Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 221, Pindao will calculate a hexagram for you

Chapter 221, Pindao will do the math for you
On the other side, the child who had been stunned faintly woke up.

When he woke up, he was terrified, terrified, and completely unprepared for the strange environment around him.


A sound as thin as a mosquito moan sounded, his body was still very weak
In this dark and boundless factory, a pair of hands hugged the child.

"There's nothing to be afraid of anymore, Pindao will take you away." Li Guo picked up the child and gently comforted his heart with words.

"There was a bad aunt who took me away."

The child seemed to like the clean and upright smell of Li Guo, and hugged Li Guo tightly, with his little head buried in the Taoist robe.

It seems that the inside of the Taoist robe is bright, radiant and warm.

"Where are the bad guys, will they come?"

"The bad guys won't come."

What fell on the ground were the corpses of the poisonous snake youth and King Kong. As for the surrounding human traffickers, they were killed and melted by the poison of the poisonous snake youth when they entered the door.

All the evil people were put to death.

After the two children were brought out, the investigation team also came to deal with the matter.

Police cars and official vehicles were parked in front of them. The high beam lights were not on, but they hurt the child so much that he couldn't open his eyes.

Li Guo covered the eyes of the two children, but sighed.

"Sure enough, folk heroes also have a reason for the existence of folk heroes."

The official investigation team is still too slow.

If it wasn't me who transformed and infiltrated, but the ordinary transformation-type ability user, maybe these two children, including the shape-shifting ability user, might have died out long ago.

Big means bloated, cumbersome means inefficient
Who can tell clearly whether there is good or bad in it.

Li Guo thinks that the existence of people with abilities is wrong.

But in fact, his own thinking is wrong.

"Host, you're struggling." The system that analyzed 'Fengshen Yanyi' said, there was still a lot of noise when speaking, and it seemed quite busy.

"Yeah." Li Guo said after a pause, "I found that some of my previous thoughts may not be correct."

"This world is not binary, there is no absolute right and no absolute wrong." The system said flatly: "Just like the evil cultivator who sucked the flesh and blood of human children just now, if he sucked the flesh and blood of animals, Would you say he did something wrong?"

Li Guo thought for a while, then shook his head.

"But for the sucked creature, his actions are 'sin' and 'evil'."

"On the road of cultivation, 'right' and 'wrong' are actually not that important, what is important is the 'intention', if the original intention is violated, the road of cultivation will be blocked, the evil way also has the evil way's original intention, and the evil way also has the evil way The road, any kind of way, will stagnate if it goes against the original heart, which is why good and evil never stand in balance."

"The current situation of you, host, is even more normal. Your life span is only a few hundred years, and ascetics have a long lifespan. With the passage of time, it is normal for your concept to change." The system said lightly: "For the current situation of the host, It's more like 'understanding', and it's more like growing up."

After listening to Brother System's advice like an old father, Li Guo suddenly became enlightened.

Perceptions change, perspectives change.

The more you see, the farther you see, the more you will understand, the more you will understand.

The road to cultivation is long and long, as long as the heart remains unchanged
Huang Chongmin, as the leader of the investigation team, naturally has two eyesight. Judging from Li Guo and the environment at the scene, there has just been a battle here.

The judgment is correct, this case is not a simple human trafficking case, but a supernatural being here to make some ghosts and ghosts.

"It's worthy of the real Li Ren who has the name of 'Heavenly Sword'. I'm ashamed of myself. I solved it perfectly by myself."

Huang Chongmin felt inferior to Li Guo with his two children.

He was completely convinced.

Not only because of Li Guo's strength, but also because of Li Guo's ability to transform.

Powerful fighting ability, and the ability to transform like a ghost.


Huang Chongmin felt that the Taoist in front of him was closer to 'perfect' than 'tough'.

Maybe the immortals and demons mentioned in the scriptures are such existences.

The perfect ultimate creature, able to adapt to any situation, anything, any problem.

After Li Guo put the two children down, he said flatly, "It's just some trivial skills."

Humility is the most perfect pretense, and Li Guo deeply understands this truth.

At this time, the police and the investigation team went in to work together. The police collected evidence of the traffickers, and the investigation team collected information on the poisonous snake youth and the King Kong giant. The two parties performed their duties without interfering with each other.

Seeing this scene, Li Guo just smiled and disappeared into the night.

"Wait a minute, we still need your assistance in the investigation" A forensic officer who was collecting evidence wanted to call Li Guo.

But was stopped by Huang Chongmin, the leader of the investigation team just said with emotion.

"Don't bother with other immortals, he has done enough for us"

The forensic doctor couldn't help but said.

"As a citizen, he has an obligation to accept our request and provide us with evidence."

Huang Chongmin just rolled his eyes and spread his hands.

"If everyone has given you evidence, what use is it for you?"

On the top of the quiet mountain, the grand scenery of Xihang.

Riding a knife and controlling a sword in the mountains, the karmic fire is red, and driving a flying knife is really like a karmic fire meteor.

As for why he chose to ride a knife instead of a sword, it was purely because Li Guo wanted to try a different taste
Riding a knife is also very handsome.

According to the location of the Gaode map, Li Guo came between these mountains and descended on this green hill.

Come on, in front of a thatched wooden house, there is a wooden sign with three characters of "Yiqing Guan". Even this sign is handwritten.

An old man in a sackcloth priestly robe was cleaning fallen leaves. He seemed to be quiet and extraordinary, out of the ordinary.

"Supreme Heavenly Venerable, Pindao has seen seniors."

Li Guo bowed his hands to the old Taoist in front of him, no matter what his strength was, the old Taoist in front of him was still his senior.

As a Taoist junior, you still need to have enough etiquette.

The old Taoist didn't look at Li Guo, but was still cleaning the fallen leaves, and said slowly: "Once the old Taoist is cleared up, why did the fellow Taoist come?"

"Come to find fellow Taoist Mo Yuan."

Yiqing finally raised his head, stared at Li Guo for a while, and smiled.

"Don't complain, come in."

Li Guo was not in a hurry, and entered this old-fashioned 'Taoist Temple'.

At this time, Yiqing brought a cup and a pot of tea.

"The dilapidated small household only has crude tea, don't be surprised, Fellow Daoist."

From a secular point of view, this temple is not even a Taoist temple, but just an ordinary thatched house.

However, Li Guo thanked him after taking the crude tea, and said.

"From Pindao's point of view, this place is much more flavorful than other famous mountains and grand sights, but it is an excellent place for practice."

Elegant, quiet, integrated into nature, but also out of nature.

It is not so much a temple where incense is gathered, but a place of practice.

"Praise Miao." Yiqing also put a smile on his face, and was very happy to be praised: "Mo Yantuer went to try his new gadget, and he hasn't come back so soon."

At this time, Yiqing Laodao paused and said.

"No, the old man will do the math for you."

Fortune telling?
If it was in the past, Li Guo believed in the saying that destiny is determined by heaven.

But now the underworld has been broken, reincarnation has become empty, and all fate has become nothingness.

"The boy doesn't believe in fate." Li Guo just smiled slightly: "The fate is determined by oneself, and the destiny of man can overcome the sky."

"The so-called fate is not destiny, but a kind of 'karma'."

Yiqing said while sorting out the divination tools.

"When you stretch out your left foot, it is equivalent to taking a step. You eat food, so the food disappears. All 'effects' have 'causes'. If you trace the source and effect, you can know the 'cause'." Then the obtained 'effect' is used as the 'cause', and then another 'effect' is calculated, the causal cycle, the law of the world has been formed."

Li Guo was stunned when he heard that.

The last time I heard similar remarks was in a popular science magazine.

A theory of 'Laplace's demon' proposed by Laplace.

In summary, it is 'because of this, scientific reason'.

"A person's life is a cycle of cause and effect. You can be the cause of affecting others, and you can also be the result of being affected." Taoist Yiqing took out the copper hexagram and said with a smile: "What's more, waiting for the disciples is also boring. It's okay, right?"

But Li Guo didn't refuse again—anyway, he doesn't want money, so let's count.

At this time, Yiqing took out the copper hexagram.

The copper hexagrams are 'Heaven', 'Earth', 'Xuan', 'Yellow' and 'People'.

"The copper hexagram is divided into five phases, the 'human' hexagram is an ordinary family, wasted life, ordinary blessings, suffering and joy, 'yellow' is a wealthy family, with more than enough wealth, no worries in life, 'Xuan' is rich and noble, Either the power is in the hands of the government and the opposition, one side of the princes, 'land' is the fate of the son of heaven, holding the power, each occupying one side, can compete for the top of the world." Taoist Yiqing touched his beard and said: "'Heaven' is the destiny of the gods. The appearance of a demon, becoming a fairy, becoming a demon, becoming a Buddha, before this spirit revives, no one can crown this appearance of a god and demon."

Li Guo looked at Taoist Yiqing with great interest, which was a bit interesting.

At least he's referring to reiki recovery, not official psionic awakening.

"How can Pindao cooperate with seniors?"

"Just sit still."

Yiqing smiled slightly.

"Wherever the copper plate falls, that's what kind of fate you will be."

Li Guoxin's way of doing this calculation is also quite casual.

Then, Yiqing threw it away.

The copper plate fell.

There is no fluctuation of spiritual power, no surge of the laws of heaven and earth, it is just thrown away.

Looking at the copper plate again, the copper plate was thrown crookedly.

Did not fall to any of the 'heaven', 'earth', 'xuan', 'yellow' and 'human'.

"Senior, you lost your head." Li Guo couldn't help but cry.

However, Daoist Yiqing's pupils shrank and he muttered.

"No, no, no, no, no"

Taoist Yiqing picked up the copper plate again.

Drop it again.

This time, it was crooked again.

Take it again, throw it away again, and crook it again.

"Why are your hexagrams all 'nothing'? It's impossible for someone's hexagrams to be 'nothing'." Yiqing frowned, his old face was full of disbelief.

Li Guo really wanted to complain, maybe it was just a simple miscalculation, at least when he was doing fortune-telling just now, Li Guo didn't feel any surge of spiritual power.

Of course, Li Guo didn't have to complain in front of his seniors, so he just said with a smile.

"Senior, you don't need to worry about it. Maybe this miscarriage is also 'destined'? Because of external factors, the result of being 'destined' to you is to lose the hexagram."

"That's not right. We of the copper hexagram lineage are doomed to carry the 'calculation' method, and there is no possibility of being wrong. As long as we throw the hexagram image, we will get the result." Yiqing murmured: "It's because of your Is your fate special? Because your "fate" is outside the six realms? Or is it that your "fate" cannot be counted, no matter what it is, it is impossible. When everything is born, everything is doomed, and everything is born and die , reincarnation fate."

At this moment, Yiqing seemed to be unable to understand what happened, and grabbed his hair, which was not much in the first place.

Just as he was babbling again, not knowing what to say, Li Guo just wanted to say something when he suddenly felt something in his heart.

If there is mutual attraction between the awakened and the awakened, between warriors and warriors, then there will be mutual attraction and induction between immortal cultivators and immortal cultivators.

Especially when the cultivation methods are similar, the Extinguishing Demon Mysterious Art and the Eighty-nine Mysterious Art have the same origin.

Li Guo looked out the window.

But I saw a handsome and young Taoist coming on the wind.

There are green lotuses and clouds growing under one's feet, it's really like a banished fairy descending.

At this time, Ye Feng landed lightly outside the thatched house and smiled.

"Li Daoyou."

Li Guo also surrendered.

"Friend Ye."

Xuanmen is the right way, and the two can see each other.

(End of this chapter)

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