Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 174 One small step for China, one giant leap for mankind

Chapter 174 One small step for China, one giant leap for mankind
The surrounding people have been evacuated, and the bustling city center is now an empty city.

Huaxia's collective efficiency is unmatched by other countries. Almost all of them were evacuated within a day.

There are only members of the local investigation team stationed for observation and soldiers around.

"Tell me, is this a big event for the public?" A member of the investigation team was looking at the 'immortal' and Zhu Wuxian who was confronting the 'immortal' from a distance, and murmured: "If I am in such a big event Do some credit here, can you be like the 'Heavenly Sword' on the local list, can not only be on the local list, but also have an exclusive title and video"

"You're thinking about farting."

The girl on the side attacked without hesitation: "First of all, you don't have the strength of the local list, and secondly, this is a big event between the heavenly list, even if you are a hero of the local list, you should wait a little bit later."

"I'm just thinking about it"

In fact, the two are also very nervous, and they can only relieve the pressure by making jokes.

As they say, this is a confrontation between Tianbang - mortals please stay away.

Zhu Wuxian who was in mid-air was silent.

The two faced off like that.

After a long time, Zhu Wuxian said.

"Senior, what is your relationship with Immortal Crane?"

Zhu Wuxian thought of it. Both of them mentioned knotting hair and longevity. Could there be some kind of connection between them.

"Teachers come from the same school." Li Guo opened his mouth and came.

Zhu Wuxian's pupils narrowed slightly.

'Tiger Immortal' and 'Crane Immortal' are a group.

This is big news.

The teacher went out of the same door.

And master!

A 'master' who is more advanced than 'Crane Immortal' and 'Tiger Immortal'.

The corner of Zhu Wuxian's mouth twitched. This bombshell was even more shocking than the upcoming so-called 'Penglai'.

National Defense is about to be updated again.
Li Guo didn't say much, and tried to let the master in front of him to fill in the details, while he paid attention to the time of the space shock.

In one more day, the space shock will start.

So far, the problem...isn't too big.

Li Guo looked around and sighed as if it was a half-empty city.

"In the face of real disasters, our civilization is simply vulnerable."

A bustling city, everything built by people with their own hands.
In the face of unstoppable disasters, a weak civilization is like a piece of paper.

Three days later, even the members of the investigation team had been evacuated.

On the tall building, only Li Guo and Zhu Wuxian, who closed their eyes and rested their minds, were left.

Zhu Wuxian slowly opened his eyes, his expression was a bit complicated, it was already the third day, and he didn't feel any real sense of disaster at all.

He even once had the illusion that the 'immortal' in front of him was playing tricks on him.
However, Li Guo opened his eyes.

"Beyond Nine Heavens, the Daoist Penglai. The road to heaven and immortality, close to death."

"In life, don't blame others, in death, don't blame ghosts."

Li Guo raised his sword to the sky, and a thunderbolt flashed across. Li Guo quickly dispersed the white tiger's strange beast record, and used Yimu Xian to escape.

The figures of the white tiger and the Taoist gradually disappeared.

Zhu Wuxian was a little puzzled, the surroundings were calm, as if there was no danger.

But Zhu Wuxian's instinct suddenly warned him, and he hurriedly withdrew.

Zhu Wuxian decisively used his gravity control to pull himself out.

In an instant, he withdrew ten miles away.

Ten seconds ago, everything was calm.

Ten seconds later, a small black hole appeared centered on the building.

Gradually expanding——

in an instant.

Within ten miles, everything perishes.

The world becomes quiet.

One second, two seconds, three seconds.

I do not know how long it has been.

There was no heat wave, no shock wave.

Simply disappear.

Say it's ten kilometers, it's ten kilometers.

Within a radius of ten kilometers, there is a piece of flat land.

Ten kilometers away, a blade of grass will not hurt.

Zhu Wuxian looked at the open space in front of him, feeling in a trance.

"what is this."

Zhu Wuxian broke out in a cold sweat.

This all goes to the power of nothingness.

Originally, he thought that his strength was already very strong.

However, compared with nature.

His own strength is still a little small.

"Penglai. What is Penglai?"

Just when Zhu Wuxian was still shocked and frightened.

Centered on the World Trade Center, the space burst like a bubble.

A blue space door appeared out of thin air, standing on the yellow sandy land.

Quiet, motionless.

In this month, things are gradually fermenting, and the Internet is still boiling.

"Shock, is it a distortion of human nature or a loss of morality?"

"An epic disaster that took away everything within a radius of ten miles."

"Is the 'Tiger Immortal' a thief calling out to catch the thief, or is he the one who brought down this disaster?"

Overwhelming news links spread all over the entire network, communities, and portals. When a piece of the city's territory suddenly disappeared, everyone's reaction was shock, fear, and being caught off guard.

And curious.

"According to relevant sources, the blue void currently standing in the center of the ruins is a space gate. The other side of the gate can lead to another world. Is it an opportunity or a disaster?"

"This is undoubtedly a disaster. Haven't you seen World of Warcraft? That Tiger Immortal is Gul'dan who opened the Dark Gate!"

"I don't agree with the view from above. If the Tiger Immortal came here with malice, why should people be reminded to evacuate? This is clearly force majeure. Although not all of these 'immortals' have good intentions, but what we have seen so far The Tiger Immortal and the Crane Immortal should have come with great kindness."

"I listened to the official. If the official says that the Tiger Immortal is an enemy, then the Tiger Immortal is an enemy. If the official says that the Tiger Immortal is a friend, then he is a friend. I will always support the official."

"The ones upstairs either have a strong desire to survive or are severely brainwashed."

Overwhelming comments swept the entire network. This kind of big event cannot be suppressed by speech control, unless the network is directly cut off.

The official simply shortened the posts in other places, and opened a dedicated discussion forum in each major forum.

At this time, with the space gate as the center, a radius of ten miles has been occupied by the government. Tents, temporary bases have been built, drones, unmanned probes, and even lunar exploration vehicles have been pulled over, ready to enter. The space door to explore.

Zhu Wuxian looked at the azure blue space door in front of him with a dignified expression.

At this time, in the temporary base, the satellite video call has been opened.

On the other side of the video call was a beautiful woman, another deputy director of the ninth department, Luo Yantang, whose ability was teleportation.

"Wuxian, how is it?"

"The space gate is very stable and there is no sign of collapse. The researchers said that we can already go in and explore." Zhu Wuxian put his hands on his chest and said, "We will send the drone in later."

"You seem excited?"

"Of course." Zhu Wuxian didn't hide his emotions at all, and said, "This is the first portal to outer space discovered, how can I not be excited?"

"This is dangerous." Luo Yantang said.

"It's also an opportunity." Zhu Wuxian said with a smile.

Luo Yantang could not refute, and continued to report the situation to Zhu Wuxian.

Since this incident broke out, the illegal access to the Internet has increased dozens of times, and through clues, it can be learned that most of these illegal accesses come from the Pentagon of the United States
As for the exploration of the space gate, the United States also sent a request, saying that this is a treasure for all mankind, and China cannot be alone.

Regarding these words, Zhu Wuxian directly let them go as a loud fart.

The United States wants a piece of the action, but it wants to eat fart.

"Wuxian, you still have to be careful. Although our comrades in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs can block the attack on the surface, we still have to be careful about the attack in the dark." Luo Yantang said seriously: "For this exploration of outer space , everyone wants to share a piece of the action.”

"Hmph, before the development is complete, I will personally act as the commander here and guard the space gate. If the United States dares to send people to make trouble, I will let them come and go."

Zhu Wuxian sneered. As a soldier, he is naturally very aware that the United States will never die. He knows more than ordinary people. He has experienced many ghosts and ghosts.

I don't know how many confrontations on the surface and in the dark.

Zhu Wuxian played with the gravity ball in his hand and murmured.

"A strong country, Anbang, for China"

The gravity ball dispersed.

Zhu Wuxian also stopped his briefing work, and came to the temporary command room—a small base vehicle to give orders.

"Are you ready? Unmanned machinery."

"It's ready, it's all military-grade. We even got the experimental version of the 'Chang'e-[-]' lunar exploration rover. As long as the space gate is not surrounded by extremely bad mountains and rivers, we can solve it." The experimenter in a white coat The staff gave an ok expression.

Zhu Wuxian nodded and murmured.

"Set off."

At this time, unmanned equipment with the words 'DJI' engraved on the shells drove towards the space door.

"The voltage is normal, the camera is normal, and the signal transmission is normal"

The drone entered the space gate and completely disappeared——

In the base vehicle, the drone can no longer be controlled, and images are not transmitted.

"OK, the space gate will isolate all signals, and the unmanned machine will start the automatic AI mode, automatically take five photos, a 10-second video, and then return to the same route."

At this time, inside the base vehicle, the person in charge was nervous. If the unmanned machine cannot come back, it means that this is a one-way door, or that there is extremely bad weather on the other side of this door.
However, 20 seconds later, the drones returned the same way.

The crowd is boiling!
"Sure, the environment is good, not an extreme environment, and this is not a one-way door, but a two-way door!" The broadcaster said with difficulty suppressing his excitement: "We have explored a different space, this is a small step for us, a small step for human beings!" A big step!"

At this time, after recovering the control signal to the drone, quickly check the drone for any other physical wear and tear to speculate on the environment over there, and at the same time, remove the storage disk.

Connect the storage disk to the computer.

Even Zhu Wuxian swallowed his saliva, feeling nervous for a while.

What will be photographed.
The reading time of a few seconds is so long for everyone.

The storage disk boots.

Videos and photos are presented in front of you.

Seeing the scene in front of them, everyone present was stunned.

shock, silence—

"So beautiful"

A waterfall high above the sky.

The bright and unknown vegetation, the endless plains and grasslands, and the lush woodland next to it, are so beautiful that the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming.
(End of this chapter)

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