Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 175, the strong are invincible, the brave are fearless

Chapter 175, the strong are invincible, the brave are fearless

"So beautiful"

Looking at the blooming flowers and plants, the staff present forgot how to describe it.

These staff immediately saw beauty, but Zhu Wuxian saw resources immediately.

rich resources.

Zhu Wuxian's breathing became heavier. You must know that the earth is only so big. Oil and minerals all have limits. The reason why disputes between countries are so fierce is because resources have limits.

Only strong wolves can grab more meat.

But now, there seems to be an extra piece of meat.

"What about the detection of viruses and bacteria in the air?"

"The bacteria and viruses tested so far can be protected by protective clothing. The resistance of the awakened and warriors should not be a problem." A researcher pushed his black-rimmed glasses and said: "Oxygen-enriched environment, spiritual The energy concentration is about 11%. According to the test results, the environment over there is suitable for human beings to survive without protection."

After hearing the researcher's inspection results, Zhu Wuxian planned to go to the field for investigation.

However, when he put on the protective clothing and was about to step into the portal, he was repelled by some kind of force.

He can't get in.

As the strongest man, he cannot enter this space.

After repeated experiments, Zhu Wuxian learned helplessly that he couldn't get in, but everyone else could.

It seems that this space is rejecting this strong man.

In desperation, Zhu Wuxian could only use Plan B.

"Let our people wear protective clothing and prepare for field trips."


The officer on the side received the order and immediately mobilized the troops.

Soon, seven people were assembled in front of the base vehicle.

"Report sir, personnel are ready."

Zhu Wuxian looked at the seven people in front of him, folded his hands on his chest, and said solemnly.

"Everyone, do you know what you are about to face?"

"I know!" Seven people answered together.

The first team to explore a different space.

However, Zhu Wuxian shook his head and said: "No, you don't know, they don't know, I don't know, our technological equipment can't take more samples, you have to go in and investigate the report yourself, so the inside Everything is unknown and dangerous to us.”

"This is a voluntary task. If you quit now, I won't say anything more."

"After all, as the strongest person here, I cannot enter this place. It is my mistake, my dereliction of duty, because of my inadequacy. These things need to be carried by you."

Listening to Zhu Wuxian's words, the eyes of the seven people did not waver at all. The bounden duty of a soldier is to obey orders.

Especially for this kind of thing that must be done by someone, they are duty-bound.

Seeing the firmness and unwaveringness of the seven people present, Zhu Wuxian was relieved and said.

"So, you are warriors and heroes."

"So, thank you!"

Zhu Wuxian bowed deeply to the seven people on the Hua Xia Xia List.

His strength, his military rank, and his position made it absolutely unnecessary to do this, but he still did it.

There was silence, but an invisible morale was burning.

Like a raging fire.

After bowing, Zhu Wuxian gave a military salute and roared.

"The strong are invincible, the brave have no fear!"

The energy of Lv5 drove his voice, resounding through the camp.

The seven people were stunned, and then returned with military salute, categorically.

"The strong are invincible, the brave have no fear!"

"The strong are invincible, the brave have no fear!"

Such voices resounded throughout the outpost temporary base
"Brother Taoist, did you know that a space door appeared in Shen Zhen, and I heard that there is a different space beyond the door! It's super amazing."

Li Guo was playing with Xiao Ha in the park near the Public Security Bureau, and beside him was Ye Si in a white dress.

At this time, Ye Si has temporarily left the investigation team and is about to go to college
Facing the excited Ye Si, Li Guo was a little 'shocked' and said, "Really? Is it so magical?"

"Yeah, it's amazing!"

"It's true that there are so many wonders in the world, and there is another dimension in the world." Li Guo sighed softly.

"I didn't expect it."

While Li Guo was laughing, he was also curious about what is on the opposite side of your space door.

Of course, judging from the current situation, it is impossible to get in without sufficient identity. At present, Huaxia officials are still in the exploration stage.

Well, although interested, but only interested.

That level of different space system has been detected, and the richness of resources is just a drop in the ocean compared to the world of Fangcunshan.

However, that space fragment contains the Taoism's breath.

Li Guo was a little curious about what the "Taoist breath" of the Taoist sect there was.

In this real time, for a month, Li Guo has been staying in Fangcun Mountain to practice his sword and blade skills, trying to make his "Heavenly Sword" character well, otherwise when the time comes to play basketball with the sword like Kun in the public It's not good to play tricks in front of knowledgeable people and be laughed at.

However, the cultivation of Bajiu Xuangong is not so hasty. This technique still needs to exercise one's physical strength. If the physical strength is not up to the standard, not to mention that it cannot be cultivated at a high level, even the function of the technique itself cannot be exerted.

"Brother Taoist, I'm going to Shanghai to go to school, and I'll bring you delicious food when the time comes!"

After Ye Si waved his hand, he pushed his suitcase and left.

And the members of the investigation team didn't come to see him off, they were all too busy.

Seeing Ye Tong's back gradually disappearing, Xiao Ha felt a little lost.

In the past month, Xiaoha and the dog-loving Ye Si have become friends, and now Ye Si has been promoted to the second person who is full of Xiaoha's pheromone—the No.1 is still Gongshuling.

"There are always joys and sorrows in life, and there are ups and downs. Now that you have opened your mind, you naturally need to know these truths. There is no banquet in the world that never ends." Li Guo touched Xiaoha's head and smiled softly: "Besides, she It’s just going to school, I’m afraid I’ll be back for an internship in three years, and I’ll be back in this position in four years.”


【All right. 】

Xiaoha's mood became better.

For an ordinary dog, four years may be half the life, but for Xiao Ha, an awakened dog, four years is nothing.

After visiting the park with Xiaoha, Li Guo first opened the webpage.

At present, the news on the top of the major portal forums must be the news of the Tianji list. At present, there are not many changes in the Tian list, and there are some changes in the local list, and the handsome boy nicknamed "Tianwai Shenjian" is still The most beautiful star in the local list, with its own official title and video, is full of cards.

In addition to the list of secrets, the most popular one is probably the special building about the deep-seismic space gate.

Dozens of floors are scanned almost every second, and then dozens of floors are deleted.
Regarding the news about the space gate, the people are chattering about conspiracy theories, godsend theory, doomsday theory, all kinds of opinions, some posts are less than 10, IDs are garbled characters, and all kinds of excessive rumors are also spread Not a lot.

"Ox ghosts and snake spirits are dancing wildly."

After Li Guo complained silently, he found that the traffic of the post suddenly increased sharply.

The main building of this post is managed by the official, and it was refreshed by the official, so the content of the main building suddenly increased dramatically.

Regarding this, Li Guo was a little curious about what was updated in the main building to make the melon-eaters downstairs so happy.

Li Guo quit the post, and then clicked in again. It would be too troublesome to look up the stairs again.

At this time, what came into view was a recruitment notice.

"Unit: 'Penglai' Development Frontline Base Construction Engineering Team."

"Requirements: Recruit sand and rock control system, telekinetic system, and metal control system abilities."

"Negotiable treatment."

"A large number of pipe cutters, brick movers, cooks, cleaners, and truck teams are recruited"

Rows of recruitment revelations are written on it, so the bottom is refreshed crazily.

Li Guo instantly understood what happened.

This is the beginning of the infrastructure madness——

(End of this chapter)

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