Chapter 420
Going down the river, Guo Jia, who led the fleet, had a smooth itinerary, and arrived in Zigui within two days. Here, Guo Ye abandoned a large number of ships when he marched past, took them with him, and continued down the river.

Another half day later, Guo Jia's party was no more than [-] people, and they came to Yidu County with warships covering almost several miles.

On land, the Taiping Army battalion was hundreds of miles away, and it was only two days before the vanguard Wei Yan led his army into Xiaoting, but Guo Jia caught up with the tail of the Taiping Army's ground troops at this time.

In the evening, when the trees on the bank were swaying, Jia Xu stood by the river, looked at the densely packed warships approaching slowly under the sky, and smiled knowingly.

Deng Zhi, who was called out by Jia Xu from the big camp camp on the other side of the mountain forest, was shocked. Looking at the endless warship, he said in surprise: "Who is this on board?"

Jia Xu asked him meaningfully.

"The general can guess."

Deng Zhi immediately gave Jia Xu a blank look, guess what?

It was Guo Ye's order to abandon the warship in Zigui, so it's still guesswork if Guo Ye's order can be overturned?It must be Guo Jia.

Deng Zhi just didn't know who was in command of the warship, Gao Shun?Zhang Yan?Xu Chu?

Thinking about it in reverse, Deng Zhi was full of doubts, and asked Jia Xu: "Military teacher, is it because the son acted improperly, or did the lord do it deliberately?"

When Jia Xu heard it, he couldn't help being happy. Like Guo Jia, he didn't like to talk to Muyu's head, but generals who like to think are all pleasing to the heart.

"The prince obeys the lord."

After Jia Xu instructed, Deng Zhi suddenly realized, and blurted out: "The lord is trying to confuse Jiangdong."

Jia Xu nodded in relief, and said softly, "That's true."

The warship docked, and the first person to land was Meng Huo. He led [-] Wudang flying troops south to Badong, and followed Guo Jia on the expedition. He was the only soldier Guo Jia could mobilize now.

The person following Meng Huo was Pang Tong, and the two led the soldiers to land quietly. Meng Huo didn't understand official etiquette, so it was more pragmatic, so when he met Jia Xu and Deng Zhi, he bowed his hands and let Pang Tong Come to announce Guo Jia's military orders.

Naturally, Pang Tong would not be as stubborn as Meng Huo. He smiled and bowed his hands to Jia Xu and Deng Zhi: "Thank you for your expedition, both of you have worked hard."

Deng Zhi hurriedly saluted and said a few words, but Jia Xu stared at Pang Tong with an inscrutable smile on his face, and asked: "Cao Pi usurped the Han, why didn't Shiyuan seize the opportunity?"

Pang Tong laughed out loud, came back to his senses and shook his head with a wry smile, "My lord won't change his mind, so what can I do?"

Jia Xu looked up at the night sky, sighed deeply, and said nothing more.

Pang Tong felt emotional in his heart, but quickly put away his regret, and immediately turned his head to Deng Zhi and said solemnly: "General, my lord has an order, and I order you to lead the rear army to board the ship, and there must be no mistakes."

As soon as the words fell, Deng Zhi frowned, wondering: "It takes two or three days to go through the mountains and forests. I'm afraid it will be difficult for the whole army to board the ship."

The barracks where the Taiping Army was stationed was on the other side of the forest. In Deng Zhi's view, it would be quite difficult to bring all [-] soldiers and horses on board.

But Pang Tong was obviously not surprised, and explained to Deng Zhi: "General Meng will assist the general, so let's do it without delay. Oh, and one more thing, when the general left with his army, he left behind the camp and hundreds of soldiers. patrol."

"Empty camp?"

Deng Zhi asked back in surprise, and after thinking about it herself, she immediately expressed her understanding.

Mountains and forests are a big problem for ordinary soldiers. It takes a long time to open up mountain roads for tens of thousands of troops to cross. It was as if walking on flat ground. With their assistance, the soldiers at the end of the three armies of the Taiping Army traveled through the mountains and forests to the shore in just one night, boarded ships and continued down the river.

The camp looked normal from the outside, and there were soldiers patrolling step by step. If you didn't enter the camp or pay attention to the details, it would be difficult to find that the Taiping Army's western camp was already empty.

The fleet continued to move forward. In the leading ship where Guo Jia was, he was sitting and playing chess with Jia Xu, accompanied by Pang Tong, which was a bit boring.

"This army is working hard, can Wenhe still survive?"

Guo Jia looked at the chessboard and asked softly.

Jia Xu is already over [-] years old. Let him go out with the army, even if he rides a horse, it must be a kind of torture.

Before Jia Xu could speak, Pang Tong interjected: "Mr. Wen He is pure-hearted and ascetic. He has his own experience in self-cultivation and self-cultivation. His body is stronger than that of a young man. Even if my lord lets him go out with the army ten years later, it will definitely be fine." .”

Guo Jia, who was holding the white piece, was startled slightly, and raised his head to look at Pang Tong, seeing him staring at him with a slightly innocent expression, but full of anticipation.

Smiling slightly, Guo Jia said: "Shiyuan, there is something in your words. Don't think about anything else, there is a big battle waiting in front of you."

Pang Tong scratched his head, and inadvertently looked at Jia Xu calmly, and the two exchanged eyes, showing a bit of helplessness.


The pieces fell on the chessboard, and Guo Jia said leisurely: "Yanpu Feige passed the letter, Cao Pi sent Sima Yi to Luoyang, what do you two think?"

Jia Xu didn't speak and concentrated on playing chess. Pang Tong was very interested in this Sima Yi, or someone who could make Guo Jia pay attention to him. It is impossible for people to be full of praise, just let everyone pay attention.

After Sima Yi became an official, it was after Cao Cao's death that he really came into the eyes of outsiders, and the most eye-catching thing about him was that he participated in all the important military and political affairs of Cao Pi from stabilizing the internal affairs to ascending the throne and proclaiming the emperor, although the official position has not yet reached the prominent position The height, but is already an important person who participates in the confidentiality of the center.

At Sima Yi's age, it can be said that he rose in Cao Wei's officialdom at the speed of a comet. Compared with his brother Sima Lang, who became an official earlier, Sima Yi can be said to have risen to the top. To achieve such achievements, it is impossible to rely on family background alone. Sima Yi must have extraordinary Pang Tong can't say a thing or two about his talent.

Cao Wei's confidential discussions are all secrets. At most, outsiders know that Cao Pi thinks highly of Sima Yi, but he consults with him on all important military and political matters, but outsiders have no way of knowing the details, so they discuss with Guo Jia. With so many advisers, they The content of the conversation can only be guessed by outsiders.

"Don't think about it, Shi Yuan. Seeing your sad face is not a good sign. I heard people say that Sima Yi has the appearance of a wolf."

Black and white intertwined, criss-crossing the chessboard, Guo Jia and Jia Xu come and go, no one hesitates.

These words made Jia Xu stare and ponder for a moment, and Pang Tong was even more surprised: "My lord, what does Sima Yi mean when he went to Luoyang?"

Guo Jia grabbed a handful of white stones and put them in his hand, still staring at the chessboard, he said thoughtfully: "According to the trend that Sima Yi is now valued by Cao Pi, plus the nine-rank Zhongzheng system, the Sima family will produce a second Yuan Shao sooner or later, but , with Wang Mang's precedent, Sima Jiaguang's power is not enough, it's better to have He Jin, even if he can't do He Jin, it is necessary to establish prestige in the army. Hehe, Wen He, Wen And, you old fox actually hid your hand, and you were almost deceived by you, if you didn't find out, I would abandon my son and surrender within five steps."

Guo Jia laughed and dropped his hand, which happened to seal off Jia Xu's carefully planned game.

Jia Xu and Pang Tong obviously didn't put their minds on the chessboard. After all, they were still shocked by Sima Yi.

They didn't know why Guo Jia decided that Sima Yi was unfaithful to Cao Wei. Anyway, it was absolutely impossible to make such a conclusion based on hearsay that Sima Yi had a wolf Gu Zhixiang, but Guo Jia would never aim at nothing.

Jia Xu smiled lightly and said, "This way, my lord will win the round, and it's still a tie."

Guo Jiahun didn't care, and while picking up the pieces, he said, "Let's decide the winner in the next game."

Pang Tong, who was meditating on the side, also forgot about Sima Yi. Even if Sima Yi really wanted to usurp Cao Wei, it would be nothing. Is it a trivial matter to seek to usurp the government?If careerists don't operate for more than ten years, decades, how can they do it?
It was only one day away from Wei Yan's attack on Xiaoting, and Guo Jia's fleet was less than [-] miles away from Wei Yan's vanguard army. Repeating the old trick, Guo Jia let Wudang's flying army land ashore at night and cross the forest to deliver orders , secretly crossing Chen Cang.

Guo Ye, who was just about to fall asleep, suddenly heard the sound of orderly footsteps outside the tent, stopped his movements, and turned his eyes to the tent door. Sure enough, someone opened the curtain to enter the account. The person coming was definitely unexpected by Guo Ye.

Xu Chu of Da Ma Jin Dao came to Guo Ye and bowed his hands, then cut straight to the point and said, "My lord, I bring you my lord's military orders, my lord, please have a look."

After reading the military order Xu Chu was carrying, Guo Ye immediately said: "It's not too late, what General Xu wants to do, I will immediately order the soldiers to cooperate with the general."

Xu Chu didn't talk nonsense, and after Xiao Ren, Zhang Ren, and Dianman came to the tent, he explained the plan again.

In this line, Xu Chu took Meng Huo with him, but Wudang Fei had 13 troops, [-] were under Meng Huo's command, and [-] were in the [-] army of the Chinese Army.

Xu Chu ordered them to go down one by one, and each performed his duties.

Like the rear army, the soldiers of the Chinese army, with the assistance of [-] Wudang flying troops, withdrew to the shore overnight to board the ship.

Dianman led the youth army to escort Guo Ye. Halfway there, Guo Ye was about to cross the mountains and forests. Guo Ye suddenly turned around to look for Xu Chu. , what are the arrangements?"

Now Guo Ye has understood Guo Jia's strategy, which is to deceive Jiangdong and make a fool of himself.

However, Guo Ye must know what will happen to Wei Yan.

Under the leadership of Wei Yan, the [-] vanguard troops in front could not withdraw as quietly as the rear army of the Chinese army, otherwise they would startle the snake.

Xu Chu said truthfully: "I got the order from my lord to go to the rescue after General Wei led his troops into Xiaoting."

When Guo Ye heard this, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

"That is to say, the vanguard troops will inevitably go to war with Jiangdong. If Jiangdong counterattacks with all its strength, the vanguard troops will be alone and helpless."

Guo Ye didn't finish what he said, he understood!

Wei Yan's [-] soldiers and horses were all sent to death!
This also explains why Guo Jia wanted to raise an army composed of criminals, and sent this army to the front line before it was tempered, and it was still such an important position as a vanguard!
"General Xu, I'm asking you for one thing."

Guo Ye's eyes were suddenly solemn, and he held Xu Chu's arm tightly.

Xu Chu was startled, but also solemnly said: "Sir, please tell me."

"Be sure to rescue Wei Wenchang."

Looking at Guo Ye's unwavering gaze, Xu Chu nodded solemnly.

(End of this chapter)

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