Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 223, I also make one

Chapter 223, I also make one

When it was time to look for Zhang Tianyang, it seemed that Zhang Tianyang knew that Li Guo would come, so he was waiting at the door.

The suits and leather shoes are meticulous. Although they are not cultivated, they are serious and powerful, which makes people admire and convince.

It is not easy for the provincial chief of the investigation team to get him to wait at the door.

At this time, Zhang Tianyang looked at Li Guo, nodded slightly and said.

"Really Li, you are here."

"Heavenly Supreme, Jushi Zhang doesn't need to be like this." Li Guo fell from the flying sword, and also responded lightly: "The poor Taoist is just an ordinary mountain Taoist."

"Really Li, don't underestimate yourself, you are the famous Heavenly Sword, ranked 19th on the local list."

Li Guo just smiled slightly.

The 19th place on the local list is considered a very high ranking, but it is not enough to make Zhang Tianyang stop and wait.

There are other reasons, it is worth waiting for Zhang Tianyang to be here.

"Pindao went to Xihang, met Daoyou Ye, and solved a human trafficking case, but he also learned some secrets. For example, the reason for the multiplication of warriors on the list is all related to a secret called 'Fengshen Yanyi' mysterious existence."

Li Guo talked about the general existence in "Fengshen Yanyi", and deliberately concealed the system's manipulation of permissions when he said it.

After speaking, Li Guo stared at Zhang Tianyang's face.

Zhang Tianyang's expression didn't change in any way.

"Sure enough, the officials already knew something before that."

Li Guo stared at Zhang Tianyang with great interest.

Then it's up to him to be honest or not.

If I'm being honest, there's more to talk about next.

If it's not honest, then I'm sorry, Li Guo doesn't intend to show his sincerity.

At this moment, Zhang Tianyang fell into a long silence.

Li Guo also stared at the silent Zhang Tianyang.

In the scorching sun, a Taoist with an elegant appearance and good cultivation, a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes who does not know martial arts.

The two face each other.

After a long time, Zhang Tianyang still put down his hands and sighed.

"We have probably learned about the 'Fengshenyanyi' matter. After the death of the 'Heavenly Swordsman' last time, the headquarters held an emergency meeting, and all our provincial leaders were mobilized to discuss the ' After we arrived, we found out about the "Fengshen Yanyi", after the ninth division paid the lives of 11 top agents, we finally had some clues."

"This is an unknown force from outside the world. In the words of Mr. Zhu Wuxian, this is a strange 'rule', an extremely advanced way of using abilities. Mr. Zhu Wuxian can only barely be able to break through Lv6 Use this kind of power, and this 'he' has obviously mastered the use of this kind of power."

"'He' uses this rule power to sign a rule contract with people, allowing you to work hard for 'Him' and enter a different world to get a chance. You can't resist or escape. Under this kind of 'rules', even if you No matter how strong you become, you are still a slave of 'His'."

Zhang Tianyang said it, and said a lot, and said it from the bottom of his heart.

In fact, Zhang Tianyang is very, very sincere in being able to say so much. In theory, this should be a secret that only the top leaders of the organization can know.

But, it's not enough.

For example, Zhang Tianyang did not say one thing.

Li Guo said after a moment of silence.

"The reason? You haven't said the reason yet."

"What reason."

"You know." Li Guo squinted and said, "The reason why you joined 'Feng Shen Yan Yi'."

What's the fastest way to go from 0 to 1?
That is learning.

The official has been ignorant of Taoism, and now he is even able to manufacture magic weapons. What is it that promotes the transformation of the official scientific research speed from 0 to 1?

There is only one answer, that is, the official personnel are also playing this Fengshenyanyi.

Get the magic weapon, the method of refining the panacea from this game of Fengshen Yanyi.

Zhang Tianyang said after a moment of silence.

"Because... I can't resist, the benefits outweigh the risks."

"Through 'Fengshen Yanyi', we can obtain unprecedented psionic technology, powerful exercises, magic weapons, pills, weapons, all of which we cannot resist."

Li Guo approached Zhang Tianyang and said word by word.

"So, what's the price?"

Zhang Tianyang smiled wryly, "A lot."

If you want to gain power through "Fengshen Yanyi", you must join Fengshen Yanyi.

Invest in talents, hone them in reincarnation, and let them get rewards from other worlds, from the strange game of Feng Shen Yan Yi.

But this is indeed a lot, and the talents who can invest have become slaves of "Fengshen Yanyi".

The more you want to get from Feng Shen Yan Yi, the more talents you have to invest.

This is a very vicious cycle.

Zhang Tianyang sighed.

"So the plan to invest talents to join 'Fengshen Yanyi' to gain benefits has been abandoned and stopped shortly after the investment. Just like you said, what is the price? The price is that if we sink into it, the more we want to get You will have to pay a heavier price for it.”

"It's not too late." Li Guo said lightly, thinking that this can still be discussed. If the country really wants to gain this kind of power directly by directly investing in talents, it is almost inevitable to pay a heavy price over time.
"This is the frightening thing about high-dimensional life forms. He doesn't even need to show up, he can absorb, wear away your talents, pull out your bone marrow, and seduce your soul." Zhang Tianyang said helplessly: "Even now, in the high-level There are also many people who want to gain benefits directly by joining the "Fengshen Yanyi". They think that "Fengshen Yanyi" is a gift and gift from a high-dimensional living body, just like "Crane Immortal" and "Tiger Immortal". , inexplicably came to please our 'Heavenly Kingdom' with friendliness and kindness."

Li Guo is at a loss for words, well, it seems that I still have some of this pot
Unconditional devotion will always give people the illusion that there are good people in this world. In fact, I just want to be famous and pave the way for the birth of the 'Xianyue Tianmen'.

Zhang Tianyang continued.

"Nowadays, the number of people participating in the 'Fengshen Yanyi' in the country is gradually increasing, and more and more 'senior reincarnations' are eligible to be invited. If this continues, how many 'reincarnations' will appear in our country? They are like a plague spread likewise."

This is a very real problem. The opportunity to become a god and become a saint is right in front of you. There should not be many people who can withstand the temptation.

However, it will be too late when all the people join this "Fengshen Yanyi". At that time, if the country conflicts with him, as long as he gives an order such as "betrayal" and "do not move", the national power can be directly abolished More than half of it was lost, and some people even defected because of it.

There is no need to doubt this. Although many people are unwilling to admit it, for more than [-]% of them, their own lives are higher than the concept of the country.

"So we have to take measures to fight against the tide of 'Fengshen Yanyi' sweeping China." Zhang Tianyang stared at Li Guo seriously and said, "I'm afraid that's why you came here."

Li Guo carried his hands on his back, his Taoist robe fluttering, and smiled faintly.

"Why Pindao came here, everything depends on Zhang Jushi's reply to Pindao. If you give different replies, Pindao should take different actions."

"So, have I passed the test? Or have I not passed the test?" Zhang Tianyang looked at Li Guo seriously, with a hint of urgency in his eyes.

And Li Guo said with a smile.

"I haven't passed it, let's listen to the poor and come slowly."

Li Guo forced his voice into a line, and whispered in Zhang Tianyang's ear.

"We also set up the same 'Feng Shen Yan Yi' to fight against him."

Zhang Tianyang felt that at his age and status, he had experienced a lot of battles. He hadn't seen any big storms. It was impossible to be calm, but at least he wouldn't be too surprised.

However, Zhang Tianyang's pupils narrowed slightly, a burst of shock.

"Can you really do it?"

Li Guo and Zhang Tianyang agreed to meet in twenty days.

On the [-]th, countermeasures against this "Fengshen Yanyi" began to be implemented.

"System, how is the analysis going?"

"88.82 percent of the 'Fengshen Yanyi' has been deciphered in reverse. The basic legal rules have been deciphered, and the rest is the polishing of power." This 'Fengshen Yanyi' can be broken in an instant, and it can also invade in reverse, marking the coordinates of the controller of this 'Fengshen Yanyi' order."

No matter from which point of view, it is this system brother who is talking about himself as 'Cai'.

The corner of Li Guo's mouth twitched, expressionless.

"Blame me."

The system has no fluctuations.

"The great Da Luo Jinxian once said that in the process of cultivation, weakness is the original sin. No matter how many reasons you have, you can't beat others with an iron fist."

Li Guo: "."

It's hard, Brother System.

However, the system suddenly changed the subject.

"However, the current cultivation speed of the host is not slow. According to the horizontal comparison of the records of this system, among the people who practice the Bajiu Xuangong, the cultivation speed of the host is considered to be among the best. In addition to the cultivation resources with high concentration of spiritual energy, you also have golden pills and miraculous pills, not to mention eating them like sugar pills, you can eat dozens of pills a day."

Eating dozens of golden elixirs a day, isn't this like a sugar pill?
"Thanks to Brother System's compliment."

Li Guo silently thought, everything will have to wait until the system reverse cracks 'Fengshen Yanyi'.

Judging from the feedback given by the system, the system will be fully cracked after ten days, and the countermeasure plan against Fengshen Yanyi will be launched.

At this moment, Li Guo didn't think too much about it, and went to the mall to buy some 'Dove Chocolate' and similar desserts, which cost several hundred dollars.

He went to the grocery store and bought a set of potato chips for Dabai, which cost three yuan, which made Li Guo very distressed, and then he downloaded the "Douluo Trilogy" by Tang Jiasan and prepared to trade Jindan with Yingzhao.

After finishing these, it is time to prepare basic learning materials.

One of the contents of the transaction with Zhang Tianyang is various advanced physics and mathematics textbooks, and even the scientific research results of their research on the mysteries of space in 'Penglai', including confidential scientific research materials that are not open to the public, but Zhang Tianyang still needs to Just discuss it with your superiors. He won't be able to be the master for a while, so Li Guo is not in a hurry. Let's bring the basic information to the master of Suzaku Palace first.

Li Guo is the most caring about the teaching materials for Suzaku Palace Master. If Suzaku can really break through this cage and let Yu Xi understand the body to come to the world, he will be invincible directly in the world.
(End of this chapter)

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