Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 173, Tianwei is irreversible, the general trend cannot be violated

Chapter 173, Tianwei is irreversible, the general trend cannot be violated

"Ding, the exploration of the space channel is complete."

"After the space shock appears, there will be half a day of space shock decay."

"After the decay, a stable space channel is formed."

"Spatial danger level: medium."

"Specific information is being explored"

"Traces of Daoist wish power detected"

"The aura concentration in the debris space is 11.86 percent."

"No primate intelligent life group has been detected for the time being, it is a small debris space."

Li Guo carried Dabai all the way towards the destination in a high-profile way.

He also listened to the system's exploration report all the way, especially when he heard the Taoist wish power, he was stunned.

There is no primate intelligent life group, but there is the wish of Taoism.

It made Li Guo think of his Fangcunshan space, which is also a space without primate intelligent life forms.

At this moment, Li Guo already had some thoughts in his mind.

Along the way, soldiers with live ammunition followed Li Guo and marched there.

Nowadays, soldiers are all ready to fight, and they can act quickly if there is any trouble.

I'm afraid, the least nervous person present is Dabai.

At this moment, Dabai is like a husky having fun, flying all the way, with sparks and lightning. He doesn't understand what Li Guo's purpose is, he just knows to have fun and have fun.

"I'm really high!"

Flying unhurriedly all the way, Li Guo and Dabai landed on the World Trade Center.

When Li Guo landed on the World Trade Center, he was surrounded by armed helicopters.

This scene reminded Li Guo of the classic scene of an old movie "King Kong Airplane".

But now, I am that King Kong, standing on the top floor of a high-rise building, facing the surrounding dangers like King Kong.

"This sense of sight is a bit strong." After Li Guo complained about himself silently, he used the fog that came with Fuchen to strengthen and cover his figure.

When they landed on the top floor of the building, it was no surprise that the people below began to take pictures frantically, full of curiosity about Li Guo and Baihu who appeared.

Li Guo looked at those people under the building, and sighed, feeling a little angry inside.

The courage of the onlookers is also a little bigger.

What should these people do if it is true that a malicious fairy descends?Or do you choose to be a strong onlooker?
Not even the most basic sense of crisis.

Li Guo thought of the "evacuation drills" held in elementary school, junior high school, and high school. However, this kind of evacuation drill will eventually become an "evacuation drama", and the result is just a formality for students to walk with their books.

Without a sense of crisis, it is useless to wait until an unknown disaster really comes.

Li Guo pondered.

"This time is also an evacuation drill. Although it was indeed a disaster, most of the losses were avoidable."

At this moment, a familiar figure appeared.

Wearing a military uniform, floating in the air.

Gravity controller, Zhu Wuxian.

Almost everyone in China who can access the Internet knows this face, one of the top fighters on the planet.

In an instant, the people below were all boiling.


Li Guo could even feel the wisps of wish power drifting towards Zhu Wuxian, but Zhu Wuxian was not a cultivator, and these wish power dissipated after touching his body.

Sorry, such a waste of energy.

"Dare to ask seniors, what is the reason for coming to our country, why do you have to engage in such a big battle?"

Zhu Wuxian had a smile on his face, but his inner attitude was full of vigilance.

Li Guoping raised his long saber.

In an instant, Zhu Wuxian's energy burst out, and Li Guo could feel the tension and confidence of one of the strongest men in the world.

If this knife were to strike out, he would strike instantly and run over the roof of the building with gravity.

However, Li Guo put down the long knife and stabbed it on the ground, making a clanging sound.

This move made Zhu Wuxian a little puzzled.

However, Li Guo immediately used the breath expansion technique.

Together with Dabai's coercion, they overwhelmed him.

The breath-expanding technique in the foundation-building period combined with Dabai's coercion instantly made Zhu Wuxian's pupils contract, and subconsciously used his ability, a cloud in the distance was directly compressed and disappeared.

"What a horrible breath, what does he mean?"

Zhu Wuxian thought for a while, and began to think about why the 'Tiger Immortal' in front of him was doing this.

First put down the knife, and then show your strength
"Show off your great strength, but you have no intention of going to war?"

Zhu Wuxian squinted his eyes and began to interpret the meaning in front of him.

And in Zhu Wushi's Bluetooth headset, there were bursts of sound.

"Sir, do you want to open fire?"

Zhu Wuxian could hear the tension over there, and replied after thinking for a moment.

"Not for the time being, I haven't figured out the reason for the opponent's visit, but I can see that the opponent has no intention of fighting."

"What is he doing in the crowded area without malice?" The person in charge over there said nervously, "And he doesn't seem to want to stop, sir."

Zhu Wuxian raised his head and looked at the sky. Dark clouds covered the sun, and thunder and lightning flashed.

The violent power seemed to be suppressed and could be released at any time.

"Now let's evacuate the crowd first," Zhu Wuxian said in a deep voice.

"Yes, sir!"

However, after half a minute.

"Sir, the people at the Stock Exchange and the hospital won't retreat."

"Reason?" Zhu Wuxian frowned.

"The stock exchange told me that if you leave, you will lose a lot of money, and there are many emergency patients in the hospital who cannot leave"

Zhu Wuxian frowned after hearing this.

The words of the hospital are understandable.

What happened to the stock exchange?

Now it is equivalent to a bomb hanging over his head, but he doesn't know if he will explode.

"Money is more important or life is more important?" Zhu Wuxian really laughed angrily: "Do they think that high-dimensional life forms are all kind, they all come with good intentions, and it doesn't matter if they are close at hand? The last time the Canton Tower I wanted to say it when I was there, why do people go up and watch it every now and then, they really don’t know the seriousness of it.”

"We are doing dispersal work, and there are still a lot of non-cooperation, and they all think it's no big deal."

The officer's tone was full of helplessness.

There is no sense of crisis.

Zhu Wu is now suffering from a headache.

The dark clouds in the sky began to condense, and the white tiger in front of him raised its head to the sky.



There was a thunder, like a bomb exploded.


There was a whistling sound, like a typhoon passing through.


The white tiger roared.

The power and coercion of the holy beast covered a radius of ten miles!
The roar rang through the sky.

The coercion of fear and power resulted in instant panic.

"What do you want to do?"

Zhu Wuxian's nerves tensed immediately, and his ability was almost ready to be activated at any time. He couldn't understand what the person in front of him was thinking.

He obviously put down the blade, yet he still created such momentum.

The roar of the tiger is not over yet——

It didn't stop completely until it resounded for dozens of breaths.

"Where to look for immortals, where to look for gods and demons. The road to long life is in Penglai." Li Guo used the skills of a preacher to pass on the 'truth' to Zhu.

This voice made Zhu Wuxian feel thick, mysterious, great and ancient.
A more mysterious existence than the 'Crane Immortal' I saw last time!
Zhu Wuxian's expression was slightly stifled.

"what do you mean?"

"Three days later, this place will be the point, and the Penglai Gate will open, and within a radius of ten miles, everything will perish." Li Guo tried his best to make a tone of indifference.

Zhu Wuxian's pupils dilated slightly.

He finally understood that three days later, a devastating disaster would occur centering on the World Trade Center, and within ten miles, everything would perish.

open the door?What does open the door mean?
Zhu Wuxian pondered.

"What kind of door do you want to open, and what disaster will it cause? Why do you have to open it here?"

"Tianwei cannot be reversed, and the general trend cannot be violated."

Hearing the cold voice of the immortal in front of him, Zhu Wuxian's expression was a bit complicated.

If someone else was nagging here about some kind of disaster that would harm Shili, Zhu Wuxian would definitely ask him to show evidence first.

But the person in front of him is different.

It is a 'immortal', a high-dimensional life form.

You don't have to believe what he said, but you absolutely have to listen to it.

Zhu Wuxian would not be so blind to ask for some 'evidence' to offend the immortal in front of him.

"Sir, please instruct."

On the other side of the Bluetooth headset, the soldiers are already ready to fire, as long as Zhu Wuxian gives an order, the gunfire will pour out.

After a moment of silence, Zhu Wuxian said.

"No need to open fire. This high-dimensional life body just warned me that in three days, there will be a catastrophe here, and it will spread to ten miles from the center of the building."

The officer over there was stunned and said, "Evidence of the disaster?"

"No evidence."

"There is no evidence." The officer was a little bit troubled: "If it is a disaster within ten miles to evacuate, the city has not been notified, and I am afraid that the evacuation warning will not be issued."

There was no typhoon or earthquake, and the officer really couldn't think of any disaster that would endanger a radius of ten miles.

Zhu Wuxian shook his head and said.

"He himself is the evidence. Is a super powerful high-dimensional life form from outside the sky specially making such a big noise just to fool us? Moreover, it is already different now. The age of psychic energy and even the climate have undergone major changes. Tides and ocean currents, north-south changes, who knows what extreme weather will come, trusting the weather forecast is better than trusting the great dance god.”

"He is warning us, whether the starting point of this disaster is himself or nature, we must listen."

"That economic loss"

"For mandatory execution, in the name of my Ninth Section, start to evacuate people within [-] kilometers, and evacuate within two hours. I will be responsible for the accident."

Zhu Wuxian's enforcement is very serious.


After hearing Zhu Wuxian's iron order, the officers also decisively began to implement it. Obedience is the nature of soldiers.

At this time, the organization began to drive people from house to house.

This time, no matter how much the people from the financial company yelled, it was useless, they should be chased away.

Those who were rescued in the hospital waited until the rescue was completed, and those who were in a stable condition were transferred to the hospital.

With the help of soldiers, most people are evacuating in an orderly manner.

At this time, many people looked at the sky.

The huge white tiger, and the thunder and lightning flashing in the sky, got it.

Times have changed, and the forms of disasters seem to have become more numerous.

It turns out that people are so small in front of nature.

It turns out that nature is so insignificant in front of immortals
Thundercloud roared endlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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