Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 115, go to the world

Chapter 115, go to the world
After the contract was signed, Li Guo felt a slight connection between his body and the Miss Baihe in front of him.

Unlike when Dabai signed the contract, when he signed Dabai, Li Guo could even feel the power from the four sacred beasts in Dabai, but when he signed Yuxi, Li Guo felt that he still had strength to spare.

However, Li Guo could feel that Yu Xi was higher than Dabai in terms of strength.

Sure enough, the Four Elephant Sacred Beast is the Four Elephant Sacred Beast, even if the dish is as white as Dabai, he is still a Sacred Beast.

Li Guo could feel that summoning Yuxi to the real world would consume much less energy than Dabai.
"Taoist, next time you go to the human world, call Yu Xi." Yu Xi said respectfully.

"Well, you don't need to call me Daoist, it's a bit of a privilege." Li Guo smiled and said: "My name is Li Guo, you can call me Daoist Li, or you can also call me Li Guo."

"Really Li."

Yu Xi nodded lightly and said, "If there is no other important matter, Yu Xi will leave first."

Saying that, Yu Xi turned into a crane.

The cranes are ethereal, surrounded by clouds and mist, full of fairy spirit.

At the same time, you can feel the vast yet gentle power in Yu Xi.

In this regard, Li Guo seemed to use the appraisal technique to Kangkang her realm strength, but in the end she still resisted the idea of ​​death. After all, when appraising a person or thing that is too strong, it will not only consume spiritual power, but also It will bleed like a blood gourd.

After hesitating for a moment, Li Guo asked again.

"Miss Yuxi, there is a saying in Pindao, I don't know if I should say it or not."

"Yu Xi listen." Xian He said calmly.

Li Guo took a deep breath and said.

"Can I ride you after summoning your clone to the real world?"

Yu Xi: "."

"Ride me?"


"What does Master Li mean?"

"literal meaning."

After a moment of silence, Yu Xi said: "If it's just riding, I dare not have any objections."

Li Guo breathed a sigh of relief.

It's easy for Yu Xi to agree.

"Meow! Why don't you ride it and not me!" Dabai in the distance was unconvinced, staring at Li Guo with teary eyes.

That look seemed to be saying【Why don’t you want me, shit shoveler.】

If it weren't for the potato chip scum on the corner of this guy's mouth, Li Guo would really feel that Dabai is a bit pitiful.

Li Guo couldn't help being a little speechless. He really didn't want to eat anything, and he probably didn't have enough potato chips.
"It takes too much energy to summon you to the human world."

"And for this matter, riding a crane is more appropriate than riding a big white tiger."

In the following days, Li Guo was still practicing the extracted exercises.

At the same time, there is also the [Steel Slashing Style] taught by Suzaku.

After being deeply analyzed by the system, Li Guo discovered that this is not a sword technique.

It's a strange skill of exerting force.

Not just for knives.

Swords, halberds, spears, knives.

All blades are suitable.

Judging from the level of knowledge of Li Guo, an engineering dog, this technique of exerting force is more like vibrating the aura on the blade.

The principle is probably like a water knife?
"Come on, meow."

Dabai on the side was eating potato chips while cheering for Li Guo.

Dabai has been completely corrupted by the puffed food into a useless cat.

But there is always a little bit of fun in life with cats.

One person and one cat spent time in the mountains.

Dabai's personality is more like a combination of dogs and cats.

There are not only the softness and naughtiness of cats, but also the stupidity, stupidity and stupidity of dogs.

It's very comfortable to get along with, and Shanshang also has a touch of color because of Dabai-if he doesn't like puffed food so much, he might be even cuter.

I don't know if the puffed food will make him even fatter.
"Ding, it is detected that the concentration of aura has started to rise."

"The second wave of spiritual tide in the human world is coming, please prepare the host."

"Well, prepare to deal with the arrival of the spiritual tide."

Li Guo put down the sword in his hand.

First go to the main hall to burn incense in front of the stone statues of Sanqing and Bodhi Patriarch.

I don't know if the Taoist incense has become more vigorous, and the stone statue of Sanqing is now clearer.

Including the stone statue of Patriarch Bodhi, it is a little clearer than before, and it seems to have a faint connection with some mysterious existence.

After burning the incense, Li Guo prepared to use Yimu Immortal Dun to go to the human world.

Before leaving, he came to the room and packed up the original Huang Ting Jing.

"Go to the world"

Exercising Yimu Immortal Dun, the figure disappeared in the oblique moon view.

Beijing, in the Huaxia Academy of Sciences.

In the director's office.

The old director emphasized again.

"Are you sure? Announcing psychic powers to the public? This is not something to talk about casually."

"Well, the Internet is no longer subject to supervision, and we already have mature enough countermeasures." A middle-aged man in a suit who seemed to have a considerable position pondered: "The improved Tai Chi has been brought out there, and it can be used as kung fu." put it on the web."

The old director looked happy.

Have you finished your research at last?
"That's really great. To be honest, we are not sure how long we can hide it. The website in the United States is already flooded with videos, and ours is similar. Sometimes it is too late to delete the video article. If we hide it again, it may be counterproductive. Effect."

"There is no way to hide the matter of spiritual recovery." The middle-aged man in the suit sighed: "After all, this is something that affects all human beings, and even all living things. If you want to hide it, you can't hide it. Someone will definitely find out from it. Clues."

At this time, the old director laughed and said: "America is a young country after all, and there is no inheritance from our ancient civilization after all. When faced with this kind of energy that once appeared, we can improve the ancient repair skills and transform it into a suitable Ordinary people practice."

The middle-aged man in the suit didn't say anything, after all, what the old director said was true.

Today's America is in a mess because of the video problem, and because of the national conditions, individual heroism is serious, and the awakened people in the United States are jumping more than the awakened people in any country in the world.

And there is already a backlog of orders.The super conflict finally broke out.

The United States has no time to eliminate this contradiction, and can only suppress it in the most primitive and brutal way.

"This can be regarded as God bless me Huaxia," the middle-aged man said with emotion.

"This is a change, but also an opportunity. It depends on who can stand out from this opportunity and thoroughly study this mysterious energy."

While the two were chatting, bursts of sirens sounded.

"Warning, warning, warning—"

"Old director, there is another problem with the Tianhe detector."

The old director looked stunned, and the middle-aged man in a suit also had a dull expression.

It wasn't long after the detector was repaired, why did it blow up again?
After a moment of sluggishness, the old director stood up excitedly, got dressed, and the middle-aged man in a suit followed suit.

Go to the elevator and go down to the bottom floor of the underground laboratory.

The researchers inside have been confused by this sudden change.

The old director came to the smoking Tianhe detector, looked at the burnt-out display screen, and murmured.

"This coordinate is still in Guangdong Province."

(End of this chapter)

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