Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 187, Build a city in "Penglai"

Chapter 187, Building a City in "Penglai"
Li Guo and the person in charge in Penglai have already received the results of the handling. Currently, the priority of the incident in 'Penglai' is almost the highest.

The information was intercepted and not passed on, and the inner ghost also caught it. At the same time, based on Liu Chengyang's information, they pulled out a chain of interests.
Now, no matter who they are, anyone who participates in this chain of interests will not be tolerated!
At this time, in the strategy office, the person in charge drank tea and chatted with Li Guo, Zhu Ziheng, Zhu Lanshan and other team leaders.

Now that the exploration of 'Penglai' is coming to an end, Li Guo naturally knows that after Tao Yuanxin found the inheritance, the value of this space is only the overflowing aura concentration and the local cloned beasts.

There are also ore, oil, exotic vegetation, and other resources.
The development of these resources no longer requires powerful awakeners to explore, ordinary people can do it too.

"I didn't expect that such a betrayal was done for such a reason. It really makes people feel emotional." Zhu Lanshan sighed.

Of course, neither Zhu Lanshan nor Zhu Ziheng could understand what it was like to be unable to afford a house.

One is the elder of Shushan, and the other is the head of Wudang. They live on the mountain whether they have money or not.
As for other awakened people, warriors are not so easy to say.

"Actually, this is also the problem. The housing price is really unbearable. I am still the leader of the investigation team. I plan to build a house in my hometown. I really dare not even think about places like Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen." A young awakened person shook his head and said, "If I didn't have a wife, I wouldn't even want to build a house. It would be great to be a moonlight clan."

With the salary and benefits of the investigation team, it can be said that being a moonlight family is quite cool.
Some older people also said.

"Actually, the problem of housing is the same all over the world. Look at whether ordinary people in places like London and Washington can afford it. Housing prices in the United States are not expensive, and taxes are the means to squeeze you out."

While watching these people arguing, the person in charge suddenly said.

"This is the core contradiction. This is why the competition between countries is so fierce. All internal and external conflicts stem from one reason-there are only so many resources on the earth. If we want to live well, we must compete with each other. , fighting with each other, wanting to bite off the flesh of the other to feed back to themselves.”

"With the constant resources, the oil will eventually burn out. This is the core contradiction."

"There will always be a day when the land will be used up, and there will be a day when the house will be built."

None of the people present were stupid, so they naturally knew what the person in charge meant.

Constant resource is the core contradiction.

The way to resolve this contradiction is to have more resources. In the past, resources were obtained by competing with each other.

But now, it's different——

For example, the Penglai place we are in now.

The reason why the country attaches so much importance to Penglai is because this "Penglai" provides a way of feeding back other than competing with each other.

Resources from different spaces.

"Nowadays, there are only two real big countries, and that is us and them. Now the overall national strength is weaker than ours." The person in charge expressed his opinion, saying: "But 'Penglai' gave us a chance to We're able to get resources in ways other than fighting each other"

The person in charge is not worried that there are foreign ghosts here. Even this news is openly discussed, and no one is shy.

The purpose is to convey a message.

Today, 'Penglai' can land in China.

Maybe, tomorrow, another 'Penglai' will come to your country?
After all, in the age of spiritual energy, everything is possible.

So, everyone, please let go of this little broken ball under your feet.

Put your eyes on the longer term, okay?
Everyone's moods are intertwined one after another, some are admiring, some are yearning, some are in complicated moods, and some are bowing their heads.

"So, I have called you here today, and I have some things to discuss with you." The person in charge crossed his hands and said with a smile: "Today, the first batch of countries' policies for the development of 'non-civilized' different worlds have been issued. , ready to implement a pilot run in 'Penglai'."


Everyone cocked their ears to listen, wondering what the policy was.

"That's the initial test site for the development of 'Different World Real Estate'. We plan to build houses and cities here!"

Here. Build a city?

Everyone was dumbfounded when they heard these two words.

Another world real estate?This series of words makes people a little confused.

Under the stunned expression of everyone, the person in charge continued.

"At present, our technicians have determined that the nature of this space door presents a great inertia. It is estimated that it will not be closed within ten thousand years. We need to make full use of this."

"Now, anyone who participates in national actions and makes significant contributions can have a set of real estate allocated by the state. The following is the list of the first batch of decisions. Comrade Zhu Lanshan, Comrade Zhu Ziheng, Comrade Li Guo, Comrade Yang Hengyan, Comrade Ma Lin, Comrade Liu Zhiang."

At this time, the person in charge recited the names of more than ten people eloquently.

Everyone's brains are in a crash.

Divide. Divide the house?
Is the subdivided location not any other place, or this 'Wonderland' with beautiful scenery, suitable temperature, rich ecological environment, and 10% psionic energy concentration?
Is it in a dream?
"The above are all those who have actively acted and played a major role in this operation." The person in charge smiled after reading the list: "Please continue to work hard."

This is no longer a blockbuster, this is simply a nuclear bomb.

At this time, there are already some awakened people with extraordinary strength, and the warriors are beginning to regret it. Why did they not work hard before such a good opportunity? They just wanted to work hard, catch fish, and collect ores and flowers around them to maintain their lives.

After all, people are lazy, and it is their nature to seek good luck and avoid bad luck. Some people will choose to be lazy even if they are capable.

Well now, being lazy and directly stealing the house - and the location of this house is still unique.

"Everything you do is seen by the country, and rewards will be given out based on merit. We will reward the rest of the staff in other ways, such as bonuses, such as houses outside." The person in charge said with a smile: "These houses , you have permanent property rights, and the state will never take it back, but one thing to note is that this house cannot be used for sale. Not for at least 70 years."

But when the people who were not assigned to the house were beating their chests and feet, the person in charge dropped another blockbuster.

"At present, this rule is not only valid in this Penglai exploration. In the future, no matter you are a folk awakener or an awakener with a system, as long as you make a big contribution in the future, you will have the opportunity to share The houses here, for now, plan to test 3000 households first.”

"So you don't have to worry about the scarcity of houses, just enough."

(End of this chapter)

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