The Three Kingdoms: The Cold Gate World

Chapter 416 The matter of Shun and Yu

Chapter 416 The matter of Shun and Yu
Cao Pi intended to change the dynasty, and the abdication ceremony was held in Yecheng. When he made his ambition public, the first thing he faced was the breakup of some loyal ministers in the Han Dynasty.

Some civil servants headed by Cui Yan and Mao Jie wrote to Cao Pi to resign and return to the field.

Resisting Cao's usurpation is like hitting a stone with an egg. Under the general trend, even Cui Yan and Mao Jie, two civil servants who Cao Cao valued very much, were powerless to recover.

Cao Pi rewarded them with a large amount of gold and silver fertile land. When the abdication ceremony was approaching, Cao Pi was unwilling to kill. Moreover, the groups represented by Cui Yan and Mao Jie were only a small part. As long as they did not surrender to the enemy, Cao Pi would let them leave There are still.

Everyone has their own ambitions, so we can't blame the Cao family for betraying these ministers, but from the very beginning, these ministers did not see Cao Cao's true face. It was because Cao Cao concealed it well, or his ambitions were bred step by step, or they themselves had no eyesight?

Can't tell, don't know.

In fact, after Xun Yu passed away in a strange way, the ministers who supported the Han in the court felt bad. Maybe they still had such a glimmer of hope for the Cao family. After having a duke and a prince, it's time to give up, right?

But in the end, Cao Pi took a step that Cao Cao never took in his life, and completely shattered the last illusions of these people.

The abdication ceremony was an unprecedented grand ceremony, and all the influential figures under Cao Wei's rule were present. Of course, the generals with military orders were leading troops outside and could not leave their posts without permission. And in the distance, these people also focused their attention on Yecheng. Everyone knows that the era of the Cao family officially ruling the world is about to begin.

On the Temple of Heaven, Liu Xie, who was wearing a dragon robe and a crown on his head, burst into tears, and tremblingly said the tribute to the heaven. Cao Wei's knives and axes were all around the Temple of Heaven. As long as Liu Xie dared to make a restless move, the consequences Unbelievable.

Cao Pi was under the stairs, looking up with his hands behind his back, and all the officials behind him bowed their heads indifferently.

At this moment, it is not glorious and nothing to show off.

These civil servants and military generals all fell to Cao Wei, Cao Pi used political interests to lure them, and this moment will be recorded in the annals of history forever, and may even be remembered for thousands of years.

Usurping, for the Confucian and Taoist literati who advocate the virtuous and loyal ministers, is definitely a matter of embarrassment.

But compared to the face and reputation, it is clear that the prosperity of the descendants Mengyin family is more real.

Perhaps many people who closed their eyes and did not want to see this scene were thinking in their hearts that it was worth the price of exchanging one person's praise and reputation for the endless glory of future generations.

Sacrificial to heaven and earth, Liu Xie completed what he was supposed to do. Turning his head and looking down, Liu Xie was full of struggle and hatred. He was even able to tell the family backgrounds of the ministers below. Where did their ancestors live in the Han Dynasty? Which generation has been an official, what kind of preferential treatment has been received by the Han emperor, etc., but all of this will become history. The person they all support now is Cao Pi, the one who took the Han Dynasty from Liu Xie. The buried man.

The imperial edict was read out, Liu Xie abdicated, and Zen took the throne with Cao Pi.

A historic moment has arrived.

With an uncontrollable smile on Cao Pi's face, he held his head high and his chest proud, and strode up the stairs with great strides. After taking three steps, he suddenly turned his head and looked at the officials, and everyone focused their eyes on Cao Pi.

At this moment, he stopped, why?
Cao Pi looked at Chen Qun and Sima Yi who were standing side by side in the front row, and said with a loud smile, "I know about Shun and Yu."

After finishing speaking, Cao Pi smiled heartily, turned around and went to the altar.

The eight words he said made all the civil servants below feel disdainful and even disgusted.

Chen Qun's eyes drooped slightly, and he sighed slightly.

Cao Pi, what qualifications do you have to compare yourself to Dayu?
Dayu has the power to control water in the world, what about you?
If the Cao family says that anyone has meritorious service, it is Cao Cao.

It was Cao Cao who reorganized this fragmented country step by step, and it was Cao Cao who brought down Cao Wei's territories.

It's just that Cao Cao used the wrong method. If he hadn't coerced the emperor to order the princes to use the name of the Han Dynasty, how could Cao Pi usurp the throne today?
Cao Pi boarded the Temple of Heaven and came to Liu Xie's side, ignoring Liu Xie's vicious gaze wishing to tear him apart, Cao Pi put on a respectful gesture and completed the abdication ceremony afterwards.

Liu Xie resigned from the throne and became a king. On the contrary, Cao Pi ascended the throne, posthumously named Cao Cao Emperor Weiwu, changed Yuan to Huangchu, and amnesty the world!
Looking up at the sky and looking down at the earth, with the breeze passing by slowly, Cao Pi wearing the crown was released from his heart, as if he was in charge of all things, and the world could take whatever he wanted.

Breathing slowly with his eyes closed, Cao Pi murmured, "I don't know if Ying Zheng, Liu Bang, have the same feelings as me!"

Mount Emei in Yizhou

The green hills are majestic, the flowing water is majestic, and in front of a newly completed tomb on the verdant green plain, the youthful Cai Yan is wearing filial piety, pale and haggard.

Guo Jia, who was also wearing plain clothes, knelt in front of the tomb, stretched out his hands to stop Cai Yan's waist, and let her lean on his shoulders.

Behind Guo Jia, his wife, concubine and children were all dressed in sackcloth and filial piety. Everyone's eyes were fixed on the name on the tombstone, feeling very sad.

Among them, Guo Jin, who is already a handsome young man, burst into tears, his eyes were red, and he couldn't stop the tears. Cao Xian and Cao Jie, who were with him on the left and right, could only hold his hand gently, Give him some comfort.

Behind Guo's family, along the mountain road, there are guards guarding the road. At the foot of the mountain, there are densely packed literati and scholars. Most of them are teachers from Baijia School. They came here together on this day with a sad look. Looking up at the mountains.

In front of the tomb, Guo Jia poured a glass of wine and sprinkled it on the monument, and said softly, "Father-in-law, I'm sorry."

After the news of Cao Pi usurping the Han Dynasty spread to Yizhou, Cai Yong, who was nearly [-] years old, vomited blood and fell ill, and died three days later.

Before dying, Cai Yong wanted to see Guo Jia, but Guo Jia didn't go.

Guo Jia was afraid, afraid to hear that Cai Yong's last words were the same as Xun Yu's, that he was to help the Han.

The fact now is that the Han Dynasty is dead!
According to Cao Pi's cruel and ruthless style, he will definitely continue to strictly control Liu Xie after he proclaims himself emperor. If there is any trouble, Liu Xie will die without a place to bury him.

If Guo Jia is still going to help the Han, who can he find to be the spokesperson of the Han Dynasty?Are you looking for Liu Bei?
He couldn't, not from the start.

Cai Yan, who was leaning on Guo Jia's shoulder, spoke dryly, and the voice of heaven, which used to be like an oriole, suddenly became heavy.

"Husband, you are wrong. Before my father died, I asked my concubine to convey a word to you."

The person who accompanied Cai Yong on the last journey was of course Cai Yan. Cai Yan's mother took the first step seven years ago.

Guo Jia sighed and said, "Speak."

"Father said, please husband to be a good emperor."

Guo Jia's eyes showed shock, and he looked at the tombstone in disbelief.

Guo Jia, who has seen countless ups and downs, must admit at this moment that he misread a person, Cai Yong.

This seemingly stubborn and pedantic old man is actually very wise and stupid.

Maybe Cai Yong actually accepted the reality during the conversation.

For him, the most difficult choice is to be caught in the middle, while helping the Han with nowhere to go, and at the same time helping Guo Jia to teach talents in a hundred schools. This is the choice between loyalty to the emperor and common people.

However, Cai Yong chose the latter. Baijia School will build a school in a new county every year. For more than 20 years, Guo Jia has benefited a lot, and Cai Yong has attracted countless scholars with lofty ideals. Being an official under Guo Jia, but being a teacher and receiving a high salary is also an obvious and huge contribution to Guo Jia's rule.

With a desolate smile, Guo Jia picked up the jug and took two sips by himself, and said to Cai Yong's tombstone, "So, my father-in-law must know why I handed over the emperor back then."

Cai Yan burst into tears, leaned weakly on Guo Jia, and nodded slowly.

Liu Xie's double-edged sword, Guo Jia gave up coercing the emperor to order the princes, the most deadly reason is today's situation.

Cao Pi's usurping the Han Dynasty, although what he did was abdication, it was a move to open up the atmosphere, and set an example for the founding kings of the next few dynasties. To change the dynasty, one must either shed blood or abdicate. It seems that abdication is peaceful and conforms to the way of heaven. Putting on a high-sounding coat, and this coat is what many emperors who want to be famous in history want, but people in the world are not fools.

Guo Jia does not want the emperor, but he does not want himself, including his descendants, to bear the infamy of this usurper.

This name will carry thousands of generations!
To be a good emperor, this requirement is equally heavy, and it is a burden that Guo Jia cannot bear in his life after working hard in troubled times for more than [-] years.

It's not that Guo Jia is avoiding this burden, but that he doesn't want his life to go on with heavy responsibilities all the way.

Everyone should have the right to choose, and Guo Jia had already made his choice during this strategic deployment to destroy Cao.

Standing up, Guo Jia cast a wink at Diao Chan who was behind her, Diao Chan understood, and stepped forward to take Guo Jia's place to support Cai Yan.

Mourning relatives is a must, and Guo Jia cannot stay for long, he still has countless official duties to be busy.

When he was about to go down the mountain, when he passed by Guo Jin, Guo Jia saw him crying, patted him on the shoulder comfortingly, and strode away.

Going down the mountain road, Guo Jia had just walked halfway, when Pang Tong walked up to Guo Jia with several scrolls of bamboo slips and presented them to Guo Jia.

Guo Jia took a roll and read it as he walked.

Pang Tong followed beside him, closely following him.

Rolling up the bamboo slips, Guo Jia paused, turned his head to look at Pang Tong, and asked in question, "Gong Xingtian punishes Jianhao Emperor?"

Pang Tong nodded seriously.

"We'll discuss this matter again."

Guo Jia threw the bamboo slips into Pang Tong's arms and started to leave, but Pang Tong persuaded him: "My lord, Cao Pi proclaims himself emperor, and the Han Dynasty is dead. If my lord does not proclaim himself emperor, then from now on, in front of the world, my lord can be compared with Cao Pi." ?"

Guo Jia's largest official position is the second only to the position of general in the state pastoral and military positions, but these are all officials of the Han Dynasty.

The title is no more than a marquis.

Conversation between heroes, Cao Pi is the emperor, what is Guo Jia?
Now Guo Jia's status is a bit nondescript, so he must also raise his own banner.

Guo Jia turned his head to stare at Pang Tong, and said in a deep voice: "Shi Yuan, you know very well how long Cao Pi can be the emperor. Don't mention the matter of becoming emperor."

(End of this chapter)

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