Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 172, menacing

Chapter 172, menacing

At this time, Li Guo was standing on the top of a high mountain in an urban area, with a drizzle drifting by in the breeze.

In the hot season, on this high mountain, the rain is a bit cold.

My heart is as cold as this cold sky.

Li Guo carried his hands on his back, took a deep breath, and turned the whisk in his hand into a seven-star long sword.

A person with a sword standing horizontally in front of him really has some "Heavenly Sword" demeanor.

At this moment, Li Guo was more serious and cautious than before, and all the energy in his body was locked.

This matter must not be neglected, and must be handled with the most peak spirit.

Dance swords among the mountain tops, cultivate your energy and spirit, and raise your body's energy to the peak.

After some sword dancing.

The Seven Star Sword pointed at Changtian, with a hidden determination to tear the sky and the earth apart.

The Record of Strange Beasts of Mountains and Seas began to connect, the ancient scriptures of the Classic of Mountains and Seas appeared before the eyes, and the old pages were opened.

I don't know if it's because of the contract between Yu Xi and Baihu, there is a majestic momentum in the simple and simple scripture pages of Shan Hai Jing.

There is a feeling in the dark.

Li Guo put his eyes on the white crane illustrated book in front of him.

Originally, he wanted to hook up with Yu Xi, but Yu Xi's image of the alien beast showed a reddish red color, and the original fairy-like ink painting of white cranes had a red light flashing, which made the original fairy-like painting of white cranes show a bit of violence.

Yu Xi's physical and spiritual power fluctuated violently, which even affected the record of strange beasts in the mountains and seas.

This made Li Guo a little surprised. He knew that this red state represented that she was in battle. In Fangcun Mountain, when Yu Xi was practicing against him, the Mountain and Sea Strange Beasts also showed this red state, but Ling The fluctuation of force is not so violent.

She was in the battle, and she was fighting hard, unable to connect with the records of strange beasts in the mountains and seas, and projected her consciousness.

This gave Li Guo a headache, but it happened at such a time that something happened.

Even though Li Guo is a little concerned about whether Yu Xi is in danger, he can't help him, and even Yu Xi's cultivation is in a difficult battle, let alone help with his own cultivation, it will be a drag if he goes there.

It's still a matter of strength. In terms of strength, I am too weak.

"Oh, there's no way."

Li Guo sighed, and changed the hooking target of Strange Beasts of Mountains and Seas, and hooked up to Dabai.

Although this product is not very reliable, it is the Holy Beast White Tiger after all.

Once connected, the sky and the earth seem to change color, thunder and rain howl.

Although Dabai is not as advanced as Yuxi, his bloodline is unique, representing the most primitive elemental totem.

Sure enough, after a while, Dabai responded to the link of "Shanhai Yishoulu".

The phantom of the ink white tiger appeared behind Li Guo, majestic and domineering, as if representing the master of 'thunder' and 'wind' in the world.

It is indeed one of the four elephants.

Lifelike, surrounded by thunder and lightning.

Dark clouds covered the sun, and thunderclouds gathered.

In an instant, thunder fell.

"Come on, Dabai."

Li Guo murmured, brandishing a sword, tearing the sky apart.

A sound of thunder.


Resounding through the mountains and forests.

The white tiger came to the world.

At this time, a majestic white tiger descended in front of Li Guo.

Standing upright, it is about seven meters long.

Tiger head and tiger body, human limbs, reminded Li Guo of the popular salted fish emoji on the Internet.
Although the shape is disgusting, there is still a bit of prestige after the body is huge.

Li Guo moaned and complained.

"Dabai, can you return to the normal white tiger form?"

"Oh, I kind of like that."

After Dabai scratched his head with his hands, he suddenly transformed into a white tiger, majestic and majestic, as if descended from a god.

The painting style is finally normal.

"Finally came to the world again." Dabai took a deep breath, wagging his tail happily, and said, "The smell here is not so strong."

Li Guo wanted to touch Dabai's furry head, but he silently withdrew his hand and said.

"Of course, now that you are far away from the city, you will have much less worldly atmosphere."


Li Guo rode on Dabai, and pondered: "Dabai, can you fly?"

"The cloud follows the dragon, the wind follows the tiger, and this cat can control the wind and thunder, so it must be no problem to fly." Dabai took it for granted.

"Okay, take me to fly over there and do one thing for me. After the thing is done, I will treat you to earthy kiln chicken, family bucket, Burger King, black chicken soup"

After hearing that Li Guo promised a bunch of 'chicken set meals', Dabai's eyes became extremely bright, as if he had been injected with chicken blood.


Barbecue is energy, and where fried chicken is is heaven.

"Well, just remember not to eat in front of Miss Yuxi." Li Guo patted Dabai's head and said, "When you fly over there, make your momentum bigger, make it as big as you can , but pay attention, don't cause damage to other people's things, understand?"

"It's what you say it is."

At this time, Dabai jumped up with Li Guo on his back.

Flying at low altitude, accompanied by wind and thunder, wherever he went, he was surrounded by electric light, showing thunder and majesty, and the black and white lines on his body also flashed blue electric light.

Beast of Thunder——

In the capital, the headquarters of the Ninth Division is already in chaos.

Alarms from electronic equipment, alarm bells, and danger reports from the Pearl River Delta region came one after another.

"Warning, another high-dimensional life form has appeared in the Pearl River Delta region."

A person in charge of the ninth department pondered.

"It appeared again? Is it the Crane Immortal?"

"No, it's not the Crane Immortal, it's...a man riding a white tiger. I'll call you a video."

When the video was called out, everyone felt their eyes were stabbed.

It's not the white lightning on the screen, but the palpitations and power that can be felt across the screen.

The power of this white tiger can shock everyone through the screen!
What a terrifying existence?

Zhu Wuxian on the side stared directly at the screen without saying a word.

On the other side of Zhu Wuxian is a beautiful woman who looks about 30 years old. The beautiful woman has disabled legs and is wearing an ancient costume, sitting on a wheelchair.

After staring at the screen, she turned to look at Zhu Wuxian.

"Brother Wuxian, what do you think?"

"Judging from this posture alone, it's stronger than the 'Crane Immortal' I met last time. At least that Crane Immortal didn't make me feel dangerous through the screen." Zhu Wuxian said honestly.

This sentence made everyone's hearts sink.

"How do you match up?"

"I am invincible." Zhu Wuxian shook his head and said.

"You are about to advance to Lv6. I don't know how much better than before. Are you still no match for this 'Heavenly Visitor'?" the beautiful woman murmured.

She never doubted Zhu Wuxian's intuition. When the strength reaches a certain level, intuition has already become a part of the body's alarm function.

Just as lions and bears never attack each other easily, they instinctively know that each other is also a predator of the same level.

"Can you judge the other party's intention?"

"It's impossible to judge." The face of the monitoring staff member changed slightly, and he said, "But judging from my years of experience in watching the animal world, I'm afraid the intention of this person is not very friendly."

Zhu Wuxian looked at the video and pondered.

"But if you want to say how much hostility there is, it may not be so. If he really has a great deal, he should wantonly destroy it when he comes, instead of wantonly exuding his power like he is showing off like he is now. powerful."

"How about it?"

"Predict his travel route." The beautiful woman said lightly.

Under the order of the beautiful woman, the staff began to count one by one.

From flight speed, flight time, flight direction, combined with behavior prediction.

"The target is heading towards the deep-seismic urban area, the speed is 60Km per hour, wait a minute, he suddenly accelerated!"

"Going towards the city, no matter what purpose he came with, we have to go and see."

Zhu Wuxian looked at the beautiful woman with some seriousness and nodded lightly: "I'm sorry."

The beautiful woman nodded, and controlled the wheelchair in her hand to leave the base of Division Ninth. When she went out, there were guard soldiers in military uniforms saluting along the way.

The surrounding area is surrounded and is a restricted area, and ordinary people cannot approach it.

When they came to a clearing of yellow sand, the beautiful woman moved her hands lightly.

A large hole was torn open in the space in front of him.

"Sometimes I feel that your ability is really amazing. You can open the 'Any Door'. No matter how many times you have used it, you still feel amazing." Zhu Wuxian looked at the azure blue space door in front of him, feeling the magic of his ability. science
"Ability itself is difficult to explain scientifically. After all, even the greatest physicists and biologists in the world can't explain why people can do this after the DNA chain is broken and recombined, which absolutely violates the laws of physics. things."

The beautiful woman paused and said, "But we did it, didn't we?"

"Well, it has been proven that there are other dimensions. Can your ability do it? Teleport us to another dimension." Zhu Wuxian suddenly thought.

However, the beautiful woman poured cold water on him.

"The section chief asked me about this before, and I also answered that it can't be done. If it could be done, the section chief would have sent me to send the advance team to explore other spaces. You can understand that my ability is in the On the same plane, if I move one point to another point, if they are not on the same plane, I can’t move.” The beautiful woman shook her head and said, “Okay, brother Wuxian, it’s time to start a mission, you should know, my Strength doesn’t last long.”

Zhu Wuxian shrugged, the flirting just now was just a way to relieve stress.

After all, what to face later.

Possibly a malicious 'fairy'
(End of this chapter)

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