The Three Kingdoms: The Cold Gate World

Chapter 403 is true and false

Chapter 403 is true and false
Zhang Liao, who has guarded the Guanzhong for more than ten years, has been as stable as Mount Tai, after receiving the secret letter sent by Xu Shu, he was shocked physically and mentally!
Chang'an has fallen.

Ma Chao's rebellion was unexpected by Zhang Liao.

Zhang Liao's first reaction after reading the letter was to mobilize all the soldiers and horses in Hangu Pass to counterattack Chang'an, but when he got to the door, he hesitated again, with a complicated expression and unwilling eyes.

Xu Shu's letter has already named the key points.

Ma Chao's rebellion is indeed harmful, but if Zhang Liao leads his army to counterattack Chang'an, the bad impact will be more than ten times that of Ma Chao's rebellion.

Standing outside the tower, Zhang Liao looked towards Luoyang in the east. He knew that if he led troops to counterattack Chang'an, Zhang Jaiduan in Luoyang would not miss this golden opportunity.

If Hangu Pass is lost, Guanzhong and Liangzhou will fall into Cao Wei's hands regardless of the result of Zhang Liao's counterattack on Chang'an.

At that time, Cao Wei would be able to guard Sanguan and Chencang, block the Yizhou Taiping Army from going north with very few troops, and be able to draw more troops to the southern battlefield, and the situation will undergo earth-shaking changes.

Ma Chao is a wolf raging at home, and Cao Wei is a tiger with its mouth open.

Xu Shu's letter also made it clear that Ma Chao now has only tens of thousands of cavalry troops, it is difficult to shake Hangu Pass, and it is impossible to go south to Yizhou. Ma Chao is recruiting troops. Before his recruited army forms a combat force, look How will the lord react? Besides, Zhang Liao doesn't need to worry about the food and grass needed for Hangu Pass and Wu Pass, Xu Shu will solve this problem for him.

Tens of thousands, keep the largest barrier in the northwest.

What Zhang Liao hated even more was that Ma Chao's rebellion hindered Guo Jia's previous task assigned to Zhang Liao.

When Gan Ning went north to attack Xiangfan, Guo Jia asked Zhang Liao to pretend to attack Luoyang, in order to contain the troops of Cao Wei Sili, but now, everything was ruined by Ma Chao!
Late at night in Chengdu, Guo Jia was sleeping in Wu Cheng's boudoir, and Wu Cheng was lying on his side in his arms, sleeping very peacefully next to him.

These days, the rumors in the market have made it hard for Wu Aunt. Outsiders say that Guo Jia punished Wu Yi lightly because of Wu Aunt. Behind the scenes, it means that Wu Aunt is a confidante. Guo Jia can no longer tell the seriousness of the matter. It's a sign of stupidity.

If the rumors and rumors only came towards Wu Cheng, then Wu Cheng would just endure it silently, but now that the target was directed at Guo Jia, she couldn't bear it. In order to let Guo Jia wash away this stain, Wu Cheng suggested that Guo Jia divorce her She went back to her natal home, even though she was reluctant to give up and shed tears secretly, but she couldn't bear to damage Guo Jia's reputation because of herself.

How could Guo Jia agree to her proposal?So these days and nights, he comforted her in her room.

A maid woke Guo Jia up outside the door. It was already the dead of night. If there was no emergency, no one would bother Guo Jia at this time.

Carefully got up, tucked the quilt for Wu Auntie, Guo Jia put on a long robe, opened the door and went out, the maid who sent the message told Guo Jia that Xi Zhicai and Qin Mi were already waiting in the front hall of the mansion.

Things are definitely not small.

Guo Jia simply put on his clothes and walked out of the courtyard. Guo Jia stopped at the door and turned to see Zhu Rong, who was leaning against the wall, playing with a throwing knife.

"Aren't you sleeping yet?"

Zhu Rong is a strange woman next to Guo Jia, who comes and leaves whenever she says she wants, and travels everywhere, and when she gets tired of playing, she runs back to Guo Jia's place to "stay overnight".

The hairstyle was a little messy, and the ponytail tied at a diagonal was slung across his chest. Zhu Rong yawned, waved his hands and said, "I was woken up. Go and do your business."

Under the moonlight, Zhu Rong gave people a cool and dusty visual sense, Guo Jia turned her head and whispered to her: "I have a heart."

After all, strode away.

In fact, Guo Jia knew very well that since Zhu Rong knew that someone came to the mansion late at night to ask for an interview, something big must have happened, so what is this urgent matter?Maybe there was an assassin, maybe there was a disaster somewhere, no matter what it was, Zhu Rong got up and came to the gate of the courtyard, obviously trying to do his best to protect Guo Jia's wives and concubines, even though many of the female soldiers here were led by Zhu Rong back then. from.

When Guo Jia came to the front hall, he saw not only Xi Zhicai and Qin Mi, but also Xu Chu and Gao Shun rushing over, and the movement outside the mansion indicated that there must be people coming one after another.

Xi Zhicai presented the urgent report sent by Yan Pu to Guo Jia, and everyone present looked serious.

After pacing and reading the emergency report, Guo Jia's chest heaved and heaved, he didn't yell or smash to vent his anger, he just paced back and forth and closed his eyes in deep thought.

When the officials of Yizhou Prefecture and the generals in the city arrived, Guo Jia made the matter of Ma Chao's rebellion public in a deep voice.

"The horse actually did such a wolf-hearted thing?!"

Xu Chu was furious immediately, and the other generals also scolded Ma Chao angrily.

The civil officials unanimously made Guo Jia make a decisive decision.

Now that the situation is critical, Guo Jia has to make a choice, whether to attack Cao Wei first, or to deal with Ma Chao first. Fighting on both sides may not have enough troops, and the battlefield is too variable. If both sides lose the battlefield, Guo Jia's rule may be in an instant. collapse.

"The horse only has [-] cavalry, and Wen Yuan will be safe in a short time, but in order to prevent the horse from causing serious trouble, he must be eliminated first! Qin Mi, send a military order to Gan Ning, asking him to take [-] troops to Hanzhong , After reuniting with the soldiers and horses in Hanzhong, go north to Guanzhong! I want to see how long the horse can go crazy, and I will kill myself, huh."

Guo Jia issued an order, and Qin Mi came out to take the order, but Zhen Yao came out to express his concern.

"My lord, if the governor stops attacking Xiangfan, the strength of our army in Jingzhou will be greatly reduced. Will it happen in Jiangdong?"

This worry is obvious, fearing that Jiangdong will sweep Jingzhou.

But Guo Jia waved his hand and said coldly: "I just want to see if Sun Zhongmou dares to sneak in at this moment! If his soldiers dare to walk out of Jiangxia, don't blame me for flattening Jiangdong!"

The civil servants bowed their heads and thought for a while, maybe Guo Jia is killing two birds with one stone.

On the one hand, Gan Ning was asked to suppress Ma Chao's rebellion, and on the other hand, he also tested Jiangdong. If Jiangdong dared to break his promise, it would give Guo Jia a reason to send troops to sweep Jiangdong.

Everyone retreated, and Guo Jiajing sat on the main seat. After calming down, a sly smile suddenly rose from the corner of his mouth.

Cao Pi was uneasy and summoned Sima Yi.

"Zhong Da, Jun Yi sent an urgent message, Ma Chao has reversed?"

In fact, Sima Yi already knew this news that was absolutely beneficial to Cao Wei.

Cao Pi's rhetorical question, the subtext is to ask Sima Yi whether Ma Chao is really rebellious.

Sima Yi didn't change his face, and said in a low voice: "Wei Wang can imagine, if Ma Chao is not really rebellious, what is the purpose? The most likely is to lure Junyi to attack Guanzhong and lure the enemy to fight, but as long as Wei Wang does not give the order, General Junyi Standing still in Luoyang, Ma Chao's false rebellion is a joke. But what if Ma Chao is really rebellious? Guo Jia will definitely send troops to suppress it. What King Wei has to do is to wait and see what happens. If it’s really the opposite, we’ll just watch from the sidelines.”

Cao Pi's doubts were all gone. When he heard the news, he was already a little impulsive and asked Zhang Jaw to attack Hangu Pass, but the crisis in Xiangfan had not yet been resolved. He also knew that the burden of multi-line combat was too heavy. If he lost on both sides, he would lose money. The cost is too great.

"If Ma Chao is really against me, why doesn't he join me?"

Cao Pi suddenly asked Sima Yi such a question.

It seems that the king of Wei is used to the fact that there are only three monarchs in the world. He, Guo Jia, Sun Quan, and others can only be ministers under the monarch's command.

Sima Yi chuckled suddenly, which surprised Cao Pi. Did he ask a funny question?

Yes, in Sima Yi's view, Cao Pi's question is just asking too much.

The Cao family and the Ma family have a blood feud, why does Ma Chao join Cao Pi?If Ma Chao rebelled just to serve others, then he would be a fart rebel!
What Guo Jia gave to Ma Chao, Cao Pi would never give.

Liangzhou governor and supervisor of the Northwest War, Ma Chao's civil status is not low, and his absolute military power makes him already a "big border official" under Guo Jia's rule. If Ma Chao's rebellion can't go further, his rebellion will Inexplicable.

"Wei Wang, if Ma Chao votes, it means that his rebellion must be false, and it was secretly designed by Guo Jia."

Sima Yi has made his words very clear, and he can't predict whether Ma Chao's rebellion is true or not, but if the enemy does not move, I will not move, just wait and see if it changes or not.

Cao Pi paced back and forth and muttered to himself.

"When Ma Chao joined Guo Jia, he was forced to help him. Afterwards, Guo Jia sent Mi Fang to Ma Chao's side. It should be to monitor Ma Chao's every move. Ma Chao killed Mi Fang to sacrifice the flag. This must have made a death feud with Guo Jia. .”

If Ma Chao was a fake rebel, Cao Pi didn't really believe it, because Mi Fang died, and his head was hung on the flagpole of Jincheng Daying.

Although this Mi Fang may not have much talent or fame, she is Guo Jia's in-laws after all. When Ma Chao went down, the rebellion broke up in public, and he also forged a blood feud with Guo Jia in private.

If the rebellion was false and Guo Jia was planning behind the scenes, then did he just sacrifice Mi Fang like this?Wouldn't the officials under Guo Jia's rule be chilled when they learned the truth of this matter?
After thinking about it, Cao Pi still couldn't make a conclusion about Ma Chao's rebellion, which was either true or false.

However, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, the crisis in Xiangfan should be safe and sound.

"Zhongda, when will Guanzhong become the territory of my Cao family?"

Cao Pi sighed deeply.

If Cao Wei is related, even if Liangzhou is not needed, Yizhou's attack can be easily blocked, the situation of Sili's gathering of heavy troops can be alleviated, and the situation of Cao Wei's military strength will also be reversed.

Sima Yi was also worried about this matter, people's schemes can never go against the sky, Hangu Pass is extremely dangerous in the world, and Zhang Liao is sitting there, it is hard to go to the sky if you want to enter Guanzhong.

"If Ma Chao goes to war with Zhang Liao, then maybe we still have a chance to take advantage of it. However, with Ma Chao's current strength, it is impossible to go to war with Zhang Liao. Unless Ma Chao has [-] troops, he will not be able to force Zhang Liao. That would only be the end of one who would injure the enemy one thousand and self-injure eight hundred."

(End of this chapter)

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