Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 222, Am I me?I am not me?

Chapter 222, Am I me?I am not me?

The Ye Feng in front of him has a restrained temperament, his sharpness is not obvious, just like an ordinary warrior who returns to the basics.

It is a realm to be sharp and sharp, and it is another realm to return to the basics.

Li Guo just said with emotion.

"Fellow Daoist cultivates so fast, the poor Daoist is amazed."

Now his body exudes the breath of the middle stage of foundation establishment.

And it's also very thick, majestic, and long, and it doesn't look like a forced breakthrough at all.

"It's not that Pindao's breakthrough speed is fast, but it's just some coincidence." Ye Feng's originally elegant and indifferent expression, as if he was a master of Taoism, turned into a wry smile: "You know, Pindao was in the 'Penglai' and obtained It is called the inheritance of Tao Yuanxin."


"Pindao not only obtained his skills and knowledge, but also his perception, his state of mind, and even his memory became clear in Pindao's mind, so that Pindao broke through There is no need to cross the catastrophe at all, only the official spiritual power catalyst is needed to move forward."

Li Guo was a little surprised, this inheritance seems to be a bit thorough.

Cultivation techniques, comprehension, and state of mind are simply a green light for Ye Feng to practice unimpeded.

But the feelings and state of mind belong to others, so, is the person in front of you Ye Feng, or Tao Yuanxin's clone?

Thinking of this, Li Guo said solemnly: "Then, fellow Daoist Ye, are you Ye Feng or Tao Yuanxin?"

After a moment of silence, Ye Feng said.

"It's still 'Ye Feng'."

"Now?" Li Guo couldn't help but worry about the mental state of this fellow Taoist.

"Where there are gains, there are losses. At least I have caught up with the cultivation base of the big troops and reached the foundation building stage." Ye Feng smiled and said: "If I practice by myself, I don't know how to catch up with the big troops."

The large army he was talking about was the strength of the cultivation base of the earth list.

At this time, Ye Feng also smiled wryly: "However, I also tried to use Tao Yuanxin's breakthrough in understanding. Now every midnight, I would wake up with a startled phantom of Tao Yuanxin, and even thought that I was Tao Yuanxin."

"Never lose sight of the basics."

The corner of Li Guo's mouth twitched, it's not a good thing for a cultivator to make himself a mental patient.

"So from now on, the breathing of spiritual energy is temporarily stopped, and the focus is on cultivating the mind, and Tao Yuanxin's spiritual realm will not be used in the future." Ye Feng pondered: "If you become the second Tao Yuanxin, everything will be just It's just reincarnation"

While Ye Feng was chatting with Li Guo, Taoist Yiqing came out from the hut.

"Disciple, I will do the math for you as a teacher."

At this time, Taoist Yiqing couldn't help but use the method of divination on Ye Feng.

The copper hexagram swayed, and the things thrown by Yiqing stopped on the mark of 'heaven'.

Yiqing picks up at one time and throws at another.

Repeated several times, the copper hexagram stays on the hexagram image of 'Heaven'.

"Sure enough, it's not that the old man's hexagram has lost its aura." Yiqing picked up the copper hexagram and said seriously: "When I picked up Mo Yuan back then, I counted a hexagram for him. From that day on, His hexagram has always been 'Heaven'."

"Only you, the old man's hexagrams can't be calculated, can't figure it out"

Li Guo looked at the hexagram image that had been staying on the 'sky', and was a little surprised.

This old man seems to have something.

"All destiny starts from the cause of all things, and determines the 'effect'. I can't calculate your effect, is it because you have no cause, or because I am not worthy to see through your effect"

When it comes to hexagrams, the old Taoist becomes obsessed.

But Ye Feng returned to the small hut with ease, took out the medicine for dementia, and said to Yiqing while feeding the medicine, "Master, it's time to take the medicine."

After feeding Yiqing the medicine, Ye Feng said with distress.

"Master is too old, he is over 100 years old this year, even if the spiritual energy is revived, it will not be able to repair the damaged brain cells and aging body of the master"

Li Guo said after a moment of silence.

"Reincarnation of life and death is the principle of life."

"Of course I know the poor way, and the master is also very understanding. He told me these truths when I was young. Reincarnation of life and death is destined." Ye Feng said: "Of course, the master still has some means in divination. , You don’t have to believe it all, but you don’t have to believe it either.”

Li Guo also nodded, and finally smiled.

"Now the result of this calculation is also good."

Whether it is fate or destiny.

The two sentences seen in the book of life and death have become the motto that Li Guo deeply remembers.

life and death.

Wealth is yours!

After settling in the old way, Ye Feng took Li Guo to the fly restaurant in the nearest town for lunch.

Theoretically speaking, the two "immortals" who can eat wind and drink dew don't need to eat anymore, even if they eat, they don't use such a fly restaurant. From the perspective of outsiders, they feel full of disobedience
But Ye Feng scratched his head and said.

"I'm sorry, it's true that the poor are poor, so I can only show my gratitude to the landlord here, but this shop uses a lot of materials, and the oil and salt used are also very clean."

Judging from this clear situation, they also know the problem of their family's embarrassment.

But Li Guo smiled, picked up a piece of 'spicy fried twice-cooked pork' and said: "It's okay, it's just that the poor Taoist came to bother you without notifying."

Seeing Li Guo who eats the fly restaurant with such gusto, Ye Feng immediately liked Li Guo, and said the same.

"After we get hired and get paid, I'll take you to the best 'Hengyang Tower' in this area to eat the best Xihang vinegar fish."

"Entry?" Li Guo frowned.

"Well, Pindao is going to officially join the local investigation team, not a non-staff but a staffed one."

"Pindao is a little puzzled." Li Guo rubbed his chin, still a little puzzled.

As Ye Feng, an immortal cultivator, I have also seen it, and it is completely understandable to cooperate with the official, but I can fully join, so what is the picture?
Figure money?Not to mention anything else, now Li Guo has achieved financial freedom as an official partner, and has no worries about food and clothing.

Seeking power?Even if you've already cultivated immortality, you still need to take care of this.
Figure resources?Cultivation of immortality is more reflective of perception and state of mind. If you put on the official lock, you are destined to sink into the world of mortals.

In summary, what is he planning?

There is basically nothing that can attract him.

"I knew that Taoist friends would not understand the choice of the poor." After Ye Feng put down his chopsticks, he said seriously: "After getting Tao Yuanxin's memory inheritance, I learned about cultivation, Taoism and immortality, and this long road. When the heart realizes the Tao, it will prove the road to longevity."

"But I also know that cultivating immortals and Taoism also requires foreign resources, such as pills, magic weapons, magic and wealth companions, all of which are indispensable."

"You mean magic weapon, elixir?" Li Guo frowned, as if he understood something.


Ye Feng crossed his hands and said seriously.

"The official may know more things than we imagined, such as magic weapons and pills."

Elixir Li Guo can understand that the inheritance of the knowledge of 'physicians' is quite complete, and it is normal to be able to make elixirs.

Zhu Wuxian's breakthrough may also be due to the inheritance of doctors.

But Li Guo didn't understand this magic weapon.

How did the authorities know about this?

You must know that when Zhang Tianyang showed the book of life and death before, he didn't know anything about the existence of magic weapons.

Could it be that the officials are hiding something from themselves?

"It seems that I can't give my heart and soul to the officials."

This time, Li Guo kept an eye out. When he told the officials about the "Fengshen Yanyi", there were some things that he couldn't say. At least he had to keep a hand with the officials about his next plan.

"What kind of magic weapon is the official going to prepare for you?" Li Guo pulled his mind back and continued to ask.

"You won't know the details until you join the job." Ye Feng said after taking a bite of fish-flavored shredded pork, "But what is certain is that the official does have the ability to forge magic weapons. I don't know where the specific inheritance is obtained from."

Li Guo and Ye Feng chatted for a while, their voices were not concealed, and the young diners around them could hear words such as 'elixir' and 'magic weapon'.

A young woman snorted.

"Did these two Taoist priests enter their brains in the second grade? I heard that I was embarrassed and had cancer."

Sitting opposite her, the young man who seemed to be her boyfriend also snickered.

"Maybe it's true, seeing that this robe is still an experienced cosplay lover. Puchi, I can't do it."

The two snickered and chattered, and the surrounding diners also had the same attitude.

Although spiritual awakening and human beings have supernatural powers, terms such as magical medicines and medicines are still too far removed from the core values ​​of materialism, and I am afraid it will be a joke.

Li Guo and Ye Feng also finished their food.

"Bill, please."

"WeChat or Alipay?"

"Alipay." Ye Feng took out his broken mobile phone and swiped Alipay.

This scene makes people feel that the "skilled man" in front of him is fake to death.

How can a real god use Alipay and WeChat?

"Then, goodbye by fate." Ye Feng said with a smile.

"See you again if you are destined. If you have a chance in the future, I will definitely invite fellow Taoists to come to this temple for a talk." Li Guo cupped his hands.

"What is the sect of Taoist friends?" Ye Feng was a little curious. Although he knew that Li Guo was a Taoist priest, he didn't know which sect Li Guo came from.

After pondering for a moment, Li Guo smiled lightly.

"Penglai Tianwai, Slanting Moon Tianmen."

"Xianyue Tianmen?" Ye Feng chewed these words, and deeply remembered these four words.

Saying that, the two left.

"Those two secondary illnesses are finally gone"

The young lovers were breathing a sigh of relief, and when they were laughing inwardly, a sudden gust of hot wind blew up.

I saw the Taoist on the left, with one hand pointing horizontally, a long sword of Bing Lie Huo appeared at his feet, riding the wind to control the sword, and stepped on the sword.

The Taoist on the right, with the wind blowing under his feet, is accompanied by a faint cloud.

The two quickly disappeared in front of the fly restaurant, leaving only a bunch of dull diners
The boss murmured.

"God is really a god"

(End of this chapter)

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