Chapter 421
There are many peaks, mountains and forests, stepping into the boundary of Xiaoting, Wei Yan did not dare to be careless, but this natural environment is not good for the army. Twenty miles away, there is a military camp built near the mountains in the east of the river. Wei Yan saw that it was getting late, so he ordered Camp on the spot.

Because the Taiping Army's company battalion is [-] miles away, Wei Yan, as the vanguard, has no idea of ​​any situation behind him, and the scouts of the Jiangdong Army's ground troops can't see the reason from a distance, but they have to know everything from the beginning to the end. The Taiping army's barracks will take a long time to go back and forth. From the beginning, Guo Jia wanted this time difference.

The warships of the Taiping Army on the Yangtze River sailing to the gorge of Yiling will definitely alarm Jiangdong, but before that, Wei Yan's vanguard will induce Jiangdong to launch a decisive battle. Pang Tong, Jia Xu, Fazheng, Xu Shu, Xi Zhicai, and Qin Mi were planning together.

The sky darkened, and in the Jiangdong Army camp, the entire army was on standby. Zhou Yu, as the commander, listened to the scouts, and the scouts reported. Instead of using earth and stones, this is simply asking for death.

In the commander's tent, all the generals were in high spirits, waiting for Zhou Yu's order, and they devoured the Taiping army like wild animals out of a cage.

Zhou Yu lined up his troops calmly, then drew his sword out of its sheath, and encouraged the soldiers to say: "All generals obey orders, this battle is to wipe out the Taiping army!"

All the generals clasped their fists to accept the order, turned around and filed out.

Lu Meng, Lu Fan led [-] troops, Ding Fengling led [-] troops, and the [-] soldiers and horses brought kerosene and archers from the two wings. Huang Gai, Cheng Pu, and Han Dang led [-] troops from the front. , Zhou Yu led the last [-] Jiangdong Army as a backup to adapt to the situation.

In the quiet night, only the sound of swaying branches in the forest passed by his ears. Wei Yan was thinking about what to do next in the tent, and there was no doubt that a fierce battle would follow, but he had a premonition that Guo Jia asked him to train the new The army is actually a bait, but he doesn't know exactly how to lure the enemy.

While he was thinking, someone came in, it was Meng Huo.

"What are you doing here?"

Wei Yan didn't understand why Meng Huo, who was supposed to be stationed at Dingjun Mountain in Hanzhong, appeared here, but Meng Huo didn't explain to him, and threw a piece of white silk in front of Wei Yan. Break out in a cold sweat.

Immediately, Wei Yan called all the captains appointed by his subordinates to his eyes and gave them an order: the whole army raided the Jiangdong Army overnight!

These newly promoted school lieutenants immediately turned around to set off with the whole army, and after Wei Yan turned back to the big tent, he fled at night under the cover of a hundred Wudang flying troops led by Meng Huo.

Just as the Taiping Army's vanguard battalion was in a hurry to prepare for the battle, countless sparks suddenly flashed across the sky, from far to near, flashing a parabola in the dark sky and falling like rain.


The camp suddenly burst into flames, and the Taiping army was in chaos. However, because the military order had been obtained in advance, the whole army was dispatched in a hurry and rushed straight ahead. In the night, countless Jiangdong troops, Huang Gai, Cheng Pu, Han Dang, The three veterans rushed into the battlefield first.

Lu Meng, Lu Fan, and Ding Fengling led the archers to set fire to the Taiping Army's camp with rockets from both wings, and then set fire to the trees in the mountains and forests.

After a short while, the densely packed flames joined together, and the sparks soared into the sky in an instant.

Thick smoke billowed, flames billowed into the sky, and the burnt trees in the mountains and forests rolled down with flames. The vanguard of the Taiping Army was completely engulfed in a sea of ​​flames. .

The four generals Lv Meng, Lv Fan, and Ding Fengling led the army like two night poisonous snakes across the two wings. The mountains and forests behind them were all ignited, and they continued to go west, all the way, and all the nearby mountains and forests were set on fire. The army's barracks were also set ablaze.

Behind them, three veteran generals, Huang Gai, Cheng Pu, and Han, led their army invincible, rushing all the way, defeating the enemy head-on.

The fire alone cannot burn the enemy army to death. The fire is to make the enemy army chaotic and unable to gather combat power, so that the prepared Jiangdong army can easily break it.

The task of Lv Meng and Ling Tong is very simple. Set fire to the mountains and forests on both sides, cut off the retreat route of the Taiping Army, and at the same time pass by the Taiping Army's camp and attack the opposing army camp with fire to create chaos. The rest of the task of killing the enemy will be left to Huang Gai's main force. force.

They were attacking from a distance. They saw enemy troops patrolling outside the Taiping army camp from a distance, and without thinking too much, they fired rockets at them. When the camp was on fire, they immediately advanced without stopping.

The three veteran generals Huang Gai, Han Dang, and Cheng Pu led the army to kill the enemy. They were brave and fearless. The 20 Taiping troops in the vanguard had all become the souls of their swords. Behind the camp of the central army of the Taiping Army, Huang Gai, who was still charging forward, led his troops into the camp of the enemy army, but his body and mind were shaken.

In the barracks, there were raging fires everywhere, but Huang Gai could not see many enemy troops, or this did not match the 10,000+ Chinese military intelligence.

The camp was already on fire, and there could be no enemy soldiers inside waiting to be burned to death.

However, there were only a few hundred Taiping soldiers fighting the Jiangdong army with weapons in their camps. At a glance, they looked like ants, vulnerable to a single blow.

"Where did the enemy go?"

Cheng Pu frowned and asked, Han Dang, who was panting heavily, was at a loss.

Huang Gai looked at the mountains and forests on both sides, and there was also a scene of fire covering the sky. If the Taiping army wanted to withdraw, it would be impossible to withdraw so quickly. Unique, only the crackling of the fire burning.

Startled, Huang Gai blurted out: "Oops, I've been tricked!"

Huang Gai didn't know what kind of trick he had been caught in, or where the Taiping army had gone, but there must be demons in everything, and now this abnormal scene made him have to return the army first, fearful before making changes.

Sending people to stop Lu Meng and Ling Tong quickly, Huang Gai had to make a decisive decision whether to continue to kill or send his troops back.

When Huang Gai sent soldiers and horses to catch up with Lu Meng and Ling Tong, the two felt incredible when they heard what happened behind them.

In order to seek the truth, Lu Meng and Lu Fan personally led the army to approach the next Taiping Army camp.

"Fire arrows."

At Lu Meng's order, the rockets pierced through the sky and fell into the Taiping army's barracks one after another.

Seeing the commotion coming from the barracks ahead, there was not much noise, and then some Taiping soldiers rushed out from the barracks to kill Lu Meng.

With a wave of his hand, Lu Meng ordered his soldiers to rush to kill, and in just a moment, hundreds of Taiping soldiers were killed on the spot. After that, Lu Meng saw the enemy's camp burning into the sky, and there was no other movement.

Empty camp!

"Retreat quickly, the governor is in trouble!"

Lu Meng gritted his teeth, and immediately led his army to retreat after getting the confirmation.

While the fire dragons stretching for hundreds of miles in Yidao Xiaoting were raging, on the Yangtze River on the other side of the Yueshan Forest, the warships of the Taiping Army slowly approached the mouth of the Xiaoting boundary.

Putting on his armor, Guo Jia stood at the bow of the boat, looking at the night where the flames of Yiling turned red and the scene where the sky was covered in thick smoke like black clouds.

Jia Xu, who was over [-] years old, stayed in the cabin, and Pang Tong, who had been courageous since he was a child, was still by Guo Jia's side in unclothed clothes and sleeves, not at all worried about his life in case of war.


Guo Jia called softly, Pang Tong laughed a few times, moved behind Xiao Ren, and said: "Your official knows, hide, hide."

In front of the river is the mouth of the Yangtze River gorge at the boundary of Xiaoting, where there are warships from the east of the river and water villages on the shore.

After the Taiping army abandoned their warships and landed in Zigui, Jiangdong confirmed the news and then abandoned the battlefield on the Yangtze River, because they had few troops and had to concentrate their forces to fight this counterattack.

Guo Jia looked at Jiangdong's defense line in front of Shuizhai, and immediately ordered: "Destroy all warships in Jiangdong."

There were only less than 2000 people in the water village in Jiangdong. If it wasn't for Yiling's overwhelming fire to light up the night, they probably wouldn't have noticed the Taiping army's densely packed warships coming.

But even if he reacted, it was too late.

The warships of the Taiping Army headed straight for the water village, and the roar resounded through the sky.

The sharp cone on the bow of the ship broke through the Jiangdong warship with the momentum of the voyage, and the Taiping army joined the ship to fight, destroying all the Jiangdong warship in less than a moment, and then swept away the obstacles and prepared to land.

Guo Jia called Guo Ye in front of him and ordered: "You lead [-] soldiers and horses straight down the river, and within two months, Jiangdong will be wiped out."

Guo Ye accepted the order with fists in his hands, and then boarded another warship, leading a team of warships full of Taiping troops through the gorge, and sailed down the river through the wind and waves.

Let Guo Ye take [-] soldiers and horses to take Jianye first, and then go all out to wipe out the six counties in Jiangdong. Guo Jia only let Guo Ye bring Wei Yan and Dianman and other young generals. Jianye has been empty and unimpeded.

The soldiers landed gradually, and the calm and orderly army was quickly adjusted, and according to Guo Jia's prior arrangement, all the troops rushed away one after another.

In the Xiaoting barracks, Zhou Yu waited for the information ahead in order to prevent changes. He had defeated the enemy vanguard by [-] and he seemed to see victory in sight, but then, a soldier covered in blood rushed into the commander's tent and knelt down He mourned: "Great Governor, Xiakou Shuizhai has been attacked, and the enemy troops are coming ashore."

Zhou Yu and Lu Xun stood up in shock, and Zhou Yu even rushed to the soldier, asking forcefully, "Enemy army? How many are here?"

The soldier couldn't tell at all, Zhou Yu didn't care about anything else, and immediately rushed out of the commander's tent, leading [-] soldiers and horses to the shore to investigate.

Suspicious and uncertain, Lu Xun led his fast horse and galloped eastward. The fast-moving Lu Xun gritted his teeth. He already felt that something was wrong. If there were enemy troops on the river, then this might be the real murderous intention of the Taiping Army.

The battle situation in Yiling has entered the stage of getting out of control, it doesn't matter whether he is present or not.

But now, if the Yangtze River falls, Jiangdong will be in danger. He must go back to warn Sun Quan, and more or less must mobilize some defensive forces.

When Zhou Yu led his army to the shore, he was shocked. The shore was brightly lit, and the Taiping army was waiting in formation. The torches illuminated his sight, and Zhou Yu had already seen Guo Jia who was riding a horse and looking towards him.

"Gongjin, are you safe?"

(End of this chapter)

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