The Three Kingdoms: The Cold Gate World

Chapter 415 Change of Dynasty

Chapter 415 Change of Dynasty
Lu Xun never imagined that the Guo Ye he came to meet would be such a powerless person.

According to the information about Guo Ye that Lu Xun had obtained before, most of them were bits and pieces of Guo Ye's humility and orderliness, which is in line with common sense.

With a father who is powerful and powerful, and a powerful and powerful man in the world, living under Guo Jia's halo, Guo Ye should follow the rules and be cautious in his words and deeds.

Successful people, people with absolute power, often have high demands, so Lu Xun thinks that Guo Jia should have very high demands on Guo Ye. In such a high-pressure growth environment, Guo Ye should not say anything in front of an outsider. Such words.

One will succeed, ten thousand bones will dry up, and it will remain unchanged forever.

Lu Xun originally thought that he could take the lead in the conversation and shake Guo Ye. Of course, even if Guo Ye was persuaded by him, it was not up to Guo Ye to decide whether to fight or not. Naturally, he had to ask Guo Jia for instructions. This gave Jiangdong more time to prepare for the battle.

In fact, Lu Xun knew very well that since Guo Jia had already sent troops, it was impossible for him to give up halfway, but he wanted to use Guo Ye, a young boy, to confuse his opponents.

But now, Lu Xun is led by the nose by Guo Ye.

Looking at Guo Ye, who was smiling proudly at the top of the table, Lu Xun's expression was serious, and he could feel Guo Ye's ambition.

There is a saying that Guo Ye is right.

Without war, where are heroes?
Heroes in troubled times rise from all directions, and if you have soldiers, you are the grass head king!
It started in the turbulent era of the Yellow Turban Rebellion, but in a hurry for more than 200 years, the wind and clouds were surging, and there were many more outstanding people in the world than in the [-] years after Liu Xiu established his capital in Luoyang!And there are still countless heroes who are hidden in the world or hidden in jade and pearls, and they are gradually stepping onto the big stage of this turmoil!
Although Guo Ye is the son of the eldest son, if he wants to really ascend to Guo Jia's position, how can he convince the public if he has no achievements?

Lu Xun was wrong, he thought Guo Ye was just a puppet, but in fact the other party had his own ambitions and plans.

Talking about peace with him is like playing the piano against a cow.

More than anyone else, Guo Ye hoped for the arrival of a world-shattering war.

Kill all the outstanding people and rule the roost!

"Young master, Guo Shijun has always held high the banner of Kuangfu Han Dynasty. Today, my Lord Wu Hou was granted the title of Jingzhou Shepherd by the emperor. Guo Shijun is determined to go his own way and step into Jingzhou. I am afraid it will be difficult to give an explanation to the people of the world?"

Lu Xun saw that soft words didn't make sense, so he tried to reason.

Previously, Guo Jia also took over Jingzhou animal husbandry, but it was just a contract, and it was enough to present to the emperor, and there was no need for the imperial court to issue an edict.

As for Sun Quan's Jingzhou Mu, it was actually the Xuchang court who issued an edict. This was naturally obtained after he surrendered to Cao Pi, and it was also Cao Pi who sent troops to attack Nanjun for Sun Quan.

Guo Ye tilted his body, still smiling, and asked, "Sun Quan's Jingzhou shepherd got it by begging for mercy from Cao thief, is it worth you to declare it so righteously?"

Gritting his teeth tightly one after another, a trace of anger flashed across his face, but he still endured it.

To discuss territorial jurisdiction, it was really teasing Guo Ye as a child. Since Guo Ye was not misled by Lu Xun's words, Lu Xun asked again immediately: "Guo Shijun advertised himself as loving the people like a son, but now that the war broke out, Jing Yang The two states are at war, so does Mr. Guo disregard the common people?"


Guo Ye gradually put away his smile and didn't answer Lu Xun immediately. Lu Xun thought that he was telling Guo Ye's thoughts, and if the other party softened, maybe things would turn around.

Even if Guo Ye could send a letter to Guo Jia to ask for instructions, it would be several days of delay, which is what Sun Quan wanted most.

But Guo Ye let out a long breath, his eyes were like knives, he looked at Lu Xun and said, "Lu Boyan, did you ever tell Wu Hou before he attacked Jiangling? Involved in this war, but, you remember, who started this war? It was Sun Quan!"

Lu Xun gasped and closed his eyes.

Guo Ye's words ruthlessly tore off Jiangdong's last fig leaf.

It is true that Jiang Dong handed Cao Pi a surrender form for self-protection, and also betrayed the covenant with Guo Jia to attack Nanjun for self-protection.

Could it be that Jiangdong is going to sit back and watch the Taiping Army sweep the Central Plains and finally push Jiangdong into a desperate situation?
Facts are facts, speak louder than words!
All conjectures and things that haven't happened can't be used as evidence, and Jiang Dong's actions are enough to make the world feel ashamed.

Resisting Cao before, then surrendering to Cao, and betraying allies, this is what Wu Hou Sun Quan did.

As for whether Guo Jia forced Sun Quan into this situation, outsiders would not see it that way.

It was Jiang Dong who took the initiative to form an alliance with Guo Jia, it was Jiang Dong who took the initiative to publicize that as long as Guo Jia sent troops, he would withdraw Jingzhou, and it was Jiang Dong who took the initiative to marry Guo Jia.

Perhaps Jiang Dong's reason for complaining can be that Guo Jia and Sun Shangxiang's life after marriage is not satisfactory, but that is Guo Jia's family matter after all.

In this era, a woman is a vassal, and if she marries, it is a waste of water. It can even be said to be the private property of the man. Even if a wife is divorced, there is a saying of "buying a divorce", and the woman's natal family must spend money to buy it back.

No one would think that Guo Jia did something wrong, but Sun Quan completely failed Guo Jia.

Now, Lu Xun came here openly, first to seek peace, and if the peace cannot be reached, then he made a big argument to force Guo Ye to be wary, which made Guo Ye feel very disgusted.

Being a whore, you have to carry the chastity archway on your back.

Lu Xun returned in vain, and traveled all the way back to Jiangling, where Sun Quan was waiting for his reply.

Sun Quan was anxiously pacing back and forth in the lobby of the government office. Guo Jia's appeal to Wu made him dazed with fright, and he had two predictions that failed.

The first one is that he didn't expect that Gan Ning, a man full of pride, would obediently submit and return to Chengdu, and even the [-] Taiping troops went to Badong without incident, and now they are going to attack Jiangdong.

The second one was even more unexpected. When Ma Chao was still rebelling in Guanzhong and had already openly recruited troops, Guo Jia turned a blind eye to it, uneasy inside, and attacked outside first!
Sun Quan couldn't figure it out!

Ma Chao stabbed Guo Jia, and he also stabbed him.

But Ma Chao is one of his own to Guo Jia!

No matter how you think about it, Guo Jia's hatred for Ma Chao is definitely far more than his Sun Quan!

But Guo Jia, just wanted to avoid Guanzhong, preferring Zhang Liao to fend for himself, and to use all the troops in Yizhou to flatten Jiangdong.

The Taiping Army is not just bluffing. It claims to be one million, but in fact it has 20 troops. It has already rested in Padang. It is not known when it will enter Jianping County and start a war!
Lu Meng and Ling Tong had been sent to Jianping County to deploy defenses along the river, but Sun Quan had to discuss with his confidants before making a decision on how to fight this battle.

Zhou Yu and Lu Su looked at Sun Quan anxiously, and they were also suffering.

Things are very strange, it can be said that it was only half a month after they attacked Nanjun, Guo Jia's army came to Padang Yong'an to prepare for war with Jiangdong.

This kind of reaction was more than swift, it was as if Guo Jia was gearing up and waiting for this battle to come.

As soon as Lu Xun returned to Jiangling, he didn't have time to rest. He immediately met with Sun Quan and told the truth about the details of his meeting with Guo Ye.


Sun Quan slammed his fist on the table, furious.

This Guo Ye actually despised Jiang Dong!
"My lord, this is a good thing."

After hearing this, Lu Su was not worried but happy.

Sun Quan calmed down and nodded in agreement.

"Yes, this is a good thing! An arrogant and conceited commander has no reason to be invincible! However, Zijing, Gongjin, and Boyan, in this battle, we have only 20 troops in Jiangdong, how can we resist the enemy's [-] troops? the crowd?"

The hall fell into silence.

Ask Cao Wei for help?
Cao Pi must sit on the sidelines, waiting to see a good show.

Now Jiangdong can only rely on himself.

After pondering for a while, Lu Xun spoke first.

"Guo Ye is young and vigorous, and has no one in his eyes, so he can act as a arrogant soldier."

Lu Su said in a deep voice: "Retreat slowly along the river to lure the enemy deep."

Zhou Yu's eyes were fixed, and he said thoughtfully: "The bright fire is red at Guandu, and the Wulin covers the sky fire, so repeat the old trick!"

Sun Quan sorted out the words of these three people and thought about it carefully, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth unconsciously.

The strategy of arrogant soldiers can make Guo Ye, the commander-in-chief, take precautions and underestimate the enemy's carelessness, and lure the enemy to go deep. It is Jiang Dong who chooses the best place for the decisive battle!

In the end, the way to defeat the enemy is the tactic that the famous generals and marshals have already ruined the two great heroes: fire attack!

The Battle of Guandu launched by Yuan Shao and the Battle of Chibi launched by Cao Cao were all defeated in a fire of summoning souls!

Now repeating the same trick, it is to ruin the third powerful hero: Guo Jia!
The masters and ministers worked together, and the four of them spread out the topographic map of Jingzhou together, and started a comprehensive and detailed strategic plan.

In mid-August of the 14th year of Jian'an, Guo Ye led the Taiping Army to send 20 troops from Padang to attack Wu in the east!
As soon as they stepped out of the border of Badong County, the Taiping Army confronted the Jiangdong Army led by Zhou Yu and Lu Xun as its military adviser. The first battle was successful. Zigui.

When Cao Pi on Cao Wei's side got the news that the Taiping Army and the Jiangdong Army were at war, he was overjoyed.

This means that the two are about to enter an endless war.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Cao Pi did something that shocked the world.

Forcing Han Emperor Liu Xie to abdicate, Xingchan abdicates!
Changing dynasties is something Cao Cao has never done in his life, but it doesn't mean he doesn't want to do it.

If Cao Pi can erect the banner of the Cao family in a legitimate way, it will definitely consolidate Cao Wei's rule. At this time, under the impetus of the Jiupin Zhongzheng System, Cao Pi exchanged political interests for the unanimous support of the political group under his rule.

The Han Dynasty has long been a candle in the wind, and the last weak window paper was finally pierced by Cao Pi!

Xia Houshang personally led the army to escort Liu Xie to Yecheng, and all the civil and military officials arrived. At the court meeting, the officials knelt down and advised Liu Xie to abdicate.

It doesn't matter whether Liu Xie agrees or not. The 400-year-old foundation of the great man is about to be buried in his hands, but he has no courage to use his own blood to defend the last dignity of the Han Dynasty.

After the ministers advised Liu Xie to abdicate, he repeatedly asked Cao Pi to ascend the throne in the Ninth Five-Year Plan. After Cao Pi pretentiously declined, he finally agreed "reluctantly".

Back then, when the heroes of the world ignored Liu Xie, it was Cao Cao who stood up as a loyal minister, but now, Cao Cao's son has also earned the title of a usurping minister.

The Han Dynasty is dead!
(End of this chapter)

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