Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 176, 'Outsourced' Exploration Force

Chapter 176, 'Outsourced' Exploration Force

Li Guo flipped through the posts, and someone even expressed his real name as a master in the list that he wanted to participate in the infrastructure construction here and become a glorious brick mover.

It doesn't matter what the treatment is, the point is that this is an opportunity to get close to and look up at the 'dimension of another world', everyone wants to improve their posture.

So this wave of millions of capable people just begged for this opportunity to move bricks. Without an official background, this seemed to be the only chance for folk capable people to get close to this 'different space'.

"The name of the space actually uses 'Penglai'."

Li Guo complained silently, saying that he just opened his mouth to get his name.

It's just a piece of space debris, probably not worthy of the name of Penglai.

When Li Guo continued to browse, Gu Taisan's WeChat message came over.

At present, the investigation team has a WeChat work group, and Li Guo has become the only casual person in the investigation team, and the only unofficial person—the other is Zhu Lanshan.

Everyone has experienced battles together, so they are naturally acquainted with each other a lot.

Gu Taisan @Everyone.

"@Everyone, there will be news in the convention and exhibition center tomorrow morning. All staff members can come to participate. If Li Daochang and Master Zhu are in Huizhou, they can come if they want. It's about the deep shock of another dimension."




The investigation team replied one after another.

This focuses on the benefits of non-staff personnel. As long as you are strong enough, make enough contributions, and gain enough trust, you will not be bound by the government, but you can also enjoy the benefits that only some official personnel can enjoy. For example, Regarding the opening of the gate of this different space.

The head of Wudang didn't go to the meeting. He is the head of Wudang, and he also has his own channels and information about the different-dimensional space, so he doesn't have to rub the car of the Huizhou investigation team.

Li Guo, on the other hand, went to this meeting with Xiaoha. Xiaoha is also a member of the investigation team. Except that he does not have a mobile phone WeChat, the rest are treated the same as ordinary investigators.

When I came to the conference center, I found that besides myself, there was also a monk among them.

This monk looks pretty, with red lips and white teeth, quite handsome, about 18 years old, not as calm as ordinary monks, but a bit more jumpy.

After seeing Li Guo, the little monk was stunned for a moment, then clasped his hands together and said.

"Amitabha, it turned out to be Li Zhenren, a master of the local list, and Franciscan, a little monk, who was far away to welcome him."

"Supreme Heavenly Venerable, don't be so restrained." Li Guo smiled slightly. The colleague also had some good feelings for this polite little monk, and then he was a little curious about what kind of hero this little monk is.

Afterwards, Gu Taisan came in, was stunned for a while, and then said.

"Oh, I forgot, Daoist Li, I forgot to introduce you. This is another outstanding non-staff member of our Huizhou investigation team. His Buddha name is Francis. During this period of time, he also helped us solve many difficult problems in the city. Ren is a 98th-ranked master and an expert in ancient martial arts."

Francis scratched his little bald head and said.

"Amitabha, ancient martial arts experts praised it, it's just that those who have practiced martial arts since childhood are more diligent."

"not bad."

Li Guo praised.

Regardless of the rankings, the ancient martial arts scholars who can be on these two lists are either talented and have excellent martial arts qualifications, or they have accumulated a lot of money and decades of hard work turned into a dynasty.

Now that the young monk is so young, he must be a genius.

"It's still Li Renren who is amazing. He is actually younger than he looks in the video. He is so young that he has the name of 'Heavenly Sword'. It really is the biggest in the world." The admiration in the eyes of the little monk Fang Ji almost overflowed. It's like a little fanboy.

Li Guo, on the other hand, smiled without speaking, smiled without speaking, smiled without speaking, trying to be a profound image.

After getting acquainted with Fangzheng for a while, Li Guo found a seat and sat down.

Personnel from the investigation team also came in one after another. After about 10 minutes, they were still familiar figures and familiar smells.

Yang Boyong.

This doctoral student from Beijing seems to be in love with Huizhou, and there are signs of a long-term stay in the laboratory here.
At this time, Dr. Yang Boyong was on the stage, took a deep look at Li Guo, and then smiled elegantly and easy-going.

"Everyone, you must know about the [Alien] code-named 'Penglai'."

"It's really hard not to know. The whole world is discussing this thing now." Gu Taisan joked while turning his pen. Now he and Yang Boyong are still familiar, and there is no need to keep too much in the meeting Serious look.

"This time, our vanguard sent seven leading fighters to explore, and paid a price... and got a lot of information."

Those who can explore in this unknown state of space are all Haojilang.

Yang Boyong paused and said: "The oxygen concentration there is a bit stronger than the current earth, and the psionic energy concentration is 10.133%, which fluctuates up and down. Other indicators are exactly the same as the earth we know. Humans can live here."

"For now, most of the viruses and germs found in that space can be isolated by our body's immune system, and a small number of antibiotics can also deal with it. Frankly speaking, when our researchers were studying here, they instantly felt Which corner of the earth is it? Until the information sent by our people when they fired for the first time, let us know that this is not the earth, and, most importantly, that space, one of the strongest on our earth, Mr. Zhu Wuxian cannot enter it.”

Gu Taisan was slightly taken aback.


"There are two possibilities. The first is that this space itself is limited. The second possibility is related to Mr. Zhu's life form. After breaking through to Lv5, his body is no longer as simple as 'modern biology'. He has become a species that surpasses human beings and creatures. Perhaps it is the same as the fact that high-dimensional life forms cannot enter our world for a long time. For this "Penglai" space, Mr. Zhu Wuxian is a high-level creature. Dimensional life form."

Gu Taisan looked regretful, if Mr. Zhu Wuxian could go in in person, it would be easy to talk about anything.

At this time, Yang Boyong continued to explain the basic information of Penglai.

"The trees here will secrete a strange chemical composition in the air. This chemical composition can effectively produce a flame-retardant effect on combustibles. For example, gunpowder, our gunpowder weapons are affected by it, and the burning speed is dozens of times that of the earth. One of our bullets became little more than a squirt gun."

"What is the danger in this space?" Gu Taisan frowned, he was still more concerned about this, and he paid the price, which means there is danger, not being able to rely on modern weapons, which is even more dangerous among dangers.

Yang Boyong didn't say much, turned on the projector, and switched to the next photo.

In the photo, it is a green bird with the body of a bird and the face of a monkey.
When seeing this photo, Gu Taisan subconsciously said: "What kind of monster is this?"

Gu Taisan's first reaction was that the creatures in front of him were fed nuclear radiation to become like this
Yang Boyong said calmly.

"This kind of creature is called 颙. It is recorded in our ancient Shan Hai Jing. It is a strange beast with a human face and a bird body."

The corner of Gu Taisan's mouth twitched: "You said he was a Chernoli back, I believe even the product of Shimao Fu."

"I don't know if it's mutated or not. In short, this creature is quite friendly to us. It didn't attack us, but just looked at us curiously."

"This is what attacked us"

The picture switched again and became a video.

This time it was a creature with nine heads and nine tails, with tiger claws on all fours.

The creature would bite off Yong in one bite, and then launched an attack on the advance troops, and the camera was destroyed at this time.

The air is a little oppressive.

"This creature that looks like it has been genetically mutated several times is called a nephew. It is also recorded in the Shan Hai Jing and is extremely aggressive."

"Without the use of firearms, our ordinary soldiers have no way of causing fatal damage to this creature. They can only use Taser guns, and Taser guns can't cause harm to this strange beast."

Yang Boyong crossed his hands, propped his chin, and murmured.

"Therefore, the country needs an investigation team to recruit awakened people and successful martial artists to explore this world."

(End of this chapter)

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