Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 188, those who work hard, all have chapters

Chapter 188, Those who work hard will be rewarded
The first pilot community is called 'Penglai No. [-]'.

This name is really quite official.

As for the problem of not being able to fire and cook here, there is a solution.

Use an induction cooker.

In other words, the problem that the flame cannot burn may not be a problem in the future.

Because the reason why the flames cannot burn here is because the native vegetation and woodland will emit a special chemical substance. If you want to build a community here, you must reclaim the surrounding vegetation and forest land, and then replace them with native Chinese vegetation. When there is no influence of this special chemical substance, it will naturally burn.

The problem is not big.

And most importantly.

Only powerful warriors and awakened ones who have made great achievements can enter here.

In other words, it is strong, trustworthy, and patriotic enough.


Because there are still many 'cloning monsters' here, and 'cloning monsters' will cross with another kind of 'cloning monsters' to reproduce and give birth to monsters after gene completion.

Having powerful and trustworthy fighters and awakeners living here is like adding a natural barrier to this portal.

In one fell swoop, you get more. It not only adds a barrier to the portal, but also gives others the enthusiasm to do meritorious deeds. It can also tie up many people.

Houses have always been the obsession of many Chinese people, especially for non-locals working outside
"As expected of the country, this kind of thing is really mutually beneficial." Li Guo thought to himself, and took over the honorary certificate and the 'property certificate' from the person in charge.

Although it has not been built yet, but after it is built, this cozy nest can be renovated and you can move in directly.
In terms of housing distribution, the country is really sincere in what it does.

"I didn't expect that I also own commercial housing."

Zhu Lanshan looked curiously at the real estate certificate in his hand.

It caused the people around to salivate for a while.

Then, start discussing merit rewards.

Those who can do more work, more pay for more work, the country has fully actuarial rewards for the exploration of 'Penglai'.

There are not many fishers.

Those who work hard are also rewarded.

In this way, everyone is really happy.
On the other side, in the ward, Ye Feng has also woken up leisurely.

"How is it?" The researcher and doctor on the side asked with concern, "Is there any discomfort?"

Two minutes later, Ye Feng said.


Okay, this reflex arc is still not normal.

It's just that after waking up, the state is still half asleep and half awake, and it responds to the outside world, but the reaction is still very slow.

Finally, it has slowed down from the 'stuck machine' state, and it has become less stuck than it is now.

And the bodily functions can't be fully controlled, head tilted, can't eat normally, defecate. Well, it's a bit like "cerebral palsy" in biology.

"He really passed on a lot of knowledge, and he can't fully bear this knowledge now." The researcher on the side said seriously: "If it is convenient, can you repeat the knowledge you have acquired, it doesn't need much, Only a part is needed”

Now, everyone wants to know what kind of knowledge Ye Feng got from it.

Ye Feng said with his head tilted.

"Can't. Explain. Shape. No. Law. Use. Language. Words to describe. Describe."

This passage lasted for 5 minutes.


At this time, Ye Feng closed his eyes.

Suddenly, the alarm equipment in the ward started to alarm.

The spiritual energy visible to the naked eye rushed towards Ye Feng.

Everyone was shocked, what a psionic speed this is.

"My goodness."

"Are his words credible?" asked the military personnel on the side.

Only then did the researcher slow down, and pondered.

"He has obtained the inheritance of knowledge, but he can't describe it in words. This...believable."

"He can cultivate, but he can't tell? What does it mean?" The man asked doubtfully.

"It's like you can stand up, run, and walk, but few people know that the principle of walking is that the muscles attached to the bones move the joints. People only know that walking is walking, running is running, standing up is standing up, Of course." The researcher pushed his glasses and said, "The reason why we know it is because we have undergone medical research and we only know it after dissection. But did people know about it 1000 years ago?"

"I don't know, they only know that people can walk, stand up, and run for granted."

"As for 'metaphysics', 'spiritual energy' and 'inheritance of high-dimensional life forms', for us now, it is like the ancients 1000 years ago looking at the trajectory of muscle movement."

"Comrade Ye Feng learned to [walk], but he didn't know how to walk."

"Is that so, what a pity."

It is indeed a pity.

If it can be handed over to the state.
Of course, regrets are regrets. Since the information in the inheritance cannot be obtained, it is necessary to protect this precious lump. From the current point of view, Ye Feng will definitely be able to show his prominence in this great world in the future.

There is no other, because he has inherited the so-called "immortal" cultivation method.

"Go and check his 'ingredients' to see if he can receive the ninth department."


The news of Ye Feng waking up spread like wildfire. Everyone was curious about what this so-called inheritance was, and what he had obtained in this mysterious Taoist palace.

Almost everyone, from the awakened to the martial artist, from the military to the scientific research workers, is jealous of the supernatural technology of cloning at the speed of light just by blowing hair.

For awakened people and warriors, this technology allows people to pluck their own hair, change into multiple selves to assist in the battle, or use the hair of the strong to fight like Monkey King
For the military, human sea tactics are the best in the world, and many dangerous tasks, such as investigations, can be done by these 'clones'.

For scientific researchers, this technology can directly skip the embryonic stage, as long as there is DNA, it can be cloned and replicated. Does this mean that some animals and plants that have long been extinct can be revived?
To sum it up, it has infinite uses and everyone wants it.

However, after receiving the official reply that Ye Feng's cultivation inheritance could not be disclosed to others, some people regretted it, some believed it, some were dubious, and some people didn't know what they were talking about.

But now outsiders can't get close to this young man who has received the inheritance of the immortal, and is temporarily protected by the state agency
As for the character of the state agency, Li Guo could still trust him, and [-]% to [-]% would not do anything weird to Ye Feng.

Now, everything can only be said after Ye Feng digests the knowledge in his mind and his body and mind return to the state of a normal person.

And another piece of shocking news is.

People in different dimensions can go out——

(End of this chapter)

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