Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 134, All are fair

Chapter 134, All are fair

Luo Qianhua looked at the Taoist in front of him.

Intuition told him that the Taoist in front of him was unfathomable.

Not like a human being.

Nor is it a fairy in heaven.

This made Luo Qianhua a little curious, and said with a smile, "How should I say it?"

"If you pass on the scriptures lightly, others will be fearless, grateful, and prudent." Li Guo looked at Luo Qianhua and said, "Things that are too easy to obtain, others will not cherish them, let alone appreciate them."

"Why is it not easy to learn art from a teacher since ancient times? In ancient times, it was necessary to do things for the master, kowtow to the master, and treat the master like a parent. It is precisely because of this that people can understand the importance of knowledge. Converted to modern times, it is gold, silver, and silk. The transaction, giving the teacher generous remuneration, also reflects the importance of [knowledge]."

"If advanced exercises become cheap Chinese cabbage, who will study advanced exercises in the future? It would be good to learn ready-made advanced exercises."

Li Guo walked up to Luo Qianhua and said calmly.

"Of course, these are just castles in the air. Tell me what social problems will be caused after these kung fu are spread?"

"Even if a good person can learn advanced kung fu, what if it is learned by a wicked person?"

"Wu is a killing skill. If a good person learns it, he may have the power to protect himself alone, but if a wicked person learns it, it will make the other ten people suffer."

"But if there is no advanced killing skills from the beginning, good people can live a stable life without the power to protect themselves, and evil people have no ability to make ten people suffer."

"The profound method is spread lightly in the world, and it is none other than the simple children you miss in the end who suffer in the end."

Li Guo's voice became louder and louder.

Literally beats the heart.

The special effects of the title of evangelist shocked Gu Taisan and other police officers, and their hearts were clear.

That's right, Luo Qianhua is bewitching the public with such lies.

He never thought about the consequences of doing so.

The only one who was not affected by the effect of the title of evangelist was Luo Qianhua.

Luo Qianhua said firmly.

"My heart and my deeds are as clear as a mirror, and everything I do is fair."

Li Guo thought so.

That leaves nothing to say.

Whether the social order is stable or not is not a big deal to him at all.

What he is looking for is absolute [fairness], even if this fairness will cause chaos, he doesn't care.

"Since you are so determined in what you do, what else can the poor say?" Li Guo paused, and said to the people in the special investigation team behind him: "Now, you can arrest him without psychological pressure. Alright."

Li Guo's words just now can be regarded as clearing the hearts of these investigation team members.


Gu Taisan stepped forward resolutely and handcuffed Luo Qianhua.

After Luo Qianhua was handcuffed, he looked at Li Guo with interest: "Sir, you are very interesting. If there is a chance in the future, I hope to sit and discuss with you."

Li Guo said calmly.

"Probably no chance."

Luo Qianhua, the leader of the heinous crime, was arrested and brought to justice, which can be described as gratifying.

But what he did is irreversible. Even if he is the culprit arrested, those who have practiced revision kung fu will go to Wudang Mountain on June [-]th.

At the same time, there are Mohist authorities to assist.

"I'll give you a chance to make meritorious deeds and confess the affairs of the heirs of the Mohist family."

In the interrogation room, Gu Taisan pondered.

The restrained Luo Qianhua smiled slightly: "It's not that I don't want to say it, but I'm not very clear about this heir of the Mohist school. Whether it's cooperation or planning, he always uses carrier pigeons as a delivery tool. To be honest, sometimes I feel that it is difficult to contact him."

"Carrier Pigeon"

This gave Gu Taisan a headache.

In modern times, this primitive way of communication is extremely hidden.

Like Luo Qianhua, who showed his feet on the Internet.

Luo Qianhua narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"Compared to me, this Mohist heir is more like an ambitious man for his own selfish desires."

"You and him are not far apart." Gu Taisan said indifferently: "Go to the detention center for now. After a while, there will be a place suitable for a criminal like you."

Luo Qianhua folded his hands, unusually calm, was put on a restraint tool, and locked in the detention center.

In fact, he didn't have the ability to awaken, and his body didn't detect a spiritual reaction, but the authorities still regarded him as the most heinous criminal and gave him the highest standard of restraint.

"I thought it was someone with three heads and six arms." Not far away, Ye Si wiped the fine sweat from his forehead, swallowed, and said, "I didn't expect it to be such a disabled person who played with us in the palm of his hand."

Ye Tong also deeply agrees, the contrast between this and the image in my impression is really big, I didn't expect it to be a disabled person in a wheelchair
"This Luo Qianhua's information has also come out. How should I put it, he is also a poor person. It seems that the disease is inherited in the family. When everyone in his family reaches the age of 12, they will be inexplicably disabled, and their legs cannot move." Gu Taisan flipped through Luo Qianhua's materials, and said in an inexplicable tone: "Aside from what this person has done, his personal resume is still very impressive. After graduation, he went to a mountain village to support education. At first glance, it seems that God treats him badly fair"

"Isn't it fair?"

Li Guo also looked at Luo Qianhua's resume.

At this time, the sound of the system sounded.

"It's fair."

"To some extent, he is also a monk."

"Cultivator?" Li Guo frowned.

"Swallowing spiritual energy, practicing exercises, seeking immortality and longevity, is seeking Tao, inheriting ancient times, mastering all kinds of arts, seeking knowledge and truth, is also seeking Tao." God will take you incomplete."

Li Guo was stunned.

The reason why Luo Qianhua has inherited disabilities from generation to generation is precisely because he is a descendant of a miscellaneous family.

If you know too much, you will bear more weight, and the Dao of Heaven will put more pressure on you.

"A disabled person who is doomed in the dark."

Li Guo somewhat understood why Luo Qianhua was so stubborn in pursuing the so-called [fairness].

Perhaps, it is precisely because I feel that I have suffered the injustice of heaven that I am so eager for fairness.

After giving Li Guo another reward for his bravery, Gu Taisan started to contact the people around Wudang Mountain, and began to prepare to defend against the attacks of those warriors.

In fact, in terms of warriors alone, Gu Taisan really didn't think that Wudang Mountain would lose those people.

The only variable is probably the creation of Mohist institutions.

Now I can know that the creations of Mohist institutions are controlled by ghosts, can make supernatural powers, and even master martial arts
Every time it appears in front of people, there will be more new functions.

The devil knows what fancy functions will be added to those mechanism creations on Wudang Mountain this time.

It must be dealt with carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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