Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 220, This trick is called good and evil will be rewarded

Chapter 220, This trick is called good and evil will be rewarded
"Okay, brother system, it can be uninstalled."

"Please ask the host to give this system the permission to use 'Shan Hai Jing', so that this system can not only uninstall it, but also copy some other functions."

"Didn't you bring the Classic of Mountains and Seas with you?" Li Guo was a little surprised. He had always thought that the Classic of Mountains and Seas was one of the functions of the system.

"This system is this system, and Shan Hai Jing is Shan Hai Jing. Since Shan Hai Jing recognizes the host as the master, only the host has full operation authority. Even this system can only obtain part of the use after obtaining the consent of the host. Permission." The system said lightly.

Li Guo pondered for a moment and said.

"Okay, I will give you permission."

At this time, it seemed that the most majestic forces between the heaven and the earth were confronting each other, and for a while in this dilapidated factory building, time seemed to be stagnant.

Only Li Guo himself is still conscious.

'System' is fighting with 'Fengshen Yanyi'.

There is a feeling that cannot be described in words.

Fighting in time, in space, outside order.

After a while, time began to flow, the system's notification sounded, and Li Guo himself was still in a state of a lifetime.

The scene just now was so profound that it is hard to forget
The system's prompt sound brought Li Guo back to reality.

"Uninstallation succeeded."

"Start reverse cracking 'Fengshen Yanyi'.."

"Release 'Fengshen Yanyi''s control over the host."

"If the mark of the reincarnation is not removed, 'Feng Shen Yan Yi' will still think that the host is under control."

"More functions are being sorted out and cracked."

Only then did Li Guo realize that the system not only uninstalled Feng Shen Yan Yi, but also copied part of this function.

As expected of the brother of the system, he can easily do things that other systems cannot.

"'Fengshen Yanyi', strictly speaking, is to pull the markers into the gate of the different space, let them enter the different space to complete the task, so as to achieve the goal." The system calmly analyzed.

The poisonous snake youth on the side didn't know what happened to Li Guo at this moment, so he just said with a smile to himself.

"How, did you feel the restraint of 'Fengshen Yanyi' and couldn't attack me? By the way, I seem to have seen your face somewhere before. Is the change in your facial muscles the ability of the deformation department? Or 'Eight Nine Xuan Gong'? No, Bajiu Xuangong is also a very advanced technique in "Fengshen Yanyi", where did you learn it?"

Just as the poisonous snake youth was staring at Li Guo with interest, a third hand suddenly appeared on his body.

The micro-impact bullets are fired directly out.

The poisonous snake youth was stunned for a moment, and his performance was worthy of the name of "veteran qualified reincarnation". He twisted his body and avoided the bullet.

"Tsk, this combat experience is quite enough." After Li Guo muttered, the third hand retracted.

The plan of pretending to be a master of swordsmanship and then slightly punching Yinren failed. Sure enough, these strong men still have some ways of their own.

Those who have survived reincarnation will not be weak.
The poisonous snake youth stared at Li Guo incredulously, and said in amazement: "You don't want to die, it's wrong to attack your teammates, you haven't been obliterated by him, who are you?"

Viper Youth, as the captain of the Viper Squad, can naturally feel that Li Guo was not a reincarnation before, but joined his team.
Until now, he can still feel that the person in front of him still belongs to his team.

Since he is still a member of his own team, why can he attack himself without being wiped out?
"You, you broke away from him." The poisonous snake youth's tone became hoarse, his expression distorted, and he said in disbelief: "No, you are still a reincarnation, and you still have our unique aura on you, but what method did you use, Out of His control, He has no way to obliterate you."

In an instant, the expression of the poisonous snake youth became greedy and excited.

For "Fengshen Yanyi", most people think it is an opportunity and a risk.

He gave you a chance to reincarnate, but you can only survive in endless reincarnation. If you are not careful, you will not be detached, but physically detached.

After becoming stronger, getting rid of reincarnation is the idea of ​​most reincarnation people.

It's just that it's too expensive.
"Tie Niu! Take him down, he has a way to get out of control." Green energy was rising from the body of the poisonous snake youth, his face was distorted, and a green mist rose from his body, turning into a big snake.

The phantom of the snake, ferocious like a ghost, has a huge body like a real body, as if it could eat cattle and swallow elephants at any time.

"Get out of reincarnation."

At this time, the giant man had a serious face, clasped his fists in his hands, and said in a deep voice.

"Vajra's strength, descend upon me."

Li Guo on the side looked at the bloated man and analyzed.

"I didn't expect there to be people in the Buddhist sect working together with this poisonous snake. It's really an eye-opener."

Unexpectedly, the giant man's body changed into long hair, his face became longer, and his eyes became red and pupilless.

At this time, the giant man patted his chest and let out a roar of unknown meaning.

Well, this King Kong is not that King Kong.

In a sense, it was an eye-opener.
Li Guo took out the Liuguang Yehuo, and wrote thunder and fire all over his body, which broke the snake aura of the poisonous young man in an instant.

When masters fight, what they care about is often that moment.

One knife, one sword, cut out the wind and thunder, and cut out the fire of karma.

There was only a thin line of blood on the throat of the poisonous snake youth.

"You are the master of both swords and swords. You are Li Tianwai Shenjian. Why. Why. Why. Obviously, I am already... almost golden core."

"Heretics are evil, how can you fight against Xuanmen's orthodox Dharma? Besides, you are eager for success, and your energy is not pure. It seems to be concise, but in fact it is just a shape."

Li Guo said lightly: "Even if you were given a chance, you wouldn't use it."

Obviously there is a shortcut to becoming stronger, "Fengshen Yanyi", but he still chooses to take the shortcut among the shortcuts.

When one is able to overwhelm others with one's realm, one can of course show off one's power, and when one's realm is equal, one's true form will be revealed.

The poisonous snake youth fell to the ground, lifeless, without the slightest madness of the evil man outside the Great Wall just now.

Die easy, die at will.

"You killed him, and you really are not bound by him."

The giant king kong stared at the young poisonous snake's body for a while, and after a moment of silence, he punched it with his fists.

The fist is as strong as the wind, fierce and powerful, without any rules, but full of oppression, it is exactly the same as King Kong in the movie.

"Why do you have to collude with him?" Li Guo raised his karmic fire to parry, but it was difficult to evade such disorderly fists.

Although this kung fu of turning into a vajra is not a righteous way, it is still a hundred times better than the kung fu of the poisonous snake youth who absorbs the flesh and soul of children.

"There are good people and bad people in this world." The King Kong giant tore open the abandoned iron gate, used it as a blade, smashed it, and said: "He is a bad person. Yes, I will follow whoever has a good relationship with me, and I will protect whoever."

"He is cruel, and I don't want to see him eating children, but he is my comrade in arms, my brother, and I should help him, because we advance and retreat together."

"There is no distinction between right and wrong, good and evil, only closeness."

Li Guo didn't answer him with words, but responded with a sword.

It's completely bad, it's bad enough to ooze pus.

There is no need for any communication, no possibility of mutual understanding.

life and death
The giant diamond's long hair turned into gold, shining like a golden giant ape.

The fur is like a knife chopping an axe, reflecting light, and the body is like a treasure, seemingly extremely hard.

Faced with the sudden explosion of the King Kong giant, Li Guo suddenly looked indifferent, withdrew his streamer karma, and left without looking back.

The King Kong giant thought that he had frightened Li Guo with his special skills, and was about to take advantage of the victory to pursue him, but found that he couldn't move.

"What did you do to me?" The King Kong giant barely managed to organize his words, fully activated, and temporarily lost part of his language ability, no doubt like the real wild King Kong, even gave up a little bit of thinking ability, and didn't notice himself at all The body is covered with amulets.

Li Guo took back the rest of the talisman and said calmly.

"This trick is called good and evil will be rewarded."

"Good and evil. Are there rewards?"

The King Kong giant's eyes were in a trance for a while, and he saw beside him a poisonous young man who was dying. Now that he is dead, the poisonous snake power has not dissipated, and he is raging manically. Prey to complement itself.

Ba Shezhenli noticed the King Kong giant.

Soon, the King Kong giant's eyes went dark, he fell to the ground, and was completely swallowed up by the out-of-control Ba Snake spiritual power of the poisonous snake youth.
(End of this chapter)

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