Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 116, Evangelism

Chapter 116, Evangelism

"Yu Xi, come down."

Li Guo summoned Yu Xi in the urban area.

The record of strange beasts in mountains and seas, ink and wash surges.

The whole body is surrounded by black ink, and the ink and white cranes fly out of this record of strange beasts.

After a while, the ink white crane behind him gradually became tangible.

Under the blending of chaos, a pretty girl in white came to the world.

Yu Xi slowly opened her eyes. She had a beautiful face, elegant costumes, Bai Zhe's bare feet, and flowing hair.

Like a fairy walking out of a landscape painting, it is spotless.

"Really Li, is this the human world?" Yu Xi looked at the tall buildings and buildings, and murmured, "The human world actually looks like this."

Even if she was as cold as Yuxi, she was shocked by the scene in front of her.

After all, Li Guo was a little secretly happy in his heart.

Finally, Yu Xi, who seemed to have no fluctuations, was shocked!

Li Guo thought that the fairy in front of him had never wavered, and smiled.

"This is the world."

"It's different from what the lady said."

"The vicissitudes of life, the times have changed, the immortals and demons do not exist, and the human world is prosperous." Li Guo paused, looked at the busy traffic on the street and said: "It's just that now that the spiritual energy has recovered, people have picked up the spiritual energy again, maybe A wise man in the world can combine aura and technology to walk out of his own path."

"Then Master Li, who are you playing in it?" Yu Xi looked at Li Guo seriously.

Li Guo smiled and said: "How do you say that, who can a poor man play?"

"The concubine has a little cultivation, so I can naturally feel it, this world." Yu Xi said lightly: "It's filthy."

Yu Xi stretched out her hands, feeling the dirty air.

"The five poisons are prosperous, the red dust is poisonous, and desires are flowing. The cultivators practice again, but they can't cultivate anything famous in this world. Even if the spiritual energy recovers, so what, it's nothing more than mediocrity." Yu Xi said in an inexplicable tone: "As the lady said, the world is not a good place."

There is prosperity in the world.

But it is not suitable for ascetics.

"Really Li, you are very weak, right?"

Why do I have to remind myself of the fact that I am a weak chicken?
But soon, Yu Xi said: "However, the aura on your body is the orthodox Taoist sect, the immortal in the Taoist sect, who cultivates the magic of the gods, and practices the Tao of heaven. But it is very difficult to catch up with you in the realm after all. Li Zhenren, you don't have to be with them at all."

Because the system mission requires the revitalization of Daomen on Earth, brother, what can I do.

Of course, words cannot be said that way.

Facing Yu Xi's question, Li Guo paused and said.

"The poor Taoist is just an ordinary cultivator. What he wants is to revitalize the Taoism in this turbid world, and to spread the poor Taoism and the Taoism to all living beings."

When Li Guo spoke, his expression was calm.

Yu Xi stared at Li Guo for a long time, then said lightly: "Realist Li has great wishes, and I admire him."

"It's nothing to wish for." Li Guo put his hands on his back, and said lightly: "Besides, this world is not as miserable as you said, Miss Yuxi. In the fairyland, it is certainly possible to close the mountain gate to practice, but in this way, you can only cultivate into a fairy. .”

"Besides becoming an immortal, what else do you want to be?" Yu Xi asked doubtfully.

Cultivating the Tao and immortality, isn't that what one cultivates to become an immortal?

"I still want to become a human." Li Guo pointed to the bustling street and said: "Immortals and immortals, only immortals, can be combined with human beings to become adults. What's the point?"

"Really Li's ideas are somewhat similar to those of Lu Zu." Yu Xi gently stroked the ends of her hair.

You still know Lu Zu.

Li Guo laughed.

"Maybe. In short, this is the way of the poor. When you see injustice on the road, you can live with a sword. To protect the country and the country and punish the evil, the way of the law will naturally eliminate the demons. Pindao, always remember one thing."

"When I am anything else, I am a human being, a person with flesh and blood, with emotions, emotions, and joys."

Yu Xi didn't speak.

But Li Guo could feel that this 1.7-meter tall, slender fairy Qing Leng recognized him a little bit.

"Then, next, Yu Xi will do what Li Zhenren wants to do."

"Poverty. To preach to all living beings."

Li Guo stood on a tall building with his hands behind his back.

In Yu Xi's eyes, Li Guo's whole body was shining, and he missed his breath.

When preaching to all sentient beings, a ray of pride arises from the heart when you listen to it.

"The real person has a great wish, and Yu Xi is at his command." Yu Xi whispered to himself: "Preaching to all living beings is also considered a proud and selfless person."

Li Guo didn't know what Yu Xi was thinking, but just thought silently.

The benefits of the second wave of aura explosion.

brother is here
The world is always so bustling, around five o'clock in the afternoon.

Work at sunrise and rest at sunset—that's impossible, and there are many people who are still enjoying the blessings of 996.

But the students can't enjoy this blessing for the time being, and they leave school after five o'clock.

It is normal for elementary school students to quarrel after school, but at the gate of the urban elementary school, a parent is arguing with his son.

The little fat man yelled on the side of the street.

"Mom! I want to play e-sports!"

"Be realistic, okay? What's so good about playing games? Hurry up and go home to study. You're just babbling before you write the math problems." The middle-aged woman scolded: "Our family is a college student, you are so poor , lost a person."

"Mom! I really want to play e-sports! I don't want to study! I went to the coach and said that I have talent. If you don't believe me, look! I can become the strongest with one hand with Yasuo!"

The little fat man's hands transformed into phantoms in the air, and they were not flexible like fingers, but like machines.

If there are official personnel here, they will recognize that the little fat man is actually an awakened person, and the awakened ability is super high hand speed.
Facing the fat man's unusually flexible hands, the middle-aged woman did not waver, and said with a sneer: "Everything is low-grade, only reading is high. I don't care if you have any talent, anyway, you give it to me now, be good! Be good! Read! Book!"

As she spoke, the middle-aged woman pinched the little fat man's ears.

Let the little fat man cry out in pain again and again.

Afterwards, not only the middle-aged women, but also other people came to persuade them.

They all expressed their dislike for the little fat man.

"I can't even read well, so what kind of e-sports do I play?"

"Study hard and become a civil servant after graduation. That's the right way."

"That's right, what kind of e-sports is playing, isn't it just to play on the computer, Sister Wang, let me tell you, children should play like this"

There was a chattering voice, and the little fat man pouted, tears streaming down his face.

Can't play e-sports?

The little fat man remembered that when he came into contact with League of Legends in the first grade, he fell in love with this game, the plot in it, and those e-sports players who won glory for the country.

It's really not about being playful, it's really not just about playing games
However, he is just a child, at least until he becomes an adult, the future is in the hands of his parents.

However, after becoming an adult, can he still stick to his e-sports dream?
Just when the little fat man was shaking, there were bursts of voices from the sky.

The little fat man felt emotional and looked up at the sky.

His expression froze instantly.

"Every day! Look at the sky!"

The middle-aged woman was a little puzzled, and looked up following the little fat man's eyes.

A huge white crane is walking in the sky.

Above the white crane, there was a faint fairy voice.

(End of this chapter)

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