Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 133, The law should not be passed lightly (4 more tickets

Chapter 133, The law should not be passed lightly (four more tickets

Gu Taisan remained silent and chose to wait silently for him to finish this class.

It wasn't because of the request of the 'big villain' Luo Qianhua in front of him, but because of the yearning eyes of the children in dirty clothes in the mud house.

Gu Taisan's heart was touched by his hunger for knowledge and the look in his eyes.

However, Gu Taisan didn't wait, instead, he let his people form a net outside, so that Luo Qianhua couldn't fly even with wings.

A few minutes is quickly over.

"get out of class."

"goodbye teacher!"

After class, these children looked at Gu Taisan and the others outside with some fear, with fear and fear in their eyes.

The menacing, heavily armed policemen, the aura is really terrifying, children can't bear it.

Luo Qianhua, who was in the wheelchair, just smiled gently and said, "They are police uncles, not bad guys, they are here to find the teacher, you are playing in the classroom now, the teacher will come back later to teach English in the next class, I want to know Whoever doesn't do their homework gets spanked."

Luo Qianhua's honest majesty calmed down these children, and some even started to remember words on the spot, for fear of being slapped by Teacher Luo.

At this time, Luo Qianhua steered the wheelchair to the outside of the classroom.

Gu Taisan frowned.

"Is this your disguised identity?"

"No." Luo Qianhua lit a cigarette, then said with a slight smile, "I used to be a rural teacher, and I still am now. I have been teaching here for almost 10 years. Is there any problem?"

Gu Taisan did not expect that this guy who stirred up the wind and rain was actually the disabled man in front of him who was lying in the mountain village elementary school.

"You are now suspected of disrupting social order and endangering public security. I will arrest you and bring you to justice." Gu Taisan took out the handcuffs and said, "You have the right to remain silent, but everything you say will become evidence in court. "

When Gu Taisan was about to handcuff Luo Qianhua, Luo Qianhua himself did not resist, but kept smiling.

The primary school students in the mud house gave up and rushed out one by one, holding brooms, mops, and sticks.

"Don't take the teacher away!"

"You guys, go back." Luo Qianhua's voice was very soft, but to these elementary school students, it seemed to have supreme majesty: "Go back to the classroom, sit down, and study by yourself in the next class."


"Go back, sit down, and I'll say it again."

These little guys returned to their seats very aggrieved.

"I thought it was your trick at first." Gu Taisan looked at Luo Qianhua with a complicated expression. He thought that the young people in front of him would be so despicable that they would use these children to attack the police to escape.

"I'm not that mean and shameless."

"Do you think that what you have done is not despicable enough?" Gu Taisan shook his head and said, "On June [-]th, go to Wudang and win skills."

Luo Qianhua did not deny this, but smiled honestly.

"You can decipher the information I contain in these martial arts"

Luo Qianhua was truly admiring.

It was this calm and sincere admiration and calmness that made Gu Taisan very angry.

He didn't seem to know what he was doing, as if everything was under control.

"Do you think you are doing something to disturb the social order? You know how serious turmoil will be caused by these efforts in society. Tell me, why do you do this for an ambitious person like you?"

Luo Qianhua paused, stubbed out the cigarette butt, put it on the ashtray of the wheelchair, and then said calmly.

"Before answering your question, you have to answer my question first. I have three questions for you."

Gu Taisan didn't speak, it was up to the discretion whether to answer or not.

Luo Qianhua laughed.

"The first question, is the test score of the candidates in the capital city much lower than those in other places?"

Gu Taisan said after a moment of silence.


"The second question, under the same circumstances, is it very difficult for these children in the barren mountains to change their fate? They don't have enough educational resources, and there aren't even enough teachers here, and there aren't enough information channels. They even revive their spiritual energy. Oh no, you officially call it the awakening of psionic energy, anyway, it’s the same, and they don’t even know about it, and they’ve lagged behind others from the very beginning, don’t you think?”

This is an objective reason, Gu Taisan nodded.


"The third question, you said that Wudang Mountain distributed improved Taijiquan to the public to practice, so, are the people in Wudang Mountain practicing the original version of Taijiquan? Taiji Sword? Taiji Kung Fu?"


"Okay, I'm done asking."

Luo Qianhua laughed.

Everyone was silent.

All the people present were smart people, and they could probably guess what Luo Qianhua meant by asking these questions.

"So, do you know why I want to spread the exercises, seize the Wudang exercises, and pass them on to the world?"

"What I want is nothing more than two words - fairness."

Luo Qianhua said lightly.

"Before the age of spiritual energy, it was said that reading can change your destiny. However, the difficulty of reading to change your destiny for the children in the mountains is hundreds or thousands of times that of others. They have higher scores than others and fewer educational resources than others. Is this fair? They worked very hard and were willing to give, but in the end, because this is a mountain with scarce educational resources, they can only stay in this valley for generations, is this fair?"

"In the past, children in the city could receive the changes of textbooks immediately, but because of the lag of information, the children in the mountains had already studied hard for a year when they received the information about the changes in textbooks, and the result was naturally that they were goodbye. Wasting time, you say, is that fair?"

"People in Wudang Mountain and the government can practice the original version of Taijiquan, while others can only practice the castrated version. Is it fair? Even if the times have changed, has this time changed for them? And, don't think that I I don’t know, Wudang Mountain not only has Taijiquan, but also many advanced ancient martial arts that have been passed down in ancient times.”

Luo Qianhua pointed to the children in the classroom who were studying hard.

Even through the wall, you can feel the longing for what is beyond the wall and beyond the mountain.

"I've taught generation after generation of students that I've seen too much of these things, and they look hopeful. It's just that behind the hope is deep despair."

"I don't ask much, I just want to be fair, to teach thousands of Dharma, so that children like them in the mountains, at least, can truly stand on the same starting line as others."

Luo Qianhua's eyes showed a righteous expression.

There was no resistance to being discovered or arrested.

The seeds have been planted, and even if he is arrested, the kung fu that contains hypnotic information has already spread.

On June [-]th, these people will go to Wudang to win the skills and pass them on to the world.

Everyone remained silent, Luo Qianhua's words still had some impact
Only a faint voice sounded.

Li Guo said to Luo Qianhua.

"Then do you know that the law should not be passed on lightly, and the scriptures should not be taught lightly?"

(End of this chapter)

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