord will compensate you all in full."

After saying these words, it was equivalent to giving everyone present a reassurance.

Come to think of it, everyone is right.

Why should the battle between warlords affect Chi Yu?They kept their own law and order for more than ten years and did not participate in those open and secret battles. How could they be exploited first when Ma Chao came?

It seems that Xu Shu, Guo Jia's right-hand man, can see the essence clearly.

Today, these wealthy families can bow their heads to Ma Chao, Guo Jia will make full compensation for what was robbed, and try to avoid bloody conflicts.

Zhen Yu, Zhang Xu, and Zhang Qin, the three heavyweights in the chamber of commerce, were relieved when they heard Xu Shu's words.

However, the situation in Guanzhong became unstable every day, or if Guo Jia did not take military measures, it was still difficult for them to sleep peacefully.

"Master Xu, how does the envoy plan to deal with Ma Chao?"

Zhang Qin didn't shy away from it, and immediately asked Xu Shu.

It was difficult for Xu Shu to answer this matter. He avoided talking about it and revealed his second purpose for coming here.

"To be honest, I still have something to ask for when I come down."

"Yuanzhi, but it's okay to say."

Everyone expressed their support for Xu Shu, no matter what he asked for.

Xu Shu didn't talk too much, and said in a deep voice: "General Wen Yuan and Old General Heber led their troops at Hangu Pass and Wu Pass. The food, grass and military supplies of a [-]-strong army can only last for one month. Please lend a helping hand." , Secretly transport food and grass to these two generals, otherwise, our Taiping Army's [-] soldiers will be destroyed without attack."

After everyone heard this, they immediately patted their chests and promised to agree.

However, Zhang Xu asked Xu Shu suspiciously: "Since General Wen Yuan and Old General Heber have [-] troops, why don't they come to relieve Chang'an's crisis?"

Everyone looked at Xu Shu, puzzled.

Xu Shu shook his head bitterly and said, "Do you think Cao Wei's capture of Guanzhong is better than Ma Chao's capture of Guanzhong?"

As soon as the voice fell, everyone fell silent.

Hard to say.

No one can see what kind of political line Cao Wei will take after Cao Pi succeeds to the throne.

However, the estrangement caused by regional differences in Kanto and Kansai is not so easy to eliminate. If Guanzhong falls into the hands of Cao Wei, even if Cao Pi treats the wealthy family well, he will inevitably be suppressed at the bottom of the power pyramid.

(End of this chapter)

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