Sanqing Inheritance System

Chapter 224 Equivalent is Justice

Chapter 224 Equivalent is Justice
After preparing the big and small bags, Li Guo went to 'Penglai', intending to use the strange stone given by the owner of Suzaku Palace to record the rhythm of the flow of this space for his research.

However, after entering Penglai, Li Guo was shocked.

I saw a fence was built in the place where there was originally a prairie, and inside the fence is like a small city, except for a little deserted, it is no different from the newly opened real estate community outside.

How long has it been since the community has been built!

The infrastructure madman and the awakener of the sand system should each contribute half and half.

The combination of super high organizational efficiency and the ability of the awakened ones has contributed to the ultimate efficiency of the official.

In addition to the community, there are many supporting facilities, such as research institutes, such as the supply base for electric excavators. At this time, there is a large excavator with the word "Lanxiang" written on it not far away that is working.

"It seems that this Penglai will be transformed into the shape of modern people in a short time."

After Li Guo felt the power of technology for a while, he didn't think about it anymore. He first went to the small house he allocated in Penglai for a stroll, and then went to the border to use the 'image stone' to collect information on space turbulence.

Following the method taught by Palace Master Suzaku, spiritual power was injected into the image stone.

The stone emits a faint blue light, recording what happened on this border.

At the same time, Zhang Tianyang was switching between emergency meetings.

At this time, in the conference hall of Nuo Da, a large group of people were a little bit anxious about how to deal with "Feng Shen Yan Yi".

"Comrade Zhang Tianyang, what's your attitude?" An old man looked at Zhang Tianyang, his status was not low.

Zhang Tianyang pondered.

"We have to fight against this mysterious 'Feng Shen Yan Yi'. His actions have completely threatened the foundation of our national security."

"But is that mysterious 'Heavenly Sword' worthy of trust?" On the other side, a middle-aged man said: "I can understand that you don't trust 'Fengshen Yanyi', but I can't understand that you trust all of this 'Heavenly God' sword'."

The people around me have the same attitude.

But Zhang Tianyang crossed his hands and said.

"I don't believe it, but I have to believe it. At least the plan of 'Heavenly Sword' is softer than that of 'Fengshen Yanyi', and it is more in line with our interests."

"You should know about the United States." Zhang Tianyang continued to ponder: "Their foreign policy has suddenly changed, and they are no longer jealous of our Chinese science and technology. The media platforms are starting to lock down. Our 'think tank' group should have a conclusion, shouldn't it?"

The United States, which has always been known as an open country, suddenly closed the country.

And in diplomacy, psionic technology has always been the gospel technology for all mankind, and has been putting pressure on China.

But recently, instead of exerting pressure, the country has started to be locked up, as if... I picked up some treasure, and I no longer bother to ask for your gadgets.

Combined with the recent breakthrough of the "Flame Fist" in the American Tianbang, the think tank analyzed that the United States also obtained psionic technology from where, and it is stepping up research.

This is not a good sign.

"Combining the recent emergence of other-dimensional life forms in Northern Europe, the Space Gate, we have reason to suspect that the United States has obtained some technologies that we do not know."

"Then don't we need 'Feng Shen Yan Yi' more?"

"What if those 'reincarnation' are ordered to treason by Fengshen Yanyi." Zhang Tianyang replied directly: "We are a country, a big country, a country with 13 billion citizens, we cannot let our citizens be called 'Fengshenyanyi' God's Romance' slave."

The middle-aged man on the side shook his head.

"The struggle between countries, to put it in a more mysterious way, is the battle of luck and resources. They have obtained resources from the outside world, and we need them too."

"So, we should cooperate with 'Tianwai Shenjian'." Zhang Tianyang pondered: "Compared with 'Fengshen Yanyi', the plan he discovered and gave is more in line with our interests. We don't have to be treated like puppets. Marionettes."

Back to this topic again, who to cooperate with and how to cooperate?Why is 'Tianwai Shenjian' trustworthy, but 'Fengshen Yanyi' is not?

Just as several people were arguing in the conference room, the door of the conference room was pushed open.

The door opened and an old man came in.

The old man was dressed in a gray cloth, and looked ordinary, like a haze of dust.

During the meeting, one person frowned: "Who is he? Who let it in, we are in a meeting."

Just when he was dissatisfied, Zhang Tianyang went to salute.


The crowd was startled.

section chief?He is the mysterious chief of the ninth department?

The people present were all from the officialdom or the scientific research department, and they had never seen this mysterious chief of Section Ninth, so they did not expect to show up at the meeting at this time.

The old man's eyes seem to be wandering, and he seems to be paying attention to something. His eyes seem to be not in this meeting room, but they seem to be in the sky outside.

At this time, the old man said slowly.

"Believe in 'Heavenly Sword'."

"I'll vouch for it."

"By the way, who is he?"

"Heavenly Sword Li Guo also looks ordinary, and he's still so young."

"I heard from the gossip that the government wants to promote a young role model. I'm so envious. Standing on the wind, pigs can take off."

"Keep your voice down, I heard that he still has some strength, but I don't know if he deserves to be on the list."

On the side, responsible for guarding the excavator, the employed Awakened members of the mining scientific research team were staring at Li Guo who was studying the boundary of the space, chattering and sizing up his face.

At this time, not only the image stone is recording the mysteries of this space border, Li Guo himself is also closing his eyes to comprehend it.

Beyond the earth is a universe of stars, with vast planets and suns and fires. What is the secret of space? Is the so-called different space outside the vast universe, or is it a planet that has never been explored in the universe?
What is the void?Why?
Li Guo suddenly thought of his space supernatural power 'Yimu Xiandun'.
space, time, distance
While thinking about it, his figure actually became ethereal.

Yimu Xiandun actually hooked up and started.

In between words, the image stone flew back to Li Guo.

At this time, Li Guo opened his eyes, but it seemed that there was a universe of stars, and he wanted to suck everything into it.

The Awakened Employers in the distance suddenly felt cold, and a gust of cold air penetrated into their bodies from the head. When they realized it, Li Guo's figure was no longer in place.

The two of them felt chills on their spines and tails, gasped, looked at each other and said.

"It seems to be a little different from the rumors."

"Sure enough, the mystery of space is not so easy to comprehend."

When Li Guo opened his eyes again, he was already in Fangcun Mountain.

When comprehending the space, he subconsciously activated Yimu Immortal's escape technique and returned here.

However, there are plenty of opportunities for comprehension, after all, I am a legal resident of 'Penglai'
After returning, Li Guo found white light flickering in front of his eyes, and thunder filled the air.

A dark-skinned strong young man in the Taoist temple, with long braided hair, handsome appearance with a touch of evil aggression, but also a touch of elegance, a perfect combination of Confucianism and wildness.

The body is bronze-colored and muscular, with a clear outline, covered with a layer of white tiger skin, and its body shape is like a ferocious tiger and leopard.

At this time, when the strong young man saw Li Guo coming back, the corners of his mouth slightly turned up, and he smiled charmingly.

"Meow, where are my potato chips?"

Li Guo's expression did not fluctuate, but his heart fluctuated greatly, and his state of mind when he was thinking about the mysteries of space was instantly broken.

"Dabai, promise me one thing."


"Don't add a 'meow' when you transform into a human form, it's disgusting." Li Guo said expressionlessly, "By the way, who taught you this expression."

"Ying Zhao, meow."

Dabai licked his strong left hand full of body hair and said: "I went to play with Yingzhao before, meow. He said that if I transformed into his form, he would give me a pill, meow. Of course I agreed, meow. With the help of his elixir, it is completely advanced, meow."

"He taught me to smile like this. He called it 'Evil Charm Smile'? It suits me very well."

At this time, Dabai began to smile evilly again.

Li Guo suddenly felt speechless, most likely Yingzhao read it from the novel.

The starting point novels in the middle ages have such a shortcoming. The protagonist always smiles evilly, making others think that the protagonist is actually facial paralyzed.

However, Dabai's breakthrough is also a good thing, and it adds a bargaining chip for the future plan.
Li Guo asked curiously.

"After the breakthrough, do you have any new derived supernatural powers?"

"Yes." Dabai nodded honestly.

"Let's see a show?" Li Guo asked with great interest.

Of course Dabai would not refuse, he raised his hands horizontally, and a huge thunderball burst out.

"Um, didn't you know this trick before?"

"That's right." Dabai said as a matter of course: "After the breakthrough, the thunderball became even bigger."

If you think about it carefully, there seems to be no logical flaw.

To some extent, equivalence is indeed justice.

(End of this chapter)

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