Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 114, There Are Cranes in the Spirit World

Chapter 114, There Are Cranes in the Spirit World
Li Guo really wanted to say something, but the old mouthful was stuck in his throat, and he couldn't spit it out.

You don't know why you pretend like you're going to tell me some big secret?
It's very deceiving, okay.

"Although I don't know it, I know that there is an iron law in this world, that is, those who are born here are not allowed to leave, and can only die in this world." Suzaku stroked his hair with his hands, and murmured: "Bengong is also one of them. I wasted my whole life here and couldn't get out."

"Since you were born in this world, senior, how do you know about the outside world?" Li Guo wondered, just now she was making serious comments about monks in the world.

"I was given a chance to survive as an ancient immortal, and I was fortunate enough to observe it in the human world for several years. However, the chance of an ancient immortal is limited after all. When the opportunity is exhausted, I will return to this world."

Suzaku looked inexplicably: "Although the five poisons in the human world are strong, the red dust is cancerous, and the aura is thin, but sometimes, the human world is so attractive, isn't it?"

Li Guo thought so.

Since ancient times, some people have longed for immortals.

But there are also immortals who perish in human beings.

After all, the world is not useless, just like Dabai he hates the poison of the world, but he still can't help but enjoy it when facing potato chips, French fries and fried chicken burgers.

Li Guo seemed to know what the big sister Suzaku was going to do.

She wants to go to the world?
Li Guo asked.

"You want to go to the world?"

"Yes and no." Suzaku shook his head.

Li Guo: "????"

What does yes and no mean?
For the first time, Li Guo understood what a woman's needle is, the heart of the sea.

"I heard from this little fool that the world is more prosperous now than before, but the world of mortals is more poisonous, and there is a miasma that is comparable to miasma islands everywhere." Suzaku pointed at Fat Tiger Dabai, and then said flatly: "And this palace Advancement is in sight, don't be contaminated with too much red dust and five poisons, otherwise all previous efforts will be wasted."

"What is the senior asking for?"

"What I'm asking for, can you take my personal maid to the world, and let her bring back some novelties from the world for me, so that I can experience the changes in the world."

As he spoke, a crane descended from the sky.

The crane turned into a woman in white, with a beautiful appearance.

If Suzaku's face is beautiful, then the face of the woman transformed from the crane is as ethereal as a fairy, not like a human being.

Different from Suzaku's fiery figure, the white-clothed woman transformed from the crane is tall, slender and long, and her whole body is as cold as cold jade.

Compared with the Suzaku, the person transformed by the crane is more like a "celestial being", and looks more out of the dust.

"The concubine is the shape of a white crane." Xi's voice was also very light, matching her appearance.

"Miss Xianhe." Li Guo bowed and greeted.

"Taoist, you take me to the world, but I will not lose you. I heard this little idiot say that you use a knife. It just so happens that when I was traveling in the world, I was lucky enough to learn this knife, so I used it Leave it to you."

Suzaku had an extra cup at some point in his hand.

The cup is filled with tea, the fragrance is tangy, and the aura is exciting. If it is placed in the world, it will definitely attract people to flock to it.

However, it was such a precious cup of tea that was thrown away by Senior Suzaku.

After pouring the tea, Suzaku turned into a golden fire bird and left, and the pleasant temperature returned to the surrounding area.

Li Guo stood where he was, staring blankly at the poured tea.

Dabai was afraid of interrupting Li Guo's comprehension of sword skills, so he quietly backed away and walked towards the place where Li Guo put snacks in the Taoist temple
"Ding, the knife technique [steel chopping style] has been detected."

"Strong Slashing Style: Specializes in hard work."

"Get it for free, this system is converting the host into understandable text, please wait a moment."

The familiar system sound sounded, and Li Guo came to him suddenly.

"Oh, I'll go, I'm exhausted talking so politely all the time." Li Guo finally rolled his eyes, was stunned at the same time, and said in astonishment, "Wait a minute, you said you have sword skills?"

said the system.

"Yes, the Suzaku poured water just now, and the saber technique was hidden in it."

"I thought she was just pouring water just now." Li Guo complained silently.

Integrate the knife technique into the tea, and then pour the tea out.

Li Guo just thought that the big sister Suzaku was just pouring tea.
Operates great.

But Li Guo thinks that all these bells and whistles are meaningless, can dictation work, do you have to use tea as a knife to make people comprehend?

Li Guo, who had an old hole in his heart to vomit, noticed at the same time that the crane named Xi hadn't left yet, so he kept the hole in his heart.

At this moment, she was standing quietly by the side, like a court maid, beautiful and dignified.

Li Guo asked tentatively.

"Miss Xi?"

"You don't have to be so solemn." Xi said flatly: "You can call my concubine Yu Xi."

Li Guo said after a pause.

"You should know from Dabai what you need to go to the human world."

"The concubine knows it naturally, and signed an equal contract with Taoist you."

"Well, how should I put it? It depends on whether you are willing or not." Li Guo asked again, the most important thing in an equal contract is equality.

Yu Xi's cold voice did not fluctuate: "Taoist, you are the owner of Fangcun Mountain. It is condescending to sign an equal contract with such an ordinary wild crane like this concubine. I will definitely not have any opinions."

Now that the girl has no objections, Li Guo is not hypocritical.

Called out the record of strange beasts in mountains and seas.

The beautiful ancient scrolls painted in ink and wash were presented in front of Li Guo.

Looking at the ancient ink scroll, Yu Xi's originally cold expression also changed slightly.

At this moment, she can only feel the endless majesty from the ancient scroll.

Even this world cannot violate the power of this contract!
This made Yu Xi feel very dignified.

There is also a cloud of suspicion about Li Guo's origin.

Originally, Yu Xi thought that Li Guo was just a lucky one who entered this world by chance, but judging from his magical power contract that can summon such a forbidden world, I am afraid that the origin is a bit mysterious.
Yu Xi's face looked unmoved, cold and flat, but Li Guo's little brain had filled Li Guo's brain countless times.
Li Guo concentrated on summoning Strange Beasts of Mountains and Seas.

"Sign here."

When the record of strange beasts in the mountains and seas appeared, Yu Xi had already felt the power of equal contract contained in the Dao above, so he stretched out his hand and pressed it without saying anything.

Under the thumbprint, the mountains and seas are recorded.

"The contract is completed."

"Record of Strange Beasts in Mountains and Seas·Yu Xi."

"Live: There are cranes in the spiritual world, good at spreading rain, clouds and mist, cold in nature, loyal to the master, like to walk and sit alone, like sweets."

In the book of Strange Beasts in Mountains and Seas, a white crane composed of ink and wash floats beside Li Guo, which makes Li Guo's temperament even more dusty.

Li Guo looked at the ink-painted white crane floating beside him, thinking deeply.
A bold idea is taking shape.

(End of this chapter)

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